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Chapter 104 Chapter 103

sugar and spices 萨菲娜·德福奇 817Words 2018-03-15
"We're going to tape it, boy. Where did you steal the car from?" "Hilton Park service area, on the M6 ​​motorway." "Where exactly?" "In the parking lot." "Is it the main parking lot or the motel's parking lot?" "Motel." "at what time?" "About midnight." "Can you be more precise?" Jeff shrugged. "Jeffrey, I don't think you realize how serious this is." "We didn't know. Really. To us, it was just a car. We didn't even go near the trunk. I swear, I didn't know she was there. Who would?"

The defense attorney spoke. "My client was a car thief. He admitted to stealing the car. It was clear he didn't know the kid existed." "Maybe he didn't know, but he was the one who lit the match that burned the boy." "Sir, it is illogical to say so. By your own admission, you believe that the girl was kidnapped by Uncle Tom. Given Uncle Tom's record so far, whether or not my client was involved, the unfortunate child seems Both will die. My client is not here to face murder charges. He stole the car, that's all." The agent ignored the lawyer, turned to Jeff and said, "When you stole the car, was there anything else in the car? Anything that can help us find the previous driver?"

"Nothing." "No bags or boxes? No papers or papers? Nothing?" "No. There's only one map." Both agents left and leaned forward. "map?" "The street map, Telford's, is on the dashboard." "Where is the map now?" "I guess it was burnt to ashes." "Is there nothing else?" "No." After a long pause. "There's a CD." "what?" "A CD. You know, one of those music CDs? You might say it's music. It's just old guys singing." "So, I guess the disc and the map ended up the same way. Turned into ashes?"

He hesitated. "Jeff?" He took a deep breath. "No, I gave it to my mom. Thought my mom would like it because it was more to her taste, you know, corny music." "Ted, you go and contact the rental car company. I'll go to Mrs. McAllister." The police officer was about to step out of the house when he stopped suddenly, turned around and said, "The conversation is at 3:50 p.m. One point is temporarily suspended. You two wait here. I will arrange for someone to come over."
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