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Chapter 108 Section five

"I wonder where she heard this stuff in the first place," Pippa said. "Eleven-year-olds shouldn't know about this pill. It's not good." "Be serious, lawyer. I know that about a month ago you defended someone who impregnated a twelve-year-old girl." "It's not a defense. It's just to reduce the sentence. How can you defend when the children are all born? In that case, all I can do is suggest that a slap can't be taken, the girl is willing, so She has a certain responsibility. The father is only fifteen himself. Plus, they're the kids of a respectable family. People expect them to behave in accordance with who they are."

Red puts the e-reader down. "here we go again." "Don't repeat the typical working-class cliché about being offended, Cassandra. It's not good. And, you know it's true." "What, only children from poor schools get pregnant? Are children from private schools necessarily well-behaved?" "That's exactly what I meant. You don't hear Ella come home and tell you that a girl at her school got pregnant, or got caught with a drug problem, or..." Pippa let the long list of possibilities go. echoes in the air. Rhett gently held Pippa's hand and shook his head slowly. "Pip, Ella is astute as any other modern kid. She knows a lot more about life than we did at her age."

"Maybe some kids are like that. Not my daughter." "Lawyer, sometimes you have to get out of your little world and spend some time with us guys." "What's the meaning?" "What does that say. Talk to your daughter like I did with Steve." "It's Steve and me, Cathy. How can I expect my kids to learn English from you if you're such a bad example. And what do you mean by being like Steve?" "Has Ella ever discussed relationship issues with you? About boys?" "Does she need it at her age?" "Attorney, when your daughter feels more comfortable chatting with a male au pair who she doesn't know better than her mother, that's a clear sign that your mother-daughter relationship is not going well."

"You seem to know how to be a good parent when you don't have kids, how do you do it?" "I was a kid too. Come on, let's make the most of the night. The kids are asleep and we can watch the latest Batman movie. There's still a bottle of Rioja in the fridge." "Is it a five-year collection?" Rhett nodded. "You are very good at forcing people."
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