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Chapter 95 fourth quarter

Long Hair Princess 萨菲娜·德福奇 1598Words 2018-03-15
Red tapped the trackpad, and another disk began to play.Bland taxi ranks and shots that cover the entire length of the road up to the steps of the hotel.She picks up more noodles with her chopsticks. "Thank you again for staying so late. I really hate doing this job alone." "Four eyes are better than two." Teri Miller cracked open another can of Budweiser. "But that's not the only reason you asked me, is it, boss?" "Terry?" "Boss, you've been signaling like this for a week, like you can't wait to find a quiet place to talk to me."

Rhett put down his chopsticks and pushed the box aside. "Is it that obvious?" "Even the lads noticed. You can guess what they're thinking." Rhett looked terrified. "It's not what they think!" Teri pauses the video with her hand, a reassuring smile. "I know. So let's get straight to the point? What happened Wednesday night?" "Wednesday night?" "Come on, boss. You've been wanting to talk about guns ever since we had that little conversation at my house. And what I said, what you said. It happened. None of us There was no getting around it. Then on Thursday morning, it seemed more urgent. When you brought up working overtime tonight, I knew right away that you wanted to talk about guns. But something must have happened on Wednesday night. pushed you over the edge."

Rhett nodded and took a deep breath.She told Teri about the box Elizabeth Andrews had given her.She found a gun in the box.As she held the gun in her hand, she thought of "The Hunter," and of Bill's death.She was worried that the children would find out if she hid the gun at home, so she decided to throw it away.The result was almost seen by the patrol car on the pier. "Now it's in the trunk of my car," Reed said. "I'm afraid to keep it in the house, and I can't get rid of it safely. And now I don't want to throw it away. So I'm thinking..."

"when and where?" "what?" "When and where? I'd love to teach you. But we can't use police facilities. That would create too many sticky problems. I don't think there are many public shooting ranges in the UK. The only ones I know of so far are clay pigeons. " "I know a place, in Kent. Ninety minutes' drive. An hour can be there. Maybe we can find an afternoon, or . . . " Rhett's words were drowned out by a loud din and the slamming of a door in the police parking lot below. "Are they starting early tonight?" Teri lingered by the window, taking some time to think. "The uniformed officers are busy, sir. A bunch of teenage girls. No, schoolgirls. I bet none of them are over sixteen. What are they wearing?"

"You mean to ask what they're not wearing." Rhett looked over Teri's shoulder. "Drunk too much cheap cider in the park, I guess. God, look at that girl! That's not a dress at all. It's a scarf! Look at her! The top is so see through." "They're not that bad, boss. Don't tell me you weren't that bad when you were their age." "I was flat-chested at their age, and I didn't even know what a bra was. But for sure, my mother would never let me go out..." Rhett's voice trailed off, with a hint of nostalgia. "Actually, my mother was so drunk herself that she didn't even know I was out. But I would never dress like that. I still have self-esteem."

"Tonight is looking more and more like confessional night, boss." "Sorry. I didn't mean to bother you with my problems." "We share a problem..." "Do you mind if I share another one?" "What are you thinking?" "The girl standing next to the Range Rover." "What's up with her?" "I know her." Rhett slapped the windowsill hard. "I thought that last time would be the last time I saw her. Apparently not." "Boss?" "Her name was Miriam. I caught her shoplifting in a department store on a public holiday. After giving her a private warning, I let her go and got a scolding from the superintendent because I Didn't put her name in the system."

"It seems that this time her name will be entered into the system. Let's learn a lot from it." "Isn't it? These five children are about to be tainted for life by some overzealous policeman who lost his judgment and sent them down this road." "Maybe it's not that simple, sir." "No. That's Julian Davies. Little Hitler jumping up and down. God knows how he got the sergeant's armband. Guess he never made a real arrest. Just easy targets, like these kids. I'm going downstairs to the detention room." "But boss, it's not our business."

Red watched as Davis herded the girls into the holding cell. "I'd bet I'm the highest ranking officer in the department at this point in time. I'm in charge of it."
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