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Chapter 34 third quarter

"What's going on here?" Harris asked, as Anna Hargreaves grappled with weekend traffic jams. "According to Mike, he's got a big bird and he's got a baby, but now we have to go tell his buddies that he's going to be alone tonight watching Doris Day?" Ana slapped Harris on the leg between shifts. "Jez, be serious." Harris shrugged.He stared absently out the window. "I know, I just think it's weird, that's all. I mean, it's like I'm with Nikki and have a same-sex partner out there." Ana took the opportunity to divert the conversation away from homosexuality, at least until they got to Preston. "It looks real between you. Between you and Nikki, I mean."

Harris adjusts himself in the seat, licking his index finger.He drew a little symbol on the dashboard. "Yeah, I was just going to talk to you." "About Nikki?" Harris cleared his throat, fingers still on the dashboard.After a long silence, he said, "I bought a ring." "What did you buy?" "engagement ring." Taking advantage of the red light at the intersection, Anna turned around and faced Harris... "Really?" "Yeah, can't believe myself." He looked at Anna. "Am I making the right decision?" "It's not for me to judge, Yez. Only you can know. Follow your own heart." Anna turned to look at the road, shaking her head in disbelief. "Got it all now. As the most single-minded bachelor in Battersea, you're going to settle down now? And you're going to marry a professional model with two K's. When are you going to tell Barry?"

"Who cares about Barry. I need to tell Nikki first."
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