Home Categories Internet fantasy New Song III·Yan Yun 1

Chapter 25 fourth quarter

New Song III·Yan Yun 1 阿越 7416Words 2018-03-11
The attitude of supporting Sang Chongguo and Cheng Yi's frank speeches for Zishantang shown to the Queen and Concubine Zhu is like pouring another barrel of oil on the raging fire. In the eyes of many people, this is more solid. Empress Dowager Gao paid attention to the rumors of the two.In addition, the emperor's illness recurred, which aggravated the worries of many ministers.Although they dare not say it out loud, many people in their hearts no longer expect the emperor to preside over the coronation ceremony for the sixth elder brother, Zhao Maid, so that the emperor will become many loyal ministers when he sees the sixth elder brother leaving the cabinet to study while he is still alive. hope.From the outer court to the inner court, the empress, the concubine, the custodians who can talk, and the supervisors of the temples of the two academic academies, as long as the emperor's condition improves slightly, they urge the emperor to let the sixth brother go as soon as possible. Go out to study.For this reason, many people even cried bitterly in front of the emperor.

At this time, almost no one disputes the question of the candidates that Zishantang directly talked about. People seem to have tacitly agreed that Sang Chongguo and Cheng Yi are the natural candidates-this is also understandable. Hugh said that Sang and Cheng are indeed Candidates that are acceptable to all factions, just the rumor that "the empress dowager prefers" is even more irresistible at this sensitive moment—after the emperor dies, the empress dowager Gao will have a decisive influence on the court. This is almost a tradition in the Song Dynasty—after the death of Zhenzong, the Empress Dowager Liu was in charge of the government, and after the death of Renzong, the Empress Dowager Cao also hung the curtain...

It is extremely paradoxical that at this time, the officials of the new party are far more eager than the officials of the old party.Officials who originally opposed Sang and Cheng also changed their tone.Once the emperor dies, it is well known that Empress Dowager Gao leans towards the old party. If this matter is not settled before then, the teacher of the new emperor may be a pure old party.This is obviously inconsistent with the political interests of the new party.No matter what, Sang Chongguo is Wang Anshi's beloved son-in-law, and he has some kind of incense with the new party.At this time, even Lu Huiqing, who had been reluctant to express his opinion before, came forward belatedly, asking the emperor to "for the sake of all generations" and let the sixth brother go out of the cabinet to study as soon as possible.

In the end, in the inner court, even Concubine Wang Xian, who had been serving the sick Zhao Xu, cautiously persuaded her. Faced with internal and external pressure and urging, Zhao Xu could no longer hold on. "All the opinions of the world are allowed!" Zhao Xu couldn't help complaining helplessly in front of the King Wei of the Liao Kingdom when Xiao Youdan summoned him for the last time before returning home. Xiao Youdan sent Song this time, to some extent, he returned empty-handed.Naturally, the Song Dynasty would not lend money to the Liao Kingdom, and the Liao Kingdom also couldn't let go of this face.The only compromise reached by the two parties was that Song Ting understood Liao's unilateral increase in tariffs on some luxury goods.But that's just a drop in the bucket.Hugh said that raising the tariff on luxury goods would cause a rebound from the nobles in the country, and its implementation effect cannot be guaranteed-it may only promote rampant smuggling; moreover, in the Song and Liao trade structure, luxury goods accounted for less than 30% of the total.

After Xiao Youdan returned to China, Daliao will face a choice sooner or later. But on the other hand, Xiao Youdan's envoy Song also returned with a full reward.Of course, this does not refer to the overseas treasures including two white elephants presented by the Song Dynasty emperor to the Daliao Emperor in order to thank the Daliao Emperor and show the friendship between the two countries.During Xiao Youdan's mission this time, he had a more intuitive impression of the Southern Dynasty after the victory of the Xia Dynasty.At least, he knows that the Song Dynasty is indeed full of hidden dangers.According to Tuo Gulie's analysis and Xiao Youdan's knowledge, both of them predict that the situation in Yizhou may deteriorate to an unmanageable situation around the end of the year.And both of them believed that the financial situation of the Song Dynasty was deteriorating.

The Southern Dynasties were not as powerful as imagined. The two had also reached a consensus before that if the Southern Dynasty hadn't been trapped in these predicaments, they would most likely have taken military risks to the Liao Kingdom.The ambition of the people of the Southern Dynasties to "recover" the Youji states has never been as strong as it is today. However, this danger has become increasingly believed to be less and less. It was a turning point when the emperor of the Southern Dynasty contracted wind disease.If the young master came to the throne and the Empress Dowager Gao took charge of the government, the old party would definitely be reused. Then within ten to twenty years, it is unlikely that the Southern Dynasty would take the initiative to attack the Liao Kingdom.They desperately need time to recuperate.Moreover, the old party is relatively cautious and pays more attention to the domestic livelihood of the people.But if there is a new king, the situation will be very different and unpredictable-if the new king's process of obtaining the throne is too difficult and extremely unstable, then he is likely to brazenly launch a new king in order to divert conflicts. In the war, he hopes to seize the Youji states to consolidate his throne; if the process of winning the throne is smooth, then he may also change Zhao Xu's aggressive style of conquest, recuperate, win over the old party, and use time to win the hearts of the people.

Xiao Youdan can at least be sure that whether to choose war or not, the right to choose is still in the hands of the Liao Kingdom for the time being. There were also things that disappointed Xiao Youdan.Judging from the Xixia nobles that Yelumeng came into contact with, the Xia people who descended to the Song Dynasty did not miss their homeland as expected, nor did they have obvious hatred for the Song Dynasty.Like the Xixia nobles who went to Liao, these people were mostly content with the status quo, and even began to regard themselves as Song people with all their heart.Although they are inevitably discriminated against in Bianjing, the best among them are doing their best to integrate into the country.Only a few people still have strong loyalty to Bingchang's Xia Kingdom, dreaming that one day they can pass Helan Mountain and return to Xia Kingdom.But even these people have no interest in helping Liao.In fact, this kind of mentality is very normal. After all, there may be more wars between Liao and Xia than between Song and Xia. If these Xia people become captives of the Liao Kingdom, there is no need to expect them to have the same life as they do today.But Xiao Youdan was always a little disappointed.He knew that a considerable number of Xia people joined the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty to help the Song Army improve the combat effectiveness of its horse infantry.In order to show a gesture of trust, Zhao Xu even ordered the formation of a 300-member Xixia Banzhi——Banzhi guards composed of all the children of powerful Xixia aristocrats, with Shouyi Hou Renduo Baozhong personally serving as the commander——Weizhou Zhizhou authorized Ren Duo Baozhong's younger brother to succeed him.

Even if you can't buy the Xia people to work for the Liao Kingdom, as long as you can provoke mutual suspicion between them and the Song people, it will be a great achievement for Daliao. However, this idea seems to have been shattered before it was implemented. This is the source of the rumors that Zhao Shizhong heard. Neither Xiao Youdan nor Tuo Gulie could predict how far the situation in Yizhou would deteriorate, and how many Song Dynasty troops would be dragged in... just relying on the estimation of the situation in Yizhou and the deterioration of the Song Dynasty's finances was not enough to defeat the Southern Dynasty—— Unless a large-scale rebellion breaks out throughout Yizhou, at least 100,000 elite Song troops will enter Shu to quell the rebellion.Otherwise, any southern expedition is an adventure.After all, no matter how bad the finances are, it can't be worse than the Five Dynasties. Once the Liao army goes south, I'm afraid it will help the Southern Dynasty instead.

Xiao Youdan is also clear about this point. But even Xiao Youdan and Tuo Gulie optimistically predicted that Yizhou would be corrupted to the point of "out of control", but they did not dare to expect a situation where the Song army had to send 100,000 elite soldiers into Shu to suppress the rebellion. So, in the final analysis, the opportunity is not without, but the risk is also great.Whether these internal troubles in the Southern Dynasty can be well utilized, and to what extent these internal troubles can be exploited are Xiao Youdan's troubles that need to be brought back to the Liao Kingdom.

But the apparent farewell was friendly and sentimental. Xiao Youdan paid his respects again and again, praised Zhao Xu's great achievements during his reign, and expressed emotionally that the Liao Kingdom will pray for Zhao Xu, hoping that he will recover soon and continue the brotherhood of Song and Liao. It's just that Zhao Xu, who was plagued by illness, seemed unable to bear the excessive pressure, and couldn't help asking Xiao Youdan about choosing a teacher for the prince, and expressed his dissatisfaction tactfully. However, behind the complaint of "all the opinions of the world agree", it also shows the emperor's wavering.People close to them are all saying good things about these two people, Zhao Xu himself can't find much fault with them, even a strong-willed person will inevitably be shaken.Besides, the emperor knew in his heart that it was time for the sixth brother to leave the pavilion to study.

Perhaps, the emperor said this in front of Xiao Youdan just to find himself a step down. And Xiao Youdan did give him this step.With the frankness of a Liao native, he told Zhao Xu the influence of Baishuitan College in Liao.After the current emperor of the Liao Kingdom ascended the throne, the first academy established was based on the example of Baishuitan Academy, and even the teaching materials were exactly the same.All the nobles and scholars of the Liao Kingdom did not know the name of the Sangchong Kingdom. After Xiao Youdan returned to China, Zhao Xu asked the ministers of the two governments and Shi Yue and other important officials for their opinions again. When no one clearly objected, Zhao Xu's attitude finally changed drastically. He ordered Sang Chongguo and Cheng Yi to be recruited to speak directly for Zishantang with the ceremony of safety car. On this day, it was only a short month before Zhao Zhongzheng, Duke of Jingcheng County, was reprimanded. But to everyone's surprise, Sang Chongguo and Cheng Yi have very different attitudes towards this.The latter readily accepted the emperor's appointment, but Sang Chongguo tactfully wrote a thank-you letter with a length of thousands of words, rejecting the emperor's call-up! "What exactly does Sang Chongguo mean?" Sang Chongguo's refusal surprised the emperor.Perhaps it was because medical technology could not effectively control blood pressure, and Zhao Xu's condition came and went again and again, and dizziness and headaches became more and more frequent.But he still insisted on reading the memorial, but when he was reviewing it, he could no longer write and had to dictate. It was fine during the day, but at night he had to ask Concubine Wang Xian to write it for him. Concubine Wang Xian gently put a thin cloak on Zhao Xu.Apart from her, there were only a few close maids in the palace. Zhao Xu's question was obviously addressed to her, but she just smiled and pursed her lips without answering.At this moment, those who can often get close to the emperor often have great power invisibly.Since ancient times, those concubines and servants with a strong desire for power have often used such moments to establish authority through their own means.Great men, however wise they are, are still only human beings, and in their final stages, especially when plagued by disease, they are always weakened, and sometimes even too dark to believe. But Concubine Wang Xian was always very cautious, she never took advantage of her favorable position to seek future status.She hardly ever meddles in politics, even when it comes to her home country. The women and servants in the harem often try their best to win the favor of the monarch. In the process, they will definitely offend many people. When the big tree is about to fall, the investment that is unwilling to spend a lifetime is wasted in vain. It is also human nature to take advantage of the last chance to seek a path for one's future.After all, probably the vast majority of people who can stand out in the harem and be appreciated by the emperor will not think that they have no talent, and will be willing to live a life that is ordinary, no longer valued by others, or even revenged by others after the death of the emperor. Concubine Wang Xian is not because of her pure heart, nor does she lack wisdom and skills.Even though she did love the man in front of her, it wasn't that she didn't think about her son. But she did nothing after all. What she didn't expect was that because of this, she won something unexpected.The Empress Dowager Gao inside the palace, and the ministers of the two governments outside the palace, all watched her performance with cold eyes.The most powerful figures other than the emperor are naturally unwilling to suddenly have a woman full of power desire beside the emperor at this moment, which will become a major change in the already unstable political situation.Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.As compensation, Empress Dowager Gao, Sima Guang and others, who were still suspicious in their hearts, did not hold back their favor after half of the stone in their hearts fell.For the first time since Concubine Wang Xian entered the palace, Empress Dowager Gao gave her a painting by herself. This almost made Concubine Wang Xian flattered - since she entered the palace in Bianjing, she had to be careless in her actions, please her everywhere, tolerate everything, and finally let Queen Xiang and Concubine Zhu accept her, but in Empress Dowager Gao's place, she was Never got a good one.Unexpectedly, what I wanted for many years, I got it inadvertently at this time.Since then, she has become more cautious.She knew that there were concubines who were jealous of her everywhere in the palace, and now that the emperor was still there, she naturally didn't have to be afraid, but seeing the emperor's relapse, she had long been mentally prepared.At that time, the only person in the palace who can protect him is Empress Dowager Gao. "Sang Chongguo is not a hermit..." Zhao Xu seemed to be used to Concubine Wang Xian's reaction, and continued: "Is he up for sale? Or is he just trying to gain fame? Or is he harboring resentment?" Concubine Wang Xian was stunned for a moment, then Fang said softly, as if joking: "If it's up for sale, Zishantang said that the price is not low." Sang Chongguo excused himself. Zhao Xu couldn't help but nodded: "That's true." "If Cheng Yi called for fame and reputation, Sang Chongguo has already refused for the third time. Even if it's just a show, it's enough." Wang Xianfei laughed again, "I heard that Sang and Cheng have always been friends. If it is really for fame and reputation, where will Cheng Yi's face be put? The two have many disciples, so there will be no internal strife in Baishuitan in the future?" These words made Zhao Xu laugh. Indeed, even if Sang Chongguo was putting on airs, he had put on a full posture when he reached the third time. The so-called "excessiveness is not enough", if he wants to be compared with Shi Yue back then, he would be too ignorant Anyway.But judging from what he wrote in this thank you form, he is a very smart person. Concubine Wang Xian said again: "It's just that I have resentment in my heart, but my concubine doesn't know what's going on. It stands to reason that this is an unworldly kindness, and it's too late to be grateful." Zhao Xu shook his head: "You don't know, Sang Chongguo became famous more than ten years ago, and I used Shi Yue a lot, but in the past, the memorial to recommend Sang Chongguo was never approved, and even a formal official position was never granted. I have some thoughts in my heart , is also human nature.” When Concubine Wang Xian heard this, she secretly broke into a cold sweat for Sang Chongguo.When the emperor said that, he clearly suspected him of resentment.Human prejudice is so terrible. Once you have a prejudice in your heart, no matter what you do, you will be blamed at every turn.But she didn't know how to excuse Sang Chongguo without showing any trace. The emperor said lightly again: "I didn't necessarily want Sang Chongguo to do it...but since he refused three times and this thank you form is so well written, I would like to see what he can teach Brother Six , can be so praised by the people of the world, and he is not indifferent to me, a talented person who speaks straight! Tomorrow, I will give him another imperial edict..." "Officials..." Concubine Wang Xian heard the emperor's bad tone and wanted to persuade her a few more words, but Zhao Xu waved her hand and said with a smile: "I met Wang Hou and Murong Qian today. Back then, I was quite worried that the country would not have the talents for generals. But now I can rest assured..." As he spoke, he focused on the memorial again.She looked at Zhao Xu's back silently, and sighed softly in her heart - the emperor is like this, this is by no means the way to live a long life.She hesitated for a while, and finally quietly walked out of the hall, called a confidant servant, and gave some instructions in a low voice. Everyone is speculating about what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of Sang Chongguo.Good intentions, malicious ones, sarcasm, and rumors spread all over the city, but Sang Chongguo acted as if nothing had happened.Every day, at Baishuitan and the newspaper office, when he has a little spare time, he conceives his new book "On Schools"... In his opinion, there are many things that are more important than "Zi Shan Tang's direct speech".For example, the Academy is compiling the "Natural History Encyclopedia".Scholars at the Gewu Institute put forward an exciting idea. They want to make specimens of all species and minerals in the world, conduct detailed observation and classification; after the early large-scale investigation, scholars no longer trust And "Natural History", "Shui Jing Zhu" and "Primary Geography" can no longer meet their requirements, and they are ready to re-understand the world.This is an unprecedented thing. Sang Chongguo and the professor joint meeting never thought that they could see it completed in their lifetime. Such a thing is unimaginable without the support of the imperial court, but so far, only the "Mineral Volume" has received After receiving a sum of money, dozens of scholars, with their students and entourages, have left Bianjing to explore all over the country, looking for and recording minerals in various places.But almost all other categories have failed to receive a penny of funding.Although the government also needs all kinds of wood, it has not yet reached the point where it needs to subdivide the types of trees; the army also uses a large number of livestock, but whether it is horses, cows, mules, donkeys, or pigeons and war dogs, they are all domesticated.They don't pay a dime for "useless things."Only gold, silver, copper, iron, and tin interest them. At the same time, West Lake Academy and the newly emerging Jinling Academy, which undertake the southeast and overseas courses, are far more efficient than Baishuitan.This is also for a very practical reason-according to the law, all minerals in the country belong to the emperor.It is not only difficult to obtain a permit to mine minerals in China, but also has heavy taxes and regulations.But it is very different overseas. There was once a legend that someone found a large amount of sulfur on a certain overseas island and became rich overnight.If gold, silver, and copper mines can be found, no matter whether they are taken by chance or plundered, the profits will be unimaginable.In order to get high returns, the businessmen are not stingy with providing huge subsidies to West Lake College, and the conditions are also very realistic-West Lake College must sign a contract to ensure that the minerals discovered by exploration must obtain their consent within a specified period of time before they can be reported to the court or Make it public.On the other hand, maritime merchants are also very interested in plants. Precious timbers, as well as trees needed to manufacture seagoing ships, are scarce and popular commodities in the market. The success of competitors made Sang Chongguo worried. The southeast is a place where people gather, and agriculture, industry, and commerce are highly developed, but in the Central Plains and the north, only Bianjing and Yizhou are relatively rich.The rapid development of these two colleges is also expected.West Lake College advertises itself as the authentic direct descendant of Shi Xue, which means to compete with Baishuitan.However, Jinling Academy is academically inclined to the "new learning" of Wang Anshi and Lu Huiqing, and has received the secret support of his father-in-law and Lu Huiqing. Many scholars who agree with the "new learning" academically or support the new party politically gather here With the overt or covert care of the imperial court, within a few years it has kept pace with the so-called "Six Great Academies".What makes Baishuitan College even more dissatisfied is that the imperial court has always prohibited private teaching and learning of astronomy and astrology. Baishuitan College has nationally famous astronomers, but it has never been allowed to set up an observatory.However, Jinling Academy was not only allowed to build an observatory, but the Tiantai of the Imperial Academy also sent officials to Jinling Academy. It is very likely that it will become the first academy approved to open astronomy outside of Taixue.The impact of this matter will be extremely far-reaching - at this time, almost all famous arithmeticians, their ultimate aspirations are in astronomy and astrology.If Jinling Academy takes the lead, Gewu Academy is likely to face the crisis of a large number of brain drain. In addition, when Sang Chongguo visited Cheng Hao who was ill a few months ago, Dacheng proposed to him to set up a "Khitan and Xixia Research Institute" in Baishuitan to study everything related to Liao and Xixia , to gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the long-term enemy of the two Norths.Cheng Hao pointedly pointed out that even when the Han and Tang Dynasties were strong, the border troubles in the north always existed.The reason why the Hu people in the north have been able to suffer for more than a thousand years is that when the Central Plains was prosperous, they were arrogant and blindly despised the Hu people. The scholar-bureaucrats had deep prejudices and lacked understanding of the Hu people. And enter.Now the Great Song Dynasty is showing signs of rejuvenation. Just after the recovery of Lingxia, the scholars and bureaucrats, down to the common people, began to be arrogant. In the future, even if the Northern Expedition recovers Youji, if they are not prepared for danger in times of peace, knowing themselves and the enemy, they will inevitably repeat the same mistakes. Da Cheng, in his fifties, suffers from a whole body of diseases due to overwork.Seeing that if you survive this year, you may not survive next year.Sang Chongguo had long made up his mind to let Cheng Hao see the success of the matter with his own eyes, but the matter involved Khitan and Xixia, and the Imperial College received the application and delayed it for half a year.In order to facilitate this matter, Sang Chongguo was exhausted physically and mentally. He was not indifferent to the position of "Zi Shan Tang Straight Talk"—for all Confucian scholars, this is a huge temptation.But people always choose between different temptations.He knew that he couldn't have both, so he calmly made a choice according to his ability. However, people do not always act according to their own wishes. Wang Fang couldn't sit still after seeing Jin Lan who hurried over to deliver the message.Jin Lan spoke very euphemistically, but the sensitive Wang Fang immediately realized the danger.After much hesitation, she finally walked into Sang Chongguo's study. "Sang Lang." Wang Fang seldom directly intervenes in Sang Chongguo's decision in this way, although she is very eager for Sang Chongguo to be Zi Shantang's direct speaker - after all, she is the prime minister's daughter, this is a person who can make her never I am honored from the bottom of my heart and have the potential to play a position of great influence in the future.But after Sang Chongguo really decided to refuse, she also remained silent.She didn't want to give her husband the misconception that she needed him to get a job.When she spoke, she still hesitated a bit. "Is there something wrong, lady?" Sang Chongguo put down the brush in his hand, and he was writing a letter to the Jijiu of the Imperial College. "Yes." Wang Fang nodded slightly, and said softly, "The imperial court may recruit Sang Lang again..." Sang Chongguo shook his head with a smile, "It's a rumor." He hasn't considered himself that great yet. Wang Fang shook his head silently with a serious expression. Sang Chongguo felt the abnormality in her expression, and the smile froze on his face: "Is it true?" "Yes." Wang Fang nodded solemnly. Sang Chongguo stood up unconsciously. They have been married to Wang Fang for so many years. They have already known each other's temper. I'm afraid it won't be good news.Sure enough, Wang Fang said softly, "Sang Lang must never refuse this call." Sang Chongguo didn't ask why, but just paced silently with his hands behind his back. The husband and wife were silent for a long time, and Sang Chongguo whispered to himself, "You know my temperament is not suitable for being an official." "Just being a teacher to the prince, you can be regarded as a banquet official." Wang Fang persuaded. "It's all the same." Sang Chongguo laughed shyly, "It's not the same as Baishuitan. Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger. Zishantang is not a good assignment." "A school as big as Sang Lang can handle it..." Wang Fang said softly. Sang Chongguo glanced at her gratefully, and said in a low voice: "I just wanted to be a censor in white clothes, but I didn't expect this wish to be fulfilled." He walked slowly to Wang Fang's side and gently stroked her cheeks. shoulder, and laughed at himself, "Prince Master, everyone envies me, but I avoid it in fear. I don't know how many people will call me hypocritical." "I can't understand what other people think." "I think so too." Sang Chongguo said with a smile, "Actually, I just have self-knowledge. Being an official, Ziming can do it, but I may not be able to do it. I don't know if I'm afraid of being bloody. .But it seems that I can't refuse..." "It will be beneficial in the long run." Wang Fang looked up at Sang Chongguo and said in a low voice, "Sang Lang wants to expand the influence of Baishuitan and improve the literacy rate. After ten years..." "But I still can't bear to..." "Reluctance?" Wang Fang looked at Sang Chongguo strangely. Sang Chongguo looked into her eyes and said with a faint smile: "Whether it is the head of Baishuitan College or the president of "Bianjing News", he should not have an official position. Especially the position of the newspaper, otherwise I would If you say it, it will become the laughing stock of the world." Wang Fang was stunned. "If I want to speak directly at Zishantang, I should resign from the college and the newspaper office." Sang Chongguo said with infinite affection.After that, he suddenly smiled and said: "I have been the head of the mountain for too long, maybe it's time to change."
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