Home Categories detective reasoning Ape of SOS

Chapter 71 Chapter One

Ape of SOS 伊坂幸太郎 2795Words 2018-03-15
Miss Bian Jian, whom I have not seen for a long time, for some reason looks younger than when I met last time, closer to the twenty-year-old goddess I admired in my adolescence. Why is there such a change?Could it be that you changed your makeup?Or, the villas in Xinzhou have the magical effect of rejuvenation?I was wondering in my heart, when I saw my sister smiled and said: "People say that there is no confusion at forty, and it is finally my turn." "See you, sister, did something happen to you?" My sister and I are in a chain family restaurant. It was also in this store that we first discussed the issue of real people staying at home half a year ago.We sat at a table for four by the window.

Since it was daytime on a working day, there were very few customers in the store. Just like the last time I came, there were almost no guests with families. I was relieved by the deserted surroundings, at least there were no complaints or moans. "Erlang, I want to talk about the real person's situation." When sister Bian Jian said this on the phone yesterday, the haze of half a year ago no longer existed in her tone.I was slightly surprised, and replied: "I just wanted to ask Sister Bianjian a few questions." So, we made an appointment to meet the next day, that is, today, now.

"The real person slipped out of the villa a while ago, have you found it now?" I asked. One night two weeks ago, Igarashi, Yanzi and I went to a certain apartment and broke into a stranger's house with ridiculous reasons such as "the door is not locked" and "there may be a dead body inside". Later, the three of us asked Toru Nakano who lived next door for cardboard boxes, piled them on the road, and even alerted the police. The whole process can only be described as "gathering a crowd to make trouble". "I don't know when, he has slipped back home."

"He didn't go back to the villa, but his own house?" "yes." We speculate that the real person, like us, slipped into the apartment while the occupants were entering and exiting the downstairs door, and roughed up Mr. 〇〇. "When my husband returned home, he found the real person in the room. I hurried back from Xinzhou after receiving the call." "The real person's hikikomori problem has been cured?" I scooped up the ice cream with a spoon. "No, I still stay in the room every day. Why do you ask?" Sister Bianjian was a little surprised, but she didn't show any displeasure.

Just as I was about to put the ice cream into my mouth, I couldn't help but pause, lost in thought. Why am I asking this? Because two weeks ago, Mr. 〇 was arrested by the police. The exposure of his abuse of a woman and her son at home became hot news. According to the weekly report, the woman and the man started dating three years ago, and the relationship was like husband and wife, but after living together, the man gradually became violent. As long as the man is unhappy, he will punch and kick the mother and child, often to the point of fracture.Sometimes men even lock women in the trunk.

Men have an almost pathological desire to steal, not only stealing themselves, but also asking boys to follow suit.Convenience stores and supermarkets that are some distance away from his home are all his targets, including the shop of Manager Kaneko. The boy, who was in a debilitating trance, has now regained consciousness and is reunited with his mother. "I can't escape his control." The woman explained afterwards. In addition to being deprived of freedom, the woman also has a worry in her heart that "I don't have a job, and I can't live without this man", which may be like being brainwashed.

I read this confession about a woman in a weekly magazine.Of course the man's real name is not Mr. 〇〇.That surname is ordinary and difficult to pronounce, I would rather continue to think of him as Mr. 〇〇. I mentioned this domestic violence case as if nothing had happened, but Sister Bian Jian didn't seem to notice my unnatural attitude, so she just said sadly: "It's scary when I think about it, the bad guy doesn't live far away." "Has the real man ever said anything about this case?" I asked. I speculate that Mr. 〇〇's evil deeds are the reason for the worsening of the real person's symptoms. After learning that the bad guy has been brought to justice, there may be some changes.

"The real person probably doesn't know." Although Sister Bian Jian also heard the "monkey story" told by the real person, she didn't try to confirm it. The weekly magazine did not report what Mr. 〇〇 said after he was arrested. Whether Mr. 〇〇 confessed that a young man broke into his house and raped him, I have no way of knowing, and of course there is no way to confirm whether the real person did it.As for the episode where we claimed to be Tang Sanzang and his party, there was no mention of it in the magazine. "However, Zhenren's condition has indeed improved slightly, and he is willing to eat on the first floor, and occasionally talks to me."

"What are you talking about?" "It's nothing, mostly I asked the question, and he answered. You reminded me last time that I must keep in touch, and I have always kept it in my heart. The weather is indeed a good topic, so don't worry about hurting anyone. However, throw out a sentence 'today's weather is fine' Finally, if I answer 'why don't you go out for a walk', I'm afraid it will cause pressure instead, so I'm always very careful." "It makes sense." In fact, I was a little surprised, Bian Jian's thinking was much clearer than before.

"I've figured it out a bit. Although I can't worry about Daoist, it doesn't seem good to spend my life on him." I stared blankly at the side to see my sister. "Do you think I'm a heartless mother?" "No, at least you said 'not too good', not 'unfortunate' or 'unwilling'." I answered honestly. "I went back to my mother's house a while ago, and I suddenly had a deep feeling." "Have you seen my mother?" "Of course, they have been practicing cross talk." Sister Bian Jian nodded of course.

So they are not tired of playing? "Those two were very old, and they were still practicing cross talk excitedly. When I asked them the reason, they only got a sentence of 'fun'. Later, when I mentioned the real thing, do you know what they said?" Those two old people immersed in the world of cross talk might yell "No confusion".Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't say it. "My mother advised me: 'Nai Nai, if you don't enjoy your life, how can a real person be happy?' Of course I was very upset, and retorted: 'How can it be possible not to worry about my child's future?' But she was very godly, Just answer: "There are no parents in the world who don't worry about their children's future, but if I don't practice cross talk here, but worry about you all day long, you will feel annoyed, right?"" I thought to myself, did the two old people change their tricks if they didn't move out of the plot of "Zi Ri"? "Afterwards, I tried to imagine my mum moaning all day about me." "how?" "It's really annoying." Sister Bian Jian laughed. "So, you decided to enjoy life?" "I took part in a swimming training class for middle-aged women. To tell you the truth, I'm actually a landlubber. Friends who swim with me call me 'Nai Nai', which feels really fresh. In addition, I also learned the shamisen." "Sanxian?" "The real person seems to be interested in the pipa master, which made me want to learn the sanxian." It shouldn't be a bad thing for a cocooning mother to enjoy her own life. Recently, I often think about a question, why did the real person tell the "monkey story" in the first place. Could it be that, as Mr. Igarashi said, the subconscious mind captures the signs of the future?Or, just want to use stories to satisfy your own desires?The truth is unknown, but one thing is certain, "Monkey's Story" is composed of the original knowledge of the real person and the information from the surrounding environment. I dealt with real people with exorcism techniques, which may have some influence.What's more, my name is "Erlang". When the real person hears Sister Bian Jian calling me that, he must think of his favorite Master Erlang in the movie.In the novel, Erlang Zhenjun is the character responsible for capturing Monkey King.Perhaps through layers of associations, the real person created in his heart the Monkey King who was free from shackles, and weaved the "monkey story". "The real person said that he felt like he had just woken up from a big dream." "Oh?" "He told me this a few days ago. When he was locked in the room and didn't speak, many scenes appeared in his head, almost like a dream." "Probably a barong dance is being performed." "What's the meaning?" "It's nothing. See you, sister, how do you answer?" "Me? I just kept nodding. By the way, I also asked 'Did my mother appear in my dream'. Aren't the people who most often appear in dreams are relatives around me?" "How does it feel to want to appear in your son's dream?" I couldn't help but smile wryly. If couples can still understand, mother and child may be too close. However, Sister Bianjian showed no embarrassment at all, and said plausibly: "As a mother, as long as my son needs help, he will want to get into it even if it is a dream." "How did the real person react? Did you appear in his dream?" "He didn't make a sound, he seemed a little bored, and he didn't seem very happy." "Really?" According to Bian Jian's strong personality, even if she breaks into a real person's dream and appears as "Bian Jian Nana", it seems not surprising. "Also, the real person said 'That wasn't my dream alone.'" "It's not his dream alone?" "I don't understand the meaning of real people either. Isn't the so-called 'dream' only for you?" "Hmm." I echoed casually, and couldn't help remembering that Mr. Igarashi mentioned that stories will naturally form in the subconscious. "By the way, it's like, don't know who the author is." "?" "Although this work is based on the historical fact that Tang Sanzang went to Tianzhu to learn Buddhist scriptures, there are many versions and the story is patchwork." "So, it's a big mess?" "Well, I guess that's exactly what the real man meant."
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