Home Categories Internet fantasy New Song III·Yan Yun 1

Chapter 17 second quarter

New Song III·Yan Yun 1 阿越 12758Words 2018-03-11
Bianjing is a city that can perform magic tricks.The day before, the street was full of white paper fluttering everywhere, and all the shops were selling ghost artifacts; just one night later, the whole city has been decorated with lights and festive atmosphere.People put on their most beautiful clothes and brand-new headdresses, and rushed towards the east water gate of the outer city like a tide. On both sides of the Bian River, willow branches spread out. According to the official announcement, the auspicious mission sent by Koryo will enter the city by boat today.Officials from the Ministry of Rites, Taichang Temple, Honglu Temple and Kaifeng Mansion, as well as the ministers who came here on orders, and the envoys of the Korean embassy had already set up a colorful shed by the first pier after entering the city, waiting for the As soon as the person arrived, he greeted Xiangrui and went to Daxiangguo Temple.

In the Chongzheng Hall, amidst the straight music, the rising officials and foreign envoys shouted "the ministers are very happy, and I would like to live a thousand years" one after another. The Empress Dowager Gao sat behind the bead curtain, Listening dumbly to the inner minister's "Chengzhi" answering: "I am as happy as the Duke and others when I get the birthday wine." In this extremely festive season, Empress Dowager Gao felt a sense of loneliness and desolation in her heart. The prosperity of "the emperor marrying a wife, and the queen marrying a daughter" has long faded into the deepest part of memory; the thirteenth brother, a childhood sweetheart, has only been on the throne of the emperor for a few years, but under internal and external pressure, his ambitions have not been fulfilled and he is young. The Empress Dowager Cao, the aunt who regarded herself as her own daughter, also passed away a few years ago; she is now the highest-ranking woman in the Song Dynasty, her mother respects the world, and she must set an example for the world.However, on her birthday, what she needs is not such a political celebration that makes people breathless. She hopes to be with her closest relatives, have a few drinks in Baoci Palace, and go to Qionglin Garden Hua; she dare not extravagantly hope that there are still people who can call her nickname "Taotao", but earnestly hope that her sons can call herself "Niangniang" from the bottom of their hearts.But all of this can only be an extravagant wish. The emperor's son's mind is becoming more and more unpredictable, while the other two sons, on their mother's birthday, can only be separated from each other by the bead curtain far away. The outsiders said together, "The minister is very happy to wait, and I would like to live a thousand years."

Among all foreign envoys, Xiao Youdan enjoyed the most special courtesy.In the minds of the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty, only Liao was a country that could be called a "dynasty", and only Liao was a country that was equal to and opposed to him, and the rest were just "countries" and had to wait.Therefore, not only Xiao Youdan, the king of Wei, is much higher than the crown prince of Koryo; even Tuo Gulie, the envoy of the Liao Kingdom, is also ahead of the envoys of other countries. When Xiao Youdan paid his birthday greetings in front of the court, the Empress Dowager Gao who had been replying according to the procedure, also collected her mind and looked carefully at the long-famous King Wei through the bead curtain.After the next obeisance, the inner minister announced that the envoys of all countries would be promoted to the palace, and the general affairs and family members would announce that "the envoys of all countries will be enshrined". When Empress Dowager Gao saw Xiao Youdan handing over the birthday gift of the envoy, she did not wait for the envoys to speak, so she went With a special gift, he asked in a warm voice: "King Wei is coming from afar, and the pommel horse is exhausted. It has been a hard journey."

Xiao Youdan also seemed a little surprised, but he immediately replied: "Back to the Queen Mother, the Khitan people respect people who are worthy of respect. The Queen Mother Yide, who reached the Northern Dynasty, was praised by our army and people. I went to Bianjing yesterday, see Zhongyuan There are all kinds of festive things, but the empress dowager's sageness can be without taboo. This alone is enough to set an example for the world. I admire it in my heart, and I am also happy for the Southern Dynasty. Song Liao is a country of brothers, and the Great Song Dynasty The emperor and the emperor of Daliao are brothers, and the queen mother is the queen mother of the Song Dynasty and the mother queen of the Daliao. Therefore, my lord sent ministers here to wish the queen mother a long life."

These words were extremely polite and cordial, but from what Xiao Youdan said, they were loud and loud, without the slightest flattery intention. Empress Dowager Gao couldn't help smiling and said, "We also ask King Wei to convey his thanks to Emperor Daliao. May the two countries, Song and Liao, stop fighting forever and be brothers forever." "My country's monarchs and ministers also wish that the Liao and Song Dynasties will be brothers forever." Xiao Youdan replied respectfully, but glanced at the Crown Prince of Korea from the corner of his eye.Wang Yao was peeking at Xiao Youdan with sideways eyes, and when he saw his eyes sweeping towards him, he hurriedly turned his head away.A sneer flashed across the corner of Xiao Youdan's mouth, but he heard the Minister of Guest shout loudly: "In and out!" Xiao Youdan bowed again quickly, and exited the Chongzheng Hall under the attention of everyone.

During the ban, Xiao Youdan was going back to the Duting post under the guidance of the officials of Honglu Temple.When he got on his horse, he suddenly heard a muffled "bang" from the east. He was startled, and hurriedly reined in his frightened mount. He followed the sound and looked towards the east sky, but he heard "bang". ", "Boom", loud noises like thunder came from all directions on the outer city wall of Bianjing, and after each loud noise, huge fireworks bloomed in the sky.Xiao Youdan stared dumbfounded at this extremely splendid scene, but heard the Song Dynasty officials beside him say happily: "It is to use artillery to set off fireworks! The Korean mission has arrived at Daxiangguo Temple!"

The sky above Bianjing was completely covered by colorful fireworks. Under the unprecedented splendor, the citizens in the city could not help but scream and cheer, and the whole city became jubilant in an instant. ocean.People gathered their families and rushed towards the Daxiangguo Temple, the wide imperial street was crowded with crowds who suddenly appeared from nowhere, almost in an instant, Xiao Youdan realized that he was unable to move even an inch.Seeing the officials, soldiers, and messengers of the Kaifeng Mansion and the Imperial City Department working hard to maintain order on the street, Xiao Youdan knew that at this moment, there was nothing he could do based on who you were.

"It can be seen where is King Xiao of the Liao Kingdom?" While in a daze, Xiao Youdan suddenly heard Li Qingchen's voice behind him.He reined in his horse and turned back, only to see Li Qingchen in purple robes walking towards him quickly. Seeing himself turning his head, he immediately beamed with joy, approached in three steps at a time, and said with a long bow: "Your Majesty, walk slowly, Your Majesty is calling!" "Huh?" Xiao Youdan never expected that Zhao Xu would summon him at this time, so he couldn't help being startled. "The emperor is giving a banquet in the Jiying Hall."

"Didn't it mean that the Japanese side held a banquet in Qionglin Garden?" Xiao Youdan wondered. Li Qingchen said with a smile: "Tomorrow is a big banquet, today the emperor wants to meet the king first." Xiao Youdan came here with a mission, and he wanted to get closer to the emperor and ministers of the Song Dynasty by all means, so he clasped his fists and said with a smile: "So I have a scholar to lead the way." When Xiao Youdan arrived at the Jiying Hall, the banquet had already been set up in the hall, and the emperor had not yet arrived, and the ministers and envoys who were with the banquet were all sitting upright. He glanced at the people in the hall, and saw that the ones on the left were all the ministers of the Song Dynasty. The old man with white beard and hair but still sharp eagle eyes is naturally Wen Yanbo, the privy envoy; the handsome man in his fifties should be Lu Huiqing, the left servant of Shangshu; the two below Lu Huiqing are dressed as princes Although Xiao Youdan didn't know the men, he could guess their identities.Sitting under Zhao Hao and Zhao Kai, Xiao Youdan only knew Sima Guang, Shi Yue, and Han Zhongyan. Ren Su valued Han Qi's prestige, and there was a portrait of Han Qi preserved in the Palace of the Lord of Liao. He had already guessed Han Zhongyan's identity when he saw Han Zhongyan's appearance.Sitting opposite the ministers of the Song Dynasty are envoys from various countries, but they are arranged according to the status of the country.The top seat on the right is vacant, so it is naturally reserved for him Xiao Youdan; next to him is Tuo Gulie, and then there is the young crown prince of Koryo, and he doesn't know the rest.

"The Great Liaowei King Xiao Dawang arrived—" "Master Li, a Hanlin scholar, has arrived—" Amidst the praises of the ministers, Xiao Youdan and Li Qingchen walked into the Jiying Hall, led by the little yellow gate to their respective seats, and nodded to those they recognized.Wang Yao seemed to be very afraid of Xiao Youdan, he secretly watched Xiao Youdan walk to the seat, saw Xiao Youdan's eyes sweeping towards him, he hurriedly turned his head away. Xiao Youdan smiled slightly, sat down cross-legged, and suddenly felt someone staring at him from the opposite side, his heart moved, and he looked up, but saw Shi Yue was looking at him thoughtfully, seeing him noticed, Shi Yue smiled lightly, and said: "King Xiao, please stay safe."

In the silent Jiying Hall, Shi Yue's greeting, as if throwing a big stone into the calm pool, immediately attracted everyone's attention.Xiao Youdan looked back at Shi Yue, and said with a slight smile, "It's been more than ten years since I left, and the scholar's demeanor is even better than before." Shi Yue smiled, and was about to speak, when suddenly he heard the sound of music, and an internal official called out sharply: "The emperor is here—" Everyone hurriedly left the table and stood up, holding their voices and waiting.Then I saw Zhao Xu walking towards the hall surrounded by internal servants and Ban Zhi's guards.Everyone knelt down and bowed to the ground in unison, shouting long live in unison—according to Song Liao's engagement ceremony, Xiao Youdan only bowed on one knee, knelt on his right foot, and bowed with his hands on his right shoulder; while Tuo Gulie was automatically demoted to deputy at this time. The envoys, who are below the crown prince of Koryo, all follow the Han ceremony; some other envoys from the South China Sea countries, or envoys from the barbarians in the south, practice the ritual of monks because they believe in Buddhism.The Song Dynasty was not stubborn about etiquette. For example, the envoys of Koryo and Jiaozhi practiced Han etiquette because they were deeply influenced by China. Zhao Xu was led by Li Xiang'an, got on the throne of Danchi, sat down slowly, looked around the crowd, and said with a smile: "Everyone is flat." Everyone in the hall thanked En and got up, Zhao Xu gave the seat again, and his eyes fell on Xiao Youdan first : "King Wei came from afar to work hard." "Si Mu 騑 騑, Zhou Dao is late. I came here for the friendship of the Song and Liao brothers, and I dare not be afraid of labor." Xiao Youdan leaned forward and replied, he stole a glance at Zhao Xu, only to feel that Zhao Xu's complexion was not very good. But Zhao Xu nodded with a smile, then turned his gaze to Wang Yao, and asked with a smile, "Is the prince still used to living in Bianjing?" Wang Yao hurriedly leaned back and said, "Return to Your Majesty, the prosperity of Bianjing is like heaven." Zhao Xu couldn't help laughing, and said: "The prince might as well stay for a few more days to appreciate the prosperity of Bianjing." His words had no deep meaning at first, but as soon as he uttered them, many people in the hall immediately changed their colors. Wang Yao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't know how to answer for a moment. I am so grateful, I dare not resign. However, on the day the prince left the country, he had already agreed on a return date, and if he did not return, he might tire his father and worry and hurt his filial piety. Your majesty is filial and filial. the heart of the beholder." At this time, Zhao Xu also realized that he had slipped his words. He didn't mean to keep Wang Yao as a hostage, so he said with a smile: "Prince's filial piety is appreciated, and a gentleman should love others with virtue. I will fulfill your filial piety." "Your Majesty's holiness, the minister of the country, will always be in my heart." Zhao Xu nodded and said with a smile: "You don't have to be so formal, today is just an ordinary banquet - the empress dowager has a decree, you must return home after enjoying yourself." At this time, the maids in the palace were holding trays filled with ring cakes, oil cakes, jujube tarts, as well as various fruits, dishes of raw onion, leek, garlic and vinegar, and a white syrup drink called "syrup water", entering the hall one by one. On the case before the public.This kind of thing called "shangshui" is one of the favorite drinks of Song people. Shi Yue also drank it. It seems to be slightly different from the "shuishui" in the Shaanxi-Gansu area in later generations. Vegetables such as celery or celery are used as raw materials, which are fermented with yeast after being blanched in boiling water; while the syrup in the Song Dynasty is processed from corn and fermented.However, the taste and efficacy of the two are very similar, sweet and slightly sour, which can relieve heat, digest food, appetize, and even cure cholera.Different from other delicacies, the syrup is packed in buckets, and there are several ladles in each bucket, and only one bucket is placed in front of every three or five people. Although Zhao Xu said it was an "ordinary banquet", and the ostentation was indeed simplified a lot, the rules and conventions that should have remained the same. On the menu, as usual, cooked pork, mutton, chicken, geese, rabbit and bone were added. Wang Yao saw the delicious food on the table in front of him piled up like a hill, and the variety of fruits and foods dazzled him even more. After all, he was young, and his joy and excitement had already been seen in color.When he was secretly looking left and right happily, he suddenly found a lot of things in front of Xiao Youdan and Tuo Gulie.He didn't know that this was a diplomatic practice, so he waited and waited. He never got cooked pork, mutton, chicken, geese, rabbits, and bones before his case, and his disappointment immediately appeared in his words.That Goryeo is a person who was sent to Bianjing after thousands of choices, and he was also a momentary hero in Goryeo. At this time, seeing the behavior of his own prince, although it is only a small expression, how can he escape this person in the palace? Even a courtier pouring wine couldn't help showing a smile; this Goryeo was really anxious and angry, fidgeting and tugging at Wang Yao's sleeve desperately.Wang Yaowu didn't know what was going on, and looked back at him in a daze, with a puzzled expression on his face. This subtle movement has already fallen into the eyes of everyone. Xiao Youdan and Tuo Gulie sat solemnly, secretly laughing gloatingly in their hearts; The tiger father and dog son actually gave birth to such a son.Zhao Xu shook his head in his heart, but he couldn't help thinking of Wang Xianfei's affection, and Gaoli was an important ally of the Song Dynasty, so he didn't want it to be too embarrassing. Watching the market is like the envoy of Daliao." Li Xiangan couldn't help being startled, he was using an old courtier, knowing that such an exception would be a great embarrassment in diplomatic etiquette, so he couldn't help but glance at the emperor again, seeing the reproach in Zhao Xu's eyes, he hurriedly agreed , Singing sharply: "Give the king of Koryo a look at the case, just like the envoy of Daliao." As soon as this decree came out, the Goryeo envoy hurriedly pulled Wang Yao to thank him without mentioning it. The envoys from all over the world looked at Wang Yao and Wang Yao with envy, but Xiao Youdan and Tuo Gulie immediately changed their expressions, but both of them were very close friends of the city. He is a human being, and he does not want to lower his status to compete with Koryo for this matter. He just exchanged a look, and then he is calm again. At this time, those who looked at the cup saw that everyone's cups were full of imperial wine, and quickly raised their sleeves. Amidst the music of the teaching workshop, everyone hurriedly toasted together, and shouted: "I wish the Empress Dowager a long life! I wish His Majesty the Emperor a thousand years of life!" After all, this is not a formal banquet, and the normal etiquette is no longer followed from this moment, Li Xiangan winked at a teaching workshop, and then heard the music playing leisurely, a group of kabuki with snow-skinned faces entered one after another, almost After the sound of the drums, all the performers danced lightly, like tender willows swaying in the wind, and their sleeves twitching.Seeing everyone's heart fluttering, they were so intoxicated that they almost didn't know where they were.During the singing and dancing, I saw the maids in the palace going back and forth, pouring wine and serving food for everyone, and after a while, everyone in the palace became a little bit drunk. These days, Zhao Xu has been tossed by the situation in Yizhou and the court, making him restless and sleepless. Today, he is in a happy mood and can't help but drink a few more glasses. Although Sima Guang toasted frequently, he only touched his lips slightly. The little yellow gate and the maids passed by him without stopping, obviously they all knew that his cup was full, but they were just pretending . Zhao Xu said to Li Xiang'an with a smile: "I have heard for a long time that Mr. Sima is not good at wine, and I usually pay little attention to it. It seems to be true. You can tell him that you can use syrup instead of wine. Every time you raise a glass, you can't drink it." , isn’t it uncomfortable?” Li Xiangan quickly agreed to go. Zhao Xu turned his attention to Xiao Youdan again, and asked with a smile: "King Wei came to Bianjing this time, do you feel that Tokyo has not changed?" In the past, Song and Liao were equal in national power, but the Song Dynasty always had a psychological disadvantage.But today is not what it used to be, and the past has changed. Zhao Xu felt that now that the Great Song Dynasty and all kingdoms came to court, the country was prosperous, and he drank a few more glasses. In his words, he could not help showing off and complacency, and even a little arrogant tone. How could Xiao Youdan fail to understand the meaning of the words?He smiled faintly, bowed slightly and said: "I have only been to Bianjing for a day or two, but I feel that the prosperity of Bianjing is the same as it was more than ten years ago." Zhao Xu said with a smile: "Didn't King Wei see the fireworks today? Just for this thing, Bianjing didn't have it ten years ago. In two days, I will ask someone to accompany King Wei to go around and take a good look at today's fireworks." Bianjing. Near Fengqiu Gate, there are many nobles from Xixia—I heard that King Wei once went to Lingwu as an envoy, so maybe we can meet old friends..." Xiao Youdan could understand the hidden hints in Zhao Xu's words. He went to the Southern Dynasty as the king of Wei, so he couldn't show weakness in front of the Song people and make the complacent Song people even more arrogant. It insults the dignity of Daliao, and if they blindly show weakness, it will only make the people of the Song Dynasty not know how to advance or retreat, their ambitions will swell, and they will covet Youji, and the loser will be even greater.The thought changed in his mind, and he decided to pour cold water on the people of Song Dynasty.Because he bowed again, he said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. Yelumeng, the minister's deputy envoy, was originally from the old Xixia family. When Ji Ugly changed, he fled to Daliao alone, fought south and north, and made great contributions. His surname is Zhirong. He is going to the Southern Dynasty with his ministers this time, and he also wanted to visit his old friends by the way—the minister was worried..." When he said this, Zhao Xu felt remorseful.But he is the emperor after all, so how can he go back on his words if he speaks in front of Xiao Youdan.I had no choice but to comfort myself in my heart - what can a mere Xixia nobleman do?While pretending to be generous, he said with a smile: "It's just human nature to meet an old friend, why should King Wei worry about it?" "Your Majesty's ability is beyond the reach of a small minister." Xiao Youdan smiled slightly, and said again, "However, rice in Bianjing is expensive, and living in a big place is not easy. I'm afraid Yelumeng will spend money this time." But Zhao Xu didn't understand the meaning of Xiao Youdan's words for a while, and said with a smile: "How do you say that?" Xiao Youdan smiled and said: "In the past two days, I have paid more attention to the market prices, which are much more expensive than ten years ago. Yelumeng's old friends make old friends, and I think they will not be able to live well in Bianjing. Friends have a lot of money. Yelumeng will inevitably spend some money." Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then smiled, "Your Majesty just asked about the changes in Bianjing. There are indeed more artillery in the city, and Fengqiu Gate is indeed There are more Xixia people, but this is not what I want to pay attention to. What I really feel is that the glutinous rice cake dumplings on Ma Xing Street are two yuan more expensive each." What he said, even an idiot could understand at this time, Zhao Xu's face flushed slightly, but fortunately he was drinking at this time, so he couldn't tell it.At this time, the conversation between the two had already attracted the attention of the audience. He didn't want to lose face in front of the envoys of various countries, and subconsciously wanted to defend his achievements in the past ten years, so he forced a smile: "Prices fluctuate, It is also a common thing. Why should King Wei be surprised?" "Your Majesty's words are wrong! The price of fish, meat and vegetables in the market is a major national event. I came from Hebei, and when I had a chance along the way, I asked traders from all over the place. Not only was the price much higher than it was more than ten years ago, but it was actually a cash payment. The price is one price. The minister once heard that in the Five Dynasties, the King of Han Zhang was the third envoy, and the profits were stripped off. When the money was sent to the treasury, it was eighty dollars; when it was out of the treasury, it was seventy-seven—to The Southern Dynasties did not change it, and those who used seventy-seven to save money for officials started from then on. The ministers saw that the handover of banknotes was quite similar to that of the time. People use it for shopping, but it is worthless." Xiao Youdan said leisurely, "The state's financial plan is like this, even though I am a Northern minister, I am also worried about it by His Majesty, how can it be called a 'common thing'?" Xiao Youdan talked eloquently, pointing directly at the disadvantages of the Song Dynasty, and did not give Zhao Xu any face. The Jiying Hall was stunned, and many courtiers broke out in cold sweat.Zhao Xu looked embarrassed, and Xiao Youdan said that he was not completely ignorant, but the imperial court was in financial difficulties and had to issue more banknotes to tide over the difficulties, but there was no way out - in fact, the issuance of banknotes was very helpful to support the Song Dynasty's fight against war. It can be said that winning the war with Xixia is very important.But now, the finances of the Song Dynasty have suffered from a kind of "reliance on banknotes". In order to consolidate the rule in the Pingxia area, the military and civilian settlements required huge initial funds; To accomplish his greater great cause - recovering Yanyun, the military expenditure of the imperial army cannot be easily reduced. On the contrary, in order to ensure the absolute security of the capital in future wars, Lu Gong is building a huge costly palace centered on the Daming Mansion. The line of defense; in order to compete for the Hetao Grassland, which is crucial to the Pingxia and Guanshan areas, the Song Army did not hesitate to spend a huge amount of manpower and financial resources, building a city there, supporting the army, and fighting for control of the local tribes... In addition , and the ambitious "Naturalization of Xining" plan, no matter what the reason is that Yizhou is now in a situation where there are divergent opinions, Zhao Xu still supports and approves this plan in his heart, because this is the aggressiveness that Song Dynasty should have .As the emperor of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Xu has been very considerate of Lu Huiqing's situation until this time-in his view, the deterioration of today's financial situation is a kind of forced temporary difficulty.It is not fair to attribute all this to the war against the Southwest Yi.It's just that Zhao Xu also couldn't tolerate being deceived by his prime minister—if the recent remarks against Lu Huiqing were true, then all of this was beyond Zhao Xu's tolerance.It is impossible for Zhao Xu to allow his prime minister to take Yizhou Road for his own status! However, I think so, and Zhao Xu also knows that in the case of sending resident envoys to each other, it is difficult to hide many things from the Liao people. His face was dull.He wanted to show off the power of the country, but Xiao Youdan's answer was that the Song Dynasty was actually just a paper tiger in front of the envoys from various countries. Zhao Xu couldn't afford to lose this person.He felt from the bottom of his heart that compared with the flourishing national power of the Song Dynasty and the cultural and martial arts he established during his reign, the temporary high prices and chaotic currency system were just insignificant details.The Great Song Dynasty was indeed stronger - Zhao Xu firmly believed.But for a while, he was unable to refute Xiao Youdan.What Xiao Youdan said were all iron-clad facts, even if Zhao Xu thought he exaggerated and distorted the facts, after all he didn't tell half a lie.Moreover, as the "Holy Son of Heaven", he can't show off the power of the Song Dynasty in a savage and uncultivated way—he must say it implicitly, in line with his identity, and he can't become angry from embarrassment.But at this time, Zhao Xu was disturbed by Xiao Youdan's words, this "insignificant little point", in his heart, was buzzing like hundreds of flies, lingering.They are not intended to overthrow Zhao Xu's confidence in his achievements in rule, but they are annoying and constantly harassing his self-confidence, making his pride and pride always appear less than perfect, like a piece of Khotan jade On it, there is a small black spot, although it is very small, but it cannot be removed, making this piece of beautiful jade not so precious in an instant. Zhao Xu twisted his body slightly uneasily, and glanced at Lu Huiqing. Lu Huiqing smiled helplessly in her heart.Whether it's threatening or showing off, this should be done by the courtiers, but the emperors seem to be unable to control their impulses-similar things have happened countless times to the emperors of all dynasties, and the ending is great. Most are similar.Unless there is an absolute advantage, and the opponent's envoy is incompetent and weak - both of which are indispensable, otherwise, in the end, it will definitely be the ashes of the emperor.This is determined by the identity of both parties.As soon as he opened his mouth, as the emperor's party, he had already fallen behind.But at such a time, it is inconvenient for the courtiers to force their way forward. On the one hand, they are afraid of offending the emperor. Leaving behind the reputation of "talking against the Confucianists", he put his own monarch and ministers in a clown-like situation.Besides, how should I argue with Xiao Youdan?This involves a lot of military and state secrets. Is it necessary to explain the current situation of the Great Song Dynasty to Xiao Youdan in detail for the sake of mere tongue?Don't you think Xiao Youdan doesn't know the Song Dynasty well enough? But Lu Huiqing could also guess what the emperor was thinking. What the emperor wants is not only the face in front of the envoys of various countries; it is not just the face in front of officials and ministers—what Xiao Youdan criticized is exactly what many ministers in the country have always criticized, since Xiao Youdan said After they come out, they must give them more excuses... However, these are important, but they are still secondary. What the emperor really wants to save face is for the emperor to give himself an explanation.He has ruled this vast empire for nearly twenty years. He is determined to change the law and strive to become stronger. He has ruled the arts and martial arts. He can be called the master of Zhongxing in the Song Dynasty. Under the rule of the Communist Party of China, there are actually many crises. Not only did the people's lives not improve, but they became more miserable? ! Isn't this calling him Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty? What the emperor wants to do is Tang Taizong who can not only strengthen the world, let the world come to court, but also make the country more and more prosperous; Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty halved! That's why Xiao Youdan's criticism was so harsh. Lu Huiqing felt the emperor's gaze, and he glanced to the left and right. Wen Yanbo and Sima Guang were sitting in front of each other, unable to see the slightest expression.They wished someone would pour cold water on the emperor—even if this person was a Khitan, it didn't matter.The whole book has been published. Although Sima Guang laughed at himself that no more than three people have read "Tong Jian" from beginning to end, but Lu Huiqing has read it-but what he cares about is not history itself, but the history itself. Mainly those words after "Chen Guang said".Lu Huiqing noticed that both Ji An and Wei Zheng had similar propositions: distribute the captured and surrendered Huns and Turks as slaves to meritorious soldiers, and reward their property to meritorious soldiers.The full text of the "Tongjian" recorded these two famous memorials. From the various clues in the "Tongjian", Lu Huiqing keenly felt Sima Guang's attitude - Sima Guang's diplomatic philosophy is centered on China. ——The face of all the great powers of the celestial dynasty can be put aside, and the most important thing is to let the people live a good life.Therefore, in "Tong Jian", Sima Shiercai, by commending Ji An and Wei Zheng, opposed the policy of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Taizong of Tang to favor the surrender of Fanyi... These are just two typical examples, two of which are easy to produce Lenovo example.At least Lu Huiqing believed that Sima Guang expressed his dissatisfaction with the current policies of the imperial court.Xiao Youdan's words were clearly in his favor.Although the fly in the ointment is that this matter was spoken by the Liao people, so the Sima Twelve Society believes that the scholar-bureaucrats should be ashamed of it.But in comparison, Sima Guang must think that if the emperor can repent because of this, then losing a little bit of face in the heavenly kingdom is actually nothing. Lu Huiqing scoffed at this point of view, but he also knew himself - Sima Guang was not a minority.At least Feng Jing is on his side.These short-sighted northerners only live by guarding their own few acres of Susukida, so what kind of foresight can they have?At this time, he automatically ignored that Feng Jing was actually from Jiangxia, Ezhou, and his ancestral home was from Guangxi Road, so he was not a northerner. As for "San Zhi Xiang Gong" and "Poet of the Most Precious Alchemy Style", even if he is a minister of the Ministry of Rites, he can't be counted on in this kind of place.So I saw Wang Gui sitting upright "graciously" without squinting - it's hard for him to have this kind of ability. You clearly saw that he didn't deliberately avoid anyone's gaze, but you found that his gaze didn't match anyone's. Eyes met.This made Lu Huiqing sigh to himself, and he thought sarcastically: If he had learned this skill earlier, he would not have been targeted by the emperor.But this is obviously not a stunt that everyone can practice. The corner of his eye skipped over many people and fell directly on Shi Yue.But seeing a wry smile on the corner of Shi Yue's mouth, and feeling his gaze, Shi Yue's wry smile became even stronger. Lu Huiqing suddenly felt sorry for her. He glanced at the emperor again, biting the bullet and was about to speak, but Xiao Youdan said again: "Zi Lu's courage, Zi Yong's argument, Ran You's wisdom, these three are all so-called rare and precious in the world. The three sons are always not pleasing to the master. Yan Yuan silently does not see what he can do. If there is no way to be different from others, the master calls it urgently. And if the husband learns from the sage, how can he say what he said? Also see It's just what it's meant to be..." Everyone couldn't help being stunned.Dasu's articles are widely recited all over the world. Even Zhao Xu knows that Xiao Youdan's words are from Su Shi's "Xunqing Lun". Everyone doesn't know Xiao Youdan's intentions, but they hear him laughing: "——This is also a famous sentence by Su Zizhan. I would like to use this as a comparison, "Just look at the direction of its intention"-the artillery on the city wall of Bianjing, and the Xia people outside the Fengqiu Gate are certainly commendable; although I am a northerner, I also know the benefits of Jiabing It is not enough to say that the ministers are pleased and convinced that those who came from thousands of miles south to congratulate are the virtues of the empress dowager of the Southern Dynasty. In the city of Bianjing, the common people regard the empress dowager as a sage, and rejoice because of the empress dowager's birthday. Every household sets up incense and prays. The empress dowager lives for thousands of years. The empress dowager is supported by the people like this. This is something that has never happened in the ages. To your majesty who is Yao and Shun, I think it is precisely this..." Xiao Youdan didn't want to embarrass the emperor and ministers of the Song Dynasty too much, so he moved another ladder to Zhao Xu.However, this made Zhao Xu even more depressed - Xiao Youdan praised Empress Dowager Gao's "Yide" all the time.Indeed, Empress Dowager Gao has been very popular among the people since she got married. Although she did not do anything earth-shattering, she restrained her family, and no one in the Gao family dared to do anything wrong outside. Small favors, small favors, and occasional words for the common people - so accumulated over time, every little bit is good to accumulate, the common people praise each other, sometimes even the good deeds done by others are attached to Empress Dowager Gao, so Empress Dowager Gao is in the hearts of the common people good reputation.For the Song Dynasty, it was indeed a blessing to have such a good queen mother.However - what does this have to do with Zhao Xu?What is his contribution to this?Moreover, in the words that seem to make him step down, there is still a faint hint that he is still ridiculing what he believes in, not benevolence, not etiquette, and admonishing him to convince people with virtue, not power... This made Zhao Xu feel even more uncomfortable. But Xiao Youdan's words cannot be easily refuted. He occupies righteousness.Zhao Xu can imagine that many ministers in this palace must be nodding secretly in their hearts, and secretly feel ashamed-such a righteous remark was not uttered by a scholar-bureaucrat from a state of righteousness in Zhengshuo, China. In the past, he taught the people of the Song Dynasty what courtesy, righteousness and benevolence are... But Xiao Youdan doesn't really believe in his benevolence and righteousness. As long as he is strong enough, he doesn't mind convincing others with strength—but at this moment, Xiao Youdan raised the wine cup in his hand and said loudly : "Your Majesty the Empress Dowager of the Great Song Dynasty, I wish you a million years of life, I wish your Majesty the Emperor of the Song Dynasty a million years of life! I wish your Majesty the Emperor of Daliao a million years of life!" Lu Huiqing knew that if she could not go down this step, she could only humiliate herself. Without waiting for everyone to react, she straightened her body, held up her wine cup, and said, "I would like to wish Your Majesty the Empress Dowager a long life! I wish His Majesty the Emperor a thousand years!" Long live!" After hesitating for a while, he said again, "I wish His Majesty the Emperor of Daliao a long life!" Everyone quickly stood up and raised their glasses to congratulate.Xiao Youdan took a break from his busy schedule and glanced at Wang Yao again, but he closed his mouth after he said the second sentence.Obviously, here, not everyone is willing to wish His Majesty the Daliao Emperor a thousand years of life. After Shi Yue left Ji Ying Hall, he felt mixed feelings.Xiao Youdan taught the Great Song emperor a good lesson, this person should not be underestimated, and with Daliao's current abundance of talents, other people should not be underestimated either.Just now the emperor was obviously very depressed. The Song Dynasty was oppressed by the Khitan for more than a hundred years, and it had always been at a psychological disadvantage. The Song Dynasty actually took advantage of the diplomacy in 2000, but after all, this was the first time that the emperor personally faced a heavyweight in the Liao Kingdom.However, he didn't expect to meet a powerful character, making him feel ashamed.The emperor had been drinking all the time, and Li Xiangan politely stopped him a few times, but he didn't stop him. During the banquet, Zhao Xu's expression showed that he was a little drunk. But this is also a helpless thing.In this kind of debate, Shi Yue thinks that he is not Xiao Youdan's opponent - in domestic debates, he is good at speaking with facts, so that his words are more convincing than those who talk about righteousness.When facing the Xixia people, it was obvious that the Xixia people did not read enough, and there was a big gap in status and strength between Song and Xia.Shi Yue also easily took the initiative.However, Xiao Youdan is not the same. Behind him is the Liao Kingdom, which has long been on equal footing with the Song Dynasty, and a big country that has stood against the court. However, Xiao Youdan himself has outstanding wisdom and has obviously worked hard to understand the Song Dynasty for more than ten years. Read it well... Shi Yue was quite suspicious that what he said in Jiying Hall just now was intended to sow discord.From the standpoint of "propriety, righteousness and benevolence", he seems to be a friend of the Song Dynasty, but in fact he caters to the old party's ideology everywhere. If he is not from the Liao Dynasty, people almost think he is a disciple of Sima Guang.Perhaps, this shows that subconsciously, the Liao Kingdom is more willing to deal with the traditional Song Dynasty than the changing Song Dynasty... But considering that Xiao Youdan himself is actually a political strategist, Shi Yue cannot but suspect that he has ulterior motives.This matter will definitely become an excuse for the old party - in the eyes of the old party, this is a shame to Liao.It is not impossible for the new party to label the old party as "collaborating with the Khitan". The current court situation is already like a person walking a tightrope, in an extremely unstable state, even if there is nothing wrong, it is not optimistic.Xiao Youdan used some means at this time, if it was not handled properly, the conflict would probably intensify in advance. Shi Yue returned to the mansion full of worries, knowing that Zi'er was in the palace, he didn't go back to the inner room, so he went straight to the study.Knowing that Bianjing is busy today, Shifu gave the servants a holiday, and there were not many people in the mansion.When passing through the corridor, I saw Shi An appearing from nowhere, bowed to Shi Yue, and said with a smile: "Scholar, Master Sima from the Secret Academy is here, and he is talking with Mr. Pan in the study." After following him for ten After a few years, Shi An has also grown old. "Understood." Shi Yue forced a smile and nodded, "Why didn't you go to Daxiangguo Temple?" "The little ones have been in Bianjing for decades. What's the fun that you haven't seen?" Shi An said with a naive smile, "There are too many people over there, and I could only see other people's backs in the past. Let my son take the lead." Just go with a few grandchildren. There are not many people in the mansion today. Is there such a rule? Everyone thought today was a holiday, so they slacked off—didn’t they lose a lot of things at Shao Shilang’s house during the Lantern Festival last year?” When people get old, they talk more.Shi Yue smiled and said: "Is Shi Jian not at home?" "Shi Jian?" Shi An smiled, "The bachelor left not long before he was called away by the magistrate." Shi Yue was taken aback for a moment, he didn't need to ask him to know which county lord it was - but Rou Jia is not what she used to be, and she is no longer the temperament of mischief, but I don't know why she called Shi Jian away?He shook his head, gave Shi An a few more instructions, and walked quickly towards the study.Going around a few corridors, you can see Sima Mengqiu and Pan Zhaolin talking in the study from a distance—the two also saw Shi Yue at the same time, stopped their conversation quickly, and got up to greet them. Shi Yue entered the study, Sima Meng begged for an audience, and without waiting for Shi Yue to sit down, he said, "Scholar, Master Zhiyuan is back." "Oh?" Shi Yue was startled, looked at Sima Mengqiu, and asked, "How?" Sima Mengqiu smiled bitterly and said, "Wang Jiefu refuses to go out of the mountain." "Ah?" This was a setback that Shi Yue didn't expect. He turned his attention to Pan Zhaolin, and found that he was also smiling wryly, obviously he already knew about it. "There is still room for redemption." Sima Mengqiu said, "Master Zhiyuan said that Wang Jiefu did not return the envoy's edict, nor did he agree to come back, which shows that he is still hesitating. , gave Lu Jifu a lot of ideas. The two have been exchanging letters so far, which shows that Wang Jiefu is not indifferent to world affairs, but has a heart for Lu Jifu..." "Zhi Yuan can't even lobby, what good strategy can there be?" Shi Yue said dejectedly, he had suffered too many setbacks in this day, "Could it be that Lu Jifu really deserves to die?" "Maybe we can try with Mrs. Sang?" Sima Mengqiu asked tentatively. Shi Yue shook his head: "Wang Jiefu is not someone who can be moved by sons and daughters. If I go to Jinling in person, there is still a 50% chance that I can persuade him, but I can't leave Beijing..." "Let me go." Pan Zhaolin said. "No, now that the capital is changing rapidly, Mr. Pan cannot easily leave the bachelor's side." Sima Mengqiu immediately rejected Pan Zhaolin's suggestion, "Even Zirou must be called back." "The last letter I received said that Zirou had arrived at Ling Yamen. He asked me to send the letter to somewhere in Hangzhou... Only God knows how long it will take to return to Beijing." Pan Zhaolin said. Shi Yue sighed: "Don't worry. Since Lu Jifu has stabilized his position, things may not go as we imagined. Fujian Zi is not a good friend, and I expect him to fight back immediately. I just don't know whether to go to Wen Yanbo or Sima first. It’s just a hand. To bring him down, we have to count on Cai Yuanchang.” "Cai Jing doesn't believe me." Pan Zhaolin said coldly. "I know he can't believe it." Shi Yue said lightly, "So, if there is no 100% certainty to bring down Lu Jifu, Cai Jing will have something to do, and he won't reveal it—he is afraid of hurting himself. But ordinary things, I don't care. No need, what I want is a handle that can kill with a single blow. The secretary of Taifu Temple has changed to Xue Xiang, I don’t believe that I can’t catch Fujian Zi’s handle. There is no cat that doesn’t steal from such a slick yamen in Taifu Temple Fishy?!" "What the students are worried about is the situation in Yizhou..." Sima Mengqiu said in a deep voice, "If Wang Jiefu refuses to come back, how will Yizhou deal with it? And Xiao Youdan's going south this time, I'm afraid he's not well-intentioned." When Shi Yue heard him talking about Xiao Youdan, he couldn't help asking: "Did Chunfu find out anything?" "The Hebei room is really a bag of wine and rice." Sima Mengqiu became angry when he mentioned this matter, "I don't even know who is the spy of the Communication Bureau in the Hebei room—a few important people lurking in Khitan. The death of a traitor, the betrayal of the traitor, the loss is heavy. It is really rare to have a talent who is truly in charge of one side - it is a pity that the Lord of Yueyang County is a woman, if it is a man, she is indeed an unparalleled national scholar - but she was entrusted with a word, and she has until now She also took care of Li Qing's orphan and widowed mother. And the students saw that she didn't want to leave Shaanxi, so they couldn't force her to do so. Nowadays, there are only a handful of people in the library who can really deal with the General Affairs Bureau. The students can only temporarily ask Master Zhiyuan to take care of her for a while , and then try to get Wenhuan to come over." When Shi Yue and Pan Zhaolin heard what he said, they already knew that the Staff Fangguan knew nothing about Xiao Youdan's purpose.Shi Yue comforted in a warm voice: "Father Chun, don't worry, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs." Sima Mengqiu blushed, and hurriedly said: "Yes." When he was in Liao Kingdom, Xiao Youdan was the one he feared the most.At this time, he met his old opponent, although he was in the dark and Xiao Youdan was in the light, he still suffered from this big loss, so he couldn't help but lose his temper. "How many officials are bought, how many secret jobs are placed, these are trivial matters. The most important thing for the official office is to find out the prices and taxes in various parts of the Liao Kingdom, whether the people have complaints, the background and ethics of the officials, and the political situation in the court. Factional struggles, as well as the number of garrison troops, the likes and dislikes of generals, and the map of dangerous passes. If these can be done well, it is enough. Winning or losing a short-term battle does not affect the overall situation, so don’t worry too much about it.” "yes." After Shi Yue reminded Sima Mengqiu, he stopped talking, changed the subject, and said, "I can't do anything about the situation in Yizhou now. As long as Wang Hou and Murong Qian go to the post as soon as possible, there may be a turning point." Pan Zhaolin shook his head silently, but did not refute.From the look in Shi Yue's eyes, he knew that even Shi Yue himself didn't believe what he said.Yizhou Road?Pan Zhaolin concealed his thoughts - as long as the situation in Yizhou cannot be stabilized, Lu Huiqing's aspect will not be truly stable, and this is the fatal injury of Fujianzi.Shi Yue understands this - otherwise he would not object to his leaving the capital, but he is subconsciously escaping in order to secure his conscience.However, Pan Zhaolin didn't have such worries. Once he succeeded, he wanted to overthrow Lu Huiqing, surpass Sima Guang, return to the political core, and gain power. How could there be no stepping stones under his feet?In a sense, no matter what Shi Yue thought in his heart, the crisis of the Great Song Dynasty was his opportunity. This is the hard and cold truth. But Pan Zhaolin didn't need to tell all of this. At this moment, I saw a servant hurriedly walking towards the study and said: "Li Duzhi in the palace sent someone to tell that there is something urgent." Shi Yue got up quickly and said: "Quick, lead the way." Hearing this tone, one knew that it was not a decree, but Li Xiangan quietly passing a message. When I arrived at the living room, I saw a little yellow man pacing up and down with his hands folded, with a panicked expression on his face. Seeing Shi Yue coming out, he shouted from afar: "Scholar, something serious happened!" Shi Yue was startled, and listened to the little Huangmen's words, until his face turned yellow, and he froze on the spot, speechless for a while.
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