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Chapter 5 AMP Speaker

children 伊坂幸太郎 2642Words 2018-03-15
Yaju and the others sat on the floor obediently without saying a word.Because I was wearing a mask, it was difficult to breathe. The exhaled air was bounced back by the plastic mask, causing a lot of hot and humid air to accumulate between the mask and the face.Coupled with sitting on the floor all the time, the coolness of the floor seems to have completely penetrated into the buttocks. Kamoi suddenly felt the line of sight in the formation.Although he thought that the team must have thought of some silly idea again and planned to ignore it, the team kept staring at him, which forced Kamo to admit defeat and turned to look at the team.

In the formation, he turned his eyes hidden behind the mask, first looked at the shorter robber who stayed behind, then turned his gaze back to Kamoi, and then looked at the robber again. Yaju sighed, he knew that the team probably wanted to say: "There is only that robber left, with the strength of you and me, there should be a way to stop him, right?" Yaju shook his head, put his face closer to the formation, and whispered: "Don't be stupid." "Don't worry, it's fine." Yaju is very clear that the three words "no problem" are usually said in unfounded situations.

"We're tied up now." "Even if you are tied up, at least you can still fly to the robbers." Yaju said in a particularly emphatic tone: "Listen to me, what you want to do is your family's business, but your behavior may cause everyone present to be shot." There is a very bad habit in the formation, He always puts what he thinks into action, even if it causes trouble or loss to others around him, he will think it is helpless. At this moment, Yaju saw the woman on the right panting in pain, her shoulders were heaving up and down violently, as if she was panting or having a heart attack.

Yaju asked: "Are you okay?" She replied: "Um...not bad." Her voice sounded a little choked, so she was crying.It must have been caused by fear and anxiety.Kamoju always thought that the scene of an elderly middle-aged woman crying only existed in funerals or movies, so she was a little surprised. "As long as you listen to the robber obediently, you should be fine." Kamoi clumsily tried to comfort the woman, but the words didn't seem to have any effect on her.Even though she was wearing a mask, it was clear from her rapid breathing that she was sobbing. "Hey, you are very noisy." The robber approached slowly with a gun.

Yaju replied: "She was frightened by you." "No... I, I'm fine..." Although the middle-aged woman said so, she didn't look like she was fine at all.She was still sobbing with her head bowed, and obviously, it wouldn't be a surprise if she passed out from the stress now. The sound of smacking lips in the formation was so loud that even Yaju could hear it.He glanced at the woman impatiently, then looked away unhappily. After a while, Jinnei stood up.Because his behavior was too abrupt, everyone was dumbfounded.In the formation, he kicked his bound feet to the ground at the same time, and kept his balance on his hips, standing up like a sea donkey performing acrobatics.Although he looked stupid like that, he managed to get up.

What happened in a split second left the robber speechless.The robber didn't pull the trigger because of panic, which is really lucky in the battle. "Let me play the guitar!" Yaju was still guessing what the group would say, but unexpectedly he raised his chin and pointed to the guitar box lying at his feet, like a child who is having a fight, he asked angrily: "Untie my hands, Let me take the guitar. You don't understand me when I say I want to play the guitar!" Kamo looked up and stared at the formation, wondering if he was still sane, because this is really not an action that ordinary people would take when facing a robber with a gun.

"Don't act rashly, just sit down obediently." The robber pointed a pistol at the formation. The middle-aged woman on the side seemed even more frightened. She let out a mournful cry and her body kept shaking. Yaju even suspected that she might be scared into incontinence.He stared at the inside of the formation, thinking: It's all because of your unnecessary actions.The insiders ignored it completely, and finally the prisoner forced him to sit down again with a pistol. There was only one robber left at the scene for several minutes, and the robber and the store manager who disappeared into another room did not come back for a long time.

Everyone present was very nervous, and there was a dead silence in the bank, so quiet that the hostages could hear each other's heartbeat.What the hell are the police outside doing? Duck has already cursed a hundred times in his heart.The woman next to him bowed her head and wept continuously, making the atmosphere even more tense and oppressive. Not long after, there was a voice that startled Yaju.At first Duck House thought someone was whispering or moaning, but it turned out to be neither, but a singing voice with ups and downs and rhythms.Yaju looked to the side, and the owner of the singing was indeed in the formation.He didn't care about the mask on his face, and sang by himself.

The other hostages focused their eyes on them. The sudden surprise and confusion made Kamoi feel extremely embarrassed and wanted to cover his face, but then he realized that he was already wearing a mask on his face. Yaju immediately recognized what song it was.It's smooth but powerful, thin and beautiful, a Beatles song.Duck deliberately thought: Isn't this the same song Paul McCartney composed when John Lennon divorced? The voice in the formation is very similar to Paul McCartney, and the singing voice that seems to be reproduced on the spot surprised Kamoi even more. Kamoju has never heard it before, but the team would perform or interpret it according to the content of the original song.

After regaining consciousness, Yaju realized that he had been immersed in the singing in the formation.He believed that the other hostages were the same, maybe even the little robber who stayed behind to guard them was addicted to it.The singing in the array is so beautiful.It is both beautiful and clever, and can even be described as clever and cunning. In the absence of loudspeakers and guitars, the group sang the famous songs of the Beatles, which made the tense atmosphere in the bank slightly relaxed.But suddenly he stopped singing. This stop made Yaju involuntarily let out a "huh".

His eyes widened and he asked, "What's wrong with you?" I want to listen to it for a while longer——Yaju couldn’t utter this sentence, so I had to change my mouth and ask, “Why are you singing all of a sudden?” The team member replied unhappily: "Hmph, I hate the crying adults!" After speaking, he glanced at the middle-aged woman. "What does this have to do with the Beatles? I really don't know." The robber said angrily: "You guys be quiet." But the tone didn't sound very tough.Yaju thought to himself: The other party is probably still immersed in the aftertaste of singing in the formation. The insider said impatiently: "I watched a movie before, and there was a scene similar to the one just now." "What kind of scene?" "It is to use singing to defuse the tense atmosphere." To be honest, Duck House does not believe that music has the effect of healing and encouraging others.Since Yaju often said that entertainment is nothing more than entertainment, and it is a foolish behavior to try to find other values ​​in entertainment, the answer from the team really surprised him. Kamoi asked, "Which movie is it?" and imagined that it must be a good movie that describes the subtleties of the human heart. After all, it is a movie about saving people with music! Unexpectedly, the team replied with a very unconcerned expression: "I remember it was... the second part of "Ghost Players", it should be "Ghost Players 2"." ① "Spiderman" series of films directed by "Spider-Man" director Sam Raimi.The first independent production of his student days, it is now regarded as one of the horror classics.The style of the second and third parts gradually turned to black humor. "Yes." Duck shrugged. At some point, the woman sitting next to Yaju stopped crying. After a while, another robber came back with the store manager under pressure.The branch manager shrugged his shoulders and bowed his body. He walked with obvious difficulty, as if he was exhausted. The tall robber shrugged his shoulders to his companion. "There are two pilots hiding inside." The branch manager looked quite scared, and he almost curled up into a ball. "There are two other crew members? Then how do you deal with them?" asked the short robber. "I threatened them with a gun, tied them with a rope, and left them in that room. Is there anything wrong with you?" The short robber replied: "Well, no." He didn't mention the singing in the formation, probably because he was trying to be brave himself, so he thought it was not worth mentioning. The branch manager's feet were tied up again, and the masked operator moved his face close to the branch manager, as if he was whispering something, but Kamoi couldn't hear it clearly. Only one robber emphasized in an affirmative tone: "This means that we have a total of fourteen hostages."
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