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Chapter 19 Chapter Nineteen

modern times 伊坂幸太郎 4714Words 2018-03-15
All living things must die, but Mr. Kato is an exception. ——I also know that Dao's idea is absurd, but Mr. Kato does give people such a feeling.He is strong and strong, and obviously has nothing to do with illness or injury; he is always the only one who puts pressure on others, and no one can put pressure on him; in the face of everything, his attitude is generalized, and I am afraid that even when he encounters an accident, he is petty. The odds didn't apply to him. So I have always felt that even if the probability of a creature facing death is 100%, only Section Chief Kato seems to be regarded as a special case; or, even if he is really a special case, I am not surprised.It's just that I didn't expect that Mrs. Kato's wife also had the same idea.

"I always thought everyone was going to die, except my husband," she said. Mr. Kato died at midnight, but he was not discovered until early morning—that is, this morning.The body was immediately sent to the University Hospital for an autopsy to confirm the cause of death, and was sent back in the evening. I participated in the section chief's wake.After burning the incense, he went to the toilet and was about to leave when the wife of the head of the section just happened to walk in front of her.She is a petite, slender woman. "My condolences. The head of the section usually takes good care of us, and I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen." I bowed and said. "Are you my husband's colleague in the company?" The section chief's wife looked a little tired, but she didn't look sad, lonely or lonely at all. Instead, she looked refreshed, like a student who had just participated in a club practice, "You guys Not many people come to the company."

I quickly replied: "That's not the case." But I also noticed that there were several customers or employees of related companies among the hangers, but I didn't see our company's colleagues, "You may not have received the news Bar." "It's okay, I know everyone doesn't like him." The section chief's wife said lightly: "Besides you, there was another Mr. Yoshioka who came to offer incense just now. You two are probably the only colleagues in your company who came here." "Ah, Aggie?" I couldn't help blurting out, and then shut my mouth.

"Aggie?" She smiled. I was reminded of the rumors inside the company.It is said that Aji, that is, Yoshioka Maszo, has not been expelled from the company because he holds the secret of Section Chief Kato.He will come to offer incense to the head of the class, does it have anything to do with the secret between them? "To be honest, I believe everyone must think that the news of the section chief's death is a lie." I said. After hearing this, the lady smiled brightly, as if she had found a bosom friend.Such a smile appeared on the face of a woman who just became a widow today. It was a bit nondescript. I didn't know how to react for a moment. She spoke first: "I always thought that everyone would die, except my husband."

I couldn't help but nodded in agreement, "Not to mention suicide." "If he is a suicidal person, I should like him more." The section chief's wife made this joke with a very serious expression. Every time I see the news of someone committing suicide, I always admire it.Of course, I am not admiring or yearning for suicide, but because all creatures, including humans, have survival as their greatest purpose, and ending one's own life can be said to be the opposite. If there is no strong willpower, It is impossible.When I'm in a very difficult situation in my life, like I can't finish my work or my wife's behavior is really horrible, I will of course have thoughts of "it's better to die" or "it might be easier to die" , but they are not really determined to seek death. At most, there will be delusions in my heart, such as "I really hope that a meteorite will fall and hit me on the head now" or "It would be best if a bomb flies from the sky". I look forward to using external forces to start everything from scratch, but I never thought of ending my life by myself.

"Do you have the courage?" This sentence came to my mind again.This is the favorite sentence of the violent bearded man who often appears around me recently. But I still can't understand, how can I have the courage to commit suicide? "It's really hard for me to believe that my husband would commit suicide. I always thought he would only force others to commit suicide." Mrs. Kato said. I almost said "I think so too", and quickly cut to the point: "May I ask if the section chief has acted unusually recently?" Actually, I was very disturbed, because the death of the section chief might have something to do with me.A few days ago, in front of me, Kudo urged the head teacher to search the Internet with the keywords "Harmazaki Junior High School" and "Ando Chamber of Commerce".Did Mr. Kato really do that?Does his suicide have anything to do with this matter?

"For example, has he been buried in front of the computer typing at home or something?" I asked obliquely. Although I tried to ask this question in a natural tone, the words I said sounded quite unnatural. "Ah, you put it that way..." Mrs. Kato opened her mouth, as if she was scratching an itchy spot on her back, or after I scratched it, she also felt that itchy spot. "This morning, the computer in his room was on." "What's on the screen?" "This..." "Oh, if it's not convenient to disclose it, it's okay not to say it."

"No, Yoshioka's website is open on the screen, so I don't know which one to talk about first." "How many pages?" "Some are pornographic sites and some appear to be suicide related sites." "Websites related to suicide?" It's not surprising that Section Chief Kato would watch pornographic websites, but it's extremely unusual to watch suicide websites. "One of them seems to be a message board. People who want to commit suicide will complain on it, or meet to commit suicide together." "Sites like this have existed a long time ago."

However, judging from Mr. Kato's personality, such websites have nothing to do with him. He can neither be interested in such websites, nor can he browse enthusiastically; even if he really wants to commit suicide, he will choose what he wants. Solution, will never refer to other people's opinions. "Why is he browsing suicide websites?" "There are some other websites..." Speaking of this, the head's wife suddenly said loudly: "Ah, yes! Two days ago, my husband rarely called me into the study, saying that he received a strange email mail." "Strange email?"

"I took a look and found that there were many website URLs listed on it. I told him that this was probably some kind of strange advertising email, and it would be better to advise him not to click on it. But he said that the email was his previous email. The mail sent by the customer should not be an advertising mail." "Section Leader Kato should click in and have a look." "With his personality, he will definitely click in and read." That e-mail, maybe it was because of "searching the Internet" that I received it.Although the reason is unknown, it seems that if you search for specific keywords such as "Harmazaki Junior High School" and "Ando Shokai" on the Internet, you will be attacked.Gotanda Masaoomi sensed the danger and fled, Oishikura Nosuke was framed, and Section Chief Kato received an e-mail that made him want to commit suicide after reading it.Can I make such a bold assumption?

"By the way, there are more extreme ones." Mrs. Kato, who was of a different color, had flushed cheeks, "There is a website with obscene photos on it, and the person in the photo is me." She looked a little embarrassed, but her manner was generally calm and graceful.She went on to explain in detail that on Mr. Kato's computer screen, there was a website whose homepage was full of obscene photos of her, and an article with the theme "Your wife is cheating on me" was attached.Such a private thing, she actually said it naked in front of me, a stranger I met for the first time, maybe her mental state is not as stable as it looks on the outside. "Someone must have made it up on purpose, deliberately making the section chief misunderstand that you are cheating on me, and using this to threaten the section chief." I suppressed my inner panic and said to her. "Those contents are not fabricated." At this time, the section chief's wife was like a cheerful female high school girl in puberty, and she smiled at me.My head was even more confused. "It's true that Hong Xing cheated, and those photos should be true, but I don't know who took them." She said. "Oh, that's it..." That's all I could say.Could it be that Section Chief Kato decided to commit suicide because he saw the evidence that his wife Hong Xing was having an affair?But I immediately denied this speculation. This kind of thing will not push Section Chief Kato to a dead end. "However, my husband is not someone who would commit suicide for such a thing." The section chief's wife expressed the same opinion as me. Someone in the distance is calling for Mrs. After I bowed to her, I left the wake venue. When I got home, there was a note from my wife on the kitchen table, and it said, "It's a pity I haven't been able to see you." Wife's handwriting was beautiful.Next to the note, there is a plate of braised plaice, a plate of salad with sesame sauce, and her special spring rolls with shrimp and cheese. I changed my clothes, heated up my wife's cooking in the microwave, and ate it. Mr. Kato died, and committed suicide. I still can't believe it. As the saying goes, one should not be judged by one's appearance. I am afraid that my understanding of others is far more superficial than I admit to myself.Even Mr. Kato, who originally thought he would never die, would die by suicide. Could it be that there are some errors or biases in my perception of others? I picked up a piece of fish with my chopsticks, held it in front of my eyes, stared at it for a while, and then stuffed it into my mouth.I remembered that my wife once said before marriage: "Don't look at me like this, I am very family-friendly and love to cook." Her words were true.Don't look at her like that, she is actually very good at cooking... Wait, don't look at her like that?This sentence alone has the problem of "preconceived ideas". Is the flounder in front of you really a flounder?Is this wonderful taste sensation real?Are these really chopsticks?Once the doubts started, there was no end to them, and I wasn't even sure where I was. The phone rang, and it seemed to me that the caller was identified as "Oishikura Nosuke", so I answered the call immediately. "Watanabe-senpai?" It was indeed Oishikura's voice. "Where are you?" "Because of insufficient evidence, I was released again." "You should have been released a long time ago. You were wronged at all." After hearing my words, Oishikuranosuke suddenly fell silent.I was thinking that he didn't know what was wrong, and not long after, weeping and choking were heard. "Hello, Oishi? Oishi Kuranosuke?" I tried to call him, but he kept crying. I couldn't help but want to say, "Oishi, please respect yourself in the castle! Please respect yourself on the phone!" "How could I do that kind of thing." After a while, Dashi opened his mouth. "I know." "But only you, Senior Watanabe, believe in me." "The police also believe you. Didn't they release you?" "I was just lucky. It was a holiday, and I almost stayed at home. Although I went to a nearby convenience store to buy things, the cameras there didn't capture me." "So you don't have an alibi?" "Yeah, they identified me as the mastermind from the very beginning, scolded me with ugly words every day, and kicked my chair." "Thank you for being able to bear it." I really admire him. "Because the story of "The Chuchen Cang" also teaches everyone to be patient." Oishi Kuranosuke said this, and burst into tears again. "I originally thought that it would be easier to admit it if I continue to be tortured like this. But just this morning, new evidence appeared. On the day of the incident, a reporter went to interview the cake shop opposite the convenience store, and the photo happened to be taken to me." "You're lucky!" I couldn't help raising my voice. "That's how I was saved. The police just let me out." "are you at home now?" "In the hotel. I wanted to go straight home, but I'm guessing that the situation at my house may not be good, because the police and the public have always regarded me as the real murderer, and my photo should have been released long ago. " "Ah," I recalled what I saw on the TV news and the Internet, "Yes, all kinds of true and false information have been made public." "My family must have been pranked by someone. I can't face that kind of thing now." Oishikura Nosuke said weakly, his voice was so low that he could hardly hear him, at this moment he suddenly asked quietly: "By the way, Watanabe Senior, is there any progress in work?" I couldn't help but be dumbfounded, this kid is too serious, and he still cares about work at this time.I told him that Gexu company contacted us to stop, so there is no need to worry about that case. "Ah, is that so?" Oishi Kuranosuke seemed at a loss, "Excuse me, can I rest for a while?" "Of course you can. You hardly ever take a vacation, so take advantage of this time to take a vacation." "Is Mr. Kato very angry? Will I be fired if something like this happens?" "No, don't worry." Although I had no basis, I said it with certainty, "Anyway, Section Chief Kato won't join the company anytime soon." "why?" "He seems to be sick." I lied casually. "Huh?" Oishikura Nosuke exclaimed in surprise, "Is Mr. Kato sick?" "It's hard to imagine." I just said that Section Chief Kato was ill, and Oishikura Nosuke was so surprised. If he knew that the Section Chief had committed suicide, he didn't know how he would react. "Anyway, you should take a good rest for a while. The charges have been cleared, don't think too much." After I comforted him again, I hung up the phone. Only then did I realize that I forgot to ask him about the online search process before the accident. He was about to press the call button to call back when the phone rang. As soon as I saw the name of the caller, I immediately took a deep breath. After I calmed down, I answered the phone and said, "You cook delicious food." "That's needless to say? Don't look at me like this, I'm good at cooking." Kayoko's voice was still full of magnetism. "Well, it's very delicious." These are my sincere words. "That's good. How? Are you awake?" "What woke up? I didn't sleep?" "So you're awake?" "Are you asking if some of my superpowers have awakened?" "What are you talking about? I just heard the sound and thought you were still sleeping." "The head of the class told me before that once a person is driven to a dead end, super powers and the like will emerge." "Sounds like a comic book plot." "It is indeed a comic plot." "Oh, that's right." Kayoko said, "Didn't I hire a little brother? Do you remember?" "Well, I saw him a few days ago, and he ran to my work place suddenly." "He ran to your place of work? Why?" "Things other than official business." "Oh, let me tell you, I've known that little brother for a long time." I really wanted to say "Actually, you are the one who stole the fish", but I endured it. "That little brother lives in Chiba, but I just saw an Internet news that his house burned down." "Burn it?" My voice was dry. "My little brother's house was set on fire, and the police found an unidentified corpse. It's scary, right? I feel gross, and suddenly I'm a little worried about your safety." I was speechless for a while. The bearded man's house burned down? Why is this happening?But an idea flashed through my mind. Because of searching the Internet? Everyone around me who has ever searched the Internet with those specific words has encountered strange things. Gotanda Masaomi disappeared, Oishikura Nosuke was framed as the mastermind of a despicable crime, Section Chief Kato committed suicide, and the bearded man's house was burned down.Are these all due to Internet searches?
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