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Chapter 16 Chapter Sixteen

modern times 伊坂幸太郎 4819Words 2018-03-15
"Someone tampered with my website, isn't it scary?" Yoshitaro Isaka said seriously, but I didn't think there was anything scary about it. On the contrary, Yoshitaro Isaka, who has no shame and doesn't know what fear is, is actually afraid, which is more scary. "How did the other party do it?" "In the beginning, there were only a few small changes, such as the tone of only one sentence being changed." "You made a mistake yourself, didn't you?" "I thought so too, but then gradually the images became distorted and the entire paragraph of the article disappeared. It's scary, right? It's not like the paint on the paper can be changed as soon as it is changed. How can the text and pictures on the Internet be messed up? Lose?"

"It's no surprise." I said coldly, took a sip of coffee, "It's just a change in the configuration file of the web page. The degree of freedom in web design is very high these days, as long as the page settings Changes may cause layout distortion.” "But why does this happen? The website I run is not that advanced, and it changes the page settings by itself, and it is not a living animal. Don't you think this is weird? Besides, all the websites I build and Blogs have similar situations, how can this be explained?" "It's nothing to be surprised about." I said coldly again, taking a sip of coffee, "You must have been drowsy or taking drugs, and you updated the webpage yourself when you were unconscious."

"How do you know I'm taking drugs?" Kotaro Isaka asked with his eyes wide open.I just said it casually, but now I was taken aback. Kotaro Isaka immediately laughed, "I'm just kidding. Drugs and women, I'd rather choose the latter." First, why do we have to choose one of the two?Second, why do you think you can't choose both?I really wanted to complain like this and found it troublesome, so I didn't say much. "The method of changing the content of a web page is very simple. Just upload the tampered file and overwrite the original file. And this can be done as long as you know the password and can connect to your website background. In other words, You must have leaked the password to outsiders."

"Who leaked it to? How did it leak it?" "Since you choose the latter between drugs and women, you probably accidentally told a certain woman." I first made him feel sour, and then explained: "But the most likely situation is that your home has been invaded by outsiders. " "my home?" "As long as you turn on your computer, you can know the number of websites you manage, domain name and file directory structure. You can even find your password. You are so lazy, probably every website uses the same Password. Ask me to find out your password too." I know he is very lazy, so my words are not unfounded, but I have full confidence.

"That's right." He admitted on the spot, "I just remembered that the novel I finished typing last night was completely different when I printed it out the next day. It should have been brilliant, full of charm, and brand-new. My novel turned out to be a clichéd and horrible content. It must be because someone secretly opened my computer and changed the content of the novel." "No, that should be what you wrote originally, Isaka." Compared with the previous situations, this incident is less surprising: I picked up the coffee cup again and was about to take a sip, but found that the cup was empty .

Kotaro Isaka stared at me in disbelief for a while, then blinked several times before speaking: "It's the first time I've heard someone criticize my novel with my own ears." “There are so many articles criticizing your work on the Internet,” "Criticizing others' remarks should be said on the Internet, which is polite." This is the first time I've heard this kind of argument, and I'm a little convinced.It turns out that this is not unreasonable. "But why did the man behind the scenes pick on my website?" "You ask me who I'm asking," I said decisively, "Besides, I've been wondering since just now, today I'm here to discuss things with you, why our topic keeps circling around your affairs?"

"The reason is very simple." Yoshitaro Isaka said with a straight face, "Because the world revolves around me." This kind of arrogant and pure narcissism made me admire him. At this point the waitress came over to refill the water again.I put the water glass in front of me and watched the water from the teapot flow into the glass, drawing small swirls.Inadvertently, I looked up at the waitress. She wore light makeup, had deep double eyelids, a high nose bridge, and pretty short hair. She was very cute.I knew that such a girl was exactly what Isaka Yoshitaro liked, so I was thinking that he might strike up a conversation again, and at the same time, I was ready to show a wry smile at any time, and everything just waited for Isaka Yoshitaro to take action.Unexpectedly, it was the waitress who spoke first.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Kotaro Isaka?" she asked.I took a closer look and saw that her cheeks were slightly red. "Yes." Yoshitaro Isaka responded very quickly. He straightened his back and stretched out his right hand, "Do you know me?" This is the first time I heard Yoshitaro Isaka call himself "my man", and it was also the first time I heard him speak in such an intellectual voice. The waitress stretched out her right hand timidly to shake him. It seems that she is not only a reader of Yoshitaro Isaka, but also a loyal admirer.Regardless of the fact that she is still at work, she chattered about her favorite works. "I really like your debut work, and the most famous book "Bass From Mouth" also moved me very much, but my favorite is the duel between a virgin office worker and a playboy who is good at capoeira fighting skills That work. Uh, what's the title of the book, I can't remember at the moment..." The waitress scratched her head shyly as she spoke.I turned my head to look at Kotaro Isaka, and found that the shyness he deliberately concealed also contained an expression of trying to remember. This guy might forget the title of the book himself.Anyway, the content of his novel must have been plagiarized from previous comics or movies, no wonder he couldn't remember it.

"By the way, when will your new work be published? I'm looking forward to it." I couldn't help laughing at this moment, waiting to see how Kotaro Isaka would react when he was poked in the sore spot by his admirer.Unexpectedly, Yoshitaro Isaka showed a hearty smile, as if he was not poked at a sore spot but scratched at an itchy spot. "I'm currently writing a huge novel." "Is it a long story?" "No, the masterpiece I'm talking about doesn't refer to the weight, but the content. This is a fictional work with a realistic color based on the materials I have collected hard. Not only that, but it is also a work with deep meaning. works." Kotaro Isaka said, "I can give you a hint. Do you remember the incident at Harima High School five years ago? A group of strange adults broke into the school and killed many students."

"Ah, I know. A documentary about that incident was released recently." The waitress replied immediately. "I went to see it yesterday, too," I interjected.But Kotaro Isaka and the waitress thought I was air and didn't even look at me. "I think the incident that the general public is talking about is actually just the tip of the iceberg." Yoshitaro Isaka's eyes suddenly became bright, "So, I want to describe this story based on the information I have collected and my imagination. " "Ah, that's right!" The waitress seemed greatly moved.

"Huh? Is that so?" I couldn't help but doubt my ears. I just mentioned the Harimazaki Middle School incident to Isaka Kotaro, maybe after hearing what I said, he casually said that this is the subject of his new work.Yes, for sure. "Is there a hidden side to that incident?" the waitress asked with a look of ecstasy, and I couldn't help worrying for her whether the tray in her hand would drop to the floor. "There is more than one side that is unknown, please see my new work for details, and then you will know." Kotaro Isaka said very similarly. "I'm really looking forward to it! I really want to see it!" said the waitress, twisting her body. "Can I ask you a question? What is so good about his novels?" Knowing that it would be annoying, I couldn't help asking her.Sure enough, her eyes suddenly filled with contempt, as if I was a racist in front of her, and then turned around without saying a word and left, as if she didn't even bother to say "I don't bother talking to you" to me. "Aren't you in collusion?" I approached Isaka Yoshitaro and asked in a low voice. "What is colluding?" "How could it be possible to meet your readers here? The chances are too low." "Watanabe, although you are not a bad person, your heart is turbid." Perhaps because of the relationship praised by his admirers just now, he seemed to be in a good mood. "Is the content of the new work you just said true? Didn't I just mention the incident at Harimasaki Middle School?" "Yeah, you said you went to see that movie yesterday, and I also think it's a coincidence." But when I told you about Harimasaki, there was no surprise on his face.I still feel that he just made up nonsense on the spur of the moment after listening to what I said. "Did you use what I just said without authorization?" "You really like slandering people." Kotaro Isaka scratched his temples, "I'm really writing this work, and it's almost finished. Besides, you must have never thought about it. The Harimasaki Middle School incident you know is just tip of the iceberg." "There's an inside story about that incident?" "Yes." Yoshitaro Isaka said firmly.I don't know if it's my illusion, but his hand holding the straw seems to be trembling slightly. "Have you heard of the Ando Chamber of Commerce?" "Huh?" I couldn't help exhaling softly, and my head instantly became confused.The first thing I thought of was that the name Ando Chamber of Commerce was very familiar, and then I remembered the "new keyword" that Oishikura Nosuke mentioned on the phone yesterday, isn't it "Ando Chamber of Commerce"?I try to remember, but I can't remember whether I mentioned this term to Isaka Yoshitaro just now. "How do you know this?" "Why wouldn't I know? Listen, I'm really investigating the incident at Harima High School alone, including the real identity of the gangster and so on. The information released by the police is probably false. But after I checked it out, I found that Ando The chamber of commerce has been implicated in this incident." "Ando Chamber of Commerce, is it a store?" "Haven't you heard of it? The head of the Ando Chamber of Commerce is Junya Ando, ​​a wealthy man who lives in the deep mountains of Iwate Prefecture. If he is still alive, he is already an old man." After what he said, I also felt that this name seemed to have been heard somewhere.I repeated the words Junya Ando several times, and asked, "Is he famous?" "He is the president of the Ando Chamber of Commerce, but no one knows what kind of business the Ando Chamber of Commerce is running. In short, he is a very rich bourgeoisie. Since he never shows up in public, not many people know him. Some people say his Money is won by betting on horses and bicycle races, but how can you make hundreds of millions and trillions of silver taels just by gambling?" "His money is worth trillions?" "It's all rumors." "Then his residence should be a super mansion?" "I heard that he lived a very low-key life, living in an old bungalow that was sixty years old." "Is he still alive?" "I'm not sure about this. Some people say that he and his wife depend on each other for life. Others say that Jun Ando is dead, and only his wife is still alive." "Why did someone say it?" I was still dubious. "No one knows the truth. This rumor has existed for a long time, and I didn't believe it at first. I thought there was no such person in the world. But, didn't I mention a cartoonist just now?" "Well, that cartoonist who is completely opposite to you, has a good personality, and is loved by everyone." "The last time I called him, he said he met Junya Ando." When I heard him say "the last time", I took it for granted that the manga artist was dead, but when I asked, Kotaro Isaka shook his head and said, "He ran away and lived a secluded life. It seems that he met someone before he escaped." Junya Ando." As Kotaro Isaka said, he dipped his finger in the water droplets that had condensed on the wall of the cup, and wrote the words "Junya Ando" on the table. The moment I saw these four words, a feeling of deja vu came over me. The words stimulated my memory more strongly than the sound, but where did I see these four words?I still can't remember, and I can't help but want to beat myself on the head. "I'm probably the only one who associates the Harimasaki Middle School incident with the Ando Shokai." Yoshitaro Isaka said with raised eyebrows while wiping his fingers with a tissue. "How did you bring those two things together?" "Of course I found out." He paused, "No, to be precise, it was what the manga artist said that aroused my interest, so I started investigating 'Ando Junya'. He mentioned Ando When Junya was so happy, I felt that Junya Ando was definitely not a kind person." I really want to point to his nose and say, you are the one who spread false rumors on the Internet and framed that cartoonist, right? "As a result, I checked and found Junya Ando's connection with the Harimasaki Middle School incident." "What kind of connection?" "people." "People? Do the same characters appear on both sides?" Kotaro Isaka didn't give a clear answer, just said: "Well, after you read my novel, think about it for yourself." "However, you are not the only one who discovered the relationship between the two." I didn't mean to repay him, but to tell the truth, "The junior engineers of my company also discovered it when they analyzed the program yesterday." "Find what?" "The relationship between Harimasaki Junior High School and Ando Shokai." In fact, Nosuke Oishikura only saw the keyword Ando Shokai in the program, but I deliberately didn't explain it clearly, making it look mysterious. When Kotaro Isaka heard this, he bit his lips and froze for a while, only his eyeballs rolled around, as if he was thinking about something, so absorbed that he seemed to forget to breathe. "what happened to you?" He didn't answer, still thinking hard in silence. I had nothing to do, so I leaned back in my chair and looked around the store. There was a large wide-screen TV embedded in the wall. On the screen was a newscaster in a suit. I didn’t know if it was TV news or Internet news. "So that's what happened." Kotaro Isaka murmured. Of course I was confused, "What's going on?" "Didn't I just say that my website was tampered with?" "Yes." I nodded. "This situation arose after I started investigating the Ando Chamber of Commerce." Kotaro Isaka's tone didn't seem to be explaining to me, but seemed to be sorting out his thoughts, "Has the younger generation of your company already taken action?" Calling action sounds general and hyperbolic. "No big action, I think he just searched the Internet." "Searching..." He whispered with deep meaning: "I also searched online at the beginning." "What do you want to say?" "Pay more attention to your junior in the company, he might be in a very dangerous situation now." I was about to say "what the hell are you talking about" to him with a giggle, when a news headline appeared on the wide-screen TV screen on the wall, and the same screen also appeared on the wall screen of the glass in my hand, I Tapping lightly on the surface of the cup with a finger, the volume was raised, and the announcer was reporting: "A case of group sexual harassment of women occurred in a tram on the Saikyo Line. There were a total of 47 suspects. It is suspected that they met on the Internet to commit the crime..." Of course, I don't think this case has anything to do with me, but I just vaguely thought that the number forty-seven is exactly the same as the number of Ako rogues in "The Faithful Minister".
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