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Chapter 21 chapter Five

a certain king 伊坂幸太郎 2082Words 2018-03-15
On the following Sunday, boy Wang Qiu took his mother's car to the baseball field by the river.After the mother parked the car in the parking lot, she took the boy Wang Qiu down the stairs leading to the stadium.At this time, the boy Wang Qiu noticed that the atmosphere of the stadium was different from usual. The players wearing the blue jerseys of the Dongxian Little League team gathered together, and the parents sat on the benches and prepared meals. This part was normal. In particular, the stadium seemed so lively as usual, and there were several adults in baseball uniforms who had never seen before in the crowd.As soon as the boy Wang Qiu and his mother entered the stadium, the parents greeted them one after another, but the mother only responded perfunctorily, and quickly pulled the boy Wang Qiu straight to the coach.

"What's going on here?" Mother asked Coach Okudera. "Huh? Didn't I tell you? Today is baseball coaching day." Head coach Okudera scratched his head, showing embarrassment. "You didn't say that." "Ms. Yamada, it's a rare opportunity for a professional baseball player to take the time to coach our little baseball players." Head coach Okudera said as he turned his head to look to the left, and saw a group of reporters with cameras or microphones surrounding him Five tall men in baseball uniforms. "And the national competition is coming soon, I think this is a good experience for the players."

"I don't think so." Young Wang Qiu knew why his mother was angry.It wasn't because the head coach didn't tell you about baseball coaching day, or because my mother thought regular practice was more meaningful than receiving coaching. Clearly protested: "Why did you find the Giants?" "It's a great thing that the Dongqing Giants are willing to guide us," said head coach Okudera.Young Wang Qiu noticed that although the coach had a smile on his face, his eyebrows kept twitching.It seems that the coach deliberately did not inform her of today's activities because her mother was too difficult.

"Head coach, what's the matter?" A man in black and two-color eyewear came over. He was Yukihiro Okubo, a player of the Dongqing Giants. "It's okay, please don't worry." Okuji narrowed his eyes, and then said to the young Wang Qiu's mother: "Mrs. Yamada, Mr. Okubo was a player of the Sendai Kings until the year before last." "I know." Mother replied angrily.Of course the young Wang Qiu also knew about this.Yukihiro Okubo achieved full attendance in the season of the previous year, hitting 350% and hitting 20 home runs. He also had zero turnovers on defense. He was the only player of the Sendai Kings to win the Golden Glove Award.The overall score of the Sendai Kings team in this season is still last, which highlights Okubo's activeness.

"So, it is because of his relationship with the Xiantai Kings that we invited him today." "The traitor who ran to the Dongqing Giants, has the face to come back?" Head coach Okuji and Okubo players were stunned.The sky was so blue, and the gurgling of the river could be heard even with ears pricked up. Under such a peaceful time and space, there were such hostile words, neither of them could believe their ears. "What kind of free agent, to put it bluntly, is not a dead money." "Mrs. Yamada!" Head coach Okudera couldn't help but stop.Although Okubo was a little at a loss, he didn't get angry. He seemed to be used to such criticism, "I can't say anything about that matter other than asking for everyone's understanding." He smiled softly, and then turned his head to relieve the awkward atmosphere. Ask the boy Wang Qiu: "Which position do you guard?"

"Not fixed." Young Wang Qiu whispered, "Anywhere is fine." "Wang Qiu can play all defensive positions. Recently, he often plays left fielder." Head coach Okuji replied with a smile, his eyes full of pride and his nostrils flaring. "That's it." Okubo seemed to understand, "I was like this when I was young. Most professional baseball players can guard several positions during the Little League period, and there are quite a few pitchers and fourth batsmen." "Who is like you?" The mother muttered in a low voice, but only the young Wang Qiu heard this sentence.

"Can you swing two sticks so I can see your posture?" Young Wang Qiu nodded, put down his backpack and pulled out his bat. He was about to bend his knees to warm up when his mother's voice suddenly came from above his head: "Wang Qiu, you're back." The young Wang Qiu was startled and looked up at his mother. "Let's go. Mom will practice with you today." Head coach Okudera was also taken aback, and tried to persuade the boy's mother, but the boy's mother retorted, and the two started arguing back and forth, while the boy Wang Qiu stared at Okubo.This is the first time he has faced a professional baseball player at close range. Thinking that he will become such a person in the future, although the young Wang Qiu has no longing, disappointment or nervousness in his heart, he can't help but stare at the burly man in front of him. .

"Do you want to wave it?" Okubo said. "What's the matter?" At this time, another man wearing the uniform of the Dongqing Giants came over. This is a middle-aged man with gray hair, obviously not an active player. "Hi, I'm Coach Komagome." He showed his white teeth and greeted the boy Wang Qiu and his mother. His tanned and strong body made him look full of youthful vigor. "Mrs. Yamada, Mr. Komagome, you must know him too, right? He is not only a master of sacrifice in the Dongqing Giants, but also a second baseman like an impregnable wall." Head coach Okudera suddenly became very excited, as if he was introducing himself A great man whom I have long admired.

"That was in the past, and I'm just an insignificant character." Komagome smiled wryly. When the head coach of Okuji heard it, he showed a dull expression that had never been seen before, like a manipulative stage puppet, exaggerated gestures and said: "That's not the case! Mr. Komagome is an upright, noble, wise, brave and honest person !" Even the boy Wang Qiu felt puzzled, wondering what kind of medicine the head coach of Okuji had taken. "Wang Qiu, let's practice by ourselves today." The mother took the young Wang Qiu's right hand. "Hey, Wang Qiu, are you willing to just go home like this? Don't you want to accept the guidance of a professional baseball player?" Head coach Okuji said softly and earnestly.

"Don't encourage my son casually." "Don't be so stubborn, Mrs. Yamada, to be honest, you haven't played baseball before." Head coach Okudera said lightly. And the mother just ignored it and was completely unmoved.But at this moment, the dream of driving a giant and taking over the old machine from his parents reappeared in the boy Wang Qiu's mind.In that nightmare, although his mother explained to him the skills of driving giants eloquently, she had never driven a giant herself, and her ideas were outdated.Seeing his mother complaining while walking up the embankment steps, the young Wang Qiu also followed, but he couldn't help turning his head when he reached the top of the embankment.On the court, the head coach Okuji raised his hand, looking at the boy Wang Qiu from afar.

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