Home Categories detective reasoning Koopa of the Kingdom of the Night

Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven

The people in the square were at a loss and panicked. "Hey, who did it?" Some people asked angrily, while others were worried: "How did they do it?" Many people couldn't help but look at Haohao who was on his way home. I found Yi Yixiong and followed behind.In fact, anyone can do it, but the tail stretched out towards Yi Yixiong's back as if guiding me, telling me to "follow that guy". Yi Yixiong lives in the place where the square goes straight to the east, on the inside of the second round road.Yiyixiong's house is bigger than others, with three rooms.One of them is a consultation room, with beds, leather bags and wooden utensils filled with herbs collected and ground by Yi Yixiong.

"Father, is it okay?" A petite toddler walked towards Yi Yixiong and tugged at his feet.In the eyes of my cat, the little girl with shawl hair is innocent, without a trace of shadow in her eyes, she seems to see through everything. "Of course." Yi Yixiong's wife replied holding the baby.Looking up at the soundly sleeping baby with eyes closed, I couldn't help falling asleep too. "Here, Doctor Doctor Xiong, I guessed right, right? Listen to them obediently, and there will be no problems. Even though they are soldiers from the enemy country, they won't be rough on us casually, right?" the wife asked anxiously.

Yi Yixiong's reaction was very slow.Even as a cat, I know that even if I lie in this situation, I should answer "Yes".Anyway, no one knows what will happen in the future. If you want to appease your wife quickly, you should categorically promise "no problem". However, Yi Yixiong hates ambiguous words and lacks consideration.Not only does he not show his emotions, maybe he never considers other people's feelings. Yi Yixiong, who has long hair and slightly curly hair, replied: "It's hard to say it's all right." "You're really too honest." The wife laughed, obviously taking him for granted.

"Ah, Dad, what's the matter with Pipi? What happened to her?" Zai Yixiong's daughter on his lap asked abruptly.Human children always throw out questions in their minds without context, and this moment is no exception. "Pipee? Why do you ask that?" "Pipee is crying. In the square just now, she was listless and still crying." "It's really strange that Pipi can cry." Yi Yixiong's wife said. "Of course Pipi will be afraid, not to mention the current situation." Knowing that the other party couldn't hear me, I still couldn't help talking: "Tell you, Yi Yixiong, Pipi is only afraid when she is violated by Iron Nation soldiers. She is crying because of it."

Yi Yixiong only gave "this cat is really noisy" in his eyes. "I don't want to say that," I continued, "but your wife may be targeted by the soldiers of the Iron Kingdom. If you continue to take it easy, something bad will happen. Do you understand?" What happened to Pipi can happen to anyone .From this point of view, Yi Yixiong should not comment leisurely that "Pipee is also afraid", but should go to Pipi's side and ask her "what happened". Suddenly, the daughter called out softly. "Ah!" She pointed in the air, "Dad, look! It's been a long time since I saw that flying."

Huh?Yi Yixiong's eyes wandered in the air.The same goes for Yi Yixiong's wife and me. "Here, that, that!" The daughter's index finger moved around. "It's a bug." I said.Yi Yixiong shouted at the same time. A black beetle flies into the house.Did you fly the wrong route and break in by mistake?The outer shell of the beetle was lifted, its translucent wings flapped, and it paused on the wall for a while. "Black gold bug!" I couldn't help but get down on the ground. "It's the black gold bug." Yi Yixiong wanted to stretch out his hand and wave it away.

"Isn't that poisonous?" the daughter screamed. "The poison is in the body, it doesn't matter if you touch it." Yi Yixiong remained calm.He didn't change his face, he was probably observing the movement of the bug's feet or something. The wife took refuge in the next room with the baby in her arms, and murmured, "How can there be black gold bugs in this season?" "It was caused by rats." I wanted to explain.The mouse set a trap yesterday to suppress the cat—to suppress me.They picked vines and grasses as materials, and accidentally destroyed the black gold bug's nest.At this moment, panicked bugs must be flying around the city.

"Honey, think of a way? Quickly find a way." Yi Yixiong's wife shouted from the next room. "Get rid of the bugs!" One moment is afraid of the soldiers of the Iron Nation, and the other is afraid of black gold bugs. Human beings are so busy. "This kind of bug itself is not dangerous." Yi Yixiong said again.However, he couldn't catch the flying bugs and stuck in place. Before I knew it, I lowered my body, bent my hind feet, and raised my head high, ready to jump. Count silently "one, two" to move the limbs, "three" to kick the ground, "jump!"

It's a pity that the distance is not enough, I just jumped on the dining table.I bent my knees again and bounced my body into the air. Yi Yixiong opened his mouth wide and saw me jumping up suddenly.The daughter's eyes were shining brightly, as if she was fascinated by it. I stretched out my right front paw, drew an arc while jumping, and stretched upwards quickly.The black beetle swooped over as if being lured. With a "snap", there was a tactile sensation from the palm, hitting the beetle's head. "Win the bid!" The beetle's head was down, it fell with a "swoosh", and it landed with a "slap".

how?I landed smoothly, filled with pride. Heijin Chong fell on his back, his legs twitching non-stop. Yiyixiong and his daughter leaned over, stared at Chong, and then at me. "It's amazing," the two praised again and again, "Flash, jump, jump, hit!" "Well, super neat." "Cat, you are just so handsome. Jump, jump, hit!" My daughter praised me desperately. "Amazing!" It's amazing, it's amazing - hearing the praise, I feel very useful.That's it, it turned out to be that powerful.Thinking to myself, I assumed the posture of beating bugs again, and reproduced the scene just now in slow motion.First, the front foot hit the insect, "here, like this, hit!" I slowed down, explained and repeated the demonstration, hoping that Yiyixiong's daughter could watch it carefully.

My daughter's eyes were shining, and she was obviously in admiration for me.Soon, she suddenly clapped her hands and shouted, "Dad, I have a good idea!" "What idea?" "Use the poison of this bug." Yi Yixiong looked at his daughter's profile and asked, "This kind of bug?" "Isn't it poisonous? Just let the enemy drink it." Yi Yixiong raised his eyebrows slightly, his face still didn't show any emotion, but he said: "I'm really surprised." "What?" Yi Yixiong's wife said. "For the first time a kid really comes up with a good idea." "Stop! Hey, what are you doing!" When Hao Hao's roar came, Yi Yixiong was roasting black gold bugs and grinding them with a stone stick. "Ah, it's Haohao." Yiyixiong's daughter noticed him first, stood by the door and pointed to the outside, and said, "Dad, look." Unfortunately, Yiyixiong has no skills at all. I replaced Yi Yixiong and walked to his daughter.It is indeed Haohao. Instead of walking, he was held up by four soldiers and forcibly dragged away.Hao Hao's hands and feet were grabbed by a soldier, and he shouted "Where are you taking me?" all the way.As soon as the strong man struggled, the four soldiers staggered.However, the soldiers were very desperate, and immediately rearranged their posture and continued to move forward. I hurried out of the house and jogged to catch up with him. Someone from the house beside Yuandao also heard Hao Hao's call, and stuck their heads out to check.The soldiers pointed their guns at them, yelled "stay at home", and they retreated. Grey the Gray watched as Hog Howe was carried away.He was still the same as before, leisurely asking me who was chasing after me: "What's the matter?" "Probably captured." "Haohao? Why?" "I don't know." A guess suddenly appeared in my mind. "Hey, didn't a soldier from the Iron Nation get killed? Probably looking for the murderer." "Is there such a thing?" Gray responded leisurely. "Oh, it seems there is. But what does it have to do with Hao Hao's yelling there?" "I'm afraid I'm suspicious of Hao Hao." It must be true. "Really?" Gray looked at Haohao who was taken away leisurely, and continued: "Ah, just to mention, I was near Haohao's house just now—ah, it was just now, but it wasn't so just now." Gray's oblique remarks made me quite impatient. "How are you near Haohao's house?" "Saw the acid man." "Is he on patrol?" "It should be, but when Haohao's son went to urinate behind the house, the sour man stopped him." "The sour man called Hao Hao's son?" "Well, I gave him something." "Sour man?" Why did the sour man give something to Haohao's son?It is inexplicable. "Then, talk furtively." "Is this related to Hao Hao being taken away?" "Where is it clear?" "I'm going to find out the situation." Finished speaking.I move on. "Okay, bring that guy in." The one-eyed soldier stood in front of Guan's house, pointing at Haohao and giving orders.Hao Hao, who kept struggling and roaring, was dragged into the house by four Iron Nation soldiers. There is a wooden chair in the room.The one-eyed soldier gave an order, and the four soldiers quickly grabbed Haohao's hands and feet and tied him to the chair.The kind of thin and strong grass called rope tendrils is very difficult to break.I remembered the trap the mouse set yesterday. "What are you doing!" Hao Hao shouted.As if he had become a part of the chair, he shook his body desperately. "Hello." The one-eyed soldier nodded towards the soldiers by the wall.Two soldiers pushed open a large cabinet, and a space appeared behind the cabinet.It was dark, but there was another room inside. I have been to Guan's house several times, and it was the first time I knew that there was a secret room on the other side of the wall. "Hey, Haohao, didn't I tell you to be quiet!" Accompanied by a crash, Haohao and his chair fell to the ground. The sour man kicked Hao Hao down from the side. Oh, so the sour man is here!In a room full of strangers, it's nice to see faces you know.The sour man's words and deeds are exactly the same as the sour man I am familiar with, which also makes me feel at ease.It has to be rough and cruel to look like a sour person. "The sour man, it's you." Hao Hao fell to the ground, staring at the sour man sharply.His expression was tense, twitching slightly, and he must have been angry. "Did you blame me?" The sour man knelt down, "Creating blame? What do you mean?" He picked up a small stone on the ground and scraped Haohao's cheek. The one-eyed soldier interjected, "He didn't mention your name." "Listen, I wasn't the one who killed your companions." "Really?" The acid man stood up.Is it because the corners of the mouth are slightly raised?It seems to be mocking and fooling Haohao. "It's not me. Sour man, didn't you do that?" Haohao stared at sour man. "What are you talking about?" "Didn't you kill soldiers on impulse, as usual?" The sour man kicked suddenly, Haohao moaned. "It's best to search this guy's home." The sour man raised his head and pointed at Hao Hao. "Search his home?" The one-eyed soldier asked calmly. "Perhaps there are dangerous weapons hidden in his house." "How is it possible?" Haohao said disdainfully. However, the sour man was still there, and said fluently: "Actually, I haven't been able to find a dagger for protection recently. Last night, someone saw a guy who looked like you sneak in and leave after a while. What does this mean?" The one-eyed soldier stared at Hao Hao in surprise. "You secretly gave it to Hao Hao's son!" I remembered what Gray had mentioned.The sour man pretended to be kind, and cleverly suggested to Haohao's son, "If something happens, use it as a weapon", or "If Haohao has an accident, use it to protect your mother", and then give him the knife? "Absurd, there should be a limit to nonsense." Hao Hao was dumbfounded. "Go and search my house, it will be a waste of effort." He looked around at the soldiers. The one-eyed soldier thought for a moment, and sent three people out. "Haohao, the situation is not good. Your son will be found to have a knife." I issued a warning, but of course Haohao didn't understand. During this period, four soldiers moved Hao Hao and the chair to the other side of the wall. Is there a room under the ground? The one-eyed captain also disappeared into the wall, and I naturally wanted to follow, but the two remaining soldiers put the cabinet back in place, blocking the entrance. Acid Man also appears to be left behind.With an "ah", he opened his mouth in a daze, and then said to the soldier standing by the cabinet, "Hey, let me in." The soldiers turned a blind eye.In the past, as long as you put on airs and show your prestige, any request can be fulfilled. The sour man flinched and said "Hello", but the soldiers didn't even look at him. OK, what to do?I use my brain. "Cat, you're really free." The soldier in front said to me, maybe he deliberately accosted me to ignore the acid. "There's nothing good here." He made a "shh, shh" sound and waved his hands. "What plans do you soldiers of the Iron Nation have in the future?" I asked, but of course the other party would not answer. In desperation, I left Guan's house. However, I didn't give up. Maybe peep from the outside. "The wall blocked by the cabinet is here, so..." I recalled the layout of the room, walked around the room along the outer wall, came to the back, and found a small hole. I'm so excited, maybe I can use it to peep. Can you see inside?I leaned forward.It was dark in front of my eyes, and I couldn't see the situation clearly.I stick out my front foot, but can only tuck in a little.Can't the hole be bigger? Dig a little with your claws.Stones fell, but only here and there.Can't see anything, can't get in. It's a pity, if you can get in, maybe you can sneak into the ground. I scratched behind my ears with my hind feet, groomed my hair, and guessed Haohao's situation by the way. Will he be subjected to violence? Because he killed Iron Nation soldiers? Haohao shouldn't have done anything, but was he going to be abused? Suddenly, I remembered the words of Master Naughty. Can't defy.Orders must be obeyed.Not only the necessary things will be taken away, but also the unnecessary things will be taken away.If you resist, you will be treated violently, and even your life will be in danger.If the victor has this idea, even if he does not resist, he will still be violently treated.That's what defeat is. That sour man was also defiant in the past, arbitrarily and unreasonably abusing people. Are Iron Nation soldiers equal to a bunch of acid men?Just by imagining it, I couldn't help sighing: "If that's the case, it really sucks." Glancing at my own tail, I lick it, yawn, and lick clean between the toes on my front foot.When it comes to hair grooming, as long as you start, you can't help being addicted, and you can't stop.I concentrated on licking for a while, then looked up inadvertently, and they were in sight. It's a mouse. The mice seem to have noticed me, and they turned their heads to look here, and they froze.In an instant, the impulse to chase emerged in the body, and at the same time, a sense of vigilance emerged. Could it be a trap?I just fell for it yesterday, and I don't want to fall into the mouse's trap again. The instructions from Taikoo gradually eroded my head, but I barely held back. As always, the mice looked at me innocently, probably trying to gauge the timing of their escape. "Don't move!" I yelled.The mice shuddered. "As soon as you ran, we couldn't help but want to chase you. Now I also want to jump on you, but I can bear it. If you run away, I'm afraid I won't be able to restrain myself." Even explaining to the mouse is tantamount to torture. Two of the mice looked at each other, then turned to me and stood up straight. I thought it was all right, so I approached them.I warned myself not to attack the other party, and to move forward slowly.Then, I looked at the two mice and said: "I have something to ask you." I caught a glimpse of their unique thin and smooth tails, and I immediately looked away.Rat tails can irritate cats and are very dangerous. "Can you understand me?" The other party was silent, and I was quite concerned. "Yes," replied the mouse on the right, "we understand." "We are hesitating whether we can speak." The mouse on the left said. "Why not? You say what you want to say." "yes." "yes." They are still well-behaved, and their words and sentences are also courteous. "I have something to ask you." "You just said that." "Yes, I just said it." The pace was disrupted.Then, I looked back at the Guan people behind me. "I'd like to ask you to check out the situation inside the house." "what?" "There is a room that cannot be entered from the house, nor can it be seen from the outside." I continued: "However, there is a small hole." "A small hole?" "The size of the hole, let alone getting in, I can't even fit my front foot." "It's easy to replace us." "Do you mean that?" "You guys are really smart." "Are we smart?" "Are we?" "Thanks for your help." "Where is the hole?" "Let's go and see." I was rather surprised at the unsuspecting consent of the two mice.They followed me towards the outer wall of the house. I used my feet to point to the cave I had just peeped at, that is, the broken part of the stone wall between the wall and the ground.The two mice lowered their bodies, and after getting their heads in, they stopped temporarily and turned back in front of me. "Indeed, we should be fine." "Great. Can you go in right away and have a look?" "Then what? What's in it?" "What are we going to do?" "After entering..." I don't know what's going on inside, it's all just speculation. "I'll probably see a lot of humans. A burly man was tied to a chair, and soldiers from the Iron Nation..." Halfway through the speech, I suddenly thought that mice can't distinguish humans. They also mentioned: "Human beings are human beings, we can't tell the difference." I see.So, I taught the mouse how to tell.The humans who are tied to the chairs are "homos", and the many humans with painted faces are "soldiers".A man with one eye covered with a cloth is called a "soldier commander".In short, there should be these three types of people. Please remember what they said and what they did, and then tell me. "When are we coming back?" "When..." I thought for a moment. "I hope you will understand the situation before turning back, but it will be troublesome to stay too long, so I will leave it to you to judge." "Leave it to us to judge?" "In case you stay too late, I can't wait and may leave first. In short, come back and report when you see what you can tell me." "That's it." "Okay." The mice did not doubt my words, nor did they resist, and obediently obeyed the instructions. Not thinking about this, I stopped the two mice that were about to go into the cave. Seeing the mice stop and turn around, I warned: "If you encounter danger, you must run away immediately. Your safety is more important than my entrustment." "Okay." The mice got into the hole head first, then their bodies, and their straight tails disappeared quickly. "Mr. Dom, who cares about mice." I couldn't help laughing at myself.
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