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Chapter 15 15. Balakalma

fountain of heaven 阿瑟·克拉克 2394Words 2018-03-14
Two young monks came in, one holding a tray of rice, fruit and pancakes, and the other holding the never-ending teapot.Among the dishes, not one is meat.As far as Morgan knew, eggs were also on the list.However, the word "prohibited" does not apply here; there is a well-defined list of permissible things, of which the enjoyment of life takes a back seat. After trying a few dishes he had never tried before, Morgan gave Mahanayagai-Tello a questioning look.The elder shook his head a few times. "We don't eat before noon. Our minds are particularly clear in the morning. During this time, we shouldn't have any distracting thoughts."

This was beyond Morgan's comprehension.For him, an empty stomach was always a factor that would induce him to drop work.Because of his natural health, he was accustomed to treat the body and the mind as one. Morgan's eyes turned involuntarily to the Buddha statue.It is likely that this is indeed a statue - for its base casts a shadow.Of course, the avatar itself could still be nothing more than a hologram... However, this head is indeed a work of art.Like the face of the Mona Lisa, the Buddha's face reflects the emotions of the viewer on the one hand, and at the same time strongly influences the emotions of the viewer.His eyes are like two bottomless lakes. Under his gaze, it gives people the feeling of "all four things are empty" or "everything is prepared for me".There was a smile on the lips, even more elusive than Jokonta's.It's hard to tell if it's a smile or not?Or is it just an effect of lighting?Just then the smile disappeared and was replaced by an air of detached serenity.Morgan could hardly take his eyes off the hypnotizing face...

"I don't think you will refuse to accept this little souvenir," Mahanayagai-Tello said. Morgan took a sheet of paper that was handed him; it was the parchment of an ancient codex, covered with arcane symbols curled like spirals, and Morgan recognized it as Taborabani script. "Thank you," he said, "what is this?" "This is a copy of the agreement between King Ravindra and Mah-Sanghe. According to your era, it was signed in 854. This document confirms the perpetual title of this monastery to the land occupied by the temple. Honestly , For the various terms stipulated in this document, even foreign predators recognize it." Mahanayagai-Tello said meaningfully.

"However, as I understand it, the 854 agreement only talked about the land within the temple, that is, the land clearly marked by the walls of the temple; we have no right to intervene in the land outside the temple." Morgan tried. Rebuttal in a soft tone. "However, we have the rights shared by all property rights holders. If our neighbors insist on causing us various inconveniences, we can file a complaint with various litigation agencies at all levels. There are similar precedents." The elder replied without giving an inch. . "I know, it's about building the cable car."

A smile appeared on Mahanayagai-Tello's lips: "I can see that you had ample prior knowledge of the circumstances. Indeed, we had strong objections at the time." He paused, then added: "The situation was complicated, but the When things are cleared up, I can coexist completely. Tourists are satisfied at the viewing platform, and for real pilgrims, we are more than happy to receive them on the top of the mountain at any time! ” "Perhaps, the same method can be used to deal with it? For us, hundreds of meters can't solve any problems. We won't touch the top of the mountain. We just need to carve out another platform on the cliff..." Morgan Said pretending to make concessions.

Under the gaze of the monks, Morgan felt uncomfortable.He had no doubt that they knew all too well the absurdity of the idea, but he should bring it up anyway - even if it was just to deal with the wrist. "Dr. Morgan, your humor is really different," Mahanayagai-Tello finally broke the silence: "If your huge and strange structure is installed here, then what is the holy mountain?" What is there to say about the atmosphere? We have tried our best to maintain the peace and tranquility that has lasted for 3,000 years? Do you think we will betray the millions of good men and women who yearn for this holy place?"

"I understand your feelings," Morgan said, "We will do everything possible not to cause you any trouble. If the foundation of the lift is made underground, the entire appearance of the holy mountain will be completely unaffected, and even the famous Sri Lankan Likonda Mountain Shadow City..." Mahanayagai-Tello glanced at his secretary, who immediately cast a hostile look at Morgan: "What about the noise problem?" "He's right." Morgan thought: "The cargo will leave the hoistway at hundreds of kilometers per hour as it ascends. The higher the initial velocity, the smaller the stress in the load-bearing structure. The overload will not be too great. But the sailing speed of the space capsule will be close to the speed of sound."

He said loudly: "Of course there will be noise, but it's better than being next to a giant airport." "This is so consoling." Mahanayagai-Tello said, his expression still so unpredictable.However, the young monk was annoyed to such an extent that it was difficult to hide: "Did you think we haven't heard enough of the rumble of spaceships entering the atmosphere? Now you're going to shoot a shock wave right in front of our walls!" "The main energy of the sound waves will be absorbed by the orbital tower itself," Morgan solemnly declared, "and when the spacecraft is grounded, the mountain will be even quieter."

"How fresh! Our hearing will enjoy continuous roars instead of sparse oscillations." Santa Barakalma retorted unceremoniously. Had to change the subject.Morgan was going to cautiously switch his footing to a religion that was not at all reliable. "Didn't you find that our goals are very similar?" He asked: "My space orbital tower is actually a continuation of your stairway. I just extended it to the real heaven." Santa Balakalma was so enraged by the profanity that he couldn't even speak.This time it was Mahanayagai-Tello who relieved him. "It's a very unusual idea," he said coldly, "but our philosophy says no to the underworld. The way to save all living beings has to be found in this world. Do you know the story of the Tower of Babylon?" ?”

"Can't remember." Morgan admitted helplessly. "I would advise you to re-read the Old Testament. That story is also about an attempt to build a structure capable of climbing up to heaven. Nothing came of it—people couldn't understand each other because they spoke different languages." "That difficulty probably won't frighten us," Morgan replied. However, they do speak different languages.Now, as when humans conversed with interplanetary vehicles, a gulf of mutual lack of understanding runs between the interlocutors, a gulf that may never be bridged.

"What if the space orbital tower suddenly collapses?..." This time it was Morgan's turn to look Santa Balakalma in the eye. "It won't collapse," he said with the firm conviction characteristic of the builder of the super bridge that connects two continents. Yet Morgan was well aware that it was impossible to be absolutely certain on such matters.Of course the hard-hearted Balakalma knew about this.
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