Home Categories science fiction The Legend of Starship Heroes

Chapter 6 Chapter 4 Giant Ship

The Legend of Starship Heroes 苏逸平 8901Words 2018-03-14
From the distant sky, at this time, many brightly colored aircraft appeared "puff puff puff". They were military combat aircraft of the Earth Defense Force. Although bright and beautiful, it seems lonely against the backdrop of the giant ship. AD 2222, at 14:18 p.m., the headquarters of the Earth Defense Force coalition. The huge conference hall of the Defense Force headquarters turned into a vast cosmic star map at this time. Several large planets in the solar system are distributed in the deep blue space, and many famous nebulae outside the system can be seen occasionally. But in the center of the star map, there are a dozen or so middle-aged men in bright uniforms. Anyone who has a little knowledge of the military system of this era can recognize that these people are all the top military leaders of the military regions of the earth.

In such a cosmic scene, the faces of every military general are very heavy. Standing in the center of them is a very young female officer. At this moment, she is fluently describing the strategic position on the star map of the solar system. Following her narration, there are several simulated bright spots that are not moving on the three-dimensional virtual star map. "...According to our assessment, the origin of 'they' should be the galaxies around the Centaurus constellation. We don't know much about the galaxies in this area, and there is no clear information..."

"Centaurus constellation?" A general in white clothes interrupted her narration. He was a curly-haired man with dark skin. ?” "The centaur constellation, also known as Sagittarius, is one of the constellations of the zodiac. In ancient China, it also had a name called 'Nandou Xing'," the young female officer said, and displayed on the side of the star map Window, projecting a galaxy map of the Centaurus constellation, "This galaxy belongs to an extremely unfamiliar field on our interstellar diplomacy map. According to records, we have never had any contact with civilizations there, and we have never had any contact with our friendly interstellar civilization. Among the civilizations, there is no information about this galaxy."

"So, it's completely blank, isn't it?" Sankubad snorted and shook his head. On the star map of the solar system, several red bright spots slowly appeared at this time, and a faint red bright line was left on the passing trajectory. "Seven of their interstellar giant ships have been seen so far. Two are near the moon, two are at the edge of the atmosphere, and three have entered the atmosphere. They are parked in the capital of Angels, Manhattan in the United States, and China over the new city of Xianyang." A thin, bald general waved his hands vigorously at this time, and said impatiently: "Then it's over? The soldiers are approaching the city, and such a big warship has already been killed in front of the door. What else is there to talk about? Of course it's a fucking fight!" !"

Everyone recognized this irritable general as General Bo Xiu, a famous general in the Asian military region. He was a rather difficult dictatorial strongman in the Asian region. When they heard what he said, the generals frowned. No one could tell for sure. A white-haired general in red at this moment winked at the female officer explaining, and the female officer nodded. "Strictly speaking, it is difficult for us to respond to the actions of the Centaur Galaxy. The biggest problem is that we don't know anything about them, so these three giant interstellar ships... Please pay attention, sirs, It's a ship, not a battleship, and we don't know the real intention."

She paused, and then projected a three-dimensional document on another window. "And according to the civilization exchange agreement we signed with the nineteen galaxies in the last century, because of the differences in races, civilizations, histories, and even biological forms among the planets, unless we can confirm that the Centaur ships are hostile, otherwise We cannot take any adverse action." "Then let people stand in front of our bed like this?" Bo Xiu roared, "I'm the first to object to this! Let others be slaughtered, I can't do it!" The white-haired general's eyes were heavy, and he said slowly after a while: "No matter what, the interstellar agreement must be abided by, and there is one thing you must know..."

The light spot of the star map moved to the asteroid belt between the earth and Mars, and began to enlarge. All the generals looked at the star map intently, but all exclaimed. There, another centaur giant ship was parked, but this giant ship was so big that it was unbelievable that it was a technological product made by humans. "I agree with General Bo Xiu to a certain extent. I don't think the centaur's visit has any good intentions, but I think we should be very cautious in how we respond." The star map pointed out the relevant data of this starship. "Its diameter is almost a thousand kilometers, almost the size of a small satellite. We have never heard of such a large man-made object. In other words, their level of civilization cannot be underestimated. It is very likely that It is far above us, and if one fails, it may cause a great disaster on the earth."

Another general couldn't help asking: "But can we really do nothing? If they are hostile, are we really going to be slaughtered?" "Of course not," said the female military officer who was explaining: "According to the interstellar common agreement, although the civilizations of the planets have different customs, there must be a buffer period between the customs, and the 'customs' cannot be used blindly." different' reasons, and the buffer period in our galaxy agreement is seventy-two galactic kilometers, during this period, we can only try to communicate with them in a diplomatic way."

"Seventy-two hours?" The general lost his voice: "That's a good idea. After three days, if there is a fight or a peace, you will know the result. What's the point of communication! You can't even figure out what to say. What else can we communicate?" General Bo Xiu glared at him, and said loudly: "Pig? Didn't you hear that it is seventy-two galactic kilometers? That's one hundred and eighty earth days, half a year!" Rong Qiang? I still think it's a fucking fight!" The white-haired general pondered for a while before slowly saying: "I still agree to wait patiently for this buffer period, because the Interstellar Convention stipulates that if we wait for this buffer period, we have already complied with interstellar conventions. At that time, even if the centaurs have any hostility, the major star regions will not stand still, unless..." He looked around at the generals around him meaningfully, "Unless there are people on our planet who are not of the same mind."

"You are very defeatist, General Crewe," General Persio glared at him coldly, "If people on Earth have such negative thoughts, one day, those guys from extraterrestrials will take us Eat up!" The white-haired Crewe gave General Bo Xiu a glance, his eyes flashed with a strange light. "I know what's going on in your mind, Bo Xiu," he said quietly, "but as long as I'm still the chairman of the military committee, I have the final say on everything." Bo Xiu sneered slightly, and made a quick gesture of waving his arms with a "tiger".

"That's right, as long as you are still the chairman, you can have the final say," he said with a gloomy and cruel look on his face, "However, I'm afraid you won't be sitting on the chairman's seat for long." After saying this, he glared at the generals beside him, turned his head and left. General Crewe watched his leaving back thoughtfully for a long time, with a worried expression on his face. "As long as there is a sliver of cruelty, no matter how outstanding the military exploits are," he murmured, maybe he was talking to the military generals present, or maybe just to himself, "it will only cause more damage. great suffering." He pondered for a while before turning his attention back to the Centaur warship on the star map. "Although Bo Xiu is a madman with poor soldiers and deposed martial arts, few people can match his military knowledge," General Crewe said, "Actually, I also think that the centaur came with bad intentions this time, but Due to the restrictions of the interstellar contract, we are still unable to take the initiative, because as long as the war starts because of us, regardless of the odds of winning, the earth will be devastated, because if we start the war, if we want to fight against the centaurs , we can only do it on our own, while other galaxies will stand by and watch." Another general from the European Military Region said: "However, I don't think we will be at a disadvantage in terms of combat power. Maybe their technological strength is stronger than ours, but don't forget, we have the strongest weapon... ..." As soon as the words came out, the generals nodded in agreement, and even the Klute army smiled and nodded to express their agreement with him. Moreover, thinking of this weapon, everyone seemed to have a reassurance in their hearts, and felt a lot more at ease. "Because we have 'Pantula nucleic acid', I think it's a good idea to wait patiently for the buffer period to pass." General Crewe said, "Because..." Among the generals, a firm and clear voice came from a dark corner at this moment. Hearing this person's voice, everyone felt a lot more at ease, as if they saw a ray of light in the long, dark tunnel. "Because there is no war, it can be war. We don't fight them, but we can reserve the energy to beat them during these days!" The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a thin head and a middle-aged man who looked like a poet rather than a soldier. "French Republic, Colonel Morido," General Crewe nodded approvingly, "I hope to hear your opinion." In the military field of the 22nd century AD, when it comes to Colonel Morido of the French Republic, it can be said that he is a figure that everyone knows and everyone knows. Morido was an assistant engineer who studied Pandora's nucleic acid in his early years. However, in a battle against intelligent terrorists, all his colleagues were martyred due to the negligence of the military and police. At the age of seventeen, he joined the junior military academy, and in just four years without precedent, he was promoted from a very low-level upper class soldier to a colonel of the Earth Alliance Army. Although he has not been in the military for too long, some military figures have compared him with the famous ancient French general Napoleon in private. In addition to the knowledge of Pandora nucleic acid, Morido is a complete military genius. Although there are no large-scale battles on the earth in the 22nd century, his outstanding military talents are even displayed in some small regional battles. . Facing the sudden centaur army, General Crewe, who has been a soldier all his life and has made countless military exploits, also wanted to hear Morido's opinion. "I don't advocate war. In fact, if the problem can be solved without war, it is the best solution," Morido said quietly, his face was fair and gentle, but deep in his eyes was It seems to have a blazing flame, "This kind of statement was said by a military strategist named Sun Wu as early as in ancient China." General Crewe nodded, "I know, 'If you win without fighting, you will win a thousand miles away'." "Today, I think that the centaur legion came to the earth. In fact, they have long planned to fight, because no matter how grand they are on different planets and different customs, they must have plans when they come to the earth today." "Yes," Crewe nodded, "I've already said that just now." "At first glance, this interstellar buffer period seems to be an agreement that binds our hands and feet, but in fact it is a condition that is very beneficial to us." "How do you know that?" A general asked curiously. "Because sometimes war is not just a simple act of combat. It involves a wide range of levels. All economics, politics, commerce, industry, and even life are all related to war. From the perspective of industry, our military power has not contributed to the war. This kind of interstellar war has been prepared, because since the history of our mankind, there has never been a precedent for war with other planets. Barely speaking, only the "Insect Century" event in the United States in the early 21st century, because the United States at that time The government used neutron bombs to attack the Shiheke Stars, which can be regarded as the first and only interstellar war. However, if a war breaks out with the Centaur Star Legion now, it will be a full-scale interstellar war. Compared with traditional warfare, this will be a war we have never seen before!" "In your opinion, how should we prepare?" "Even though we have space technology that does not lag behind other star regions, we do not have enough troops to fight in space. Therefore, I think our first task during the six-month buffer period is to build a A mighty interstellar force." Morido's Star Wars analysis ends here for the time being, because among the generals who listened, except for the military chairman Crewe who listened carefully to the details, some other generals showed embarrassment, and some didn't take it seriously. Seeing such a reaction, Morido was not surprised, because he knew that one of the essences of human beings is ignorance of reality, caring about the small details in front of them, but easily ignoring the catastrophe in front of them. Especially such an opinion comes from a little colonel who is not of high class status. In fact, the idea of ​​building a powerful interstellar force has been proposed a hundred years ago, but no country or government has ever been able to put it into practice, because the concept of "enemies from extraterrestrials" has always remained in the subject of science fiction Although thanks to Pandora's nucleic acid technology in the 21st century, human civilization has officially started contact with alien civilizations, but in the face of countless races in the vast universe, Earth's understanding of alien civilizations is still almost unknown . As a result, the idea of ​​building an interstellar force is always aborted, and the arguments against it are often loud and clear. "The idea of ​​building an interstellar force is actually the best proof of the inferiority of human beings." In the 21st century AD, a political figure who opposed the construction of an interstellar force quoted the theory of an ancient 20th century science fiction writer and pointed out: "Just because we It is a very irresponsible behavior to assume that alien civilizations are also warlike, which is undoubtedly tantamount to the stupid behavior of 'buying weapons to deal with one's own shadow', and it is the legacy of ancient colonial imperialism!" In addition, the most common reason for objection often makes those who advocate Star Wars military power speechless, because "even people's livelihood supplies are almost unaffordable, so how can there be money to engage in such high-priced military power?" In the quiet meeting hall, the giant ships of the Centaur Legion were still parked in the vast starry sky, and the generals from various military regions had left, leaving Morido standing there quietly. After a long time, he let out a long sigh, as if he could already see the imminent catastrophe in the near future. "So, they blocked us on the beach. Fortunately, that strange alien giant ship suddenly appeared in the sky, which frightened the people of 'Tianlongtang', and Qing He and I had a chance to escape secretly. " In the small unit where Jeff Ren lived, Yao De said with lingering fear.He and Ren Qinghe fled from the beach in a panic, and the man in black in Tianlongtang was also shocked by the appearance of the centaur giant ship, and forgot his mission, which allowed Yao De and Ren Qinghe to escape the catastrophe . However, the streets of the city have become panic-stricken because of this terrible vision. Most of the sky is almost covered by the ugly giant ship. Many people look up at the sky, dumbfounded and speechless. Looking at the sky to see the gods, he caused a serious serial car accident. Some city residents began to prepare clothes hysterically and planned to flee their homes. Unscrupulous elements in the city also took advantage of the chaos to loot, some set fires, and some stole. The police were also exhausted because of too many crimes, so they simply refused to arrest them. People, just hid in the bureau and couldn't stop panting. Jeff Ren's residence is located on the 349th floor of the building. Although he is at such a high altitude, he still has to look up to see the giant ship of the Centaur constellation. It can be seen how huge and terrifying that kind of giant ship is. However, Yao De and Ren Jiefu have more worries at the moment. "I think it may be difficult to solve the problem caused this time," Ren Jiefu shook his head, "According to what you said, I think someone from 'Tianlongtang' must have been looking for you, although because of this encounter Things..." He pointed to the giant alien ship in the sky: "But there is no guarantee that they won't come to trouble you again, um..." He pondered for a long time before shaking his head, "You'd better find a place to hide A few days! When the news of the matter passes, see how Qing Xing is, and I will go find you again." "Is it so serious?" Yao De wondered, "Do you really want me to hide?" "It's just that serious. I'm afraid that if you don't pay attention, your body may be floating in Angel Bay in a few days." "Where are we going to hide?" Yao De's nonchalant expression appeared again, and he said with a relaxed smile, "My mother passed away a long time ago, and only you friends are left..." Suddenly, Ren Qinghe said "Ah", Yao De knew what she remembered, shook his head, motioned her not to say it. In Ren Qinghe's thinking, since Yao De is a descendant of the Yao family, it is better to ask the family for help, because the Yao family in the imperial capital is very powerful, maybe even the "Tianlongtang" belongs to them. Yao De smiled and looked at Ren Qinghe again. "Where are we going to hide?" He shrugged. "I think it's better to forget it! Anyway, I only have this little life. If I want to come and get it, let them get it!" Jeff Ren glared at him. "If Xiaoxiang is here now, I can guarantee that she will knock a big hole in your forehead," Ren Jiefu said angrily, "Have you ever thought that your own life may be worthless, but other people's lives are worthless?" What about it? Like today when you and Qing He met those people, if something happens to you, do you think Qing He will also be hurt?" Yao De was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything more.He knew that Ren Jiefu and Qing He had depended on each other since they were young, and the one who loved him the most was this younger sister. Then again, if something happened to Qing He, even if he died, he would not be able to make up for such regrets to Ren Jiefu. Jeff Ren stood in front of the window, tapped the window sill with his slender fingers, humming a song unconsciously. After listening to a few words, Yao De felt that this song was a bit familiar. After thinking for a while, he remembered that this song was "Greyson the Hero of Time" sung by the blind singer Rema the night before. Then, the two of them had a flash of inspiration at the same time, and they yelled out "Ah!" "Qingyun Mountain!" "Go find that Rema!" "On the top of Qingyun Mountain, I'm waiting for Your Excellency." This is what the mysterious blind singer said to Yao De and others the night before. His guitar skills are superb. If you have the opportunity to ask him for advice, it must be a very rare experience. Especially when organizations like "Tianlongtang" are hunting down. In the middle of the night, Yao De took a few simple clothes and climbed up Qingyun Mountain in the suburbs, planning to meet the mysterious blind singer Rema there. Jeff Ren had a buddy build a hut in Qingyun Mountain a few years ago, but no one lived in it, so he arranged for Yao De to live in that hut for a few days to escape the entanglement of Tianlongtang. Originally, Ren Qinghe also wanted to come, but both Yao De and Ren Jiefu felt that having more of her would be more dangerous, and if something happened, no one would be able to take care of them, so they didn't let her come. In fact, Qingyun Mountain is not entirely a mountain. It is just a hill formed by the accumulation of waste soil in the industrial age. The hill, after nearly a hundred years of operation, the whole mountain is also lush and lush, a lush green scene. It took Yao De less than an hour to climb to the top of the mountain. In the darkness, he saw Rema sitting on a tree holding a guitar from a distance. "You're here." Rema smiled approvingly. "I'm here!" Yao De nodded. However, at this time, Yao De remembered one thing. He only knew that Rema wanted him to come, and what would he do after he came? In the night, Yao De looked at Rema who was sitting on the tree curiously, but was surprised to find that it was an oleander-cheeked tree. Although the tree was still tall, about the height of two people, but the Oleander trees are not tough, let alone sitting on them, even climbing them is a bit difficult. But Rema seemed to be weightless, sitting there lightly, a gust of wind blew by, and slowly drifted with the wind. He looked up at the sky, as if in a trance, although he should not be able to see anything, but Yao De subtly felt that Rema's heart should be clearer than most people with eyes. After a while, Rema waved his right hand lightly. Like Yao De, he didn't like to use playing instruments such as "pick" to block the touch on his hand. When he passed the fingering, the air was softly filled with The strings of the guitar. The chord sound seems to have magical power, quietly flowing into Yao De's mind. At this moment, Rema is playing a very common song "Moonlight in a Deserted City", but the chord sound is like flowing water, like flowing clouds, closing his eyes, as if You can really see a ruined ancient city, stones scattered on the brick walls, and a lonely moonlight exposed from the gaps in the ancient city. Yao De was absorbed in listening to the guitar played by Rema, completely forgetting the purpose of his visit and the question just now, just listening to the soft music in a daze, and occasionally pressing the air with his fingers, as if he wanted to play it too. music. However, although the music flowed into my mind so smoothly, my virtual fingering was so slow.It seems to be a bland song, but it is difficult to play it. After playing the song "Moonlight in a Deserted City", the piano sound flowed and became high-pitched. At first, it was a series of meteor-like allegro, and then stopped abruptly. After one or two beats, the melody that appeared made Yao De " Ah" exclaimed. The familiar melody floated in the air, every note, every bar was very familiar, but Rema's fingering seemed to be magical, bringing the familiar tune into another realm. It's like the cold eyes of a heartless woman, saying the last sentence to you, and then pushing you into the infinite abyss. It's like taking the most bitter poison, but the pain in my heart makes the poison sweet. Yao De has sung this song "Take the Poison You Adjusted" for many years, but he has never felt such a sad feeling. A gentle wind blew, and there was a coolness like moisture on the cheeks.Only then did Yao De realize that two lines of tears had flowed down his face. The sound of the piano gradually stopped, and with a sound of "cha", Rema pressed his palm on the guitar strings, and all the sadness, sighs, and longing faded away at this moment, but the sound of the piano just now was like an endless life, still Mistyly swaying in the night wind. Yao De stared blankly at his figure, still unable to speak. After a long time, Rema said leisurely: "You also play the guitar, don't you?" Yao De thought for a long time before whispering: "Originally yes," his voice was a little ecstatic, not sure, "but now I don't know whether I can play the guitar or not. " Rema smiled slightly, his smile looked mysterious in the night, but revealed gentle kindness. "You will," he said, "if you have a heart, you can play the guitar very well." "But, fingering like yours, I don't think I can do it even if I practice it for another ten years." Yao De said sincerely: "It's too difficult, really difficult." "Playing the guitar with your fingers is of course very difficult. If you don't put your heart into it, even if you practice it for thousands of years, you will end up with an empty body without a soul." Yao De listened intently to Rema's leisurely narration, while carefully chewing on the meaning of his words. "The heart is in it, and the art is in it." Rema continued fluently: "Art is born from the heart, and the heart is born from the mind. A beautiful song requires a fully devoted heart." "If you have the heart, can you play good music?" "If you have the heart, you can play the best wind music, but the best music is still not the best music." "How can I play the best music?" Rema smiled slightly, as if sighing slightly too. "A benevolent heart, full of caring, can play the best music," Rema said: "The best music does not come from fingering, nor from hard training, but from your heart, that selfless Love." "How can we have selfless love?" Yao De asked curiously. This time, Rema did not answer as smoothly as before, but suddenly fell silent. After a long time, he said quietly: "You are a rock musician, aren't you?" Yao De nodded. "We are destined to meet each other in such troubled times. Would you like to learn how to play the guitar with me?" Rema tilted his head and asked Yao De: "I was once a rock musician, would you like to join me?" Help me, bring back that wild memory?" Hearing what he said, Yao De was very happy and nodded hurriedly. "Yes, yes," he said with a joyful smile, "I would like to ask you to be my teacher and learn guitar fingering from my teacher." "The appellation master-student is just an illusion. What we need to learn is only the method of playing the guitar. Don't mention the master-student theory in the future." "Yes Yes." "Also, I have something very important to ask you to agree to." Yao De nodded quickly, "Senior, please speak directly." "What about seniors and juniors?" Rema laughed and said, "I hate this ignorant reputation the most in my life. My name is Rema. You can call me that directly, or you can call me Lao Lei as you like." "yes." "What is it?" Rema scolded with a smile, "I said, call me Rema, or Old Lei!" Yao De hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Rema." "Isn't that enough? Obsession with formality and reputation for ethics are nothing more than bullshit, but it's just learning to play the guitar! What's so great about it, where did I just say it?" "It is said that there is an important thing that I want to promise." "Yes! That's the thing," Rema seemed to be in a good mood, the previous indifferent expression had faded, as if he had returned to the past, and there was already a bit of pride, "But it's not just one thing, it's several things. thing." "Ex... No, Rema, please tell me." Rema laughed loudly, and with a light vertical leap, he leaped from the tree without any effort, and came lightly in front of Yao De. "First, I don't like people asking me about my background, where I came from, and where I'm going. I'm Rema, blind, and I can play a little guitar. That's it, understand?" "Understand." "Also, I don't like anyone to know where I am, so if someone asks, you've never seen me, you know?" Yao De was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly: "I may not be able to do this, because my girlfriend and I have already agreed that there will be no secrets between us. If she asks, I won't Keep it from her." "That little guy from 'Qianli Night Market', isn't he? Interesting!" Li Ma laughed heartily, "That little brother is also very interesting." Yao De went to Zheng again, thinking that maybe Lei Ma was blind and couldn't see clearly for a while. "It's not my brothers, it's my girlfriend." "Girlfriend, girlfriend," Rema said with a slight smile, "There is also girlfriend's sister, right?" Yao De was angry and funny, and he didn't know if Rema was joking, or because he couldn't see, he called Ren Jiefu, who was indeed more beautiful than a woman, his sister, but then again, he was mistaken by a stranger Gender is something that happens to Jeff Ren from time to time. "You can't let him hear this sentence," Yao De said with a smile: "Even if we are good brothers, if we say something wrong, he will still break some of our ribs." "Very good, very good, he is also a guitarist, isn't he?" Rema nodded, his expression turned solemn, "If there is a chance, you can also pass on my skills to him." Said: "My request, that's it, can you agree to me, and abide by it for the rest of your life?" Yao De took a deep breath and straightened his chest. "Yes, I can agree to your request." "Okay!" Rema laughed loudly: "I count you as an extra friend, so far in life, how can I not make it clear?" While talking, without knowing where he came from, he took out a small metal pot in the blink of an eye, unscrewed the lid, and the air was filled with a strong aroma of wine.As soon as he raised his head, "Gudu Gudu" took a few mouthfuls. "drink?!" Yao De didn't refuse, took the flagon and took a big gulp. So, in the dark of night, with the smell of wine and the guitar, the blind singer Rema began to teach Yao De how to play the guitar.
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