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Heaven and man

Heaven and man


  • science fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 124639

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Chapter 1 Preface to the e-book "Legend of Yuan Zhenxia"

Heaven and man 倪匡 764Words 2018-03-14
Although in many stories, imagination has predicted the crisis brought about by the popularization of computers, but everything has advantages and disadvantages, and vice versa, the "e-books" that appear with the advent of the computer age are nothing but benefits. Harmful technological products. It is absolutely conceivable that a scholar in ancient times accidentally hit his toe while carrying a bamboo slip. Today, it is also the most troublesome problem for book lovers to collect a lot of books.In the future "paperless" generation, I believe that the above-mentioned cases will be compared by others.

In recent years, the awareness of ecology and environmental protection has risen, and the digitization of books has become more meaningful.Only e-books can truly boast that no tree has ever been felled because of the publication of this book. Several like-minded friends who love science fiction proposed to put all the stories of Yuan Zhenxia on CD-ROM and make them into e-books.As the original creator of Yuan Zhenxia, ​​I naturally readily agree and look forward to it with curiosity. This is said to be the realization of the world's first Chinese literature e-book. Yuan Zhenxia's story, from the first book unfinished in 1981 to the last book, took exactly ten years to create.

In the postscript of Yuan Zhenxia's last story, he once wrote: I really wanted to make a simple conclusion for Yuan Zhenxia, ​​a weird and handsome doctor, in the postscript, but I found it impossible because he was too complicated to make a conclusion. "Introduction".To understand what kind of person he is, you can only understand it through his legends—from to to Yuan Zhenxia's legendary stories, there are a total of 32. Yuan Zhenxia's wonderful "life", many strange and inexplicable encounters, inextricable entanglements of love and evil, countless experiences that are different from ordinary people, if you don't read it book by book, even the author can't explain it clearly in a few words.

During the ten-year creation process, I strived to have wonderful and fascinating stories in each book. However, due to the long time, there are inevitably some inconsistencies among the books. Revised to be consistent.The different editing styles in different versions at the beginning, as well as some misplaced mistakes, are also unified and corrected through this arrangement.Therefore, what is presented here is "an e-book" containing thirty-two coherent stories. Since then, thirty-two books, more than three million words, in the form of electronic messages, have been happily squeezed into two CD-ROMs. After the books of their contemporaries (books printed on paper) have been dusted, they are still Happy huddle together and pass on!

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