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Chapter 11 Chapter Nine: Wang and Huang's Dating Shows Different Conspiracies

get lost 倪匡 7670Words 2018-03-14
In Wang Yiheng's luxurious residence, since he confirmed that Huang Juan would come to the appointment, he began to deliberately arrange it.His data collectors told him that Huang Juan's favorite color is light yellow. Although there are many "good words" or literary works, they have been saying that money is not everything, but it is very easy to do things when the wealth is so abundant like Wang Yiheng.Within a few hours, all the places that could be replaced with light yellow furnishings in the luxury residences turned into delicate light yellow.Not only the Romanian yellow roses in this city were sold out, but all the yellow roses in the neighboring cities where the special plane could arrive before the date were also sold out in the shortest possible time. Ships without delay.

Therefore, when Huang Juan arrived and stepped out of her special car, and saw the delicate yellow roses beside the light yellow carpet, even though she was used to big battles, she couldn't help but He raised his eyebrows, showing a look of surprise. Wang Yiheng greeted her at the gate. He was not wearing pale yellow clothes, but rather casual silk casual clothes. The yellow silk attire also looks very casual, but in fact it has been carefully matched.She combed his long hair to one side into a fluffy and naughty bun. On the other side, she wore a large earring that was exaggeratedly large. It was an elaborate masterpiece of a famous German jewelry designer. The raw material is nothing more than ordinary silver—Huang Juan knows that showing off jewelry that represents wealth is meaningless before a super rich man like Wang Yiheng.

Huang Juan walked up the four stone steps, and Wang Yiheng happened to walk down the fourth step.Yellow silk is considered good.They met in the middle of the stone steps, and Wang Yiheng seemed to be smiling naturally.This is a skill that has been trained in the turbulent shopping malls for many years. Although his heart is about to pop out of his mouth with nervousness and excitement, the smile on his face can still maintain such leisure. At this moment, as soon as Huang Juan stepped out of the car, his heart began to beat violently.Huang Juan's attire can make anyone who sees her jump under the influence of her youthful rhythm!Wang Yiheng took a slow breath. He hadn't felt this way for a long time. At that moment, he seemed to be thirty years old again. The muscles of his whole body were full of a kind of strength that was eager to vent.Huang Juan's youthful and wild beauty is simply suffocating.

However, none of Wang Yiheng's actions showed his inner lust. He gently shook hands with Huang Juan and said, "Welcome!" Huang Juan smiled reservedly: "It can be seen that you really welcome me!" As she said, she graciously asked Wang Yiheng to hold her arm and walked up the stone steps together. Being so close to the yellow silk, the scent of the perfume is quite weak, but there is another fragrance that makes Wang Yiheng's heart beat even more violently, which comes out from the yellow silk's light bronze skin!Wang Yiheng couldn't help thinking: Is it the fragrance formed by the sunshine in North Africa, or is it her inborn?

It is not easy to restrain the urge to kiss Huang Juan's forehead deeply, but Wang Yiheng finally did it. They walked into the building together. Outside the living room was a large dining room. A large flower pot was filled with yellow roses. Wang Yiheng picked one of them, looked at the yellow silk, and said, "Is that okay?" ?” Huang Juan was still smiling, and turned her head slightly, letting Wang Yiheng put the yellow rose in his hand on her bun. Then, they walked into the living room together, sat down on the velvet sofa, and immediately a servant brought drinks, which were the best Chinese Longjing tea, and eight types of Suzhou salty desserts that almost no longer existed in the world Heart.Huang Juan said: "I thought it would be fine if I just came to hear your reasons!"

Wang Yiheng said: "I will never break my promise, the reason is actually very simple, I can tell you first!" Wang Yiheng knew that procrastination was the most useless thing to deal with a capable person like Huang Juan, and he would cut straight to the point as soon as they met. She was willing to stay and talk about other things. . Sure enough, Huang Juan was a little surprised when Wang Yiheng said this, and the corners of his lips turned up slightly, showing a surprised expression. Wang Yiheng first invited Huang Juan to have a sip of tea together, and then said: "For three years in a row, I have received a mysterious invitation—"

When he was talking, he reached out to the table beside the sofa, took a folder, opened it, and handed it to Huang Juan. The invitations sent every year before New Year's Eve are exquisite and special. Huang Juan looked at them carefully, but she didn't raise her head. Wang Yiheng, who was sitting opposite her, looked at her lowered face. From this angle, she The flashing long eyelashes are particularly moving. Huang Juan took a slow breath, which made her plump breasts lift a little, and said, "You mean, the same invitation, Chief Nige, also has one?" Wang Yiheng said: "Please pay attention to the text on the invitation. I believe there are six copies in total, sent to six different people. Besides Chief Nige and me, there are four other people, that is—"

Wang Yiheng said the names of the other four people.Although Huang Juan's status was already so special at this time, she still raised her eyebrows unconsciously every time she heard a name.The six people who received the invitation are all top tycoons in the world! Huang Juan slowly raised her head. At this time, her expression appeared very elegant and noble, and the yellow rose in her hair was so bright in color. Under the soft and appropriate light, it seemed almost fascinating.She asked, "Who sent the invitation?" Wang Yiheng spread his hands and said: "It's very strange, it's unbelievable that with the strength of the six of us, there are things we can't do. We can't find out who sent the invitation!"

Huang Juan smiled slightly, and said, "It looks like the one who sent the invitation is a bit like the God of Hope, the kind who can give three wishes!" Wang Yiheng followed up with a smile, and said: "I have contacted the other four people, and we all thought it was a silly joke, so we ignored it. However, we found that Chief Nige really went to the appointment, and we couldn't help being curious. I want to know what will happen to him if he arrives at the foot of the Needle Peak on Maui Island as promised, so──” Huang Juan let out a "hmm" and said, "So, you sent someone to follow Chief Nige!"

Wang Yiheng spread his hands and said, "Look, it's that simple!" Huang Juan moved her body back and leaned her head back on the back of the sofa. Huang Juan's posture slightly exaggerated the exquisite curves of her whole body.Wang Yiheng's heart beat even more violently, and he quickly thought: "If you don't get this woman, what's the point of all your success?" Huang Juan was also thinking: "Is it that simple? But it seems that Wang Yiheng is not deceiving himself. The disappearance of Chief Nige is so weird, and this invitation seems even more weird!"

She thought for a while, then returned to her original sitting position, and said, "This invitation is an extreme temptation. For ordinary people, the degree of temptation is probably not too great!" Wang Yiheng shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, 'unexpected and happy to meet people, unexpected and necessarily extremely happy to happen', this is what everyone yearns for, which is equivalent to saying, where you go, you Whatever you wish to happen will happen, and your wish will come true!" Huang Juan said: "Ordinary people have too many wishes. You must be like you. Ordinary wishes are very easy to realize. If there are really difficult wishes, naturally I have to be invited to go!" Wang Yiheng made a slightly exaggerated expression, and said, "Oh? What wish can't be fulfilled by Chief Nige?" Huang Juan thought for a while, and said: "His ruling power has encountered difficulties, and his brothers have caused him to betray all relatives, and he has to give up the throne of the chief!" Wang Yiheng smiled and said: "So, he received the invitation two years ago and was not tempted at all, but this time, he went to the appointment alone. But he disappeared. Is this what he wanted to happen in his heart?" Huang Juan also felt very confused in her heart.The whole thing, from beginning to end, is an unsolvable mystery.Her bright red lips made a strange but very interesting expression, and said: "Who knows?" Suddenly, Wang Yiheng laughed a little presumptuously. Since Huang Juan got off the car, Wang Yiheng and Huang Juan have been showing the demeanor of an extremely elegant superhero. Their speech and actions are all so polite, with three points of affectation and reserve, in order to maintain their kind Manners due to status. But at this time, Wang Yiheng suddenly laughed without fear, which surprised Huang Juan and made her immediately on guard, because she knew that Wang Yiheng was not an easy person to deal with. He suddenly changed his attitude, and there must be something His purpose. Wang Yiheng smiled for a moment, leaned his body forward, moved closer to Huang Juan, and said, "Unfortunately, General Kars did not receive such an invitation, otherwise, I bet he would go to the appointment immediately!" Huang Juan quickly thought about Wang Yiheng's words, and understood what Wang Yiheng meant. Wang Yiheng said that General Kars had a wish in his heart that he hoped to achieve but could not! She said indifferently: "I think so, the general will be happy to see the entire Arab world led by him, become strong and unified, able to resist all evil forces!" As a representative of a country, Huang Juan had to say this, and she said it very appropriately. Moreover, it was known to the whole world that General Kars had such an ambition, and there was no need to hide it. However, although Huang Juan's words were extremely serious, after listening to Wang Yiheng, it was as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. His laughter literally burst out. He laughed at her unscrupulously, which made Huang Juan a little angry, and her cheeks became more and more red.Her light bronze skin was originally matched with a light smear of Indian natural rouge powder, which was just the right shade, but at this moment, it became redder and looked more charming. Wang Yiheng stopped laughing, waved his hand vigorously, and said, "He wouldn't have such a wish!" Huang Juan looked at Wang Yiheng with challenging eyes. Wang Yiheng avoided her eyes on purpose, pretending that he couldn't help laughing, so the following words came out of his mouth without any thought at all. He said: "The general will be happy See, he's a real man!" The yellow silk shook suddenly, and the cup of tea in her hand also spilled a few drops due to the violent vibration.Her expression became irritated but unable to attack, she looked a bit like an irritated jaguar. Wang Yiheng is very good at pretentiousness, he immediately pretended to be a slip of the tongue, and said repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that!" Huang Juan returned to her normal state in less than a second. She took a sip of tea first, and then said lightly: "You don't need to apologize, I'm afraid you have practiced for hours to say this sentence naturally. ? The result is very good, should I applaud?" This time, it was Wang Yiheng's turn to be embarrassed, and he thought in his heart: What an amazing woman!He made a haha, and said, "I see that the table is ready, should we continue to discuss this issue? Or talk about it after eating!" Huang Juan laughed nonchalantly, and said, "Generally speaking, such issues are discussed after dinner!" Wang Yiheng stood up and said, "Please!" Huang Juan also stood up. In the restaurant, as soon as the three violinists saw them coming in, they immediately started playing, even the music was Huang Juan's favorite humorous song. During the whole meal, Wang Yiheng and Huang Juan were talking irrelevant words.From the appetizer tea all the way up, they were all Huang Juan's favorite food, and Huang Juan could already be sure that Wang Yiheng had put in so much effort for this meal without waiting for the dessert to appear. This kind of careful arrangement was of course not just to ask her to help Chen Weiru. In Huang Juan's heart, she knew exactly what Wang Yiheng was doing.As an outstanding beauty, since she was a girl, she has been constantly receiving compliments and pursuits from various opposite sexes.The vanity of women makes her very happy to have this situation in front of her. When she was turning the wine glass in her hand, and the amber light of the brandy in the past flickered faintly, she was still thinking: Wang Yiheng mentioned that Kars wanted to become a real man, and he was so blatantly hinting! Huang Juan raised the wine glass higher, and looked through the wine glass to see Wang Yiheng who was sitting opposite her.How old is Wang Yiheng?Judging from his appearance, it is really difficult to estimate, it can be from forty to sixty years old.Mostly because of his status and wealth, he naturally exudes the charm of a mature man.Moreover, he also maintains the physique of an athlete.He implied that he knew Kars's weakness, so what was the implication?Does that mean he is a real man himself? When Huang Juan thought of this, her heart beat violently.She quickly took a sip of her wine to cover up.However, after the fragrant and smooth wine flowed down her throat, it made her heart beat even more violently. Yes, Kars is far from a real man.Naturally, Huang Juan will never forget that she followed Kars back to his country on the Dead Sea. For a month, Kars was still polite to her. One night after a month, Kars broke into her house. bedroom. Huang Juan was not surprised, she already knew that this would happen sooner or later.General Kars has hinted countless times in his words: If she wants to gain full trust and supreme power, she must belong to him. Huang Juan was not surprised by this.Wealth and power are the most advanced creatures on earth──what human beings have been pursuing, regardless of men and women, without exception.The way men acquire wealth and power is somewhat different from that of women.Most men, in the process of gaining wealth and power, need to go through an extremely painful struggle. General Kars, who is now the head of a country, was once a captive and almost died in the desert.But a woman can have a shortcut, as long as there is a man who already has wealth and power and is willing to share the wealth and power with her, she can get everything she wants. Of course, there is still a price, the price is to exchange herself for what she wants! General Kars once attacked Huang Juan. At that time, he held a handful of diamonds in his hand, but Huang Juan resolutely refused and knocked him unconscious instead.This does not mean that the "deal" between Huang Juan and Kars has been terminated, it just means that she doesn't like this way-any woman is the same, and in different ways, she can get different kinds of things. woman.Huang Juan didn't want to be taken by Kars like a prostitute, but after getting along for a month, she could tell herself that Kars is not annoying, and even his appearance can be regarded as handsome, especially because he wants to get her so much. It's love! This is the best cover for self-deception. For women, the word "love" is really a gift, which can cover up the fact that it is for the purpose of easily gaining power and wealth. When General Kars broke into Huang Juan's bedroom that night, in fact, it was the seventh night that Huang Juan had been waiting for him.Huang Juan has deliberately dressed up so that any man will never have a tenth of a second to think about other things when he sees her. General Kars immediately pulled the yellow silk over and hugged him tightly. This general who was full of ambitions to conquer the world actually sprinkled perfume on his body that night! Under the rough caress of General Kars' hands, Huang Juan's lust was also aroused. Her look of eagerly expecting Kars, who looks so rough on the outside, to attack her made Kars excited like a wolf. Howling sound. But everything ended in an absolutely unexpected short time.At that moment, Huang Juan felt a kind of anger that was close to explosion. She opened her eyes suddenly, and she was ready to push Kars away. But when she opened her eyes, she saw Kars's face was covered with sweat, full of guilt, frustration and resentment. At that moment, she knew what she should do.From then on, she did the same thing every time, even though every time, she cried out in her heart with all her strength: No, it's not like this, it shouldn't be like this!That's how it should be!It should be hearty, it should be extreme pleasure, it should be... just like Yuan Zhenxia's cave in the snowstorm. But no matter how she shouted in her heart, her superficial affectation could satisfy Kars, so she got what she wanted. When Huang Juan thought of this, she couldn't help but bit her lower lip lightly, although she was aware of it immediately.In front of Wang Yiheng, I should never show such an attitude, but Wang Yiheng, who has been watching her intently, has already seen it. Wang Yiheng also knew immediately that he had found Huang Juan's vital point. Wang Yiheng also slowly turned the wine glass in his hand, saying: "What I lead can actually be regarded as a kingdom, a huge economic kingdom." Huang Juan breathed in slowly, and fixed Wang Yiheng with a pair of wonderful eyes. Wang Yiheng couldn't help but take a sip of the wine, which made him more courageous.He also looked back at Huang Juan and said, "Both the National Security Agency of the Soviet Union and the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States have information on Kars. Ms. Huang, this is no secret!" Huang Juan raised her head stubbornly: "So what?" Wang Yiheng spoke very bluntly, saying: "So, I don't think you are a happy woman!" Huang Juan seemed to hear a very ordinary sentence, without any unusual reaction.Wang Yiheng would start teasing her, which she had already expected.She smiled and said, "Excuse me, are you a happy man?" Wang Yiheng sighed, and said: "If your question is: 'Are you a happy person?', it is very difficult to answer. Now you are asking whether I am a happy man?" Huang Juan let out an "um" sound from his nose, such a simple sound could make Wang Yiheng's hands tremble involuntarily.Wang Yiheng said: "This is easier to answer. As long as I have a woman who can make me happy, then I will be a happy man!" Huang Juan giggled and said, "It's too simple, like two plus two equals four, isn't it?" Wang Yiheng laughed, and the conversation has entered this level, and he is also bolder.He knows that Huang Juan is not an ordinary woman, she has extremely high power, a country's finances can be managed by her, she is different from almost all the women in the world, she is above them, and it is absolutely impossible to hunt such a woman It is not an easy task, so he has been proceeding cautiously.However, Huang Juan's expression at this time gave him extreme encouragement. Huang Juan stuck out her tongue slightly as if inadvertently, and licked it slowly and gently on her lips.Wang Yiheng immediately thought: Is that a sign of hunger and thirst? Huang Juan was also thinking in her heart: Wang Yiheng is naturally the top and outstanding figure among men. Is he obsessed with himself like this?Is it just tonight, just with him... Neither of them spoke, and suddenly fell silent.That minute of silence made it possible for the two of them to hear each other's heartbeat.Not only were they silent, they were almost motionless, just looking at each other. When Huang Juan used that seductive gesture to lick her lips again, Wang Yiheng thought the time was right! What Wang Yiheng thought of was that Huang Juan was such a mature woman, and General Kars would never satisfy her. Given her status, she should not be too casual. A man of her status should be her ideal object.Doesn't she act like that twice in a row, does it mean that she is hungry for some kind of need? When Wang Yiheng thought of this, he lightly pressed a button on the armrest of the sofa. Originally, he and Huang Juan were sitting on a single sofa facing each other. Below, the floor, which seems to be covered with ivory-colored Tibetan pure wool carpets, suddenly and slowly turned, and the two single sofas were turned skillfully close together. Wang Yiheng's study room had such equipment, which surprised Huang Juan quite a bit. When she opened her eyes and showed a surprised expression, Wang Yiheng slowly but resolutely approached her lips. At the beginning, Huang Juan didn't make any movements, but when Wang Yiheng and her got closer, she raised her hand to block between them, and gently pushed Wang Yiheng away. Wang Yiheng was very brave in the mall, but at this moment, he was extremely sensitive, he sat up straight immediately, and only looked at Huang Juan questioningly.Huang Juan smiled as if nothing had happened just now, and said: "Thank you for telling me the reason why you asked people to follow Chief Nige. If you can bring these three invitations back to me, I will try to find them." No one knows who sent this kind of invitation, the disappearance of Chief Nige must have a great relationship with the person who sent this invitation!" Wang Yiheng took a slow breath, Huang Juan rejected him! Although Huang Juan's way of refusal was so subtle, but for Wang Yiheng, who was invincible in almost everything, he felt that his self-esteem was extremely hurt.The strong sense of humiliation made his face turn red and blue for a while.He couldn't keep his composure, which was something he hadn't done in thirty years. Huang Juan pretended to be completely invisible, stood up half sideways, and said, "I should say goodbye!" She had guessed how much Wang Yiheng was infatuated with her, which made her very happy.Under such circumstances, of course she did not have to take any further action.She understands the character of Wang Yiheng, a typical successful man. The more they can't get it, the more they will try their best to pursue it! After Huang Juan stood up, she took a step forward, guessing that Wang Yiheng had returned to normal, so she turned around.Sure enough, Wang Yiheng's demeanor had completely returned to normal, and he also stood up. They left the study room together. In the corridor, Huang Juan's security personnel had already greeted him. One of them whispered something to Huang Juan. Huang Juan turned her head and said, "I'm really leaving. Wait for me at the consulate." Wang Yiheng made an indifferent expression, but in his heart he wished to grab Huang Juan's hair and pull her back.He sent the yellow silk all the way to the side of the car before saying: "I hope we can meet again!" Huang Juan gave Wang Yiheng a hopeful smile and said, "Of course, it will!" Wang Yiheng took a deep breath, watched Huang Juan get into the car, and the car drove slowly through the garden and out. Wang Yiheng stared blankly at the car driving away. In fact, he couldn't see the car at all, but he still stood there blankly, which made all his servants stand still and dare not move. They were extremely surprised.After a long time, Wang Yiheng turned around, slowly returned to the study, drank a big mouthful of wine, sat down, involuntarily smiled wryly, and shook his head.I don't know how many beauties are vying to throw themselves into his arms, but he, like an ordinary man pursuing a princess, is helpless in front of Huang Juan! At this time, even Wang Yiheng himself felt a little surprised, he suddenly remembered the words on the invitation: "You will meet unexpected people, and you will be happy to meet them. thing!" When he suddenly thought of this, his whole body was shocked, surprised that he had suddenly thought of it. However, he still couldn't control his thoughts and continued to want to go.He first thought: If I arrived at the Needle Point of Maui Island at the appointed time, who would I meet?Who would I most like to meet? Deep in his heart, he immediately called out a person's name naturally!Yellow silk!Then, what is he "extremely happy to happen"?Was it Huang Juan who threw herself into his arms with a touching smile?When Wang Yiheng thought of this, his heart beat violently.In recent years, he has almost no wishes, or in other words, all his wishes can be easily achieved.He has never felt that this kind of life is actually very boring. Now, he is facing a new challenge: to hunt down the yellow silk!Huang Juan's provocative words before leaving meant that as long as he attacked by himself, he might gain something.However, Wang Yiheng couldn't help thinking: he wanted to hunt Huang Juan, did Huang Juan see through this and play with himself?Wang Yiheng's heart was up and down, he just stood still, which made his servants more and more surprised as they waited.
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