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Chapter 8 Chapter Six: Chen Weiru Confusedly Kills His Beautiful Wife

get lost 倪匡 15886Words 2018-03-14
When Wang Yiheng felt even more embarrassed and had no time to speak, Huang Juan giggled and said: "It seems that I am free tonight, but you are not!" For a while, Wang Yiheng couldn't cope with Huang Juan's sarcasm, and at this moment, the secretary's urgent cry came from the walkie-talkie: "Hey, hey, you can't go in!" At the same time, there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and several The individual's exclamation was mixed with that person's crying voice: "Uncle, I have something important to do and I want to see you!"

Yuan Zhenxia also stood up, and exchanged glances with Huang Juan. There was already a knocking sound on the office door. Wang Yiheng pressed a button very angrily, and the office door opened, and a person almost fell straight fell in. As soon as that person came in, he didn't seem to notice that there were other people in the office, and rushed straight to the desk.If it wasn't for a desk, he would have bumped into Wang Yiheng! With his hands propped on the table, he was gasping for breath, with bruised veins on his forehead, and beads of sweat all over his face, one could tell that he was facing great difficulties when he saw his condition.

And when this person stood still, Yuan Zhenxia was also stunned! As soon as he heard the cry just now, he was sure that it was the voice of an acquaintance, but no matter how much he thought, he never thought it would be this person! The person who rushed into Wang Yiheng's office was Chen Weiru! Yuan Zhenxia never knew that Chen Weiru was the nephew of this rich man. Chen Weiru was called Uncle Wang Yiheng just now. Uncle and nephew are extremely close relatives! Yuan Zhenxia opened his mouth wide. Before he could call out Chen Weiru's name, Chen Weiru had already called out, "Uncle, I'll kill her, I'll kill her!"

Wang Yiheng said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?" Chen Weiru continued to pant, and said, "I'll kill her!" Yuan Zhenxia was even more surprised. Chen Weiru's mental state was very abnormal. Yuan Zhenxia already knew this since he made a mistake in the hospital.Now, he said that he killed someone, what is going on?While thinking, he took a step forward, but Huang Juan stretched out his hand, grabbed him, and gave him a wink. Yuan Zhenxia panicked, pointed at Chen Weiru, and said, "He is—" Before Yuan Zhenxia could finish his words, he was suppressed by Wang Yiheng's roar, and said, "Shut up! Don't you see that I have important guests?"

Chen Weiru looked completely lost, until then, he turned his head and looked aside, when he saw Yuan Zhenxia, ​​his whole body jumped with shock. Chen Weiru obviously didn't expect to see Yuan Zhenxia here, so he was so shocked. After the shock, he opened his mouth wide and couldn't make a sound for a while.Although it was only a very short period of time, just a few seconds, it gave Wang Yiheng a chance to catch his breath in the chaos.At this moment, the two secretaries stood at the door of the office in a panic, not daring to come in.Wang Yiheng made a hand gesture to them, signaling them to retreat, and at the same time, he used the button to close the office door.

His office has perfect soundproofing equipment.Just now, Chen Weiru may have been arguing outside for a long time. If Wang Yiheng hadn't pressed the button of the walkie-talkie, the outside voice would not have come in. After the door was closed, Wang Yiheng thought to himself: What exactly did Chen Weiru do?He said he killed someone, how is that possible?Chen Weiru is his nephew, so he naturally knows who he is, murder?That is really unimaginable! Chen Weiru is Wang Yiheng's nephew, and is Wang Yiheng's only relative. Wang Yiheng has a younger sister, who is Chen Weiru's mother. When Chen Weiru was twelve years old, his parents died in a car accident.At that time, they lived in England. After receiving the bad news, Wang Yiheng went to England, arranged for the funeral, and had a conversation with the young Chen Weiru.

What Wang Yiheng meant at the time was to ask Chen Weiru to move to him from England.But Chen Weiru refused.Chen Weiru's father had a lot of inheritance, which was enough for Chen Weiru to receive higher education, so Wang Yiheng was left to Chen Weiru's own decision. Chen Weiru is a very ambitious person. After graduating from medical school, although he came to this Asian city, he never mentioned that Wang Yiheng is his uncle.In fact, as an excellent surgeon, he has the conditions to live independently, and he doesn't have to rely on his powerful uncle anywhere. Therefore, even though Yuan Zhenxia and Chen Weiru were good friends, they didn't know that he had such a relationship.

At this time, what Wang Yiheng thought was: If Chen Weiru hadn't encountered extreme difficulties, he would never have come to him!However, Wang Yiheng didn't believe that he killed someone! From Chen Weiru's sudden intrusion to this time, the actual time may have been less than a minute, but everyone's thoughts were spinning, and they had already thought about many things.Huang Juan didn't know what happened at all, all she thought was: Wang Yiheng is in trouble!It might work to your advantage! Yuan Zhenxia's heart was also extremely chaotic, Chen Weiru would kill someone, which was unimaginable to him, but at this moment, Chen Weiru cried again, "Zhenxia, ​​I killed her! "

Huang Juan had already seen from Yuan Zhenxia's actions that Yuan Zhenxia knew the person who came in, but Wang Yiheng never thought of it.Yuan Zhenxia walked into his office in the name of a member of the Arab delegation. How could Wang Yiheng imagine that his nephew would be good friends with him! The situation was so chaotic that a capable person like Wang Yiheng felt at a loss for a while. Yuan Zhenxia walked back.Grabbing the arms of Chen Weiru who was in a state of confusion, he shook his body vigorously and said, "Who did you kill?" Chen Weiru panted heavily, and said, "She, she!"

Yuan Zhenxia asked, "Who is she?" Chen Weiru burst into tears, trembling violently. It seemed that he was extremely abnormal. While crying, he shouted, "Actually, I didn't kill her, she's not her, she's not her!" To anyone, this is the nonsense of a mentally disturbed person. Chen Weiru said "Kill her" while saying "I didn't kill her" and "She is not her", which is even more inexplicable ! However, Yuan Zhenxia's heart beat wildly. In an instant, he thought of what Chen Weiru had asked him yesterday, outside Chen Weiru's residence, under the lamppost.At that time, Chen Weiru once asked, "Is she her?"

In this question, Yuan Zhenxia only knew that "she" was Chen Weiru referring to his wife Xu Yuyin. This question was meaningless, but at that time, Chen Weiru had another sentence that sounded even more meaningless: "She is not her anymore!" At that time, Yuan Zhenxia had no choice but to treat Chen Weiru as if he was in a trance and talking nonsense. However, at this moment, Chen Weiru said that he "killed her" and also said "it was not her who killed", then the problem is much more serious! In an instant, Yuan Zhenxia felt a chill all over his body, and even stuttered when he spoke, he asked, "You...killed someone? Killed...Yuyin?" Chen Weiru's tears fell more urgently, sobbing, he said: "Yes, I killed her, I really can't bear it, she...she is a stranger! I really can't bear it!" "She is a stranger" was not the first time Yuan Zhenxia heard it. Just last night, Chen Weiru also said it.Before Yuan Zhenxia asked any further questions, Wang Yiheng groaned.Wang Yiheng already felt that Chen Weiru really killed someone. Although he had all kinds of experiences in the turbulent shopping malls, the murderer, a murderer, was his nephew. In the office, asking him to help, he has never encountered such an experience! Huang Juan, who was at the side, also felt baffled, and she couldn't help asking: "Is this person a lunatic?" Yuan Zhenxia hurriedly said: "No, he must have suffered some major stimulation, Wei Ru, you killed—" Chen Weiru's voice sounded hoarse and sharp, almost making hair stand on end, he said: "Yuyin! I killed Yuyin!" Wang Yiheng groaned again.He naturally knew who "Yuyin" was, that was Chen Weiru's wife.Originally, Wang Yiheng was already a little shaken, feeling that Chen Weiru might really have killed someone, but at this time, when he heard that he had killed his wife, Wang Yiheng couldn't help being angry, and shouted loudly: "What nonsense are you talking about?" As he spoke, he walked over, raised his hand, and slapped Chen Weiru hard.When he withdrew his hand, he couldn't help but looked at Huang Juan.Huang Juan's half mocking and half gloating gaze made him wish he could disappear suddenly! Chen Weiru was slapped in the face, but he didn't show any resistance. He covered his face with his hands and let out a whimpering sound.Wang Yiheng has always felt Huang Juan's malicious eyes hovering over him, making him afraid to look at Huang Juan squarely, and there is nowhere to vent the anger in his heart.He turned to Yuan Zhenxia and asked sharply, "How do you know him?" Yuan Zhenxia calmly said: "He and I are colleagues in the hospital, we are very good friends!" Wang Yiheng was stunned for a while, he never expected such an answer, which made Wang Yiheng even more embarrassed, but at this moment, Huang Juan let out an exaggerated laugh. After Yuan Zhenxia answered Wang Yiheng's question, he shook Chen Weiru vigorously, pulled his hands covering his face, and said, "Speak slowly, what happened?" Chen Weiru's hands were trembling, he put his trembling hands in front of his face, and tremblingly said: "I... strangled her... with these hands... strangled... her..." Yuan Zhenxia raised his head and looked at Wang Yiheng. Wang Yiheng said, "He...seems to be a little abnormal!" An anxious voice came over: "Mr. Wang, there are two police officers who must come to see you!" Wang Yiheng was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Tell them to wait, I have something important to do!" He released the button and gasped involuntarily. Huang Juan said coldly: "It seems that someone really killed someone! What kind of crime will a murderer with a mental disorder be sentenced here?" Wang Yiheng gave Huang Juan a hard look, and Huang Juan laughed even harder.Yuan Zhenxia pushed Chen Weiru back a step, made him sit down, and said: "Mr. Wang, if Weiru really killed someone, things will be very troublesome──" Before Yuan Zhenxia finished speaking, Chen Weiru suddenly jumped up and screamed: "Uncle, you must save me. I really didn't kill her, she is no longer her...she...I can't help it, I...although I strangled her...but..." Wang Yiheng said: "Stop talking nonsense, I'll find a lawyer for you!" Chen Weiru panted, looked around, his eyes were full of hope for help, and said: "I'm not talking nonsense, what I said is all true!" Yuan Zhenxia sat down on him again, and said: "Two police officers have come, are they here for your business?" Huang Juan said: "Of course! Ha, it seems that the rich man has a lot of troubles!" She was sitting on a chair with her legs resting on her legs. Her slender legs were slightly exposed, and her posture looked extremely seductive. Wang Yiheng tried his best to calm himself down, and put his hand on the walkie-talkie, as if he didn't know how to instruct his subordinates after pressing the button.Yuan Zhenxia said in a deep voice: "Shall I go and see first, why did the two police officers come here?" Wang Yiheng breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, Yuan Zhenxia looked at Huang Juan, Huang Juan frowned, not knowing what she was thinking, Yuan Zhenxia opened the door of the office and walked out. In the space outside the office, several secretaries were whispering to each other. As soon as Yuan Zhenxia came out, they stopped talking immediately.Yuan Zhenxia said: "Where are the two police officers? Mr. Wang told me to deal with them first!" A secretary hurriedly said, "In the reception room!" Yuan Zhenxia said: "What didn't you say?" Several secretaries said repeatedly: "No, no!" Under the guidance of a secretary, Yuan Zhenxia walked into the reception room.The reception room was surprisingly luxuriously furnished, and two plainclothes police officers, both of whom looked very capable, were waiting.As soon as Yuan Zhenxia came in, he said, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Wang is having an important meeting with an Arab delegation. Please tell me what's up with you two!" The two police officers looked at each other, and the older one said: "Someone saw a murder suspect enter this building, and the identity of the suspect is Mr. Wang Yiheng's nephew!" Yuan Zhenxia's heart, Like being hit hard.Originally, he still had hope in case, the so-called killing someone was Chen Weiru's nonsense, but now, it seems to be absolutely true! Yuan Zhenxia tried his best to calm himself down, and said, "Is there such a thing? The suspect, who did he kill?" The young one said: "Killed his wife. The suspect may be a very serious psychopath, extremely dangerous. After he killed someone, he stayed with the victim's body overnight. According to eyewitnesses, the situation It's extremely scary, so please cooperate with Mr. Wang!" Yuan Zhenxia's face turned pale involuntarily! After killing someone, he spent the night with the victim's body!That is to say, Chen Weiru's murder happened last night! And last night, he went to Chen Weiru's house first, talked with Chen Weiru's wife, and after leaving, he saw Chen Weiru at the gate of the building and talked for a long time! Chen Weiru killed his wife Xu Yuyin. Could it be that Chen Weiru returned home after breaking up with him?Things are already weird, if it happened at that time, it will be even more weird and inexplicable! Why did he kill his wife? Is it related to his weird words? Yuan Zhenxia's thoughts were extremely chaotic, and while thinking, he said: "Yes, in this case, I think Mr. Wang can meet with the two of you as soon as the meeting is over. However, according to what the two of you said, the suspect's behavior is so terrible. He entered the building again, why didn't the police take action?" The young police officer said: "We have already taken action. There are hundreds of police officers who are searching floor by floor." Yuan Zhenxia's heart was pounding, and the police officer continued: "Originally, we could go directly to Mr. Wang's office to perform tasks, but since Mr. Wang is a very prestigious person, so—" Yuan Zhenxia tried his best to force a wry smile, and said, "The two suspects are not in Mr. Wang's office, are they?" The older police officer looked very serious, and said: "That's not to say, the suspect is Mr. Wang's nephew, I'm afraid he will ask Mr. Wang for help!" Yuan Zhenxia took a breath and said, "The police only discovered the murder case this morning, right? Why did the investigation work go on so fast, and everything was known at once?" He was probing like this, thinking: Is there a possibility? Opportunity for Chen Weiru to escape? Yuan Zhenxia is by no means a law-abiding person. Under the actions of the police, he immediately thought of letting Chen Weiru escape because he knew Chen Weiru's character and knew that he would never kill, but he actually There must be extremely tortuous and bizarre reasons for killing people.Generally speaking, when the police investigate a murder case, they don't pay attention to the cause.The young police officer said: "There are too many witnesses." Yuan Zhenxia was taken aback again, and said, "What? Someone witnessed the murder?" The young police officer shook his head. Yuan Zhenxia coughed, sat down, looked at his watch again, and said, "How did you go? Can you briefly talk about it first? I can ask Mr. Wang as soon as I have a chance." Report it, save everyone some time?" The two police officers glanced at each other, at this moment, another police officer came into the reception room, made a gesture to the two police officers, and said: "The search is still going on, but no suspects have been found yet!" The older police officer said: "Continue to search!" The police officer walked out, and the older one said: "Mr. Wang is really calm, the whole building is full of organizations related to his business, right? After searching layer by layer, he is still in a meeting!" Yuan Zhenxia said sternly: "The delegation of the Arab League has a great background. The business they are discussing involves hundreds of millions of dollars and the delicate international situation. He is a person who does big things, and he cannot lose his reputation internationally for trivial things!" The other party seemed to be satisfied with Yuan Zhenxia's answer. The older police officer said: "After a very complicated process, we have quite enough evidence to prove that the suspect is a very dangerous pervert. You should go and urge Mr. Wang to come out." Right! By the way, I saw a few people in black suits, they are-" Yuan Zhenxia said: "They are the guards of the head of the Arab delegation!" The two police officers said "Oh", and Yuan Zhenxia saw that he could not ask any more questions, so he turned and walked out of the reception room.When passing by those secretaries, he lowered his voice and said: "Everyone, I suggest that you don't say anything. Mr. Wang must never forget that you have kept silent!" Those secretaries agreed repeatedly, Yuan Zhenxia returned to Wang Yiheng's office, and saw Chen Weiru still holding his head, shaking violently.Wang Yiheng was pacing back and forth, while Huang Juan was shaking his legs leisurely.After Yuan Zhenxia came in, he smiled wryly in his heart.In this room, there are a total of four people, but the relationship between these four people is so complicated and mysterious that it has reached the extreme. Three days passed that he will never forget in his life.However, Huang Juan seemed to have completely forgotten those three days. Now she is a popular person in front of General Kars, with great authority, and has the important task of investigating the disappearance of Chief Nige.And Wang Yiheng, this world-renowned rich man, why did he send someone to follow Chief Nige?Under Huang Juan's questioning, he was troubled enough, but he ran into his nephew again, rushed in and said that he had killed someone!Chen Weiru killed someone and asked Wang Yiheng for help. No matter how rich Wang Yiheng is, what can he do?The relationship between the four people is so complicated, I'm afraid it's really rare in the world! As soon as Yuan Zhenxia came in, Wang Yiheng immediately looked over at him. Yuan Zhenxia pointed to Chen Weiru and said, "The police know that he has entered this building, and also know the relationship between you and him. Hundreds of police officers are searching floor by floor, because they have taken into account your status and are holding an important international meeting with you, so they didn't come in!" Wang Yiheng snorted and said, "I want to call all the best criminal lawyers in the city!" Huang Juan said coldly: "All the best criminal lawyers in the world can't acquit a man who admits to killing his wife!" Wang Yiheng raised his voice and said, "I don't believe he killed someone at all!" Huang Juan laughed again and said, "Mr. Chen, did you kill your wife Xu Yuyin?" Chen Weiru suddenly raised his head and said, "Yes, I killed her!" After he said this, his whole body trembled suddenly, and he said, "No, no, I didn't kill her!" Chen Weiru said such abnormal words more than once, and no one knew what he meant by saying that.Huang Juan nailed a sentence and said: "To be honest, did you kill someone? Strangled to death with your hands?" Chen Weiru's body trembled even more, and he said, "Yes... I killed someone and strangled him to death with my hands!" Wang Yiheng sneered, and said: "Miss Huang, you seem to be very happy that he killed someone!" Huang Juan smiled, and she laughed very happily.At that moment, she looked like a naughty girl, but God knows what this girl was thinking. At this moment, not only Yuan Zhenxia felt this way, but Wang Yiheng also felt it deeply.But even though Wang Yiheng and Huang Juan were in a hostile position in terms of the situation at this time, Wang Yiheng felt more and more that if he regarded her as his prey, it might be the most difficult prey in the world to hunt, but Wang Yiheng had no intention of going to it. Change the mind you made when you first met her. Huang Juan smiled and said, "Of course I am happy. You have caused us trouble, and now he is also causing you trouble. Think about it, one of your close relatives has become a murderer. How sensational it is News!" When she said this, she suddenly turned her head, looked at Yuan Zhenxia, ​​and asked, "Will such news affect his business activities?" Yuan Zhenxia did not answer, and Wang Yiheng groaned angrily. .Of course he knows that although the murder has nothing to do with him, he is a celebrity, and all the reports will definitely drag him into it. For the time being, it will certainly not affect his business activities, but his enemies , but will use this to attack him! Wang Yiheng naturally knew that after Chen Weiru was arrested, he had to do his best to prove Chen Weiru's character and find a lawyer to defend him, which would make him fall even deeper! It did make him extremely irritable. Wang Yiheng clenched his fists tightly and turned his body. Although he saw Huang Juan's smiling face, his heart suddenly moved. There must be another reason for Huang Juan's happiness! After all, he is a person who has been through a lot of wind and waves, so he immediately calmed down, and even smiled, saying: "Miss Huang, it seems that you have a way to solve my troubles!" Huang Juan smiled and said, "Yes, but you must solve my troubles first!" Wang Yiheng felt extremely excited: such a person is his opponent!Such a capable woman, but also so young and beautiful, this is a woman that must not be let go! He spread his hands and said, "A deal? I want to tell you why I sent someone to follow Chief Nige?" Huang Juan said: "Yes!" Wang Yiheng said: "So, what do I get?" Huang Juan pointed at Chen Weiru and said, "I can prevent him from falling into the hands of the police, and I can make him leave the city." Yuan Zhenxia groaned in his heart, Huang Juan indeed has this ability, considering her status, she will not have any special difficulties in doing this! Wang Yiheng only thought about it for less than three seconds, and said, "Okay, the deal is done!" Huang Juan said: "I believe you, I will take him to a consulate first, and then you tell me why you followed Chief Nige!" Wang Yiheng stretched out his hand, and Huang Juan also stretched out his hand.They shook hands, indicating that a "deal" had been agreed.However, with her feminine sensitivity, Huang Juan immediately felt that Wang Yiheng held her hand too tightly, far exceeding his enthusiasm for reaching an agreement.Huang Juan also immediately thought: Why does this rich man do this? Of course, she could guess why this rich man did this, which made her face appear arrogant and reserved, and also made her use a little force to pull her soft hand out of Wang Yiheng's broad and heavy palm. back.When Yuan Zhenxia saw this situation, he saw it very clearly, and felt very uncomfortable.Huang Juan belonged to them, they, including General Kars who controlled a country, and Wang Yiheng who controlled a huge economic kingdom, not him, an ordinary little doctor! Huang Juan turned around, and as she turned around, her long hair rose and brushed towards Wang Yiheng's face, causing Wang Yiheng to take a deep breath involuntarily. Huang Juan walked out of Wang Yiheng's office, and Yuan Zhenxia immediately came to Chen Weiru and said, "Weiru, Miss Huang wants to help you escape!" Chen Weiru raised his head in bewilderment, and said, "Escape? Where should I escape? I killed someone, why did I escape?" Yuan Zhenxia said in a deep voice: "You must avoid it first, we all believe in you... even if you kill someone, there must be a reason!" Chen Weiru sobbed again, and said, "Do you believe it? You won't believe what I said at all. She is not her at all. I must kill her!" Yuan Zhenxia said: "You can talk about it slowly, you go with Miss Huang first, and don't mess around, okay?" Chen Weiru stayed for a while longer before nodding his head. At this time, Huang Juan had already walked in with four people in black suits. Huang Juan's actions were very simple. She brought in four of her guards, all of whom were diplomats.Then, she called one of them who was similar in stature to Chen Weiru, changed clothes with Chen Weiru, and took him out in a grand manner. Despite the large number of police officers in the building, no one came to question the head of an Arab delegation and her entourage. After Huang Juan took Chen Weiru away, Wang Yiheng met the two police officers Xing, and Yuan Zhenxia was with Wang Yiheng.And the bodyguard of Huang Juan who stayed behind also temporarily served as a company employee. Wang Yiheng said impatiently, "What do you mean? The police action is too much. Chen Weiru is my nephew, how can you deal with me like this?" The two police officers kept apologizing, and the older one said, "We can be sure that the suspect has entered here, so we took action." Wang Yiheng snorted and sat down. The older police officer said, "Mr. Wang, the police have quite enough information. Do you want to hear what happened?" Wang Yiheng waved his hand and said, "I'm busy and not interested. You can tell my secretary!" He said, pointing to Yuan Zhenxia, ​​that was exactly what Yuan Zhenxia wished for. How Wei Ru killed people. The two police officers looked around again with sharp eyes, and they didn't leave with Yuan Zhenxia until they were sure that there was no one in the office. In an exquisite reception room, Yuan Zhenxia listened to them describe in detail how Chen Weiru was discovered committing a murder. After a very complicated and tortuous process.
It was the night shift manager of the building who first realized that something was wrong.Generally, the so-called administrators of high-end residential buildings are responsible for security guards, security guards, etc., and usually have a small space as an "office", and those on night shift will sleep in this office in the dead of night middle. The building where Chen Weiru lives has very good security equipment. There is a closed-circuit television in the elevator. On a TV screen in the office, you can see the situation in the elevator.With such a device, if a gangster wants to commit illegal acts in the elevator, there is nowhere to hide. One of the responsibilities of the administrator is to keep an eye on the CCTV, so he saw Chen Weiru entering the elevator. "Doctor Chen enters the elevator, he is the only one in the elevator!" The administrator described in detail, "At that time, I was about to go out to patrol, which was my responsibility. Before midnight, I would go from top to bottom, It usually takes an hour to go through every floor, so at that time, it was about eleven o’clock, and I had already picked up the flashlight. Dr. Chen often goes home alone, and it’s not too late, so I didn’t Too careful."
At eleven o'clock in the evening, Yuan Zhenxia thought in his heart that when he and Chen Weiru broke up, it was no more than nine o'clock at most. Where has Chen Weiru been in these two hours?Been wandering around the building? These two hours should be very important, Yuan Zhenxia thought in his heart.
The next narration of the administrator is: "However, Dr. Chen's expression is not quite right at this time. The closed-circuit television camera tube in the elevator is installed on the top of the elevator. So the picture seen on the fluorescent screen is his own. From top to bottom, the angle is quite strange. People who are not used to it will find it very difficult to see. What I see is the top part of the head of the passenger in the elevator, and I can’t see the expression on the face. I saw Dr. Chen, constantly Grab your own hair!" "Not only did he keep scratching his hair, which seemed to be very hard, but he also kept clenching his fists and knocking on the wall of the elevator. This situation is really abnormal." "In the management room, there is a walkie-talkie that can talk to people in the elevator. This kind of equipment is originally used when the elevator fails. I have already pressed the button and want to ask Dr. Chen what happened. But I also thought that if I was alone in the elevator, if I heard someone talking suddenly, I might be shocked, so I turned off the call button again and didn’t say anything.” "I continued to pay attention to Dr. Chen, and saw that the elevator stopped and the door opened. I saw Dr. Chen, but he didn't go out immediately. He just stood in the elevator and stretched his hand towards the opened elevator door. I don't know what he was doing." The administrator didn't know what Chen Weiru was doing, that's because from the TV, it was completely overlooking the angle and couldn't see the expression on Chen Weiru's face. However, there was a young man who sent his girlfriend home.His girlfriend lived on Chen Weiru's floor. At this moment, he was about to take the elevator downstairs. When the elevator door opened, the young man was only one meter away from Chen Weiru. Chen Weiru's outstretched hand almost touched him. to his face. The young man said: "I was really shocked. As soon as the elevator door opened, I thought there was no one, so I stepped over, but there was a person in the elevator. This person, because I often send my girlfriend back I have met him once or twice, and I know he is Dr. Chen. I almost bumped into him, and stood up quickly. Dr. Chen didn’t seem to see me at all. He made a loud voice, and the muscles on his face twisted, and I stood still when I noticed a fierce light shot out from his eyes, and his hands stretched forward, as if he was going to pinch my neck!" "After I was startled, and I didn't know what to do, Dr. Chen suddenly said in a terrible voice: 'Who are you?' I hurriedly answered his question, but he didn't seem to hear my answer at all, and continued to speak loudly. Said: "Don't lie to me! I know you are not! You are not! Who are you? If you don't tell me, I will kill you!"" If the young man hadn't met Chen Weiru a few times before, he must have thought he was a lunatic at this moment.The young man took two steps back and said, "Doctor Chen, you are drunk!" Chen Weiru's voice became even more terrifying. According to the young man's description, it was almost like the cry of a night owl. After listening to it, one's hair stood on end and his whole body trembled involuntarily.Chen Weiru was screaming: "I'm not drunk, I'm sober, I know it very well!" That young man thought of only one thing at that time!A drunk person always refuses to admit that he is drunk, he must be drunk! After the incident happened, the young man narrated what happened to the investigating police officer. When he talked about his thoughts, the police officer asked: "Is he really drunk? Has a lot of alcohol?" The young man After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "I don't smell alcohol. Maybe he drank vodka? It is said that even if you are drunk, you can't smell this kind of Russian alcohol!" The officer said nothing more, and the young man went on. At that time, Chen Weiru's screams made the young man at a loss. He thought in his heart, why bother with a drunk person, why not hurry downstairs and forget it!Just when he was about to step into the elevator, the door of the unit where Chen Weiru lived opened, and someone came out. "I also know the person who came out!" The young man said, "That's Dr. Chen's wife. What's her name? The deceased in the case? Xu Yuyin? It's really scary!" His voice trembled uncontrollably, and he continued to talk about the situation at that time! Xu Yuyin opened the door and came out, frowning, and said, "Weiru, what are you shouting about?" As soon as Xu Yuyin appeared, Chen Weiru's expression shook suddenly, as if he had been electrocuted, and then, After walking a few steps, he walked out sideways, and suddenly came to the side of the elevator, next to the hanging fire extinguisher, made a terrible sound, and continued to shout: "Who are you? Who are you, to be honest, you Who is it?" Xu Yuyin just kept frowning and didn't answer. Seeing this situation, the young man said, "Mrs. Chen, do you want me to help him in? He's probably drunk!" At this time, the young man sent him home. The young man's girlfriend also opened the door because of the noise outside and walked out. Elevator, go up and see what's going on. So, in what happened next, there are three witnesses, these three witnesses are: the building manager, the young man and his girlfriend. The three people's statements are all the same, and there is absolutely no possibility that these three people colluded to fabricate what happened at that time. The administrator's narration is the most vivid. He said: "After thinking about it, I always feel that Dr. Chen's behavior is very weird, so I don't worry, so I come up and have a look. There are two elevators in the building, and Dr. Chen took one up. , it never came down, so I took another one up." "The elevator stopped, and as soon as the door opened, I heard Dr. Chen yelling loudly, looking very scary. At the same time, I also saw Mrs. Chen, standing at the door of her house, with the door open. And Ms. Lin, Ms. Lin is陈医生的邻居,和林小姐的男朋友,我曾见过好几次,每次林小姐回来得晚,总是他送回来的,他好像姓……黄?(管理员说的,就是那年轻人和他的女朋友。)我看到有那么多人,又听到陈医生在不断地叫著,就知道一定有什么事发生了,我忙走出电梯去,才一跨出去,又听得陈医生大叫了起来──” 陈维如大叫著,叫的仍然是那句话:“你是谁?我看你已经不是你,你……你……” 他叫到这里,突然急速地喘起气来,接看又道:“你是从阿拉伯来的?” 陈维如忽然间叫出这样一句话来,令人莫名其妙。 那年轻人只好同情地望向徐玉音,事后他对陈维如的评语是:陈医生那时候的情形,完全像是一个疯子一样! 原振侠听两个警官详细叙述著事情发生的经过,当讲到这一段时,一个警官有点歉意地道:“原先生,陈维如在那时侯讲的话,其实是一点意义也没有的!他说他的妻子,也就是案中的被害人,是从阿拉伯来的,这可以证明他有点神经错乱了,但是三个目击证人这样说,我们只好照样转述给你听。” 原振侠的心中十分乱,陈维如为甚么会这样神经失常?这是不可能的事,陈维如这样子,一定有极其神秘的原因,但是原因何在呢? 这时,原振侠也未曾特别注意陈维如指徐玉音是“从阿拉伯来的”这句话,有甚么特殊的意义,他只是随口应道:“是啊,听来,一点意义也没有。” 另一个警官道:“可是奇怪的是,根据三个证人的供述,陈维如不断地说他的妻子是阿拉伯的一个酋长!” 原振侠一听,整个人几乎直跳了起来! 由于他的反应是如此之强烈,以致那两个警官,也为之愕然半晌,道:“原先生,你怎么啦?” 原振侠忙道:“没甚么?没甚么?我只不过──真的没有甚么!” 原振侠本来想说“我只不过想到了一些事”,但是他随即想到,自己想到的事,要向这两位警官解释起来,实在太复杂了,还是不要提的好,所以他才突然改了口。 那两个警官虽然神情有些疑惑,但是也没有再问甚么。而原振侠所想到的是:阿拉伯的一个酋长!事情怎么那么巧? 他刚因为一个在夏威夷群岛上失踪的阿拉伯酋长,而和黄绢、王一恒扯在一起,那宗失踪案如此之神秘,如今忽然又在陈维如的口中,冒出了“阿拉伯酋长”来,这不是太怪了吗? 原振侠不由自主,用力摇了摇头,想令得自己清醒一些,他绝对无法把尼格酋长的失踪和陈维如指责他妻子的话,联在一起,可是又不能不放在一起想。原振侠在思绪一片紊乱之中,只好苦笑著问:“陈维如怎么会认为他的妻子是阿拉伯的一个酋长?这不是太怪诞了吗?” 那两个警官都同意原振侠的话,道:“是的,真是太怪诞了!”
陈维如在责问了徐玉音,问她是不是“从阿拉伯来”之后,徐玉音发出了一下呻吟声,奇怪的是,三个证人都一致认为,徐玉音的反驳,十分软弱,她只是靠著门边,像是站不稳一样,说道:“你在胡说什么?你在胡说什么?” 陈维如却反而一副理直气壮的样子,大声喝道:“你敢否认?你敢说不是?我要你现出原形来,我不管你是什么妖精,我要你现出原形来!” 在一旁的三个人,听得陈维如越说越不像话,那姓黄的年轻人忍不住道:“陈医生,你在胡说些什么?” 陈维如陡然大喝一声,道:“你不信,我叫她现出原形来给你们看!” 陈维如在这样大叫了一声之后,接下来的动作,真是出人意料至于极点,他陡然一伸手摘下了挂在墙上的灭火筒来。 由于他的动作是如此突然,事前他又是胡言乱语,说什么要徐玉音“现出原形来”,一点要有所行动的迹象也没有,而且,平时陈维如给人的印象,又是极度的文质彬彬,谁也想不到他忽然会有这样的人动作。所以,三个人虽然眼看著他把挂墙上的灭火筒取了下来,一时之间,也猜不到他想干什么,也没有来得及去阻止他。 而陈维如一将灭火筒取在手中之后,又发出了一下十分怪异的声音,在一刹那之间,将灭火筒倒转了过来! 谁都知道,灭火筒如果一倒转了过来的话,灭火筒中的两种忙学剂,就会混合,因此而产生可以灭火泡沫!自灭火筒的嘴中,疾喷出来。 这时的情形,就是这样,泡沫自灭火筒中,激射而出,射回徐玉音。徐玉音发出了一下尖叫声,立时后退,她退得虽然快,身上已经被灭火筒中射出来的泡沫,射得一身都是。 徐玉音本来就是站在门口的,她一退,就退进了屋子内,而且立刻要将门关上,可是陈维如却像是凶神恶煞一样,直冲了过去,仍然抱著灭火筒,连人带筒,重重撞在门上,将门撞了开来。他可能是太用力了,以致他撞开了门之后收不住势子,整个人都跌了进去。他跌倒在地上,仍然抱著灭火筒,泡沫也不断在喷出来,三个在旁的人,看到这种情形,全都吓呆了! 管理员和那年轻人,首先向内直冲了进去,林小姐也跟在后面。 他们三人冲进去之后,并没有看到徐玉音,只转到了一下关门声,看到卧室的门,正重重地被关上,显然是徐玉音一逃了进来之后,就进了卧室,并且把门关上。 而倒在地上的陈维如,正挣扎著站了起来。当他站起来的时候,双手已不再抱住灭火筒,灭火筒在地上,由于泡沫还在激射,产生了一股力道,令得灭火筒在地上不断地旋转著,泡沫也随著转动而四下飞溅,射得几个人的身上全是,家私陈设,也弄得一团糟。 不过这时侯,三个人都无暇去理会这些,因为陈维如的态度,越来越是怪异,他哈哈大笑著,道:“原来有用?原来真有用!”他一面叫著,一面还要去拾起灭火筒来,又叫道:“她怕了!她会现出原形来!” 管理员和年轻人一起冲上去,把陈维如紧紧抱住,不让他有进一步的行动,陈维如用力挣扎著,三个人一起倒在沙发上。 林小姐在一旁,骇然叫道:“陈医生疯了!” 陈维如那时的情形,除了使人觉得他“疯了”之外,不可能有第二个形容词。
原振侠陡然站了起来,大声抗议,道:“不,陈维如不会那样的的!”两个警官中的一个道:“三个证人,都可以在法庭上发誓供述当时的情形,他们绝无串通之理。而且,现场上还留著那灭火筒,和自灭火筒中喷出来的泡沫。” 原振侠又坐了下来,心头一阵苦涩,一直是温文儒雅的陈维如,有著那么好的教育背景,有那么高尚的职业,为什么突然之间会变成这样子?他受了什么刺激?是婚姻的不如意,会使一个人变成疯子? 原振侠实在没有法子再想下去,他只好喃喃地道:“看来,陈维如已经不是他自己了!” 原振侠连他自己也是无意之中,讲出这一句话来的。话一出口,他自己也怔呆了一下,一个警官冷笑著讽刺道:“陈维如说他的妻子不是她,你说陈维如不是陈维如,真是无独有偶!陈维如不是他,是什么人?难道也是一个来自阿拉伯的酋长!” 原振侠苦笑著,讲不出任何的话来,那警官道:“事情还有得发展下去!” 原振侠当然知道事情还有得发展下去,事情发展下去的结果是陈维如杀了人,杀了徐玉音!
管理员和那年轻人,终于将陈维如按在沙发上,陈维如挣扎得满头大汗,一面喘著气,一面叫道:“出来!出来!你为什么不敢出来!阿拉伯酋长不是最神气的人吗?为什么不敢出来!” 林小姐在一旁,勉力定了定神,道:“陈医生疯了,要不要报瞥?” 管理员和那年轻人委决不下,照当时的情形来看,除了报警之外,似乎没有别的法子可想,但是他们都顾虑到,陈维如是一个有著高尚职业的人,如果一报警,事情闹了开来,对他将来的事业,有极大的影响。 陈维如却叫了起来,道:“报警有什么用处?不如去请一些和尚道士来作法拿妖!对了,白蛇精是吃了什么才现出原形的?雄黄酒?你们去拿雄黄酒来,我倒要看看这个阿拉伯酋长是什么样子的!” 陈维如的话,简直是语无伦次到极点,可以说完全没有人可以听得懂他在说些什么。他一面说,一面又冲著卧室的门,大声喝道:“出来!” 林小姐看看情形越来越不对,她已经拿起了电话来,可是就在这时,卧室的门打了开来,徐玉音走了出来,神态很镇定,道:“不必报警了,陈医生他……他最近事业上有点小挫折,心境不是很好,喝醉了,没有事情的!” 徐玉音这样说,倒令大家都松了一口气,陈维如一看到徐玉音出来,神情又变得极度紧张,徐玉音说著,来到了陈维如的身前。陈维如像盯著什么怪物一样地看著他那位美丽又能干的太太。 徐玉音深深叹了一声,柔声道:“好,维如,我什么都告诉你好了!” 陈维如震动了一下,低下了头去。 管理员和那年轻人看到气氛已经缓和了许多,也就松开了抓住陈维如的手。陈维如站起来,又坐下去,道:“你知道发生了什么事?” 徐玉音苦笑了一下,道:“我尽我所知告诉你!” 陈维如像是同意了,半晌不出声。在一旁的三个人一看到这种情形,分明是他们夫妻间的争执,已告一段落了。在这样的情形下,最好自然是由得他们夫妻自己去解决问题了! 所以,三个人互望了一眼,管理员首先道:“陈医生,你也该休息了!” 他说著,已向外走了,年轻人和他的女朋友,也采取了同样的态度,三个人一起离开。 管理员在事后,十分后悔,道:“我们离开的时候,真的看不出还会有什么事发生。虽然刚才发生的事,那么奇特可怕,但我们走的时候,陈医生甚至还送我们到了门口,我俯身,要去拾起那只泡沫已喷完了的灭火筒来,陈医生说:'不用了,明天再算吧!'” “我们三个人离开之后,在陈医生的门口,又站了一会,总是有点不放心,可是里面什么声音也没有传出来,看来一切都恢复了平静。黄先生送林小姐回去,我和黄先生一起下楼。” “黄先生离开之后,我回到房间里,没多久,也就睡著了,一直到我再被惊醒,那时,已经是凌晨四时了。” 管理员的叙述中,负责调查的警官曾问:“你们离开的时候,是几点钟?” 管理员的回答是:“陈先生闹了大约一个钟头,我回到房间时,是十二点不到一点。” 管理员回到他的小房间,是午夜十二时,直到他又被吵醒,是凌晨四点,这其间,一共四个小时。 管理员是被一下砰然巨响所惊醒的。由于职业上的习惯,一被惊醒,他立时跳了起来,顺手拿起一根大棍子,就冲了出去。 当他冲出去之际,他又接连听到了几下声响,当他奔到声响的来源处时,看到了陈维如。 一看见又是陈维如,管理员心中也不禁暗骂了一声。但是大厦的管理员,通常是不敢得罪大厦住客的,管理员按住了气,道:“陈医生,又怎样了?” 陈维如像是站立不稳一样,又向前冲出了一步,再撞在一列信箱上,发出了一下巨响,然后,他扶住了墙,转过身来,望著管理员,只是喘气。管理员这时,不但注意到了陈维如的神情十分骇人,而且还注意到了一件十分奇怪的事,那就是,陈维如的手中,提著一只箱子。陈维如是一个医生,他提著医生常用的那种箱子走出去的情形,管理员看到过许多次,不会觉得有什么特别奇怪。而这时,令管理员有怪异之感的是,陈维如手中所提的那只箱子,是一只嫩黄色的女用化妆箱。陈维如看了管理员一眼,又抬头向上看了一眼。 陈维如在抬头向上看的时候,据管理员说,神情更是可怖。这种神情,即使那管理员是一个知识程度不高的人,也一下子就可以意识到,在楼上,有什么不寻常的事发生了。 管理员也算是十分机智的人,他一想到了这一点,又看到陈维如想回外奔去,他就问:“陈医生,你要到什么地方去?” 陈维如并没有回答,只是向外直奔过去,奔到了大厦的大门口。 大厦的大门,是两扇相当大的玻璃门,陈维如奔得很快,一下子撞到了玻璃上,又发出了一下巨响,还好玻璃很厚,没有撞破。 陈维如撞了一下,就伸手去推门,可是大厦的门,在午夜之后,是下了锁的。本来,住客都有钥匙,可是陈维如这时,显然没有带钥匙,于是他转过身来,声音乾涩,叫道:“开门!快开门!” 管理员连忙答应看,转身奔进他住的小房间中,抓了钥匙在手。 一般的门,都可以在里面不用钥匙打开,但大厦的那扇大门,却为了治安上的理由,在里面,也一样需要钥匙来开,那是为了预防万一有歹徒被困在大厦范围内时候,也不易逃脱。 管理员在抓了钥匙在手之后,陡然想到陈维如的情形,极度可疑,所以,他拿起了电话来,报了警。这就是警方为什么那么快就会来到的原因。 管理员在电话中只简单地讲了几句,就走了出去,他看到陈维如把脸贴在玻璃上,不断在喘著气。管理员打开了门,陈维如几乎是跌出去的,管理员去扶他,他把管理员推开,就一直回外奔了出去。 管理员不知道发生了什么事,也不知道自己刚才打电话报了警,会不会大惊小怪,心中很惴惴不安,他关上了门之后,决定上楼去看看。 管理员才一出电梯,就感到事情不对,因为他看到陈维如居住的那个单位,大门半开著,并没有关上。在凌晨四时而大门半开,这自然是绝不正常的。他在门口叫问了几声,没有人答应,就走了进去。 管理员一进屋子,所看到的情形,和二十分钟之后,大批警方人员赶到之后所看到的情形是一样的。 向原振侠讲述事情被发现经过的两个警官,正是当时第一批赶到的警方人员。 警方人员赶到的时候,看到管理员在大门口,不住地发著抖,指著楼上,结结巴巴,讲不出话来,他们乘搭电梯上楼,看到徐玉音──陈维如的妻子,倒在客厅中,屋子中十分凌乱,接著来到的法医,立时在徐玉音的颈子上,发现了明显的扼痕,而且,断定了徐玉音是因为颈部受扼而死亡的。 在徐玉音的尸体,从大厦门口抬出去之际,警力的通缉工作已经展开了。根据管理员及邻居林小姐的供述,再根据那年轻人的供述,陈维如毫无疑问是杀人的凶手! 警方办事迅速,在屋子中找到了陈维如的照片,立时复印了分发出去。在陈维如进入王一恒所属的那幢巨厦之际,恰好被两个巡逻警员看到,立刻报告上去,警方人员在进一步的调查,发现了陈维如和王一恒有著近亲关系之后,当然更加紧张,立时派大队人马,进入大厦搜索。 这种搜索行动,照说是万无一失的,但是恰好黄绢带了她的安全人员,也在大厦中,她把陈维如扮成了她的安全人员,带了出去。
当两个警官,讲述完了一切经过之后,原振侠只是苦笑,一句话也讲不出来。 那两个警官,在提到陈维如之际,还只是称之为“疑凶”,但是原振侠却十分清楚,因为陈维如在冲进王一恒的办公室之际,早已直截地承认自己杀了人,而且,正是用手扼死的! 原振侠知道,陈维如这样性格的人,本来是绝不会做出这样事情来的,而他居然做了,一定有极其重大的原因!陈维如也说了原因,可是根本没有人听得懂,他是说“她不是她”,所以才“非杀她不可”,这是神经错乱者的呓语,而原振侠绝不相信陈维如会神经错乱,他只是相信其中另有极隐秘的原因! 那两个警官相当客气,他们临走的时候,道:“原先生,请你转告王先生,如果有疑凶下落的消息,请立即和弯方联络!” 原振侠连连点头,道:“当然!当然!” 他送两个警官出去,再回转来时,王一恒已经急不及待地要见他。
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