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Chapter 2 wedge

get lost 倪匡 2207Words 2018-03-14
Getting lost is a terrible thing. Walking the road well, wanting to go from one place to another, suddenly getting lost in the middle, unable to find the right way, unable to reach the destination. of fear. Ordinary people have probably experienced getting lost in their lifetime.It's okay to get lost in the city, because there are people everywhere, and you can ask others for the correct way.If you get lost in the wild mountains and mountains, there is no way to find the right way, that kind of feeling is really uncomfortable. If it is at night, or in dense fog, and there is no means of transportation to use, just walking, getting lost is even more terrifying. It is possible that you will never reach your destination, and your life will end in the lost journey.

There are several short stories about getting lost, some are very thrilling, some are very confusing, I can briefly talk about them. In the primeval forests of the Xing'an Mountains in Northeast my country, it is easiest to get lost.Probably because in the forest, there are pine trees standing one by one, and the surrounding environment seems rigid and consistent.However, very experienced forest reconnaissance team members sometimes get lost in the forest. These team members not only have experience, but also can distinguish the direction from the growth shape of the forest. For example, after the trunk is cross-sectioned, the circular "growth rings" always protrude slightly to the south.Moreover, the forest survey team also has a compass, and even modern wireless communication equipment.Ordinarily, under such circumstances, there is absolutely no possibility of getting lost?

But no, getting lost in the virgin forest often happens.During the period of time when the author lived in that area, he had a personal experience: a team of experienced forest operators entered the forest to work and were scheduled to return to camp within 20 days, but after the scheduled date passed, there was no news.The people in the camp had to wait. After waiting for ten days, the weather started to turn bad and a heavy snowstorm came. They thought that there might be something wrong with the team members, so they organized a search team to look for it.Less than one kilometer into the forest, the search team found that the members of the operation team had all died in the forest batch. They were lost and couldn't get out of the forest and died of cold.It was only one kilometer away from the edge of the forest, less than half an hour away, but they couldn't make it out after ten days of walking.

Some explained that in such a situation, I panicked, thinking that I was walking in a straight line, but in fact, due to the different development of the left and right lower limbs of the human body, I walked in a curved line and kept making circles, so I walked for a longer time. I can't get out. This kind of situation often happens at night in the dark weather in the countryside. It is commonly known as "ghost hitting the wall". Sanmao, an internationally renowned Chinese writer, also told a strange story of getting lost. Sanmao's lost story is really weird and inexplicable; there is a couple, on a road in Spain, driving to a destination not very far away.The weather was good and the vision was clear, but while driving, a thick fog suddenly appeared ahead.

The driver didn't care, and continued to drive forward along the road, and drove into the thick fog. Although it was daytime and the headlights were turned on, it was still just a vast expanse. Drivers have no intention of stopping, because, first of all, they are in modern vehicles.Secondly, they have passed this road more than once, even in the thick fog, they will not get lost.At that time, the word "lost" never occurred to the driver. After about a few minutes, the car rushed out of the thick fog and was still driving on the road.But, immediately, the driver couple felt something was wrong: nothing was right.The road surface is different, and the scenery on both sides of the road is different. They find themselves in a strange place. There are people on both sides of the road, and even the clothes of the people are very different.They begin to feel that they are lost.

So, they stopped at a place with people on the side of the road, got out of the car and asked passers-by for directions. What surprised them was that they couldn't understand what they said, and they couldn't understand what they said! Things have come to this point.It is conceivable how the couple felt, it was similar to that of ordinary lost people, fearful and hesitant.And their fear and hesitation must be more than ordinary lost people, because suddenly, they have arrived in a completely strange place! They couldn't find the answer at the side of the road, so they had no choice but to continue driving until they entered a town, still with strange people, strange language, and strange scenery.

They were completely lost, so they had to ask around, and finally met a Spanish-speaking person. After asking, they were in Brazil, and had already traveled from South Europe to South America! Of course the couple didn't believe it. It was impossible. It was impossible to go from South Europe to South America in a few minutes!But everything they encountered next could not make them believe that they suddenly surpassed the space of thousands of kilometers. They bought a map, followed the map, drove forward, and drove to a larger city. In that city, there was a Spanish consulate. When they got to the consulate, they asked for help.

When the couple walked into the consulate, they were still very hesitant.Because what happened to them was so ridiculous that no one would believe it, so they felt very uneasy.Who knew, when they found the staff of the consulate, the answer from the staff of the consulate made them even more dumbfounded. After listening to their story, the staff of the consulate said without waiting for further explanation: "We understand, we will immediately arrange handbags for you to go back to Spain." The couple were extremely surprised and asked, "You guys believed such an unimaginable thing as soon as you heard it?"

The staff of the consulate said: "For the first time, I naturally didn't believe it, but after the fourth time, it is easy to believe it." For a while, the couple didn't understand what they meant, and the consulate staff said: "This is not the first time what happened to you, you are the fourth case. Please rest assured, the previous few and you People who had the same experience, after returning, everything was normal, and nothing strange happened to them again." The couple, in shock, accepted the arrangement of the consulate and went home by normal means of transportation.After returning home, nothing strange happened.They drove that road several times later without encountering dense fog again.After the news of their encounters, some wanted to travel to South America and deliberately drove back and forth on that road, but they did not achieve their goal of arriving in Brazil in one go.

The whole thing is mysterious and surprising. It is a super "lost" story, a sudden big shift in space. The reason is that the current scientific knowledge of human beings is not enough to explain it. I have said a lot about getting lost, which can only be regarded as a "preface" and has no direct relationship with this story. Of course, this article is also about a "lost" story, but it is more surprising, unbelievable, and weirder than some of the lost things mentioned above. The story begins with two completely unrelated people, let's talk about the first person first.

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