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get lost

get lost


  • science fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 121539

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Chapter 1 preamble

get lost 倪匡 399Words 2018-03-14
In more than two decades of fiction writing, I have never suffered more detours than when I wrote "Lost", and in the process of writing, I did get lost. "Lost" is a story about lost soul and lost soul, but halfway through the writing, I found that the illusory and real thoughts of life that had existed in my heart for a long time suddenly burst out, so in "Illusion Born from the Heart" ", adding this description, and taking the theme that no one in the world is satisfied with his own life, interweaving it into a story with a lot of changing plots, which can be said to be dizzying.

In "Lost", there are "heavenly and human" characters. Among them, the beautiful and wild Huang Juan has been further developed, but Yuan Zhenxia is still so helpless. What I like very much is that at the end, it happened to be set with the illusory land and the couplet in "Dream of Red Mansions".In the whole story, there are also many expressions of the Buddhist saying of "not getting what you want is suffering".Truth, fantasy, gain, loss, all in one sigh. I found it very interesting to write a preface for each novel when it was published. I can look back at the mood of writing at that time.

By the way, the last thing I want to explain is: the author firmly believes in the existence of the soul, otherwise there would be no "lost", right?
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