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Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Exchange

knives and knives 何大草 6241Words 2018-03-13
The reason why Vice-Principal Jiang became Principal Jiang is that there are two jokes in it. Although they are not as exciting as Zhao Benshan and Pan Changjiang, they also make us happy half to death.Vice-principal Jiang is not an actor who plays professional skits, he is just a friendly co-star, and with a lot of effort, he got the principal's chair. Of course, the so-called "four or two" is only after many years of painstaking efforts by him, he suddenly opened his mind with a slap in the face.However, according to what Eva told me and Zhu Zhu, in fact, with Vice President Jiang’s shiny forehead, he will not make any progress until he dies. up.

Zhu Zhu asked, who is that tall man? Eva murmured for a while, and said, it's not that woman who can speak fucking bird language! No matter how stupid we are, it is clear who that person is, but I am a little surprised, why is there so much hatred in Eva's voice? Earlier, Eva said in "The Great Impression" that men and men can become good brothers, men and women can become good friends, but women and women can only become enemies for life and death.Why is this, Eva said, there are too few things that belong to women in the world, those who get them are afraid of being snatched by other women, and those who want to get them can only be snatched from other women.Therefore, the relationship between women and women is the relationship between prevention and robbery, the relationship between policemen and thieves, the relationship between cats and mice, and the relationship between enemies and enemies.After hearing this, Zhu Zhu asked her with a smile, are Fengzi and I also enemies?

Eva also smiled and said, no, you two are not enemies.In your eyes, is Fengzi still a woman? Zhu Zhu passed it on to me as a joke, but I didn't care, I just said, damn it, am I not a woman? ! I can't remember how Eva and I put aside our previous feud. She told Zhu Zhu the four words "letting go of past suspicions". Now you know, how can I say such polite words.She told Zhu Zhu that a girl who was dumped by the same boy should "let go of the past" and cherish each other (or, is it a heart-to-heart?).I don't really remember if she said that before or after we let go of our feud, but we started talking anyway, and exchanged opinions on the odds and ends.Eva's "Little Girl's Great Impressions" is still being written in secret, but she said that the title has been changed to "Notes from Underground".I was surprised, and Zhu Zhu also said, didn't you write in class, why did it become a basement?Eva turned her aquiline nose to one side, and said tolerantly, you don't understand this.

Yeah, I think, we all get it, how is Eva still Eva? Regarding Vice President Jiang becoming the principal, Eva said this. He and Director Ren have been at odds for many years, and the higher-ups have said that if the two of them can't improve their relationship, they will have to deal with it together, and then send someone to be in charge. Door.Naturally, they were afraid of losing both sides, so they reached a compromise. Director Ren supported Vice Principal Jiang to help him correct the situation, and Vice Principal Jiang promised to let Director Ren take over his class.However, the Director of Education, the former headmaster of the middle school, had some opinions on Vice President Jiang. He came to the middle school for an inspection once, and at the dinner table he used alcohol to tell Jiang that "the water is deep." Vice President Jiang blushed, and had to Ask stupidly, what is the depth of water?The director said it was unfathomable.Vice President Jiang wanted to pretend to be naive, but he was also afraid that the director would suspect that he was just putting on a show.

The woman who can speak bird language sneered, what's the point of making a show, ××× is still doing a show.I'm not afraid of you showing off, but I'm afraid you're not showing enough.She offered a plan, but Vice President Jiang couldn't believe it when he heard it. He said that it was nothing more than a fairy to guide the way.He bought a lot of gifts, of course Yuxi, Wuliangye, Longjing and so on. There were a lot of big and small bags. With anxiety, he spoke earnestly, saying that he had heard rumors that the bureau wanted him to be the principal, which made him terrified, and he didn't think about eating and drinking, because he was ignorant, and being a vice-principal was already stretched.The poor deputy director, or maybe the secretary who should be nicknamed Hanhan, was so moved that tears were about to fall.He was emotional during a meeting in the bureau, and gave a report with a stage accent. Comrades, since ancient times, there have only been people who bought an official with money, and there was no one who resigned with a gift. !Of course, this is for another day.

Vice-principal Jiang then went to Wuhan to investigate the experience of running "qualified schools". He wrote a letter to the director and his wife on the Yellow Crane Tower.The letter to his wife claimed that today is his 50th birthday (maybe 55th birthday). After a few drinks, the past came to his mind, and he faced the torrential river and reviewed his life to his wife.He said, Lu Xun's famous saying, it is enough to have a confidant in life, but this is not enough, one should add that it is very lucky to have a mentor in life.My mentor is the old principal. Without his help, our family would not be where it is today.In the last few years, I have been a good vice principal, a good assistant to the future principal, and sharing worries for the old principal.I'm going to do it, and you're going to do it too.The waters in the officialdom are deep and unfathomable, but I feel at ease when the old headmaster is around for a day...After finishing the work, he put the two letters in the wrong envelopes, put a stamp on them with his saliva, went to a mailbox by the river and dropped them in.The letter was sent back, two thousand miles away, causing his wife to listen to the report once, and the director was frightened once.The director almost slapped himself in the face. After being together for more than ten years, he is a bole who doesn't know a horse, and a foolish king doesn't know a loyal minister.The next day when he went to the office to sign the letter of appointment, his hands were still shaking.

As Eva spoke, she stood up and limply performed for us, so the arrogant Song Xiaodou, the scheming principal Jiang, the honest and honest secretary, and the powerful bureau chief all became a fucking one. Nest disabled.Zhu Zhu and I held our stomachs together, fearing that we might lose our temper from laughing.I said, you are too bad, how do you know these many secrets?You took your nonsense fiction seriously. Eva's face was full of displeasure. She said, what's the secret now!Not everyone in the world knows about Clinton and Lewinsky in bed. Yes, so maybe poor Eva really wasn't lying.McMedley said that the world is so stupid, but the deaf can hear all directions, and the blind can see all directions.Why can't the lame run everywhere?

But that poor girl who can speak bird language, why did she offer her tricks to Vice President Jiang?God knows, Eva said. I said, what do you mean? God knows, Eva said. I was ignorant, and it seemed that I really understood.God knows means, one, only the devil knows.Two, only God knows. On the day we moved the paulownia tree, Bao Jingsheng invited me to go clubbing again.He has invited me more than hundreds of times. He said that I cheated him, used him, wrote a bad check, and made a goddamn wish. In the end, he got nothing and everyone laughed Silly ×!When queuing up for lunch in the cafeteria, he leaned close to me. The pungent sweat on his body mixed with the smell of garlic sprouts, green onions, and braised pork made me a little suffocated and a little dizzy.He was standing behind me, and the hot air from his mouth was blowing into the back of my neck. I felt like a bug had penetrated into the vest, and the itching became more severe every time.I keep the size of the board, the board is short and hard, but Bao Jingsheng is condescending, and he smiled evilly against my ear. He said, sisters, others say that your head is like a hedgehog, only I can see it , You have soft fur growing on the dimple of your neck.I was so angry that I turned around, picked up the lunch box and punched him in the face. ——But I can't turn around at all, this bastard Bao Jingsheng has already made up his mind, and he is pulling my clothes with both hands, so I won't let me move.He said, be good, be good, huh?

I bought food and suddenly stepped on his toe bitterly.But he seemed to have figured it out, wearing Gaobang's sneakers and stepping on them thickly, he didn't even hum. I was looking for a seat everywhere with my lunch box, and Bao Jingsheng followed me like a dog, which made me nervous and I could still hear my heartbeat.I am not afraid, what am I afraid of, I am just a heartbeat.After a few laps in the restaurant, Bao Jingsheng was still following me, so I walked straight towards the most secluded corner.There was only one person eating in the corner, slowly planing the food with his left hand, and looking at the messy crowd leisurely.When I walked closer, I realized that this person turned out to be Jingui.

When Jingui saw Bao Jingsheng and I sat down opposite him, the leisurely expression on his face suddenly disappeared. He wanted to say hello, but his mouth was full of food. The chair was too narrow, and his knees could only be bent.Bao Jingsheng said, "You get what you get, let's be free."Jingui sat down, still took the chopsticks with his left hand, and planed slowly, but put his eyes on us, looking straight at us.Zhu Zhu once said that Jingui's eyes are far apart, and he looks a little stupid.I looked into Jingui's eyes more, but I couldn't see Mingtang.I suddenly laughed.

I said, you always look a little clumsy, Jin Gui, are you born left-handed?I'm sorry, I'm right-handed, and I always feel that left-handed people are clumsy and difficult to use. Bo, Jingui said, holding the chopsticks with his left hand, he planed a big mouthful of rice and swallowed it.He said, Po, I Po is left-handed. Bao Jingsheng got impatient and said, where is the virtue? There are so many waves, right or left, how can you still be right-handed? Bo, Jingui said, I, Bo, am right-handed. Bao Jing lit a fire, and he said fuck it, how can you be so fucking dumb! Bo, Bo, Bo, Jingui was also in a hurry, but he was very patient. He said, "I Bo means I don't have to be a jerk."Jingui slowly raised his right hand, and drew half a circle in the air like a dementia, he said, I am Bo knows who I am. I nodded, and I said, you can't explain clearly, let me help you, you only know that your right hand is not good, right? Jingui didn't speak, but nodded, looking very grateful. Zhu Zhu also came over with a lunch box.When Jingui saw Zhu Zhu, he clearly called the squad leader.Zhu Zhu hummed, and said, Jingui is good, and Jingui doesn't hate it. I told Bao Jingsheng, if you want to invite me to a bar, call Zhu Zhu and Jingui.Zhu Zhu said that Jingui is not annoying. Bao Jingsheng was stunned for a moment, and said, ok, ok, I'll call someone too, and I'll call Ali to come with us to make red bubbles. But Ali refused.Ali said, I can go anywhere, but I don't go clubbing.If I go clubbing, my dad will break my legs. Bao Jingsheng put his hand on Ali's shoulder and said, Ali, I sincerely want to be your buddy. Ali's lips were trembling, he looked at me beggingly, he said, Fengzi knows, I really don't go clubbing. Bao Jingsheng said, if you don't go to the bar, we won't go to the bar. Let's go to McDonald's. I don't eat McDonald's either, Ali said, I have work to do.Ali looked at me, as if he was saying something I knew inside, and he said, Tao Tao asked me out tonight. Bao Jingsheng also glanced at me, as if he was discussing with me.He said, let's do it tomorrow, we are patient, Ali. Ali's lips trembled even more, and even his voice trembled. He said, Fengzi, let's play our own games. However, Bao Jingsheng denied Ali's words.He patted the top of Ali's head with his hands, like patting a football leisurely.He said, 7:30, just 7:30, we are waiting for you at the door of McDonald's. At half past seven, Ali came.But we saw from a distance that Ali came with Tao Tao.The gate of McDonald's is on the overpass across the street. From the gate, you can see the red walls and cornices of the Crock Temple diagonally opposite, and you can also see the crowd scurrying like ants under your feet.Ali and Tao Tao put their bicycles under the bridge and came up on the ground.It was the peak of the flow of people, and they walked sideways in the flow of people, looking very hasty and agile. Bao Jingsheng put one hand on my shoulder, clenched and released his fat palm repeatedly, and his joints clucked.I felt uncomfortable and wanted to push his hand down a few times, but he didn't respond at all, just looking at Ali and Tao Tao who were getting closer.I just let it sit there, I felt it needed somewhere because it was getting hot and shaking.I wanted him to relax, so I said, man, do you think Tao Tao's face looks like a double-layered beef burger? But Bao Jingsheng acted as if he didn't hear him.Ali and Tao Tao have already boarded the bridge.On the bridge, their pace suddenly slowed down.The overpass was crowded with shoe shiners, erhu performers, and beggars on their knees.Ali leaned slightly, as if giving way to Tao Tao, but also seemed to be listening to Tao Tao's orders.Tao Tao put his hands in his trouser pockets, walked slowly, his eyes scanned each of our faces, and then fell on the famous "m" sign behind us.The letter M in yellow letters on a red background looks like a huge butt, and people all over the world want to lean in and take a bite.Tao Tao looked at that shit m again and again, and almost stopped walking.It was only a few steps away, but they insisted on making us wait for a long time.I couldn't help it anymore, I said, Ali, you bring someone here, are you going to eat or fight? Ali didn't speak, but looked at Tao Tao.Tao Tao withdrew his eyes from the M, and looked at my mouth for a long time.There's nothing unusual about my mouth, it's just a bit bigger and thicker, it's the mouth he's blocked countless times with his mouth, and it doesn't have anything to do with him now.I looked at Tao Tao, I haven't looked at him so calmly and directly for a long time.He looked thinner, the contours of his face became square, skin was skin, bone was bone, there was no excess flesh, what was left was some dirty things on his upper lip, as if he had wiped it with a pot of smoke. A smear.I said, Tao Tao, you already have beards, so don’t be a fool.You're an idiot if you want to fight.you go back. However, before I could say this, Tao Tao had already spoken.He was talking to my mouth, the place where he had kissed countless times with his mouth, that wet place.As if he had seen through my mind, he said, I didn't come to fight.Why fight, Tao Tao said, everyone has their own way of playing, right? One day you get tired of playing, maybe you will go solo.Maybe, Tao Tao said, he wanted to come and fight with me again, right?After talking about it, Tao Tao even smiled.When he smiled, there were startling little wrinkles around the corners of his mouth and eyes. Bao Jingsheng's hand joints were still making cuckoo sounds on my shoulder.He smiled and said, buddy, or buddy.He reached out suddenly and caught Ali in one fell swoop.His grabbing of Ali was not at all like Jingui's grabbing of Eva, his arm seemed to suddenly grow a long joint, and he grabbed Ali all at once.Bao Jingsheng held Ali and me in his arms, and he kept saying, good brother, good brother, let's have a good time today! Tao Tao said, you are right, there is no better brother than Ali, is there?Tao Tao paused, and he said, if you don’t believe what I say, don’t think that who should serve whom, when the brick falls and hits the forehead, you think it’s a hamburger.As he spoke, he glanced at Zhu Zhu and Jingui.He said, Zhu Zhu is still so beautiful, it's a pity... Zhu Zhu Wan'er smiled, what's the pity? Tao Tao turned his gaze and conversation away, looked at Jingui, and said, they are both good sisters and good brothers.He turned around and left. Ali called Tao Tao, but he couldn't call Tao Tao back. Tao Tao just took two steps when he was kicked by a shoe shiner.Tao Tao stood firm, raising his hand was a slap in the face.We all heard a bang, and the guy fell down, knocking down the small stool in front of him.Tao Tao said, today is a good day for you, he took out a bill, about ten yuan, threw it on the ground, turned his head and left. Bao Jingsheng became impatient, and he sandwiched Ali and me. He was right, the hero is down and out, killing a dog to vent his anger is not clichéd.He yelled and drove a group of us into McDonald's. Bao Jingsheng picked a seat by the window and sat down first. He ordered a lot of things, nothing more than hamburgers, chicken nuggets, French fries, and the like. Let's do our best, huh? Jingui looked at Ali, and Ali looked at Bao Jingsheng. There was a fire in Ali's eyes.But Bao Jingsheng did it in a ignorant manner. He asked Ali kindly, Ali, did I say something wrong, Ali?Ali closed his eyelids hard, and he said, you didn't say anything wrong.Bao Jingsheng nodded and said, then hurry up, huh? Ali looked at me for a second, but I avoided it, and I looked out the window.Outside the floor-to-ceiling glass wall, it is raining again, and the neon lights are blinking, and the night is flooded and sad, which is how some sad movies start.Isn't it, I can cite ninety-nine and eighty-one movies, all of which are like this.Sadness is not a useless thing, it makes people worry about it.I heard a sad song playing in the shop, it must be a small speaker, like a ribbon, circling between us.Shops are always like this, restaurants, noodle shops, cafes... always play sad tunes, just like the other function of sadness is to increase appetite.When I turned around, Ali and Jingui had already returned and filled the table with food and drink. Ali sat next to me.He looked at me again.He was looking at me so closely that I couldn't take my eyes away.Ali's eyes were red, like a bunny.He said, Fengzi, I treat you to dinner tonight, and they are all accompanying guests. Bao Jingsheng drank most of his glass of Coke in one breath. He said Ali was wrong. He said, Ali, you are my guest today. Ali's lips were trembling, and he couldn't speak.I touched his ears, and touched and touched, and I said, it's all right, all right, Ali.Ali drooped his eyes and bit the burger. Bao Jingsheng added, Ali is my guest today, and you all count as accompanying guests. Zhu Zhu said, forget it, we all know who invites whom, and Ali is not paying the bill after all. But Bao Jingsheng insisted on clarifying the matter.He said, I don't care who pays the bill, Ali is my guest today, right, Jingui? Jingui is using his left hand to pick up French fries from the paper bag.He was obviously eating McDonald's for the first time, but to my surprise, the country bumpkin didn't show greed at all. On the contrary, he ate politely and slowly, and wiped his mouth carefully with a napkin after eating a little!When Bao Jingsheng called him, he didn't answer right away.He popped the chip into his mouth and chewed until there was nothing left of it.He said, Bo, I know Bo. Bao Jingsheng stared at Jingui, and held a hamburger in his palm, forming a pancake.He said, you don't know, so what do you know? Jingui didn't look at the pancake, he drank a sip of Coke, like a sip of red wine, and said something polite.He said, you have confused me. Bao Jingsheng stared at Jingui, but Jingui ate and drank as if he had nothing to do, not looking at Bao Jingsheng at all.Bao Jingsheng finally laughed, and cursed affectionately, you are pretending to be stupid. But Jingui didn't answer any more, just ate and drank slowly.Zhu Zhu said, Mr. Bao, I am a fool who speaks foolishly, a sophomore in high school? There are two people in the first class, so don't bully them. If you bully you, you will be punished by heaven. Bao Jingsheng said, which two? Zhu Zhu said, one is Eva and the other is Ali. Bao Jingsheng suddenly said "Ah..." very uncomfortable, and said "Ah" for a long time, and then sneezed so loudly that it shook our eardrums.Tears and snot welled up, and Bao Jingsheng looked full of grievances. He said that Tao Tao stepped on both of them, but he was fine. I took a sip, who stepped on whom? !Ali is Tao Tao's friend, and Tao Tao is Ali's follower. Bao Jingsheng looked at Ali and said, Ali, is that right? Ali pointed his finger at Bao Jingsheng's face. I had never seen Ali do this before.Ali said, Bao Jingsheng, if you are still a man, don't mess with Tao Tao.His father was arrested, and he didn't want to have anything to do with anyone. I was taking a big bite of the hamburger into my mouth, and I wanted to say something, but I screamed, I couldn't say anything
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