Home Categories martial arts novel Looking for Qin Ji

Chapter 233 Chapter 3 Besieged on all sides

Looking for Qin Ji 黄易 4663Words 2018-03-13
Holding the blood wave in his hand, Xiang Shaolong caught up with one of the fallen enemies, covered his mouth with his hand from behind, the blood wave penetrated from the side of the neck, the man struggled twice, and then died.Xiang Shaolong took his crossbow machine feather arrow conveniently. The enemies in front were all focused on the direction that the dog was chasing, and the sky was so dark that only the road could be discerned, so they didn't realize that the god of death was approaching from behind. When he eliminated another enemy with the same technique, the other enemies stopped, fanned out and surrounded a grassy area, and in front of them was a pile of rocks more than ten feet high, blocking the way.That boy was obviously hiding in it, the dog was so tired that he couldn't stop jumping and barking.

Someone shouted: "Light the torch!" At this time Xiang Shaolong had already used the cover of the trees to sneak behind one of them, dragged him over, sent him back to the west, and snatched the crossbow bolt he was holding. Five torches were ignited, dyeing the jungle blood red. Surrounded by towering ancient trees, tall trees have blocked the sunlight for many years, so only some creeping herbs can grow on the ground in the forest. Only a bunch of bushes growing more than ten feet wide near the rocks, the target is particularly obvious. At this time, the remaining twenty-four enemies drew their weapons such as crossbows, bows and swords, and were ready to go.

The leader of the enemy shouted to the man in the grass: "Xiang Shaolong, don't think you can escape again this time, come out to us obediently, or we will burn you to pieces." The dog was yelled at by the owner, stopped barking, and fell down, very obedient. Xiang Shaolong reviewed the situation, saw those people were very close, and there was firelight shining on them, knowing it was difficult, he repeated the old trick of attacking and killing them one by one from behind, took out the hook, and under the cover of the sound of the torch lighting, shot the hook, Hang it to a horizontal analysis place on the tree beside you.

Of course, Fanger in the bushes would not have any reaction, but those people were obviously wary of setting fire, and they didn't dare to act rashly. After cursing for a while, one of them looked around and said, "Huh!" "Where did Mo Cheng go?" Xiang Shaolong moved out from behind the tree, and replied, "I'm here." When everyone looked at him in astonishment, the crossbow arrow machine held by his left and right hands made a sound that knocked them out of their wits. Several enemies holding torches were pierced into their chests by the crossbow arrows, and they were thrown away, and the torches fell to the ground.

When the enemy fired arrows hastily, he had already moved behind the big tree, climbed up the rope, and hid in the thick branches and leaves. Everyone thought he was still hiding behind the tree, so they dispersed and surrounded the tree. The torch that landed ignited two fires, which spread rapidly and released a large amount of thick smoke. Xiang Shaolong retracted the rope first, and shot it at the branch of another big tree about two zhang away, after it was fixed, he stood down and waited for the enemy's reaction. There was a loud cough, and the dog hissed.Forced by the fireworks, the four enemies dodged out, and when they were about to attack behind the tree where he was hiding, a crossbow bolt was shot from Xiang Shaolong's hand, and the two enemies fell to the ground immediately.

At this time, the flames were raging, thick smoke was everywhere, Xiang Shaolong's vision was also affected, and when he shot down another enemy, he hurriedly moved across to another big tree by rope. At this time, the enemy also came to the tree where he was hiding under the thick smoke, and suddenly found that there was no one there, and he shot down three more. Of the twenty-seven enemies, nine were knocked down by his unexpected tactics, while the others were frightened and evaded in all directions, without the vigor they had before. Xiang Shaolong knew that he had reached his goal, so he volleyed to a tree further away, nimbly slid down to the ground, and quickly ran towards the direction where the sound of the enemy's hooves stopped earlier.

After a little while, he finally arrived outside the forest, where nearly fifty war horses were roaming outside the forest. At this time, it was midnight, the bright moon was hanging high, and the earth was filled with a dark and mysterious atmosphere. After Xiang Shaolong picked one of the healthy horses, he cut off the ropes of the other horses, tied the horses together one by one, and gently inserted the blood into the horse's buttocks. The horse hissed in pain, and you Run away with me. Xiang Shaolong jumped on the chosen horse, it took him a long time to restrain it, and let his hooves go.

Three days later, he crossed the grassland without any danger, abandoned his horse and entered the border area where Wei and Han bordered. At this time, Zhongmou was between Daliang, the capital of Wei, and Xinzheng, the capital of Han. Only a hundred miles to the north, Xiang Shaolong had to have a lot of self-control to suppress his strong desire to go directly to Zhongmou. That was, of course, the most unwise recklessness. The atmosphere is getting colder, but fortunately Jing Nian has prepared winter clothes for him, so that he does not have to suffer from the cold. After walking for five days, they arrived at the outer edge of the adjacent mountains.

As the sun rises, the sun shines on the fields outside the mountains, and the grass and trees are all yellow, presenting a scene of endless vitality. There is a big lake not far away, when the cold wind blows, the water ripples, and the reflections of the trees beside the lake change into colorful and distorted patterns, Xiang Shaolong is even more relaxed and happy watching it, and completely forgets about running away. The dense virgin forests and dense shrubs, the endless grasslands and the wild plants in the swamps, surrounded by the mirror-like large lake, are truly a sight on earth.

There are many tents erected on the grassland beside the lake, and groups of horses and sheep are grazing leisurely in the grassland, creating a peaceful atmosphere. After Xiang Shaolong watched it for a while, he collected his mood and headed towards Daliang. Of course, he would not rush to Daliang by throwing himself into a trap, but was going to return to Zhao territory along the old road from Zhao to Daliang after reaching the outskirts of Daliang.Although he had to go around in a big circle, it was the safest route he could think of. An hour later, he had penetrated deep into the grasslands of Weijing.

I remembered that I met ambush that night, and I was carried by the wind to escape from the wasteland. I ran for at least three hundred miles, from his current position to the junction of Zhao and Wei, and then went around to the mountains in the mountainous area near Jingjia Village. , Only then collapsed to death from exhaustion. Now he can be said to be back to the old place. After walking northeast for nearly three hours, the sound of hooves sounded in front of him, Xiang Shaolong hurriedly hid, and after a while, a group of about 20 Wei soldiers galloped over, and set up camp on a nearby high hill to keep watch. Xiang Shaolong's scalp felt numb, and he felt bad.Wei Renxian had heard that he might have fled here. You must know that no matter if you walk in the direction of Zhongmu or Daliang from here, it is a plain land, so the Wei people who are familiar with their own borders only need to set up sentries on higher ground. The aftermath that was discovered. The enemy is obviously still in the initial stage of deployment. Once the outposts are set up, they will launch a quicksilver search on the entire plain. Under the search of fast horses and hounds, there is no chance for him to escape. The most terrible thing is that there are several big rivers blocking the way before the beam. As long as the Wei people are equipped with hounds and guard along the river, even at night, they may still not be able to sneak across the river.I want to think so, but unless I turn around and go back to the mountains, I have to keep going. At present, no matter whether we return to South Korea or go south to Chu, the danger will not be reduced.The question is whether to put your mind to it and go directly north to Zhongmou, then in a few days at most, you can go back and join Teng and Jing.This idea was even more astonishingly alluring earlier, but it was arguably the most dangerous route. Until the sun went down, Xiang Shaolong was still having a fierce inner struggle on where to go. In the end, he finally gave up his mind and decided to go to Zhongmou to test the road first. Assuming that there was no way to pass the enemy's blockade, he went eastward and turned to Daliang, and entered Zhao and returned to Qin according to the original plan.After making up his mind and feeling relaxed, it took him half an hour longer to bypass the enemy's post and head north to Zhongmu. Before reaching Zhongmu, they still have to pass through another big city of Wei State, "Jiaocheng".Of course, he had no intention of entering the city, and he had to be extra careful, so as not to be discovered by the defenders there. With the agility of the special forces, he walked nearly 30 miles before dawn, his legs were sore from running, and finally hid in a dense forest to rest. He was still worried, and spent some time climbing to a place where the branches and leaves of a big tree were thick, and half-lying on the horizontal branch, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. This large tree grew on the edge of the dense forest high above the ground, overlooking the plains outside and the road leading to Scorch City.After a while, he fell asleep. After an unknown amount of time, Ma Yin and human voices woke him up. Xiang Shaolong opened his eyes and was startled, he saw that there were Wei soldiers inside and outside the forest, at least a thousand soldiers, and they were searching the area. Immediately sweating profusely, I realized that I was exhausted and didn't wake up until the enemy came under me.If it weren't for the fact that the sleeping place was in the recess formed by three thick tree trunks, it might have fallen under the tree in a sound sleep. He didn't dare to move a finger, and didn't dare to probe to observe the situation until Wei Bing passed under the tree. The official road outside the forest passed two teams of cavalry successively, and there were other troops and horses on a high hill farther away, which seemed to be the headquarters of this search operation.Just looking at the size of the enemy, one knows that Wei Wangzeng, who had been kind to him, has ordered him to be captured and killed at all costs. This group of at least 2,000 troops is likely to be the garrison from Jiaocheng, and it is only a part of the entire search team.With such a force and Wei people's familiarity with their own country, it is indeed difficult for him to move an inch now. Can't help but feel regretful. At the beginning, it wasn't because he wanted to go straight to Zhongmou because he wanted to return home like an arrow, but he made a detour to Daliang, so that he would not fall into such a dangerous situation. The most sensible thing to do right now is to go back to the mountains in Han and hide from him for ten and a half months. After the limelight passes, it will be much easier to escape no matter where you go. At this moment, the barking of dogs sounded somewhere in the forest, and Xiang Shaolong's scalp became numb, and he could only resign himself to his fate. At this moment, due to the crowds and turmoil, he was not too worried about being spotted by the sensitive nose of the hounds, but if he ran alone at night, and it was still in the dead of night, it was difficult to guarantee whether he could avoid the dogs' eyes and ears. Seeing the enemy's formation, how could he dare to go to Jiaocheng? After the pawns passed, he changed from going north to going east, and sneaked towards the south of Daliang. Shi did his best to avoid many pursuers and came to the west bank of the famous river "Jialu River" that night. Looking around, the two sides of the strait are peaceful and there is no sign of people.But Xiang Shaolong can be sure that there must be an enemy's secret sentry set up somewhere in the dense forest to monitor the movement of the river. He observed carefully, and after assuming more than a dozen possible hiding places for the enemy, he hid in a tree and waited for the night to come. After being tired, he quickly fell asleep, and when he woke up, the world turned into a pure white world. Although there were some snowflakes on his face and body, he didn't feel cold. The first snow finally came. Xiang Shaolong brushed off the snow powder from his body, and looked at the snowflakes that were still sprinkled endlessly with a heavy heart.Although the wind and snow can provide shelter, it is not suitable for fleeing. If he jumped into the water at this time and crawled out of the river wet, he might be frozen to death.Moreover, the footprints left by the snow stop are even more difficult to hide from the enemy's pursuit. Right now he has only three options. The first is to cut wood for a raft to cross the river.However, this approach is time-consuming and troublesome, and very dangerous.Unless he was sure that the enemy's sentry was not nearby, if he alarmed the enemy, he would not even have a chance to resist in the middle of the river. The second is to run upstream along the river.According to Jingnian's map, the source of this river starts from the mountainous area in the southwest of Zhongmu, but if it is done this way, it will be very close to the extremely dangerous area in the southern suburbs of Zhongmu when it bypasses the head of the river.And if we want to go to Daliang again, the journey will be nearly 500 miles farther than the route set earlier, which is really not worthwhile. The remaining method is to go downstream, which will get farther and farther away from the beam, but it will be easier to get out of danger.If you go to Anling, which is located downstream at the junction of several big rivers, you can look for opportunities to cross the river by boat, or even go south to the Chu State. He releases. After making a decision, he hurried on the road and went down the river. When it was dawn, the heavy snow finally stopped. Looking back, Xiang Shaolong saw his feet trailing like a long tail on the snowy field behind him, he couldn't help crying secretly. After walking for a while, knowing that sooner or later the pursuers would find out if this continued, he had an idea, stopped, inspected the situation first, made a plan, and rushed towards a nearby forest. After entering the forest, he pulled out the blood wave, chopped down a thinner pomegranate tree, and then cut it into two five-foot-long skis with a dagger. It also rises a little from front to back, just enough to step in with the soles of your own boots.Four more small holes were drilled, and the hook rope was cut into two pieces, which passed through the holes, so that the toe of the shoe and the tree board could be bound securely.The most wonderful thing is to scrape a guide groove through the head and tail at the bottom of the board, and everything looks the same.At dusk, the first pair of skis in China finally appeared. Xiang Shaolong had received excellent skiing training when he was a special force in the 21st century, and now he is very familiar with it. After the skis are finished, the poles are made. The head of the snow stick is wide and the tail is pointed. About three inches from the tip, a horizontal branch is tied to act as a "snow wheel". After everything was settled, it was already late at night.Because it took him a lot of energy to cut the hard-as-iron pomegranate wood, he rested for a while before starting his action again. He slung his ski poles over his back and started walking towards the river bank.Although it is still difficult, but the mood is far from before. Near dawn, he walked a full three miles until he reached the bank of the big river. I deliberately climbed to the edge of the water, leaving clear footprints, and then stepped back on the original footprints and returned to the river bank.Then put on the skateboard, strap it on properly, and with a whoosh, start the skiing feat. Taking advantage of the slope formed by the undulating terrain, he kept accelerating, from slow to fast, circled a big circle, returned to the dense forest just now with the wind in his ears, and then hid at the top of a big tree higher than the nearby trees .I just feel extremely excited, and it takes a long time before I can calm down and close my eyes and fall asleep. At noon, the enemy finally came. Xiang Shaolong opened his eyes when he heard the sound, he was startled.I saw that there were cavalry soldiers of the state of Wei all over the mountains and plains, at least there were more than a thousand of them.They ran at full speed towards the woods, following the clear tracks he had left. Xiang Shaolong watched them chase towards the river bank through the woods, and when they reached the end of his footsteps, they suddenly stopped to discuss.After a while, Wei soldiers got off their horses one after another, felling wood and building rafts, and were busy. At this time, it was snowing again, heavier than the previous trip. Groups of snowballs descended from the gray sky slowly and quickly, covering up the original hoofprints and footprints in just a moment. Xiang Shaolong secretly called God to help me. In this way, when the enemy can no longer find his footprints on the other side, they can only disperse their search, and the more they chase, the farther away they will be.Daxue was originally the most unfavorable to him, but now it has become his amulet. Just when I was happy in my heart, the sound of dog barking sounded in the distance.A group of more than a hundred Wei soldiers on foot, dragging a few hounds, came along the river. Suddenly, Xiang Shaolong knew that this team was originally the same team as the cavalry team that was building rafts on the shore, but because of the heavy snow, he found his footprints on the snow and hurried over, so the team of hounds Almost an hour behind. He couldn't help secretly screaming, if this team of hounds arrived first, his trick might not work.Now just relying on the heavy snow is enough to erase all my own smells. It wasn't until dusk that all the Wei talents crossed the river. Xiang Shaolong waited patiently for another two hours before he climbed down from the tree. Taking advantage of the dark moon and high winds and snowflakes all over the sky, he pulled up his snow stick, flew like a bird in the endless snow, and turned around towards the Jialu River. go. With this "snowflight" tool, he decided to take a risk and sneak to Zhongmou. For the first time since fleeing, he is full of hope for the future.
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