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Chapter 51 Section 1: The new game after the war - the lost start

Juliu River 齐邦媛 842Words 2018-03-04
During those few days when the whole country was jubilant, my father would often frown deeply and remain silent in thought. One day at the dinner table, he said to some old friends.The Soviet Union rushed to declare war on Japan five days before the armistice, and immediately crossed the border and attacked Manzhouli, my country, penetrating more than a hundred kilometers into the northeast, occupied Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang and other cities within ten days, and captured the puppet emperor Puyi of Manchuria.Gengdarin declared on August 23: "Manchukuo is completely liberated", completely disregarding our country's political sovereignty.In the name of "Yan'an Headquarters", Zhu De of the CCP issued seven orders in a row, instructing the Communist Army to launch a full-scale campaign to seize the city and land.He also ordered Lu Zhengcao, Zhang Xueshi, Wan Yi, etc. and some Koreans to lead them to the northeast to cooperate with the Soviet Russian army in fighting and seize the three northeastern provinces first.

However, Mao Zedong came to Chongqing to participate in the National Political Council on September 18, one month later, and expressed his gratitude to Chairman Jiang for inviting him to Chongqing.The speech said: "The future will be a new era of peaceful development and private peace. It is necessary to unite and eliminate civil strife. Therefore, all parties should implement the Three Principles of the People thoroughly under the leadership of Chairman Jiang under a certain policy of the state, so as to build modernization. the new China." This is one of the biggest lies I've ever heard in my life.

For the efficiency of administrative management, the Nationalist Government set up a military committee to conduct operations in the northeast, dividing the three eastern provinces into nine provinces—Liaoning, Andong, Liaobei, Jilin, Songjiang, Hejiang, Heilongjiang, Nenjiang, and Xing'an (restored to the original state after the CCP occupied three provinces).Those who rushed to "receive" those nine provinces back then dreamed that they would be defeated by the CCP's "civil war" in less than three and a half years, and fled to Taiwan, which is only one-thirty-fifth of the territory of the three eastern provinces, and would never return home.

Not long after Victory Day, schools at all levels are about to start school. The Ministry of Education announced that most of the schools in the war zone were destroyed or requisitioned by the Japanese army. The school buildings and equipment must be repaired and moved to the rear. Start school according to academic qualifications, attend classes with peace of mind, and make a detailed school resumption plan. This year, my elder brother had graduated from the Department of Foreign Affairs of National Chengchi University, and was waiting to be distributed to work in embassies abroad. He was initially assigned to the third secretary of the Uruguayan embassy in South America (because of the name of the country, he became the object of ridicule by friends).He has always regretted not being able to participate in any revolution. A year ago, he was blocked from participating in the "One Hundred Thousand Youth Army" and was worried. He didn't want to go to Uruguay, so he applied for the "Central News Agency" as an army reporter and asked to be sent to the Northeast Theater , share joys and sorrows with soldiers, and experience combat life.

My older sister, Ning Yuan, has graduated from primary school and is a freshman in Nankai. She loves to play softball.The younger sister, Xingyuan, is in the third grade of the Primary School Attached to Nankai.My parents also decided to stay in Sichuan and move back to Peiping next year after our holiday. The first thing I did was to bury my grandmother. After she passed away in 1937, the coffin was placed in a temple in the suburbs of Peiping.
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