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Chapter 29 Chapter 5 The Boy Scout's Dream of Doing a Good Day

Juliu River 齐邦媛 1341Words 2018-03-04
My happiest memory of my three years in junior high was Boy Scout training.Teenagers in wartime are braver, because they are genuinely innocent, and patriotism never lags behind. After the worst fire in Chongqing that year, we elected a group of boy scout representatives to walk into the city to fight the national disaster together.After walking for more than half of the way, I saw soldiers carrying countless charred corpses out of the city from the unextinguished fire. The commander led the teacher: "What are these children (Sichuan dialect) here for? Take them back quickly!" We stood by the side of the road crying desperately, singing: "We, we are young soldiers of the Chinese nation, although we are young,

High ambition..." It is said that after returning to school, the teacher was recorded as a major demerit. But the charred corpses stretched for ten miles, which was a nightmare for half of my life. I still remember a time when I went to the foot of Gele Mountain to practice semaphore.I seriously conveyed the enemy's situation and felt that I was extremely useful.And because Boy Scouts must do good deeds every day, every time they pass through Shapingba Town on their way home, they always hope to help those who need help along the road.But at that time, Shapingba already had tens of thousands of teachers and students from Central University, Chongqing University, Nankai Middle School, etc., and it was already a famous cultural town. We felt that it was useless for the boy scouts to do good deeds every day.Not long after the start of the third year of junior high school, there were foreign distinguished guests visiting, and Nankai was the first stop. Another classmate and I were sent to stand guard at the gate.At that time, I had just been promoted to the squad leader.Scout uniforms (i.e. uniforms) have a sign such as a roll of rope nailed to the shoulders, tied with fresh

Ming wore a purple and white two-color Nankai scarf, held a scout stick, and thought he was doing something very important.That day, Zhang Dafei happened to be thrown into my house from Chongqing—he had already started flying a destroyer to fight against the Japanese planes, passed by the gate of Nankai, and when he got home, he said to my mother, “I just saw Bangyuan standing guard at the school gate, her arms and the boy As thick as a baton." I didn't take it seriously. Everyone said I was too thin, but I said that fat people are vulgar.At that time, I was not conscious of my appearance.Cut a boy's hair, never look in the mirror, and even pay little attention to other differences between men and women.My cousin Baogang is just the opposite. She is pretty and is a sophomore in Zhongshan Middle School. She is said to be the beauty of the school.Home for summer vacation.Looking in the mirror all day long, I couldn’t see my slovenly appearance, and said to me: “Why did you have such a long childhood?”

The entire period of junior high school was indeed like an extension of my childhood, but I transferred from school to school since I was a child, and since then I have entered a stable growth period. In the excellent reading atmosphere in Nankai, I have learned from teachers and teachers, and laid the foundation for a lifetime of reading and being a man. Before school started that year, my mother ordered some light blue and indanthrene cloth (it will never fade after washing for a lifetime, and I have hardly seen it since I arrived in Taiwan) uniform gowns for me in the town, because I was going to high school. No more Scout uniforms.

One morning I wore a light blue short-legged uniform and walked up the field from the small slope in front of my house. Walking on the narrow grass-covered field required a flexible balance, and the rice on both sides was full after the heavy rain. Water, when I lowered my head, I saw the reflection of a girl in the paddy field water, it was me in a long gown! I was stretching out my hands to keep my balance, and my face was full of happiness and concentration.The sky above is so high, so blue, and the ever-changing white clouds are flying past.At the age of sixteen, it was the first time I looked in such a big mirror between heaven and earth.

The beacon fire was burning hot, and the sound of bombs accompanied our reading.When you are not running the alarm, you are working hard; when you are running the alarm, you still have your textbooks with you, preparing for tomorrow's exam.Children who grow up in this environment are compared with children who grow up in a happy environment today.He is more aware of urgency, and he becomes sensible earlier, but his mind also ages faster.In such a difficult environment, we didn't eat well or dress well every day, we were bitten by bedbugs at night, and we had to run the alarm during the day, even at night when the moon was shining.Because of this, the remaining time becomes extremely precious. The teacher said: "If you don't behave well, you will be eliminated." It's like being cautious and afraid that you will be killed if you don't hide well.Every morning at the flag-raising ceremony, the teachers would always say some words of encouragement. The "tapping education" Nankai gave us deeply affected us.In the years when the war was raging, the teachers and teachers joined hands to protect this pure land of learning. With perseverance and diligence, they pulled us from immature children to sensible teenagers, and grew up in a harsh environment. Just like Principal Zhang Boling said: "You If you go out without wearing a school badge, you have to let people see that you are from Nankai."

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