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Chapter 21 Section 8 Zhounan Girls' High School

Juliu River 齐邦媛 1241Words 2018-03-04
Since I had just graduated from elementary school and had to go to school, Zhongshan Middle School did not accept me, fearing that my fever and illness would drag them down.Therefore, my parents sent me to Zhounan Girls' Middle School in Changsha alone, where I was in the first grade.Zhounan Girls' High School is a famous school with a long history in Hunan, and it also has an alumni association in Taiwan. I remember that the tutor in the class was Teacher Li Shifen.Nearly 20 years after I arrived in Taiwan, I moved back to Taipei from Taichung, and I often saw his name in newspapers. He was the chairman of China Broadcasting Corporation at that time.I went to visit him, and he remembered me when he saw me.Although I was good at my homework, I was always sick, fainted at every turn, had a high fever, and was sent to the hospital...Since all students live on campus, and parents entrust their children to the school, the school has the responsibility to take care of them.In Hunan dialect, he said, "You are such a troublesome child!"

In that short semester, I studied well and was serious about everything.When the Japanese invaded Hankou, our school participated in the Changsha Patriotic Parade, and the whole city was like boiling.I was in the school drum band and the teacher asked, "What are you going to do?" I said, "I'm going to beat the big drum." Because the anti-Japanese feeling was very strong at that time, it must be expressed with a big drum.But I weighed only 30 kilograms, and I was as thin as a monkey, and I couldn't carry a big drum at all. Teacher Li helped me by asking a stronger classmate to carry a drum on his back, and I played beside him.So during the parade, I played the big drum and led the team, which also reflected the school's tolerance and sympathy for the students who fled from the north.

After I came to Taiwan, I still kept a small commemorative book from that year, which contained some blessings written by teachers and classmates.In the midst of drastic changes in reality, in the gap between raising children and cooking two meals in the hall, sometimes I still think of the weak 13-year-old and the patriotism in the city during the parade in Changsha.And my own confusion and anger in the drumbeat. Two months after we arrived in Xiangxiang, my elder brother received a letter from Zhang Dafeiqu's enlistment training base to the school. Some of their young instructors were Northeast students from the eighth to twelveth grades of Whampoa. They knew that Zhongshan Middle School had arrived Hunan, settled in Yongfeng Town, Xiangxiang.

The first sentence in his letter was to ask how his mother was doing. (He didn't dare to ask, "Is she still alive?") Please be sure to reply to the letter. He wrote the names of my brother and me in the letter, perhaps because he was afraid that my brother might not reply to his letter. In the letter, he also explained the reasons for joining the army: "I am already nineteen years old, and I will be over twenty years old when I graduate. I may not be able to get into a public university by then. The Japanese forced us into this situation, and I am not in the mood to study or wait. An uncertain future. There are three elder brothers and younger brothers in my family, and now I have been admitted to the Air Force officer college as I wished, so I can truly serve the country and avenge my father."

He said that he was admitted to the Air Force Academy shortly after joining the army. The training was very hard, but he ate well every day. "I have been away from home since I left home. Except for your home in Nanjing, I seldom eat such good food." Good physical strength, enlisted training I can stand it too.He asked me if I read the Bible? You can start with the New Testament.My brother is very busy at school and he ordered me to write back immediately. When I arrived at Changsha Zhounan Girls’ High School, I wrote back to him, explaining the physical condition of my family and my mother, and told him to put the Bible I gave me in my waist pocket and carry it with the fugitive alarm. I just don’t understand why Jesus said that people beat you the left cheek, you even let him hit the right cheek?

On the eve of the two fires in Changsha, the situation became increasingly difficult. My parents had no choice but to take me back to Xiangxiang, ready to flee forward at any time. I still remember the good days we had in Yongfeng Town.Hunan is endowed with rich products, honest people, and a style of writing that has been cultivated for generations. Hunan people are often called "Hunan mules" because of their persistence and self-confidence.It is a land of fish and rice. I have traveled many places in my life, and I rarely see such plump radishes and cabbages.Before the flames of war, life was too peaceful and peaceful, isolated from the world, really like the beautiful hometown of Cuicui in Shen Congwen.

In the book "National Northeast Zhongshan Middle School Golden Jubilee Commemorative Collection", many people also wrote that although the school life in Xiangxiang, Hunan, was still fleeing for nearly a year, the beautiful scenery and abundant food and clothing have become a beautiful memory. .
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