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Chapter 598 Chapter 558: Soul Stripping

devil's law 跳舞 4277Words 2018-03-12
Chris calmed down. He looked at Du Wei's gesture, and there was a trace of cunning in his eyes, then he shook his head deliberately and sighed: "My little guest! I have told you a lot...you can't always ask questions , and then expect to get free answers from me. In this world, everything has a price. Price, do you understand? To get more answers from me, you have to pay something." Du Wei stared at the old guy fiercely: "Did I pay less? In order to come to see you, I fought with the Dragon God outside! Damn it! If I knew it was the Dragon God, I would definitely turn around and leave! Fighting with the dragon god, do I think my life is too long? Moreover, you can obviously take me in, but you don’t do anything, just watch me fight with it! When Aragorn came in, Gandolf came in When you were here, and when I first came here, you were the one who took us in. But this time, why did you..."

"I have to see your strength." Chris sneered: "This poor dragon has no godhead, and his strength is limited. If you can't support it when you face it, then you will Not the right person I was waiting for...he deserves death." Do you deserve to die? Du Wei swallowed hard: "I really should punch your nose flat." "Okay, hold back your anger. That's the story, and I've answered most of your questions... Now, let's talk about our deal." Du Wei sighed. When it comes to cunning, this old monster who has lived for 10,000 years and still possesses advanced wisdom can definitely overwhelm him.

"In the last transaction, I gave you a horn, which turned you from a waste into a master. How is it? Does it feel good?" Chris smiled, and his smile reminded Du Wei of a person—— Little Zach, a profiteer under him. "And these charming eyes..." Chris's tone was somewhat ambiguous: "It must make you feel very smooth, right?" "Thank you, but I don't have much chance to use it." Du Wei shook his head: "I'm not a stallion." Du Wei quickly took out two things. The first thing is a black crystal ball. On this crystal ball, the originally pure black shiny crystal sphere is now faintly surrounded by a layer of miserable white mist. The mist is imprisoned in the crystal ball, and it seems to be struggling hard, sighing weakly, back and forth wandering.

Although it can't make any sound, as long as you look at it, it seems that you can reach out from your heart and hear the silent struggling anger. "Oh!" Chris smiled all over his face: "Let me see! An angel's soul. Needless to say, its body was destroyed by you, right?" Chris leaned forward and pressed his skeleton-like paws On the crystal ball, he closed his eyes, as if he was trying to feel something with his heart. After a while, he opened his eyes: "This soul is not complete, but fortunately, it is indeed an angel. Moreover, its The imprint of the goddess' divine power still remains in the soul, which is very useful to me."

"And this." Du Wei took out the badge. Coat of arms of Saint Laurent knight belonging to Aragon.This badge seems a bit inconspicuous, but the quaint shape immediately attracted Chris' eyes. It let go of its claws on the crystal ball, as if reaching out to touch the badge, but its fingers were still a little away from the badge. When a little distance away, it stopped again. "You need these two things, what's the use?" Du Wei frowned. "Of course it is useful." Chris snorted, pointing to the crystal ball that sealed the angel's soul: "I need the divine power of the goddess. Don't forget, I am imprisoned here now! This is a separate space, I Both my body and this poor dragon are suppressed by the Goddess' curse. In this spatial cage that imprisons us, there is the Goddess' divine power. Neither I nor this dragon can leave here. Unless..."

Chris smiled: "The only way to open this cage is to use the divine power of the goddess! I can't kidnap the goddess herself here to open the cage for me. But I know that in order to control the world, the goddess will inevitably erect among humans. The spokesperson, and she is worried about ordinary humans, so she will definitely create a few angels... I can't steal her divine power from the goddess herself, so I can only put this idea on the angels she came to the world Already!" As he spoke, he pointed to the crystal ball: "This is the key to my jailbreak." Du Wei thought for a while, but he was not surprised.After all, it is not an outrageous idea to escape from prison after being imprisoned for 10,000 years.

"But what about this badge?" "This badge is for you, kid." Chris snorted, "Now it's proven that you are Aragorn. But when I first saw you, you were too weak. I need you to reach Aragorn." The level of tribute! Back then, I spent half of my power on that guy, and it was long ago that Aragorn, the legendary hero of your race, was born, but unfortunately you didn’t complete our deal later.” "Hey! It's Aragorn who let you dove, not me." Du Wei argued. "It's all the same, you are alone." Chris was a little dissatisfied: "But fortunately, I remember one thing. When Aragorn was with me, he learned a special spell. This spell was taught to me by the Lord Demon God. Very A spell that works."

"The lifespan of a creature is limited, and even the longest-lived creature will eventually die one day." Chris smiled slightly: "But I am a special life created by Lord Demon God. In order to create me, Lord Demon God created me unintentionally. Time also created a new spell, which we call 'memory deprivation'. Simply put, I can take your soul out of your body! Because the body will age and die, but the soul , the soul is actually just a memory that contains spiritual power. Theoretically, the soul can exist forever, as long as it can have an attached storage body, which is commonly known as the physical body. However, the spell to deprive the soul , but no one can control it...except me!"

As he spoke, Chris raised his finger and tapped the badge lightly. The badge immediately floated into the air, and a ball of white light flashed around it. After Chris's fingertip, the white badge The light was immediately affected, creating a circle of ripples. "Oh! Look, it's not what I expected. After Aragorn learned this spell from me, he finally used it! The memory stored in this badge must be Aragorn's own memory!" "The soul is a piece of memory, but it needs spiritual power to maintain its existence. Generally speaking, if a creature's body dies, its soul will die soon, because after the body dies, the spiritual power will also quickly Dissipate, without the maintenance of spiritual power, the memory will disappear...then, the soul will also die. Therefore, if the soul is not to die, there must be spiritual power to maintain it."

"There is a kind of magic called undead magic, which is very similar to this kind of soul deprivation and copying. But undead magic is far inferior to my spell! Because of undead magic, the deprived soul will suffer great damage, that is, Say, the obtained soul is no longer complete, just a bunch of fragments! For example, the soul of the angel you got... In fact, it is finished, broken, and lost self-awareness, but there are still some fragments and chaos left Spiritual power. Undead magic will produce some dead creatures, but the dead creatures have no wisdom... This is because the soul stripped out by undead magic is incomplete!

In essence, I, Chris, the servant of Lord Demon God, I am no different from those undead creatures, such as bone dragons, black knights and so on.But I am higher than them because my soul is whole and I retain all my wisdom.You see, I am only a soul body now, but I am not destroyed.Right? ? " Chris's voice was a little smug. "Theoretically speaking, as long as you learn this spell of mine, you can take any creature in this world, strip its soul from its original body, find a new body, and inject it back into it... The result What is it? Eternal life! My dear Du Wei, it is eternal life!" Du Wei immediately thought of Master QQ, the divine beast.That is, the first pope of the mainland, Michael Hughes! Isn't it just that Aragon used this spell to get the soul of a dead man into the body of a penguin? But now, even the most powerful magicians and necromancers on the mainland will never be able to do this!Because the souls stripped out by undead magic will lose consciousness and become undead creatures without wisdom. "And that Gandalf." Chris laughed: "That guy is a very interesting example. There are actually two different personalities in one body. I separated them, and one person became two. Personally! This is the magic of this spell created by Lord Demon God! I can, at will, strip off the soul of any creature intact! Then use a new body to keep it alive! Including myself! " Chris flicked the badge with his finger in the air, watched the light on the badge fluctuate little by little, and smiled: "Look! I knew at that time that such useful magic, I taught After giving it to Aragorn, he will definitely use it! No one will refuse the temptation of eternal life! As a result, it seems that my guess is correct, he used it!! When that Gandolf came here, he told me about the human world outside. I knew that Aragorn was 'dead', but I wasn't worried.Because I think Aragorn just died physically. After he learned my magic, he must have preserved his soul.Then, I learned that... Aragorn left a coat of arms.And that badge was carefully preserved in that temple.I can only take a gamble... I need Aragorn! " Chris glanced at Du Wei: "Oh, although you are Aragon. But my dear boy, you are still Du Wei now! What I need is Aragon who has recovered his memory! When you first came here , I saw your appearance and the appearance of the girl next to you... I guessed at the time that you must be that guy from Aragorn who tried to transfer his memory. But you called yourself Du Wei, you lost All the 'Memories of Aragorn', and I, have to find a way for you to get them back." Du Wei was speechless: "But, why didn't you just tell me about this badge?" Chris glanced at Du Wei: "The first time I saw you, I felt the cunning of you kid. If I told you that this badge is in the temple, would you be willing to steal it?" "No!" Du Wei shook his head immediately: "After I leave here, I will forget about your bullshit deal. I had such low power back then, so I wouldn't be foolish enough to provoke the temple!" "Look, I understand your temperament. That's why I didn't say anything, or you would have been scared away." "However, I also got this badge by accident." Du Wei frowned: "How do you know that I will definitely get this badge?" "That's thanks to Gandolf." Chris said with a smile: "That strange guy came here, and from him, I learned that although Aragorn was 'dead', he left behind a millennium. Mission, I knew that Aragorn must have laid out a long-term plan. He must have left a complete plan. And your arrival, once again proved this point! I don’t need to do too much, just give you a little hint , and then fate—oh, or Aragorn’s plan, will take you forward step by step. At a certain time, you will definitely get this badge. Don’t stare at me like this, this But the plan you set up yourself! You are Aragorn, so blame yourself." Seeing Du Wei's hesitant to speak, Chris didn't care, and said lightly: "Du Wei, you just need to answer me, does this badge contain Aragorn's memory?" "To be precise...it's two paragraphs..." Before Du Wei finished speaking, Chris immediately interrupted him: "That's fine!" Then, the badge flew back to Du Wei's hand. "Here, I will help you reintegrate the soul memory in this badge... Then, you will become the real Aragorn. Become a helper I need. And then..." When Chris said this, he laughed twice, and his broken front teeth were exposed in his open mouth. "Let's leave here together and go find the treasure left by Lord Demon God!" "To fuse the memory in the badge, I have to reach the domain." Du Wei said coldly: "I know how to fuse it myself. But I don't think it's an easy thing." "With my help, the field is not a difficult thing." Chris shook his finger easily. Seeing how Du Wei seemed to frown, Chris said with a seductive smile, "I'll give you a favor, kid." Then, he began to pull his fingers, counting them one by one, with a nonchalant expression: "Scepter of Glory? Crystal Pendant of Tears? Shield of Amut? Robe of God's Wind? Ring of the Holy One? Bracelet? Nine-color rainbow streamer? Eternal sun wheel? These things, except that Dracula's spear and the moonless five-light armor are not in my hands, and Keduluo's throat arrow has been obtained by you... other of these artifacts, Which one do you want??" Listening to the shocking names being announced by Chris... Well, Du Wei once again fell out of the chair shamefully.
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