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Chapter 196 Chapter 171 The First Magic Pharmacist in the Mainland

devil's law 跳舞 9284Words 2018-03-12
Compared with those genuine magicians, the qualifications of a magic pharmacist are relatively simple.Although it has always been regarded as a kind of genuine magician qualification, the identity of a pharmacist is always so comfortable and not awkward.In magician circles, the apothecary is the basis for much magic.It can be said that although most people don't think highly of magic pharmacists, it is undeniable that pharmacy plays a fundamental role in many magic researches. Du Wei, the first time he came into contact with magic, he started from magic pharmacy when he was young.After studying pharmacy for many years, Du Wei has keenly found out the biggest problem of the world's prejudice against magic pharmacists!

In his opinion, the biggest mistake of the magic unions in this world is that they should not treat pharmacists as an independent profession that is different from magicians in general! Pharmacy is the basis of many magic theories, its role is so important that it cannot be ignored, but if it is regarded as an independent profession, its actual effect will be very weak. It seems that all financial experts must be proficient in mathematics, and the most basic primitive foundation of mathematics is nothing but addition, subtraction, multiplication and division... But there is absolutely no need to list "addition, subtraction, multiplication and division" as an independent profession!

Although Du Wei is well aware of such a situation, it seems that he has taken advantage of the loopholes in this regulation! Moreover, unlike genuine magicians who are divided into many levels, magic pharmacists are not divided into levels.It's just a mere level. If you pass the exam, you are a magic pharmacist, and you are also "officially recognized" in name, which is equivalent to the qualification of a magician. The most important thing is that magic pharmacists have never been taken seriously, so the rigor of the assessment is completely different from the regular magic level assessment.

"You...Your Excellency Du Wei, do you really want to take the Potion Master exam?" Jago Doug seemed a little unable to believe his ears: "But..." "It's nothing." Du Wei interrupted the chairman's words just right. His expression was full of piety like a martyr. It is undeniable that his performance was in place. The kind of unhurried, dignified and The tone of mission made people feel a little respect for this brilliant young magician. "Magic pharmacists are also recognized as a kind of magician. This is enough for me. And my teacher taught me to walk out of my own magic path. In my opinion, Teacher Gandolf , as well as many other disciples of the teacher, have achieved outstanding achievements in the traditional field of magic. Brother's light. To me, a first-level magician or a ninth-level magician is just a title. The title is given by others and is for others to see... I don't need these, what I need is Challenge yourself, admit to yourself!"

What he said implicitly carried the arrogance of a top powerhouse in the mainland! Indeed, judging from his brilliant record, he seems to be qualified to say such "crazy words".After all, the so-called level 1 or level 9 may be very important to ordinary masters, but to the top powerhouses in the mainland, it really can only be regarded as floating clouds! Have you ever seen a paladin foolishly go to the Knights Association to ask for the title of "Paladin"?of course not!People naturally have the demeanor of a master.For example, Hussein, Rodriguez, such a strong man, even if he does not go to any knight association to get a badge of a tenth-level knight in his life, everyone knows that he is a paladin!

The only difference is that those strong men are truly qualified to do such things. As for Du Wei, he was just boasting under the brand of "master". Don't you want to try out my true level?Aren't you going to expose my "super expert" deception?I'll give you one to do the opposite!I don't take the eighth and ninth grades!I just chose a magic pharmacist who is not even as good as a first-level magician! In this way, others really can't see Du Wei's strength clearly! As for Du Wei's declaration, the subtext is: I don't like the eighth and ninth grades, as long as you just take a pharmacist's brand and have the qualifications of a magician, that's enough!As long as Laozi's strength is clear to himself, there is no need to announce it to the world like ordinary people.

No matter how stupid a person is, he would not foolishly think that the real strength of this talented young man who shines in the square is only at the level of a magic pharmacist.Anyone with a basic IQ will think: This young duke treats fame and wealth like dirt... What a masterful demeanor! Chairman Yagodouge was caught off guard by Du Wei's strange move. He had calculated for a long time before and felt that Du Wei was forced by himself and had no way out. Under the insightful eyes of several great magicians, he obediently faded away the halo of "super masters", and then honestly listened to himself in order to save face.

And now, the thing that Chairman Yagodoug regrets the most is: Why didn't I use my authority to pass the decree banning the profession of magic pharmacist earlier! ! "I object." Master Leonid, who looked like a creditor, saw that the chairman was at a loss for words—obviously, this Master Leonid was a direct descendant of Chairman Yagodouge. He is fully aware of the inside story and the reasons for his actions. There was a hint of gloom on his pale face, then he looked at Du Wei, and said in a deep voice, "Master Du Wei, as a ninth-level mage of the Magic Union and the chief elder of the union's assessment, I personally object to your request."

Du Wei didn't say a word, just looked at this guy quietly, waiting for his next words, and already put him into the Yagodouge faction in his heart. "Please don't forget your identity." The excuse Leonid made was completely expected by Du Wei, and he said: "You are the last disciple of Master Gandolf! Master Gandolf, it is Roland The greatest existing magician in the mainland is also the most famous magister! More importantly, Master Gandolf is also the spiritual leader of the magic union. Although he is in the magic union, the magic union has always wanted to have such a An outstanding magister is proud. His prestige involves many key things. It can be said that if the prestige of Master Gandolf is damaged, it is almost equivalent to the prestige of the magic union. And the prestige of the magic union is affected The loss is the loss to the magic civilization of the entire continent!"

Du Wei didn't speak. Seeing that the young duke did not refute, Leonid breathed a sigh of relief secretly, and continued to press on: "The disciples accepted by Master Gandolf throughout his life all became outstanding magicians later on. For example, the mage Irnes who is here at the moment, and the young female magician brought by Master Gandolf a few years ago. It can be said that Master Gandolf has cultivated and contributed countless talents to the magic world of this continent Now, it's your turn...Your Excellency Du Wei, you should understand that as a disciple of Master Gandolf, many things are beyond your own will. Your every move involves the reputation of Master Gandolf !Right now, many people are paying attention to you, calling you the most talented young magician. And if under such circumstances, you refuse to accept the magic level assessment, but choose... a potion master! You don’t Do you feel that this will cause serious disappointment to many people who have great expectations of you? Thinking about it further, people will have many bad associations, for example, some people may think that our magic union treats you unfairly. Or Some people will think that Master Gandolf trained his disciples too badly!"

snort! Du Wei sneered inwardly. Sure enough! Seeing that it's not good enough, play Gao Shang with me! Hum hum…… But how could Du Wei, who has the memory of two lifetimes, be bound by such a trick? When it comes to yin people, Du Wei will never give up in this regard.His routine is actually very simple: When others deal with me with meanness, I will fight back with nobility!When others use nobility to deal with themselves, I will fight back with despicableness! "Master Leonid." Du Wei responded unceremoniously: "I have to say... As a veteran of the Magic Union for many years, I am very grateful for your words. Doubt! I think your words have seriously damaged the majesty of the magic union!" "...What did you say?!" Leonid showed a hint of anger on his face. With his identity, in the magic union, which magician would dare to talk to him like that, and accuse him in person? Du Wei didn't care.Anyway, he has already determined that this guy is his enemy, so he doesn't care if he offends the other party with his words. "First of all, Master Leonid! I must remind you that your words have severely degraded the status of the profession of magic pharmacist! I think this is a very unfair and unfair argument! The Almighty God is here In fact, I really can't imagine that such words are actually coming from the mouth of a veteran who is known as 'fair and strict' in the magic union!" Du Wei had an exaggerated and surprised expression on his face, mixed with a trace of regret, Staring at Leonid closely: "As the elder of the magic union, can you ignore the laws of the magic union? Or I need to remind you that there are clear words in the laws of the magic union: magic pharmacists have the same The qualifications of the magician! This is publicly announced and recognized by the law of the magic union! As the elder of the magic union, can you deny the law of the magic union at will on such an occasion! I have to express regret, because I personally think that this is a kind of blatant... blatant 'professional discrimination'!! It is hard to imagine that any magician with a noble personality should not have the idea of ​​ignoring the law of the magic union, and absolutely should not Have such a discriminatory view of my colleagues! Master Leonid, I am very sorry for your remarks, and I will represent the entire group of magic pharmacists in my own name to protest against you!" Seeing that Du Wei confronted the veteran of the Magic Union with righteous words, such a scene was completely beyond the expectations of the old guys.Du Wei, who was polite just now and regarded himself as a junior, suddenly changed his face. Seeing Leonid's suffocation, Du Wei secretly smiled in his heart: Hmph, aren't you singing high-profile with me?Who can't sing high-profile?Who doesn't know how to go online, this hand, I'm much more skilled than you! With just a few words, a big hat of professional discrimination was directly placed on Leonid's head, making Leonid's face paler and frighteningly pale, and his beard trembled faintly. If Mr. Chairman was not present, Leonid really couldn't help but wanted to take action to teach this ignorant kid a lesson! "And!" Du Wei hasn't finished yet! It seems that today he will not give up on this old creditor-looking guy, and he will not give up. Du Wei turned his head and stopped looking at Leonid, but at Chairman Yagodoug: "Mr. Chairman, I want to Let me be clear first, does Master Leonid's refutation of my wishes just now represent the official position of the Magic Union? Or does it just represent him personally?" Jago Doug hesitated for a moment, and looked at his direct comrade-in-arms Leonid: "This..." "free!" Du Wei suddenly threw out such a word forcefully. The resoluteness of his words and his decisive attitude moved the old guys. "Please remember, even if the Magic Union is the core organization of magicians on the mainland, as a Magic Union, it does not have the right to openly infringe on a magician's personal will and freedom! If I remember correctly, in the Magic Union's decree , It seems that there is no rigid and mandatory regulation on what level the magician will be assessed? Any magician can freely choose the goal and level they want to challenge according to their own wishes! Every magician has the choice of their own Freedom in the field of magic research! Could it be that the magic union has now become a closed and rigid organization that can override the personal freedom of all magicians at will!" The last sentence made Chairman Young Doug raise his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice, "Please pay attention to your words, Your Excellency Du Wei!" "Okay." Du Wei knew the truth of accepting as soon as you see it, and immediately lowered his head in a cooperative way: "I take back my last words just now, I am a little emotional." Aili Ke looked at Du Wei, at Leonid who was pale with anger, then at the trade union chairman who was feigning anger, and finally at Irnes next to him—the deaf man Irnes didn't seem to have heard the content of the quarrel between the two sides just now, and he still had a leisurely look of being away from things. So, Ailike coughed and said, "Du Wei, don't get excited. I think Master Leonid also has good intentions. Of course, what he said just now is just a suggestion from his personal position. The Magic Union will never will override the liberty of any magician. Please be assured of that." Chairman Yagodoug gave Master Arico a complex and meaningful look, but did not speak. "Okay. It turns out that this is a 'personal position suggestion'." Du Wei seemed to smile, but the disdain in the laughter was already obvious. He looked at Leonid, and his voice was slightly lower: " May I ask Master Leonid, are you also a disciple of Teacher Gandolf?" "……no." "Oh, then, are you a colleague of Mr. Gandolf? Have you studied magic with him?" "...No!" No matter how conceited Leonid was, he didn't dare to compare himself with Gandolf, the number one magister on the mainland. After all, he could only be regarded as Gandolf's junior in terms of seniority and age. He glanced at Irnes next to him, and quickly added: "When I was studying magic, I also received some pointers from Master Gandolf." "Oh..." Du Wei's expression seemed to be a lot more friendly, but his next sentence almost made Leonid jump up in anger on the spot. "The so-called 'not in the position, not in the government'! Master Leonid, since you are not a member of Mr. Gandolf's disciples, then I also remind you from a 'personal standpoint'..." Du Wei's tone was incongruous Yin and Yang mocked: "I won't bother you about the matter of our disciples under Gandolf's sect!" The implication is: you jump out to point fingers at the matter of our disciples under Gandolf's sect, how old are you! Leonid couldn't bear it now, when had he been so angry?And still by a junior?The old mage was furious, jumped up on the spot, and was about to yell loudly, when Yagodouge next to him suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "Enough!" The sound of stopping drinking made everyone in the room tremble. After all, he is currently the chief leader of the Magic Union. As the chairman, when he looks down, he still has some deterrent effect. Yagodoug put his hand on Leonid's shoulder with a gloomy face, and pushed him back to sit, and then Mr. Chairman looked at Du Wei, with a gloomy expression on his face, and there was still a trace of deep thought. After a long time, he suddenly smiled. There was a hint of conspiracy in this smile. "Master Du Wei, young and promising. It seems that Master Gandolf has gained another genius! Hehe..." Du Wei didn't speak. "First of all, I want to declare that there is absolutely no occupational discrimination in any form in the magic union! Everyone must show sufficient respect for all the laws and regulations of the union. This is unquestionable." Yagodog looked back deeply With a glance at Leonid, he was also somewhat dissatisfied with Leonid's recklessness. Although it is a recognized fact that you discriminate against magic pharmacists, don't say it in public!This kind of thing was originally tacitly understood by everyone, but if it is said blatantly, the meaning is completely different! "The second point I want to explain is that the magic union fully respects the choice of every magician, and there will never be a situation where the will of the union overrides the freedom of individual choice. Please rest assured, Mr. Du Wei. We are A free group, this is not the central government of the empire. The existence of the magic union is to unite the power of magicians on the mainland and serve all magicians, not the relationship between the emperor and his subjects!" Finally, after clarifying these two points, Chairman Yago Doug said slowly: "Master Du Wei, as the chairman of the trade union, I agree to your request and allow you to conduct the qualification examination for magic pharmacists." There was a flash of satisfaction in Du Wei's eyes, but then Yagodoug added a sentence calmly: "However, in view of your identity, after all, it is related to the reputation of the late Master Gandolf, I have to Proceed with caution. Therefore, I have decided that, in addition to the standard procedural assessment of your magic pharmacist, I will conduct an additional assessment on you. Of course, if you don't want to, you can also refuse this assessment, completely according to your personal wishes." "what?" "I will set up an additional standard for you. As long as you meet this standard, the Magic Union will award you the honorary title of 'the number one potion master in the mainland'!" Ya Ge Doug's words made Du Wei sigh in his heart. Against the generals ah! After all, the chairman is the chairman, without a little bit of government and scheming, it seems that he can't sit in this position. ... Aren't you going to take the Potion Master exam? I'll let you take the Potion Master exam!But at the same time, I made an additional question for your exam. If you pass the exam, you will have the title of the number one potion master in the mainland.If you fail the test, you are still a potion master. It seems fair, but how can Du Wei fail to see the deep meaning in it? Originally refusing the level assessment and choosing a magic pharmacist was to hide his strength by breaking the rules. Magic pharmacists are the easiest to test, and they also have officially recognized magician qualifications. Naturally, Du Wei's first choice for "pretending to be aggressive". But after this "additional question" is figured out, Du Wei is not allowed to back down or avoid it anymore! Don't you talk nicely!Don't you want to "create your own path"?Don't you want to use "magic pharmacist" to create a unique magic path? In this case, I satisfy you!And it gives you a better chance!Let you become the first person in the mainland to become a magic pharmacist!If you still dare not accept such an opportunity, then you can only admit that you are exaggerating! If Du Wei really backed down and didn't dare to accept this additional question, then it meant that his seemingly noble remarks just now, and his demeanor, were too hypocritical. The title of number one in the mainland, even an expert, can't help but be tempted.If you are still not tempted by this title, then the only explanation is: you are not an expert, but you are arrogant! ... "Play with me." Du Wei sneered in his heart, and then said loudly, "I accept!" "Very good." Chairman Yago Doug's eyes were also very determined. To be honest, this so-called title of "the number one magic pharmacist in the mainland" is really helpless.After all, even if a pharmacist is a tasteless profession, it is still a bit reckless to be the number one in the mainland. Being able to become the chairman of the trade union in the field of magic, Jago Doug is naturally not an incompetent person. With his magic attainments, he also understands that although magic pharmacy is a weak profession, it also occupies an important position in the entire magic knowledge system. basic link. Casually throwing out the hat of number one in pharmacy on the mainland, he was indeed a bit reckless.But in order to make Du Wei submit, he had to take risks. "Then, Mage Leonid, you are the most experienced mage here. Please explain to Mage Du Wei the content of the assessment for magic pharmacists." Although Leonid hated Du Wei to death now, he could not disobey the chairman's intentions. He snorted indifferently, his face was full of gloom, and was about to speak when Aili who was beside him suddenly smiled: "Let me tell. I think everyone here, when it comes to magic pharmacy, I, an old guy, should have the deepest research in this area." No one objected to this statement. After all, Ali Ke, who has been obsessed with magic experiments all his life, is indeed the number one person in the magic union in terms of magic pharmacy. Compared with the level assessment of a genuine magician, the assessment of this magic pharmacist is really simple and eye-catching. First of all, you only need to be able to recite the twenty basic magic potion formulas proposed by the examiner.And during the assessment, several of the most common magic plants and potions were clearly distinguished.Then, under the supervision of the assessment host, the complete set of procedures for dispensing medicines will be completed (what kind of medicines to configure, optional). Then, as long as you pass these words, then, congratulations, you can obtain the official qualification of a magic pharmacist. It's that simple. With Du Wei's intelligence, he has been learning magic pharmacy since he was a child. Let alone memorize twenty of the basic formulas. It is not a problem to memorize all three hundred recipes! As for identifying some common magical plants and potions, it is also simple. And the whole process of operating and configuring the medicine is also difficult for Du Wei. And the difficulty, I am afraid that the difficulty lies in the "additional question"! Chairman Yagodoug was smiling, and he seemed to believe that Du Wei would not be able to pass the additional question.At that time, even if Du Wei is given the title of magic pharmacist and spread, if Du Wei fails to pass the additional questions, then the superior demeanor that this kid has painstakingly created will be greatly reduced. "Du Wei, this additional question is actually not difficult to understand." Yagodouge's smile made Du Wei feel very disdainful. not difficult?No wonder! "All of you here are magicians with profound attainments, so everyone knows that when the magic potion has been learned to a high level, you can simulate it without using your own magic ability and relying entirely on potions made from some magic plants and materials. The effect of some magic. Of course, at present, most of the magic pharmacy can only successfully simulate some low-level magic, even if it can simulate intermediate magic, it is very rare... Well, in this regard, I am afraid that Master Aili Ke is I have an authoritative right to speak. I remember that many years ago, Master Aric developed a potion. He originally wanted to simulate an intermediate-level auxiliary magic, but it failed." Yagodouge smiled and said: " If this is the case, then the additional question I propose is to ask His Excellency Master Du Wei not to use any of his own magical power, but to use purely pharmacy to configure a material that can simulate a kind of magic above the middle level! Departments are fine, as well as auxiliary magic, but they must be recognized as intermediate or above." ... Mean old fox! After Du Wei listened, he sneered in his heart. Using magic potions to simulate intermediate magic?It's just a joke! Solskjaer can use magic potion to extract gunpowder, and then simulate the lowest level of fireball. In Du Wei's view, it is already a revolutionary subversion and creation!It can be called a generation of geniuses!In the field of magic, it already has the meaning of opening up the world! ! But it can only simulate low-level fireball. Speaking of simulating intermediate magic... Looking at the entire continent now, no one can do it!It is simply impossible! The question Yago Doug asked was really extremely difficult.Even Alley believed that Du Wei couldn't do it - because Alley knew that he couldn't do it himself! He has studied magic experiments all his life, and has been immersed in magic potion science. He is considered a leader in the magic union, but he can't use potions to simulate any magic effects.Some mentally stimulating drugs may achieve some auxiliary effects, such as replenishing the magic power lost by the magician, but these are not real magic. How easy is it to simulate magic with drugs? ! "I accept!" Du Wei's loud answer made several old guys change color at the same time! Du Wei was confident: "Well, since this is the case, let's start. Let's start with the basic magic pharmacist assessment. I don't know which master will come up with the questions first? Do I need to recite the twenty basic formulas?" "Ahem..." Master Ailike coughed again and again, looked at Du Wei in disbelief, and then said: "Chairman, I would like to propose: In fact, the basic assessment is no longer necessary for Du Wei. He did some magic experiments together, and I can guarantee Du Wei's attainments in magic pharmacy with my reputation. Reciting basic formulas or identifying magic plants, as well as operating configuration programs... These things, Du Wei that afternoon It has been done many times in my lab. I think we can skip this process and go to the additional examination." Aili Ke was also very curious, what kind of potion can Du Wei use, and what kind of magic can he simulate? Ali Ke, who has been doing research all his life, is completely aroused at this moment. Du Wei was very determined in his heart, and he smiled: "Since it is the path I chose, then I think it is too simple to simulate intermediate magic... Well, I happen to have a research result, and I am willing to challenge it directly: using potions Learn to simulate an advanced magic!" With one word, everyone was shocked! "Everyone knows that my late teacher, Master Gandolf, was good at an advanced magic spell 'Wheel of Time and Space', right? This is an advanced magic spell that can reverse time and space with powerful magic power." As soon as Du Wei finished speaking, all the old guys nodded immediately. Gandalf's "Chrono Trigger" magic.These old guys all know it. "Then, I have also researched a formula for a potion that can control time!" After Du Wei finished speaking, the audience was speechless! Fortunately, I have been prepared for a long time... This QQ guy helped a lot this time! As he spoke, Du Wei took out something from the storage ring he carried with him. It was something tightly wrapped in black cloth, and it was obviously a flowerpot inside, but for some reason it was wrapped in such a thick black cloth, as if it dared not see the light. "This is Epiphyllum." Du Wei put the flower pot on the ground, and said with a smile: "Everyone knows, the so-called 'flash in the pan', epiphyllum is the flower with the shortest blooming time, only in the early morning, under the masculine , its flowers will bloom for a short time, but will wither immediately. Therefore, I think it is the most appropriate to use this thing to display my experimental results." After speaking, Du Wei took out another bottle, and after gently unscrewing the cap, a strange smell came out of the bottle immediately. All the people here are people who know the goods, and they all smell this smell. It is just the smell composed of how many strange magic potions are used. Even Ali Ke, with his knowledge of magic potions, could only smell four of them.And more flavors, because of the doping with each other, it is already difficult to identify. What followed was a scene that would be unforgettable for the rest of their lives, including Eric, Jago, Doug, Leonid, and Irnes! Until the time of Aili Ke's death, he never figured out how this kid who was far inferior to his own in magic potion science did it! Du Wei lifted the black cloth casually, revealing the flower pot underneath, which contained a budding epiphyllum. As the light shone on it, the flower buds bloomed quickly! But then, Du Wei tilted the bottle slightly, and the liquid dripped drop by drop into the soil of the flowerpot... The epiphyllum, which was supposed to wither immediately, seemed to be cast by a magician with an eternal spell!The blooming flowers are still gorgeous and full of vitality...there is no sign of withering! One minute... five minutes... ten minutes... I don't know how long it took, Yagodoug's eyes widened, and he subconsciously touched the teacup beside him, but his hand was cold. It turned out that the hot tea had already been completely cold because of the long time! But the epiphyllum, as if it were fake, still blooms! Leonid couldn't help but stood up and walked to the edge of the flower pot, looking carefully at the epiphyllum, but the old magician had to confirm with disappointment after careful identification: this is indeed an epiphyllum, and finally The most common Epiphyllum itself has nothing special about it! "How did you do it!" Leonid changed color and stared at Du Wei: "Let me see the potion in your bottle!" Du Wei sneered, but put away the bottle of potion instead, and said lightly: "Master Leonid, don't you think your request is too much!" Leonid was immediately at a loss for words. Indeed, such a request, even though it is in the assessment, is definitely too much!In the field of mages, any mage regards his research results as his life! If it were Leonid himself, would he casually tell others the magic spells he had researched so hard? of course not! And Du Wei... Under the surveillance of several archmages, it can be confirmed 100% that this kid did not cast any magic!There is no magic power fluctuation on him!Absolutely did not use magic to do anything to this epiphyllum, otherwise it would definitely not be able to hide the top figures of these few magic guilds. But... by chance, he did it! With a bottle of potion, can this moment of blooming epiphyllum be solidified? ! Du Wei looked at the stunned old guys, subconsciously patted his pocket, and thought... Hmph, fortunately I have the "Fountain of Youth"! Of course, in order to cover up the shape of the spring water itself, Du Wei deliberately mixed in some messy magic potion materials, which would not affect the cured form of the spring water itself, and at the same time prevent others from seeing the true face of the "potion". For a long time, Du Wei yawned impatiently, looking at Chairman Yagodouge: "Mr. Chairman, may I be able to pass the examination?" Jago Doug: "..."
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