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Chapter 195 Chapter 170 Not taking the usual path

devil's law 跳舞 5215Words 2018-03-12
In order to conduct a magic level assessment on Duke Duwei Rudolph, who is currently in the limelight in the imperial capital, it is obvious that the Magic Union has put a lot of effort into it. This is of course, given Du Wei's current reputation in the imperial capital.He is deeply favored by the regent, although the magic union may not take these "worldly" elements seriously.However, Du Wei, as the closed disciple of Master Gandolf, the number one magister in the mainland, and watching thousands of eyes on the day of the coup d'etat, defeated the evil fake Gandolf with magical magic. (As for the identity of the green-robed Gandalf, after the coup, it has been officially confirmed as a "fake". However, after Du Wei learned the real identity of the green-robed Gandalf, he really helped himself This official confirmation feels a bit absurd)

For such a great lord, his magic level assessment, of course, cannot be done casually. The Magic Union has come up with a luxurious lineup. Headed by the chairman of the magic guild, His Excellency Yago Doug, plus two old monsters living deep inside the tower of the magic guild, they are all master-level figures with ninth-level magician qualifications.Originally, these three people formed the lineup for the assessment of Du Wei's magic level. But what was unexpected was that the old lunatic Master Aili Ke, who everyone in the magic guild was displeased with, actually asked to join the team that hosted the assessment after he learned that Duo Duwei was required to conduct the magic assessment.

Chairman Yagodoug could not refuse the request of this old monster with profound qualifications, eccentric temper, and powerful strength. On this morning, in order to show respect to the Duke of the Empire, Mage Clark, the deacon of the Magic Union, waited on the square of the Magic Union with a few magicians. Behind him, dozens of magic apprentices followed. Outside the square, many citizens of the nearby imperial capital were watching.The news that the juvenile duke's magic level will be assessed today has already spread through various channels. As the most famous celebrity in the imperial capital recently, the genius young Duke, he is undoubtedly the focus of curiosity of the entire imperial capital.

The morning sun is still hanging in the sky, and in the morning, the breeze blowing across the imperial capital is full of fresh summer flavors.Stepping into the morning light, Du Wei, the bachelor of magic, court magician, court scholar, court astrologer, and the youngest duke in the empire.He didn't ride in a carriage, didn't ride a horse, and didn't even bring any guards or attendants. Just like that, he was wearing the black robes of a bachelor of magic, and with a faint smile on his face, he walked slowly from the street.With a peaceful face, under the morning light, his whole body seemed to have a faintly elegant aura.

Master Clark was a little surprised, and when Du Wei came in front of him, Master Clark took a deep breath, made a respectful etiquette between magicians, and bowed slightly: "Master Du Wei, please come with me. The Chairman is waiting for you inside." Once again came to the interior of the magic union, this time different from before, accompanied by several powerful magicians, surrounded Du Wei like stars and moons.And Du Wei's black mage robe was indeed eye-catching, attracting many people's attention. Even within the Magic Union, there are very few people wearing black mage robes.

As for Du Wei's recent rise to fame, who doesn't know this young genius magician who shined on the day of the coup d'etat? Under the leadership of Clark, he bypassed half of the magic union's six-pointed star building, and after deliberately attracting many eyeballs, he entered the interior of the magic union through a magic circle. Du Wei understood that the other party was deliberately making a big splash.The greater the momentum of this matter, the more favorable conditions the magic union will occupy in the end.On the contrary, if I don't cooperate with the magic union at that time, I will make a big embarrassment.

Today's appearance, without entourage, without horse-drawn carriage, without gorgeous clothes and decorations, Du Wei, dressed in a simple mage's robe, came out on foot, faintly carrying a bit of refined demeanor.Such a "low-key" really made the people of the Magic Union lose their calculations. Walking into the interior of the magic guild, the high tower is in front of you. Under the high tower, several gray-clothed wizards stand at the entrance of the high tower. Du Wei took a look and only recognized two of them. It seems that the old man The apprentice of the lunatic master Arico, other people don't recognize him.Clark introduced it with a smile on his face, and all the mages above level six in the entire magic union, who were in the imperial capital, were all present.

"Hmph, come and see how I am ashamed?" Du Wei sneered in his heart. This is because Du Wei misunderstood the magicians in these magic unions.With Du Wei's identity, his "seniority", and his recent fame.In the circle of magicians, there are also some secular habits.Now everyone is willing to come and make friends with this generation of genius master who is about to become popular.As for the small calculations made by Chairman Yagodouge, after all, not everyone knows about it. At least, Du Wei smiled sincerely at himself when he saw the two apprentices of Master Ali Ke.

"Master Du Wei, don't be nervous." One of the apprentices of Master Ali Ke whispered when Du Wei walked by: "The magician level assessment is not as scary as imagined. Don't worry... my teacher also participated in it personally In order to host your assessment, he will definitely take care of you." Du Wei nodded and cast a grateful look. Then, climbed up the tower. Until now, Du Wei has not figured out how many floors there are in the tower inside the magic union. And this time, the location of the assessment made Du Wei's heart skip a beat! It's actually the highest floor owned by Yagodouge!

Hmph, you really "value" yourself! After going up the tower, Du Wei smiled calmly facing Mr. Chairman who was wearing a black mage robe and a golden olive leaf badge. The two foxes, big and small, looked at each other for a while, and smiled at the same time. After Yagodouge let Master Clark retreat, he pointed to the three old mages with white beards, white hair and white robes standing beside him, and said with a smile: "Du Master Wei, these three are the candidates for the first assessment for you today. Let me introduce you first. You already know Master Aric, so I don’t need to say more. The other two..."

Yagodoug pointed to a gray-faced old man standing on his left. This guy seemed to have not seen the sun all year round. His skin was like that of an albino patient, with sickly paleness and a touch of gray in his face. He looked like he was dying. old look.However, the badge hanging on his white mage robe makes people absolutely dare not underestimate this old guy who is half as old as dirt—a ninth-level magician! "This is Archmage Leonid." Jago Doug said with a smile: "He is famous for his strictness and fairness in the magic union. If he comes to assess you, I believe the result is absolutely convincing! It can be said that , currently in the Magic Union, Mage Leonid is the person who has served as the host of the most assessments, and he has rich experience in this area..." Hmph, that means a very strict "invigilator".Du Wei smiled bitterly in his heart. The stricter the invigilator, the less chance of cheating. Chairman Yagodoug paused for a moment, then pointed to an old man standing beside Master Eric: "This..." Compared with Leonid, who looked like a creditor and raised his eyebrows upside down as if someone owed him tens of thousands of gold coins, the old magician introduced next looked much more pleasing to the eye.This guy smiled very kindly, his smile was as warm as the sun, the white mage robe on his body was in stark contrast to the dirty Alley beside him, his white mage robe was spotless, his hair was meticulous, and his beard was just plain Well built.A generous face, coupled with Guan'er's smile, filled his whole body with the demeanor of a generous elder. Such a guy, if he is not wearing a mage's robe, but a nobleman's costume, then no one will think he is a magician! He looked more like an old nobleman with a demeanor and a lot of self-cultivation. "This is Mage Ilness." Chairman Yagodoug suddenly amplified his voice several times, and said loudly: "He is the oldest veteran in the Magic Union. By the way, Mage Ilness He is from the same school as you, and he is also a disciple of Master Gandolf!" Oh? Du Wei raised his eyebrows.Sure enough, the Archmage Irness looked at him with friendly eyes and a particularly kind smile. "Hello, respected Mage Irnes." Du Wei hurriedly bent down and performed a courtesy of a junior. Irnes was smiling, his appearance was very elegant, but when he spoke, his voice was like a bell, and his voice was terrifyingly loud: "Haha!!! You are Du Wei!! Don't worry!! I will take care of you!!! " The sudden "lion's roar" startled Du Wei. Chairman Yagodoug sighed, and said in a low voice: "Master Irnes... His ears are not very good. During a magic experiment in the early years, his ears..." Du Wei immediately understood, glanced at the deaf "senior brother", and quickly lowered his head, "Thank you!" "Haha!! You are Du Wei!! Don't worry!! I will take care of you!!!" Du Wei: "...Thank you." "You are Du Wei!! Don't worry!! I will take care of you!!!" Du Wei: "..." Yagodoug looked a little embarrassed, and said loudly to Irnes: "Okay, Master Irnes, let's get ready to start." "You are Du Wei!! Don't worry!! I will take care of you!!!" Aili started to wipe his sweat, and pulled Irnes, who was behind his ears, Irnes frowned, and said angrily, "What are you pulling me for! Ah, that, Du Wei! Don't worry! I will take care of you!! " Du Wei: "..." ... After sitting down, a magic apprentice under Jago Doug served several cups of tea made with special magic plant potions.In the special office room of the chairman, Young Doug looked at Du Wei kindly: "Master Du Wei, before the assessment, please tell me, what level of assessment will you challenge today? Hehe..." Before Du Wei could speak, Chairman Yagodoug had already started to use words to squeeze Du Wei, and he smiled more and more kindly: "Judging from your recent brilliant record, um, I must be planning to wear it in the Magic Union today. The last set of white mage robes belongs to you!" The white mage robe is also a robe that mages above level eight are eligible to wear. Level eight... Du Wei secretly laughed in his heart: If the young master has the strength of level eight, he doesn't have to sit here and play haha ​​with you. "Master Du Wei." The voice of the creditor-looking Leonid also seemed to be a bit uncomfortable: "At your age, the first time you participated in the magic level assessment, you directly challenged to the eighth level... …Hey, it’s already a miracle in the magic union in recent years! Before you, someone who passed the eighth level in the first assessment, um, seems to be the disciple of Master Gandolf! I remember that just the year before last, Gan The little girl brought by Master Dove also obtained the eighth-level qualification in one go, and took a white mage robe from me that day." Aili Ke, an old fellow, looked at Du Wei carefully with a weird face—among these people, the person who knew Du Wei's weight the most was undoubtedly this old lunatic who made a living out of magic experiments.He personally taught Du Wei a lot about magic experiments, and he still has a general understanding of Du Wei's strength.Of course he knew that Du Wei didn't have any eighth-level strength at all, so he said very appropriately: "Du Wei, this is your first time to participate in the magic level assessment, well, I think I need to introduce you to the assessment first." The procedure. First, the few of us will conduct an objective assessment of your strength, including your level of magic power, ability to manipulate magic power, and your mastery of spells... After that, it will be the important actual combat! If you want to take the eighth-level assessment, you will face the challenge of two seventh-level magicians here without any external help, relying on your own true level, and you will only pass if you win. " After a pause, Aili frowned slightly, then deliberately smiled and said: "Of course, I know, you are the direct disciple of Master Gandolf, the little girl back then was about your age and passed the eighth grade. We have no doubts about your strength. It's just that... After all, I heard that you have not studied with Master Gandolf for a long time. Besides, young people, it may not be necessary to challenge such a high level all at once. What a good thing, so, I suggest you, why not start at a slightly lower level..." Du Wei immediately recognized that it was Master Ali Ke who was helping him find a step.He immediately cast a grateful gaze towards Master Eric. However, Chairman Yagodouge immediately shook his head and said with a smile: "Master Aric, you are worrying too much. Although Master Du Wei is young, everyone can see his brilliant achievements in the square on the day of the coup d'etat. Moreover, he has also mastered a magical "instant shot" technique. With such strength, we don't need to worry about him. Besides, with his brilliant record and his status as the last personal disciple of Master Gandolf, today if If we don't award him a white mage robe, I'm afraid people outside will laugh at our magic union for being too stingy! Hahahaha..." These words, both soft and hard, immediately pushed Du Wei to the edge of the cliff. As for Du Wei's "senior brother", Irnes, who was deaf, still laughed loudly: "Du Wei! I will take care of you..." Du Wei listened to everyone's words, he got up and stood up, bowed respectfully to the top figures of the Magic Union in front of him, and then he calmly smiled and said: "Thank you, mages, thank you, Chairman My great love, sir, but today, I am not going to challenge the eighth grade qualification." "Oh..." Allik nodded, feeling a little relieved.He really didn't want to embarrass the little guy he liked so much, it was the best thing for Du Wei to retreat in spite of the difficulties. Yagodouge smiled complicatedly, with a sense of success in his eyes: "So, Your Excellency Du Wei, what level are you going to take? Seventh level? Or sixth level? Uh... You won't plan to only take fifth level Level? Don’t forget, you are a disciple of Master Gandolf. As a disciple of Master Gandolf, if we only let you pass on a low-level mage robe, it would be very disrespectful to our magic union. of." The subtext is: (For you Du Wei, it is even more disrespectful!) In the words, there was clearly a faint eccentric smile. "Neither!" Du Wei's answer surprised everyone: "I have a higher challenge goal!" A word came out, and everyone was shocked! "Difficult... are you going to challenge a ninth-level mage?" Leonid's tone changed with a grey-white and mean face! ninth grade? Challenge the ninth level as soon as you come up? Du Wei still shook his head: "No! In my opinion, although the challenge of level nine is very difficult, the path I chose is more challenging than the qualification of level nine!" Chairman Yargo Doug barely held his teacup steady. "You! You don't want to challenge the tenth level, do you?" Jago Doug's face was moved: "However, the magic guild cannot conduct the tenth level assessment! Tenth level, the symbolic qualification of a 'holy magician'! On the mainland, it is equivalent to stepping into the powerhouse of the holy rank! Such a rank cannot be assessed by the world! Your Excellency Du Wei!" "No!" Du Wei looked resolute. He looked out of the window and looked at the sky. Floating clouds..." Then he said firmly: "Mr. Gandolf taught me to choose a different and difficult path! To create a magical path of my own! Therefore, I chose a more difficult and challenging path. Sexual items..." After finishing speaking, Du Wei turned his head, looked at the four old men in front of him with surprised faces, and then announced word by word, slowly, firmly, and righteously: "I'm here today, and the magician qualification I'm going to challenge is... Magic! Magic! Medicine! Potion! Master!!" ... ... "Pfft!" The old lunatic Alley spewed out the tea after taking a sip. And the deaf Irnes still laughed "generously": "Hahaha! Don't worry, I will take care of you!!" However, this deaf guy seemed to have an unusual smile in his eyes ... Du Wei looked relaxed, and looked at Chairman Yago Doug who was stunned: "Mr. Chairman, the magic pharmacist also has the qualification of a genuine magician recognized by the Magic Union. This is the statutory regulation of the Magic Union. I didn't say anything." wrong?" "No... That's right!"
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