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Chapter 153 Chapter 137 "The Beauty under the Moon" (Part 2)

devil's law 跳舞 2860Words 2018-03-12
Ahead of the road, a magician covered in a black robe floated quietly in the sky, his face was hidden in a tall hat, and he couldn't see his face clearly. What's colder is that the wand is not made of any kind of wood, but is connected by various strange white bones, and I don't know what kind of monster's bones it is made of! In the entire continent, there are only necromancers who use bones as magic wands!Undead black magic is the most mysterious and terrifying. Its lethality and weirdness are far higher than other types of magic, but it is extremely difficult to practice, and it has always been considered to have some evil breath.The magician was holding a white bone wand, quietly floating in the air, and his large black mage robe was fluttering in the wind, giving him a somewhat ghostly look!

What made Du Wei even more helpless was that there were ambushes on the road!Two fine horses stood in the middle of the road. The horse on the left was empty. It was obviously the mount of the black magician. On the right horse, a knight in silver armor sat on the horse. The white silver armor was covered with cloth. It is full of gorgeous decorations, and it looks extraordinary at first glance. It holds a slender silver long sword in its hand. As a knight, it is already rare to use such a slender weapon that is extremely unfavorable for horseback riding. Looking far away, Du Wei could feel the biting cold air emanating from the sword!Du Wei just glanced at it, and felt that his mental strength seemed to be forced back by a sharp ice-cold air, and his whole body became alert, as if being poured over his head by a bucket of snow water!

What a powerful magic weapon!Although Du Wei has seen many magically blessed weapons, none of them can compare to the sword in front of him!Even a magician like Du Wei couldn't detect the magic fluctuations on the sword's edge with magic!Compared with this sword, the magic-enhanced weapons I have seen are nothing like rubbish! This long sword also has a strange faint pattern on the blade, and the pattern is round and round, exuding a cold air visible to the naked eye, as if shrouded in a layer of finely divided ice! This family didn't even cover their faces. They were obviously powerful, self-reliant, and disdained to hide their heads and show their tails!He looks about forty years old, with a thin face, a high nose bridge, and quite handsome, but the evil spirit in his eyes is too heavy. He is holding a thin long sword in his broad hand, sitting on a horse, with thin lips With two extremely clean trimmed beards, looking at Prince Chen and Du Wei, his voice came softly: "Your Highness, long time no see."

Prince Chen had calmed down at this moment, patted his dusty robe just now, and smiled faintly: "I didn't expect my brother to be so impatient that he invited you out! Dear Lord Rodriguez ! Do you also want to participate in the struggle between me and my brother?" The silver-armored knight named Rodriguez's face was as calm as water, his eyes neither arrogant nor impetuous, and he nodded slowly: "I promised His Royal Highness that I will help him with three things in this life. Today is The second is his request, which I cannot refuse." As for Du Wei, when he heard Prince Chen shout out the name "Rodriguez", his heart shuddered!

During those days on the Rolling Plains, he got along with Hussein every day. He once had a whim and asked Hussein a question: With his current level of paladins, he might be in the warrior class. Already the first person in the mainland, right? At that time, Hussein pondered for a while, and told Du Wei an answer: If there is any warrior on this continent who can threaten me, then it is a guy named Rodriguez! When Du Wei heard the name at this moment, the situation about this Rodriguez that Hussein had told him immediately appeared in his mind. Rodriguez, forty-six years old, knight of the ninth rank—but that was six years ago.Speaking of this guy, even Hussein sighed about this guy, thinking that this guy is really weird and unpredictable.

This person is withdrawn by nature and has always been alone. I have never heard of him having any friends.And his experience is also very strange, this man is said to be from an ancient noble family with declining family fortune, he started practicing martial arts at the age of ten, but he barely obtained the rank of third-level knight until he was thirty-five years old.The third-level knight is a low-level warrior. Ordinary people can become a third-level warrior, as long as their qualifications are slightly better, and they only need to practice for three to five years to become a knight. However, it took him 25 years to barely pass the knighthood. assessment of the association.

From this point of view, this guy's martial arts talent might not even be considered "ordinary", it can only be said to be inferior! But after that, he was out of control!After obtaining the third-level knight level at the age of thirty-five, he practiced hard for three years, and he jumped from the third level to the eighth level in three years!Finally, at the age of forty, he won the title of the ninth-level knight! If it wasn't for the appearance of Hussein, he might be the most special genius on the mainland for decades! It took fifteen years to reach level three, but it only took five years to go from level three to level nine. Such a speed is really incomprehensible.

The most rare thing is that he has an Excalibur in his hand, which is recognized as one of the three most powerful weapons on the mainland! Beauty under the moon! This is said to be an artifact, the legendary sword that was left in the world during the battle of the gods!Unparalleled sharpness, terrifying power, coupled with his unique Frost Dou Qi, when he uses this divine sword to perform his unique move "Moon Frost Sigh", it is really howling, the power is unimaginable! At that time, Hussein said this: "When he appeared for the last time six years ago, he was still at the ninth level, but it is hard to guarantee that he has not made a breakthrough in these six years! On the mainland, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, not every master has I am interested in going to the Knights Association to assess what knight level! Especially this kind of peerless powerhouse, do you think he will go to the Knights Association and accept the assessment like those ordinary people? As for my so-called strongest knight, or Most of these claims about being the most promising paladin were made by the braggarts of the temple. After all, I used to be a holy knight, and the holy knights needed a banner, so they had to lift me up."

Most importantly, Hussein added a special sentence: "Even if Rodriguez has not made a breakthrough in the past six years, he is still a ninth-level knight, but relying on the 'Beauty under the Moon' artifact in his hand, even if he meets When it comes to me, I have a lot of strength! If he has been promoted to a paladin...even if it is me, if I don't have a weapon that can match the beauty of the moon, I am afraid that I am not his opponent." I remember that when talking about the "Beauty under the Moon", Hussein seemed to be particularly ironic to Du Wei: "That is a real ancient sword, a real artifact. And your tattered 'King Sword' ' It's totally different!"

A strong man whose strength is almost comparable to Hussein, plus an undead black mage whose strength is unknown... Du Wei glanced at Prince Chen, both of them smiled wryly. "My lord, can you still laugh now?" Du Wei sighed, "I don't think you have any backhands, do you? If you really don't, I'm afraid we will die here today." Du Wei clearly saw a trace of composure in His Highness's eyes, which was not at all like when facing the Excalibur in the hands of a strong man like Rodriguez. Prince Chen looked at Du Wei and sighed: "Leave Rodriguez to me, that black magician is up to you! As long as you persist for a while, the nearby city guards will feel it."

... The battle begins! At the moment of life and death, Du Wei did not dare to neglect.Although the face of the black magician floating in the sky could not be seen clearly under the robe, Du Wei could feel that the other party's eyes seemed to have looked at him thoroughly! "Very good magic power." A dry voice came from the sky. The voice was like the weird sound quality that people want to cough but can't cough out. With a hint of appreciation: "Oh, you are wearing the robe of a magician. Your magic power is very good. I like an opponent like you very much. As long as I kill you and extract your soul, I can refine a powerful undead demon." I love it! Hahahaha..." As he said that, a cloud of white smoke drifted out soundlessly from his white bone wand. The smoke lingered in the air and gradually solidified. It turned out to be a huge bone dragon! Du Wei sighed. To be able to summon a bone dragon, this dark magician must be at least level eight!Another great magician! The black mage jumped up and stood on the back of the bone dragon. The bone dragon opened its mouth and let out a dragon's roar! Just now, when the other party was summoning the bone dragon, Du Wei had already taken out the burden from his arms, stuffed a few more scrolls in his sleeves, and in his hand he also had a ring made of five-colored stones that stored enough magic power. According to Gargamel the Mouse, at least in the competition of magic power, he may not necessarily lose out!Moreover, there is a Semel behind him!Semel and himself are living and dying together, and they will never watch themselves being killed.
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