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Chapter 90 Chapter 87 Time is poisonous

devil's law 跳舞 5171Words 2018-03-12
Time goes by? Neither Du Wei nor Hussein expected that there would be another spring near the Fountain of Youth. Medusa still had that indifferent look, she led the two of them out of the hall, and looked into the depths of the palace. "This palace of yours was built with the bodies of tree people...?" On the way, Du Wei asked a seemingly casual question. "Yes." Medusa suddenly stopped and asked Du Wei, "Is there a problem?" This time it was Hussain who spoke: "Don't you think this is a bit too cruel? Although you and the Treants are enemies, you should at least respect the enemy's corpse."

"Respect corpses..." Medusa savored this sentence carefully, and then asked Du Wei: "Is this also human nature?" Du Wei smiled: "That's right." "But, I don't understand." Medusa said very frankly: "I can't understand this kind of 'humanity'. I heard Gargamel talk about many human behaviors. You humans kill wild animals and eat their flesh. Their furs are peeled off to make clothes and decorations... Why do you humans say 'respect corpses' while doing these things? I used the bodies of tree people to build houses, and you humans killed beasts Eating their flesh and wearing their skins, is there any difference in essence?"

Maybe Medusa doesn't understand human nature, maybe she doesn't understand anything.But such a simple question made both the knowledgeable Du Wei and the experienced knight at a loss for words. Yeah...is there a difference? Medusa thought about it carefully, and then seemed to smile slightly: "It seems that I have summed up another characteristic of human nature, which is...hypocrisy. Do human beings always say one thing and do another?" Du Wei was smiling wryly. He didn't know how to answer Medusa, so he could only sigh: "Sometimes... yes." "I don't like this characteristic of human nature, and I don't like humans." Medusa concluded, then ended the conversation, and continued to lead the two forward.

Outside the main hall, through a corridor, Medusa pushed open a small door at the end. This is a dark house. When Du Wei entered the house, he felt a gloomy chill coming... This is different from the ice and snow outside. It seems that there is a damp, cold air that can penetrate through people's clothes, through the pores of people's skin, and even through people's bones, piercing all the way into people's internal organs! That kind of cold air enveloped his body, and Du Wei immediately felt chilly all over his body, as if his whole body was lightly pricked by countless sharp needles. For a while, even his fingers were almost frozen!

"right here." In the darkness, Medusa walked as usual, as if she was born without eyes. "I usually sleep here, this is my bedroom." Medusa pointed to a stone slab on the ground: "Time goes by, it's right below." "Sleeping here... Aren't you cold..." Du Wei stopped when he said this. He suddenly remembered that snakes are cold-blooded animals. Lifting up the stone slab, Du Wei saw a spring with a bowl-sized mouth below, and the water in the spring was flickering. In this dark room, the spring water seemed to glow automatically.But it was this spring, after lifting the stone slab, Du Wei immediately felt the cold feeling in the air, which increased tenfold in an instant!

"What kind of water is this...how is it so cold! But it doesn't freeze?" Du Wei couldn't help but tremble a little, his teeth started to chatter. Not caring much, Du Wei was worried that he would be frozen if this continued. He quickly twisted his body a few times, and did a basic movement of the starry sky Dou Qi that Hussein taught him, and felt the blood in his body. After the warm air floated up, the cold air was slightly dispelled. But Du Wei still found that even the face of Knight Hussein seemed to be covered with a thin layer of white frost!The cold air instantly froze the sweat on the knight's face!

"I only discovered this spring after I came here, and the tree people didn't even know it existed." Medusa said lightly. "The tree people don't know..." Du Wei sighed: "This spring water is weird at first glance. Does it... have anything special about it?" Medusa didn't say anything, she smiled, and then said lightly: "The black thing on your body, is it for your eyes to deal with me? Now, you'd better put it on." Du Wei smiled embarrassingly, pulled Hussein, and then put on the sunglasses. Medusa gently twirled one of her hairs in the palm of her hand, held her palm flat, and sang a few strange syllables in a low voice. The hair twisted automatically twice in her palm, and then quickly Yes, it turned into a snake about the thickness of a thumb!

The body of this snake is golden in color, and every scale seems to be made of gold. It twisted a few times, coiled up quickly, and then raised its head and spit out a letter, making a hissing sound.It's just that the young snake's eyes didn't open. "This is a young snake of the golden-eyed python. It takes decades for the golden-eyed python to grow up to be as thick as a human's waist. But..." Medusa said, she slowly stretched out her hand and bowed in the spring water He picked up a handful of water and carefully fed it into the mouth of the golden-eyed python...

A miracle happened at this moment! Medusa gently placed the snake on the ground, then took a step back... Immediately, under the eyes of Du Wei and Hussein, the snake's body suddenly swelled up!Its scales kept growing, and its body quickly changed from the thickness of a thumb to the thickness of a tree trunk!The body also keeps getting longer!And the eyes that were originally closed, finally opened! After the sunglasses, Du Wei could still see the snake's eyes, emitting a strange golden light!Under this kind of gaze, Du Wei only glanced at the golden-eyed python, as if feeling a slight pain in his eyes, and then quickly turned his head away!

Fortunately, there are sunglasses made of black crystal for protection, otherwise, Du Wei suspects that he has turned into a stone. Next, the snake began to roll over. It seemed to be in great pain. Its body twisted, twisted again, and finally made a small chi-chi sound... It is actually shedding its skin! ! ! ! After shedding its skin once, a nearly complete snake skin was left on the ground. The glittering golden snake skin was right under Du Wei's feet, and the snake continued to grow!In the end, its body almost squeezed Du Wei and others into the corner!In such a big dark room, the snake's body almost occupied more than half of it!

Afterwards, in Du Wei's mind, within a few minutes, the snake shed its skin three more times! And then... it starts to age! The huge body began to weaken. The snake's body, which was full of elasticity and strength, gradually withered away. Even the golden light on its scales dimmed. Little by little, its strength became stronger and stronger. The smaller they were, the more they were coiled together in the end, and they didn't even have the strength to hold their heads up, and their heads drooped feebly... Under the snake's skin, its flesh began to dry up, and finally... the snake died.Its body dries up rapidly, the moisture flows away, and it turns into a snake!Then the snake skin broke, like a broken leather... "A golden-eyed python, according to your human calculations, has a lifespan of about forty years." Medusa's voice sounded softly: "From birth to old age and death. During this period, it will molt four times. After the fourth molt, Will grow to the peak state of magic and power." Du Wei felt his heart beating wildly! Forty years? But how long has it been?Ten minutes at most?No, maybe only five or six minutes! In five or six minutes, a juvenile golden-eyed python has completed the process from infancy, then to adulthood, and then sheds its skin four times, and finally becomes old...and then dies...in five minutes, it has completed its normal lifespan of forty years ! ? "That's why I said that this spring is the 'complete opposite' of the Fountain of Youth." Medusa smiled: "I named it 'Time Passes'." After a pause, the beautiful snake laughed: "Gargamel said that if this kind of spring water is used as poison, it will be the most terrible poison in the world!" Both Du Wei and Hussein had shock in their eyes! Indeed, this is indeed the most terrifying poison in the world! time! What poison is worse than the passage of time? ! Du Wei thinks more... Why?Why is this "time passing" eye not in other places, but with this fountain of youth? Just like nature, the hidden principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint among all things in the world!One is to freeze the form forever, and the other is to pass quickly! So, if these two kinds of spring water are mixed together, what wonderful effect will happen? Or, what would happen to a person who drank the Fountain of Youth, and then drank the passage of time...? Of course, Du Wei kept all these questions in his heart, and he would not say them in front of others.He just thought about it, and said, "Can I take some of the spring water here?" After getting Medusa's consent, Du Wei immediately took out all the bottles on his body unceremoniously, and then emptied and threw away all the magical medicines and other things in it... Other things were left outside. I can find it again, but this kind of spring water, if I leave here, I'm afraid I won't be able to find it in the whole world! Du Wei found all the bottles on his body, filled a few full bottles of "Time Passage", and finally drained an empty bottle, and filled another bottle of "Fountain of Youth". "What are you doing with these horrible passages of time?" Hussein frowned: "I think this kind of thing can only poison people, and nothing else is useful." "You forgot, I am a magic pharmacist, a poison pharmacist!" Du Wei said vaguely. He had another note in mind. The passage of time... if used wisely? Just now, feeding a handful of water to a golden-eyed python poisoned it to death within five minutes. So... how about drinking less?What about diluting the spring water to some ingenious degree?Is it possible to just let it grow?But not to die of old age? So... what if it's for the Treant outside?Is it possible to make a seedling grow into a towering tree in a short period of time? If one sip is too much, then just drink a drop!If one drop is too much... then add a drop of spring water to a bucket of clean water to dilute! Du Wei is so curious about this thing! He even had a few bottles in his arms, but he didn't think it was enough, so he looked at Medusa with embarrassment: "Do you have any other containers here?" It was Hussein who took out the things he was carrying with him... a leather bag, which was originally for wine, but Du Wei took it and filled it with a leather bag of spring water, so he was satisfied. Take it back and have the opportunity to study it slowly! "I'm very surprised...you evolved into Medusa only after drinking the Fountain of Youth." Du Wei said slowly, "But why don't you let other golden-eyed pythons also drink from the spring water?" "Because I am selfish." Medusa replied without changing her face: "There is only one Medusa here, and my words are the only orders. If there is one more...then there will be a war. If there are more groups, Then maybe I'll die too." "Very well, you have at least a little bit of humanity." Du Wei laughed: "Because among other things, human beings, on the whole, are the most selfish creatures in the world." After a pause, Du Wei smiled and said, "Okay, then, Your Majesty, what's next? The deal we reached, I am willing to teach you everything about human nature... So, are you going to go on the road with us? Or Stay here, and come back to you after I finish my business?" Medusa's choice surprised Du Wei and others. "I will leave with you." Her Majesty the Queen replied without hesitation. Du Wei was stunned: "You...you mean you joined our team?" "No, I didn't join your team, but followed you, not you." Medusa said lightly, "I don't like humans, and I don't believe in humans. The various behaviors of humans I heard from Gargamel seem to be very big. Most humans aren't used to keeping promises, so I'll follow you." Then, this peerless beauty who was extremely indifferent suddenly smiled, and she said softly: "Besides, I've already stayed here enough! You should have seen it when you came in, here... there are mice everywhere! And I'm a snake , I hate mice the most!" Du Wei smiled. Yes, in the biological chain, snakes are the natural enemies of mice! The other companions in the same group were a little afraid of the queen, and even Du Wei wondered if his actions would bring a catastrophe to mankind? This is not someone else!It is the scariest monster in the legend, Queen Medusa!As long as she came to the human world and opened her eyes casually to look around...then it would be a massacre! "Your Majesty..." Prime Minister Mouse suddenly fell at her feet: "If you leave, what will I do, Gargamel! If those tree men break in, I can't stop them!" "Then you don't have to stop it." Medusa didn't seem to say anything about her "kingdom", she said flatly: "This canyon belongs to them in the first place, so it's okay to give it back to them." ... After leaving the canyon, the tree-human old Wood who was waiting outside was already walking around anxiously. Its huge footsteps made potholes on the ground and shook the canopy from time to time. Seeing Du Wei and the others come out, Old Wood suddenly let out a cheer, and then as if responding to it, the countless "companions" of tree people behind him roared. "Mr. Wood." Du Wei walked up to the tree people with Yan Yuese: "We have persuaded Xieyan, and starting today, she will return the canyon to the tree people... But there is one condition. A simple condition, I need to get The tree people's promise, I believe that the kind tree people will not break their promise." What else is there to say?Old Wood immediately agreed happily. "The canyon will be returned to you, and the Fountain of Youth is also inside. But..." Du Wei said slowly: "In the innermost part of the palace, there is a black house. That place is a forbidden area. I ask you to promise that you tree people will guard No one will be allowed to enter that place! No creatures will be allowed to get close, including yourself. If there are other creatures, whether they are monsters or humans, anything! You must do your best to stop them! Apart from this, I have no other asked for it." Before coming out, the powerful knight used the golden grudge to split the palace with a few swords, revealing the original hall inside and the fountain of youth.As time passed, it was quietly buried in a well-preserved black house in the innermost part. The leaders of the tree people could not express their gratitude in words. The kind and generous tree people did not hate Xieyan's grievances to them for hundreds of years. They can regain the guarantee of their clan's inheritance: the fountain of youth, there is no other asked for. Wood assured on the spot that the Treants would keep their promises and protect this place.No outsiders are allowed in. "Dear... guest... Is the... leaf... you still have...?" Du Wei froze for a moment, touched his bosom for a while, and took out the golden leaf that Old Wood had given him before he entered the canyon. He came out and said with a smile: "Oh, I almost forgot, I will return this to you." "No! You... keep it." Old Wood's thick voice trembled with gratitude, and then he stretched out a branch and gently twisted the leaf. Several branches twisted and twisted The leaf rolled back and forth, folded several times, and finally curled into a golden...horn! Old Wood then told Du Wei an amazing secret! This golden leaf is the leaf that grows from the tree vine on the "horn of nature", the treasure of the Treant clan! ! This leaf of pure gold, folded into a small trumpet, blows... As long as there are trees around, those big trees can be awakened and become... "companions" of tree people (although Du Wei thinks that this is basically a "slave" of tree people). "You...can...drive...they...to do...any...things...for you.' Old Wood explained: "But...there is a...time...limit." The so-called time limit is: when the sun goes down, they will become trees again. "That is to say, the awakening time is only one day at most." Du Wei smiled. He is smiling so much! ! ! If... if I could dilute the spring of time's passage to a certain point... what would that mean? As long as I carry a handful of seeds with me! Then wherever I go, I'll be carrying a large group of giant bodyguards with me! ! sent!Here it goes! !
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