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Chapter 12 Act Six - 2

Wolf and Spice II 支仓冻砂 12701Words 2018-03-12
Not long after, there was a swishing sound like a group of rats running away, and then the sound of a huge object expanding.Then Lawrence heard the sound of a huge object waving, and finally there was the sound of "furrow, furrow" animals trampling the ground. Lawrence felt heat blowing against his face. When he opened his eyes, he saw that a huge mouth that could easily swallow him in one bite was right in front of him. "If you acted scared, we were going to bite your head off." "However, it still feels a little scary." Although Holo stared straight at Lawrence with reddish amber pupils, Lawrence answered honestly.

Because he believed in Holo. Maybe Gun was smiling for Holo, the mouth full of sharp teeth became a little distorted. "Do you want us to hold you in our mouths? Or sit on our backs?" "Please don't use your mouth." "Maybe it's comfortable?" "Maybe because it was too warm, it went directly to the stomach." "Hehehe. Here, sit on your back. Even if you pull the hair hard, we won't feel pain. So, it's okay to sit on it boldly." Holo's body exuded unbelievable heat, and being beside her was as warm as being next to a fire.

Although Holo exudes a sense of presence that seems to shy away from raindrops, which makes Lawrence a little flinching; Lawrence still somewhat rudely tied the clothes and shoes that Holo handed him with shoelaces, and held them under his armpit. As soon as it was clipped, he made up his mind to do what Holo said, grabbed the hair vigorously, and jumped onto Holo's back. Lawrence smelled a unique body odor that was different from humans and belonged to animals.Unbelievably, this smell made Lawrence feel the same as the smell emitted by Holo when she was in human form. "If you fall off our backs, we will carry you in our mouths."

"I will never fall." Lawrence could feel Holo laughing. [Ru ah. " "What's up?" Time stood still for a moment. "We really hate shepherds." Although Lawrence thought in an instant, [Should I say more? "But immediately thought that this must be Holo's very simple truth without any falsehood, so he pointed out a fact to her. "Nora, she understands that whether this smuggling fails or succeeds, she will have to quit her job as a shepherd." A tremor came to Lawrence's hand with a vague sound, and it seemed to be a low moan from Holo's throat.

I want to eat more honey-pickled peaches as a gift in return. " The moment Holo finished speaking, Lawrence was struck by a feeling as if he was sliding down a slope, and at the next moment, Holo's huge body had already run out of the factory. Lawrence clung desperately to the hair and pressed his body against Holo's back: Holo ran forward at incredible speed, and Lawrence was desperate not to let himself fall off her back.The sound of the wind whistled past Lawrence's ears like a flowing turbid current. However, although it was sacred and awe-inspiring to see Holo's wolf form for the first time, there was an indescribably warm feeling on her back at this moment.

Holo's physical strength has no limits, and she can run much faster than a horse.However, by the time we left the forest, the sky had already begun to darken. Every time Holo's feet gripped the ground, the surroundings darkened like a candle being blown out.The rain continued to fall, and the breath spit out from Holo's huge mouth flowed backward like clouds. Finally came the road to Rübinghagen.Holo turned right without hesitation, and picked up even more speed. From time to time, a different breathing sound could be heard from the lower part of Holo's back. It might be Holo's low growl.

Holo said she might kill. However, for Holo to say this, it should mean that she will stop before she is about to kill the other party. If that wasn't the case, Holo probably wouldn't have said "maybe".Because no one in this world could resist the sharp claws on Holo's huge feet, or the huge mouth full of fangs. "You." While Lawrence was thinking about these things, Holo suddenly called out to him.Although Holo's tone seemed to be gossip, her voice was full of tension. "It's almost there. We don't care if you sit on our backs all the time. But, you will be more nervous? So we will jump over the heads of those guys first. After the jump, we will lower our bodies and arrive. Then you will take the opportunity to jump down quickly.”

"understood." "If you move slowly, we will throw you away." The reason why Lawrence couldn't answer Holo was because Holo, who was already quite astonishingly fast, took even greater strides. Lawrence thought that if he sat on the arrow, it must be like this.While advancing at this speed, Lawrence heard the sound of Holo taking a deep breath. Immediately afterwards, thunderous roars sounded. Suddenly, the vibration from Holo's stomp on the ground disappeared. Holo flew up. Lawrence clearly felt the floating feeling that can only be felt when falling from the back of a horse or the edge of a cliff. This feeling lasted for a long time, so long that Lawrence was terrified.Lawrence couldn't help feeling as if he had lost his footing, and he clutched Holo's body in fear: he kept screaming in his heart: [Aren't you there yet?Haven't arrived yet?Haven't arrived yet? "

By the time the impact of Holo's feet gripping the ground finally came, Lawrence was dying of fright. Holo suddenly slowed down, and Lawrence was about to fly out again.Holo turned and fell prone on the ground. "All right·" Hearing Holo say this softly, Lawrence remembered what Holo told him just now.Lawrence jumped off Holo's back with great difficulty under the shock of flying into the air.Before Lawrence could breathe a sigh of relief that he hadn't fallen and was able to land safely, Holo stood up immediately. "Leave it to us next." After Holo dropped those words, she ran out; Lawrence hurriedly followed.

In the blink of an eye, Holo's body had already jumped into the hunting ground. In the field of vision that was so dark that his vision was blurred, Lawrence saw the panic-stricken faces of the people who were suddenly attacked by giant wolves. There should be about 20 people at the scene, and all the people from Remario Company screamed, and Lawrence managed to find Nora among them.He thought he was lucky to catch up. Everyone was caught in a vortex of chaos. Although a few of them waved long guns, their actions were no different from raising a white flag to surrender.They just pointed their spears at the sky and waved them left and right.The degree of chaos at the scene can be imagined.

In this chaos, things like mud clods can be seen flying into the air from time to time.Although I can't see what it is in the dark West, however, it should be people.Because the person who suddenly lost his foothold under his feet kept flapping his arms trying to get back to the ground. If Holo really swung her foot hard, the person who was hit would definitely die on the spot. Presumably Holo picked up the person on purpose and threw it out. One by one, the people flew into the air one after another, and the long swords thrown randomly made a sharp and piercing sound and bounced high into the sky. The long sword flew to a completely invisible height in the darkness, and when Lawrence got close enough to hear Holo's breathing, the long sword fell right beside him at the same time. Judging from the way the hilt of the long sword was deeply inserted into the ground, one could imagine how high the long sword was thrown away. The people of Remario Company seemed to bet everything on this smuggling. If they just wanted to kill Lawrence and Nora, there was no need to send so many people. Most of them, however, were lying on the ground like fainting frogs, being trampled by the terrified flock of sheep circling in circles. "Protect the shepherd and the sheep!" Lawrence was taken aback by the words that came out of such a tragic situation. That was Ribet's voice. After careful observation, Lawrence found that the young cadres of the firm were among the few present who could act rationally. Ribe held control of the horse, which was about to panic, and yelled with a long gun at a distance. Libet's cowardly appearance during the trip may be an act to make Lawrence take it lightly. If Ribet managed to betray the smuggling with uncommon thoughtfulness and cunning, it shouldn't be surprising that he would put on some drama to fit the plan. "Protect the shepherd! Run! Run for me!" Ribet's voice sounded again.Although they intend to kill Nora, Nora is still an important transporter before passing the checkpoint. However, although Libet issued such a bold order, and the men of the firm were bravely prepared to carry out this order; but their confidence was all under Holo, who seemed to be waiting for the best opportunity to thwart the opponent's blow. The rout, and finally a few people screamed and started running away.Holo ignored the people who were still bravely ready to fight with guns and swords, and chased after the people who were driven by fear. This is simply the behavior of a devil. Holo caught up with the fleeing people, stepped on their backs, immediately turned their bodies over, and then threw the tip of her nose over the people who had completely lost their courage and collapsed on the ground because of the cruel and merciless pursuit. . Holo did all this in the blink of an eye. The number of people standing at the site is reduced. Ribet on horseback, Nora, who was standing still because of fear, and Nora who bravely wanted to protect Nora And Enik, who bared his fangs. Holo shook her head once. The subsequent splash of liquid made it difficult to distinguish whether it was rain, saliva, or the blood of the opponent. "Shepherd, shepherd, shepherd, shepherd, protect me, protect me!" Libet made a screaming sound while holding his chest. He couldn't decide whether the hand holding his chest was to protect the heart that was about to stop beating, or to protect the gold. The expression on Libet's face was like a sinner fearing the horrible hell carved out by a church sculptor. Miraculously, he steered the horse around Nora's back and stood with the flock. Although Nora was a shepherd, she was a thin girl. Seeing such a scene, Lawrence couldn't help but feel kind.Moreover, Libet originally planned to kill Nora who stood in front of him together with Lawrence. However, although the shepherdess was about to collapse from fear, she seemed to remember her duty. Noela raised the long stick with her hand, and the bell on the top of the stick was about to make a sound due to her trembling hands. Enik lowered his body and made a gesture of being ready to receive instructions at any time. Holo, on the other hand, was also looking straight at Nora from the front, her huge body lowered like a catapult. Lawrence was amazed to see that Holo was serious.If it goes on like this, Nora will be killed. Because of the darkness around them and the chaos caused by the sudden attack by Holo, Nora and the others didn't realize that Lawrence was not far away. Lawrence felt that if he came forward and said that the wolf was Holo, Norra would believe him. Although Libet knew that Holo was a wolf, it would be dangerous, but Lawrence made a rational judgment. Holo couldn't have let Libet escape. If so, it should be said. The moment Lawrence was about to speak - "Shepherd! If you protect me, I will give you three hundred Lumiones as a reward." In fear, Nora was almost ready to swing the stick with an unconscious sense of mission, and she showed different emotions. Three hundred Lumiones was the amount that would cause such a reaction. The bell on the top of Noela's long stick stopped making sounds, and will slowly began to appear on her face. Ribet, as cunning as a snake, seemed to have sensed Nora's reaction. Ribet turned the horse around and fled in a hurry. After being splashed with cold water by Ribet, Lawrence was ready to speak again. In order to fulfill her duties as a shepherd, Nora was ready to swing the long staff. That's too late. In the slowly flowing time, these words exploded in Lawrence's mind. Although Enik and Holo were different in size, both of them took the same posture, just like the moment when the arrow was about to be shot, the distorted air lingered on both of them as if it would fly out in the next moment. Nora pointed her stick straight at Holo and stood still. Lawrence felt the rusty little hanging clock seem to make a clang. "Tsk...!" Lawrence yelled.He didn't know if he was calling Holo, or Norra.He didn't even know if he was calling out his name or not. Lawrence carefully captured the figures of Holo and Nora with his extremely nervous gaze. He saw the brave shepherd dog, and even the hallowed moments of the wolf stomping the ground. Presumably at the next moment, what Lawrence will see will be Holo's claws tearing Enik's body from the front and flying into the air, and Holo's claws will also directly reach the owner of the shepherd dog Bar. After that, I believe that Holo's feet grabbing the ground will stretch forward further, and treat the most despicable existence on the spot into an ugly piece of meat that even the people in the butcher shop can't bear to look at. regret. Regret ran through Lawrence's heart, even though he didn't know what he should regret. at this time. [Enik, wait a minute! " The voice seemed to be a magic command to turn back time. Holo's huge body flew into the air like a catapult throwing huge stones. She flew over Nora who was hugging the brave black-haired knight who was also about to fly into the air, and also flew over the fleeing Fengqun's head. After Holo's feet grabbed the ground, she approached Ribet, who was running away on horseback, willing to become a pig for money. The man in front of Holo turned his head to look at the wolf approaching behind him.Lawrence saw the tragic expression on the man's face for an instant. Immediately afterwards, there was a scream that seemed to tear the air, but it immediately fell silent after a short while. Holo trotted for a while, then stopped. Nora still hugged Enik tightly. Of course, Lawrence understood that Nora's reaction was not because of excessive fear, so she begged for mercy. Nora reacted because she sensed it.Although Lawrence wasn't sure whether Nora realized that the wolf was Holo, or that he knew that the wolf was not hostile to him, he knew that Nora realized that Enik should not be instigated to attack. Noela would rather throw away the long stick that shepherds must never let go, and hug Enik. Such a move cannot be out of fear. "Nora!" The reason why Lawrence called Nora unconsciously and ran forward was because he was worried whether Nora was really safe. Nora, who had been hugging Enik tightly, raised her head in surprise when she heard this; when she saw Lawrence, she showed a surprised expression again.Then Nora looked back slowly at Holo, not surprised this time. Nora showed a half-understanding expression. Lawrence first expressed his inner feelings. "It's a good thing you're fine." Seeing that the culprit who caused the commotion—the wolf was still alive and well, but hearing such words, no one would know how to react.Nora's reaction was that she didn't know what kind of expression to make, and stared at Lawrence blankly. "That wolf is Holo, my partner Holo." Perhaps the reason why Nora showed a stiff smile was because she thought Lawrence was joking. However, Norra couldn't help but gasp as Holo strode closer to Lawrence.Because Holo's mouth was hanging from the lower half of the human body. "You didn't kill him?" Lawrence had thoughts of murderous intent towards Libet, who used Noela as a shield.If it was Lawrence, I believe he would have killed Libet. Presumably Holo herself couldn't answer because she had Libet's upper body in her mouth.Instead of answering, she shook her head and spat out the pathetic man.With the disgusting sound of objects falling, Libet, who was covered in saliva and exhausted, was also thrown to the ground. "We originally wanted to swallow this guy in one gulp, but..." After Holo said that, she turned around and smiled slightly. "Our bellies don't like gold." After Holo snorted softly with her nose, she moved her chin slightly and pointed at Libet. What she meant was to ask Lawrence to get the gold quickly. "I remember putting it in a coat... Wow, it's sticky." Hearing Lawrence complain, Holo pushed Lawrence with her big nose.Lawrence had no choice but to reach out to Libet, who was still steaming and sticky all over his body, rummaged in his coat, and successfully found the bag containing gold. "I found it, it's real gold." Lawrence opened the mouth of the bag and saw that there was cold granular gold in the bag. "Nora." After Lawrence called Nora's name, he threw the bag of gold to her. Although Holo instantly looked at Lawrence with reproachful eyes, Lawrence ignored it. "Huh? Ah, this, this..." "The task is not over yet, your task is to bring the gold into the city." The huge wolf mouth sighed deeply.Nora looked at Holo in surprise, but immediately turned her gaze back to Lawrence. "But, but, that... why, why are you still alive?" Hearing this, Lawrence couldn't help showing a wry smile.After reuniting with his companions, Ribet must have pretended to send someone to rescue the Lawrences. Then, when those sent out came back, they must have also told Nora that Lawrence and Holo were dead. Lawrence began to form the words in his head to explain it all, and suddenly he felt a movement in the air, and when he looked back, he saw Holo raising her huge front foot and pressing it down in one go. "Gaahhhhh!" After the sound of a thick branch being snapped, thunderous screams echoed in the darkness. Although Lawrence felt that he had gone too far, he also felt that the other party deserved it; these two emotions were intertwined in his heart. After the screaming stopped, Libet, whose left foot was crushed by Holo's front foot, woke up, his mouth opening and closing. "Good night, Mr. Ribet. How are you?" "Wahahah...Ah, ah? Why, why are you wowahhhh!" "Holo, honey pickled peaches." After Lawrence uttered this magic spell to Holo, who was once again burning with anger, Holo reluctantly let go of the strength that stomped on the broken foot. "Mr. Ribet, Mr. Ribet. Can you explain to Miss Noella how you buttoned the wrong clothes when you put them on?" Grease and sweat kept slipping from Libet's forehead, and his distorted face due to pain and fear instantly regained the expression of a businessman.That is the expression that a businessman who is careful about budgeting will have to grasp the situation as much as possible to ensure his personal safety. "Mr. Ribet?" "No, it wasn't me, it was Remario's order. I stopped him, and I told him that rebellion would offend the gods. Really, I really objected. " "As you can see, this wolf is not an ordinary wolf. You can treat it as an agent of Almighty God—that is, it is useless to lie." After listening to Lawrence's words, Libet closed his mouth suddenly, and looked at Holo with despairing eyes. Slowly, slowly, Holo let out the white breath from between her fangs. "One one one one one at the beginning, I, I, I thought that the payment was too much, and Remario thought so too; moreover, if this continues, the money earned will only be used to pay the debt, and it will not be able to pay at all. Remuneration. Remario wants me to find a solution, I can only find a solution, I have no choice. You, you should understand, right? You and I are both merchants—” The reason Libet didn't continue talking was because Lawrence hit him hard on the nose. "Don't compare me to you." "Ha ha ha ha ha." After Holo laughed, she moved her front foot away from Libet, who had fainted again. "That's what happened. I also heard the conversation that they were planning to kill you. I can swear to you that the Remario firm betrayed us." Although Nora was stunned, she seemed to be slowly understanding the situation. She slowly turned her gaze to Lawrence. "But, but, then, what about the wolf in that forest?" "That's another wolf." Nora screamed a little when Holo cut in from the side, but she seemed simply frightened.Anyway, Holo's voice was very loud. "We are Holo, the virtuous wolf of Joyz. Although the wolves in that forest are juniors who only know how to protect their territory. But... After seeing our sincerity, the other party also understands that unnecessary disputes should be avoided. ] Although Nora listened to Holo's words with dubious eyes, after a while, she let go of Enik's hand and said with a troubled expression, "Tell me this is Hero Miss Luo, I feel that I can believe this is true, and I always feel very unbelievable." [By the way, the dog is not in love with us.That dog just sensed our true identity.Let's use this to clear up the dog's grievances. " "what?" Enik looked angry, and barked at Nora who was showing a surprised expression. "Then, Nuoer, let's go back to the topic just now." Although Lawrence felt sorry for changing the subject all the time, the matter this time was not over yet. The gold was still out of town, and so were Lawrence's liabilities.Besides, it is also necessary to think carefully about how to deal with the issue of Remario Trading Company. "We are currently in a vortex of unfortunate accidents. However, because of the protection of the gods, the gold is still safe in our hands. If Ribet's words are to be believed, the gold is worth six hundred Lumiones. But , if you bring the gold into Rubenhagen and find a way to sell it, you can get ten times the amount in exchange. That’s six thousand Lumiones.” Even Lawrence felt that the amount was unrealistic after hearing it, and Nuo Erlan seemed even afraid when he heard it. "However, the huge sum of six thousand Lumiones is more than what we deserve. We don't need to take risks, and we have already received six hundred Lumiones. But..." "but?" "However, although the men of Remario Trading Company prevented us from successfully completing this smuggling, in fact, without their funds, we would not be able to buy the gold. Moreover, if the gold is taken away, they You will become penniless, and you will end up on the road to bankruptcy. So..." Holo nudged Lawrence's side lightly with the tip of her nose. Of course she wasn't playing with Lawrence. Holo sensed what Lawrence was going to do... "So, here I make a proposal." "You." Holo interrupted in a displeased tone.However, Lawrence wasn't about to back down. "Holo, we don't live in the world of chivalry stories. We don't get revenge after being betrayed. After the revenge is over, it's over; there's no such thing. After that, we still have to live. And, the other party gets revenge. Afterwards, maybe there will be revenge again.” "In this case...] "Don't say you want to kill the guy who fell on the ground." "Hmm...] "Besides, if the money we use to buy bread tomorrow is stained with human blood, we can't use it with peace of mind. There are many ways to end everything. If you want to live tomorrow, you have to choose to let the day continue Way to tomorrow. Right?" He Luo closed her amber eyes. Then, look away. "If it wasn't for you, I'd be freezing to death right here at the edge of the forest. So, I know I can't do anything without you, and I'm grateful that you accepted my request. It's just..." "Enough, enough, our traveling companion is such a troublesome fellow." After saying that, Holo tapped Lawrence's head lightly with her chin. Lawrence thought that although it hurts, Holo would be willing if this was the case It would be too cost-effective to accept his willfulness. "Well then, I'll do what I want." "Let's do it. Let's say this again by the way. You may propose all the troubles to us, and we will accept them. You can do as you want.] Lawrence listened, thank you Holo's mood caused the corners of his mouth to rise. After taking a deep breath, he turned back to Noel—and said, "It's been a long wait, and I have the following suggestion." Nora had watched the interaction between Holo and Lawrence as if she was watching an unbelievable short comedy; but when she heard Lawrence say this, she straightened her back and raised her head. "It's up to you to decide whether you want to bring the gold in your hands into Rübinghagen." "what?" Of course Nora would have such doubts.Now a group of people are in a situation where they can get a huge sum of six hundred Lumione without taking any risks. state.Six thousand Lumione is indeed an even more astonishing amount, but if you want to get it, you have to gamble your life again. "However, if the gold is brought into Rubenhagen and resold at a high price, the great benefits will not only save us, but also save Remario Trading Company." After hearing this, Nora let out a soft "Ah". "On the contrary, if the gold is taken away, the guys who fell here, and their families in Rüppenhagen, or other companions, will have to live in hell from tomorrow. Maybe a few people Can avoid living in hell, but there will always be three demons living in their hearts - namely me, Holo, and you." If you want to live as a trading company like Lawrence, if you form a deep hatred with a trading company with many employees, your future life will be full of danger.The so-called business is the interaction between people, presumably the enemy will come to the door one day and take revenge by force. And, there is one more important thing. [Of course, if you go to a foreign country where you don’t even speak the language, maybe you can live as if nothing happened.But even if there is no longer the danger of reprisals, suppose one day you see a slave being handled like a horse somewhere, do you think it is possible to eat well that day? " Lawrence paused at this point, waiting for the words to seep into Nora's mind. "However, regarding the Remario Company, of course I will ask them to make up for their mistakes." Holo smiled kindly. "So, we will prepare to go to the Remario Company, please make a decision before tomorrow morning. Then, if you decide to bring gold into Rubenhagen, let's meet at the square where the smuggling was discussed. After I enter the city first, I will find a trustworthy butcher shop and wait for you for a day at the place where the east gate of Lubinghagen comes in. If you didn't bring it into the city... well, let's meet in Porosun .” This proposal, of course, leaves room for treachery. That is the possibility of Nora taking all the gold to other towns. However, in order to live a stable life without leaving troubles in the future, it is the best choice to redistribute the benefits after bringing the gold into Rubenhagen through Nora and saving the Remario business. In addition, of course, the countermeasures when Nora's smuggling fails must also be taken into consideration.Anyone who commits the crime of smuggling will be executed on the square in the city.So just ask Holo to save Nora when the time comes.All the troubles Holo had just mentioned were referring to this. Although he didn't specifically want to give Nora time to think, Lawrence tied up the men of Remario Firm while waiting for Nora's answer.Since there was no rope, Lawrence tore off their sleeves and used them as ropes.Even if they work together to untie the rope, no one should be ready to fight back. "Then, Nora, let's see each other again." After Lawrence tied up everyone and asked Holo to stun the half-awakened people, he said so. It's useless to try to convince the other party about this kind of thing. Instead, you should confirm the credibility of the other party and let things move in a favorable direction. After urging Holo with his eyes, Lawrence took a step forward. The rain stopped at some point. The hazy moon peeked out from behind thick clouds. "Ro, Mr. Lawrence." Nora's voice stopped Lawrence. "Let's meet again" Lawrence looked back and saw that Nora had stood up, still holding the shepherd's staff. "The next time we meet, we'll be rich." Nora listened and nodded with a smile on her face. After Enik barked, he started chasing the sheep and made them gather together. "Then, you." After deciding for a while, just as Lawrence was about to ask to sit on Holo's back, he was preempted to speak. Luo eavesdropped and thought that Holo must have deliberately waited for this opportunity to speak, and he asked angrily, "Why?" "It's time to tell us the actual situation." Holo, who was walking beside Lawrence, looked at him with huge eyes. Lying is useless—this is what Laurence had said to Libet before. Lawrence felt his expression contort in pain. "Let me be handsome." "Hehehe, we, no, want to." Seeing Holo happily flicking her huge tail, Lawrence thought that Holo would break the casserole and ask the bottom line. Lawrence died early trying to hide Holo's heart. [The amount of gold is too small. " "Oh?" "Those quantities are definitely less than six hundred Lumiones, at most one hundred." "After dividing up the loot, pay off your debts and you'll be gone. In other words, if you don't smuggle, you won't make any money." Holo brushed Lawrence's neck with the end of her huge tail.Seeing Lawrence flicking his tail ruthlessly, Holo made a sound with her throat happily. "Remario Trading Company must have been cornered. They had to raise a hundred rupees through smuggling. Only the gold bought by Mioni can resolve the crisis-this should be the actual situation.Of course, they knew from the start that they couldn't pay us enough to cover up.But that's why they accept smuggling offers from people in our situation. " Even so, from Lawrence's standpoint, he can only choose to trust Remario Firm. "Yes. But, you really came up with a good excuse. According to that, you are a saint." "Half of me is from the heart." "..." Holo snorted, then stopped and lay prone on the ground. "Sit up.] "Are you done with the cross-examination?" "You're so stupid, we don't even want to ask." Holo narrowed her amber eyes, and brought her huge face close to Lawrence. Although Holo would definitely push Lawrence down with a little force, Lawrence no longer felt afraid of Holo. "However, saving the Remario Company is not considered helping others." "Oh?" Lauren grabbed the hair on Holo's body, raised his foot, and said, "This is enough to win more benefits for us." After speaking, Lawrence jumped up in one go. "More benefits? Even our wisdom can't think of how to do it." "A merchant can exchange all kinds of things for money, so I have to show off my strengths as a merchant once in a while, right?" Lawrence thought that Holo would make fun of him, but Holo just laughed out of sheer joy and said, "Then let's see what you can do." After saying that, Holo slowly stood up and walked, Followed up and ran. The golden moon hangs looming in the black sky. Perhaps because it rained after noon, the night in Rübinghegen seems silent. "...This, there must be something wrong, like forgetting to put salt in the soup." Of course, Lawrence knew very well that no matter what the situation, the businessman would choose to lie first. However, even if businessmen lie to each other, they still attach great importance to each other's relationship of trust, which is why they feel unbearable. Lawrence couldn't help but empathize. "I, I don't know what Libet said to you. He must have looked like he was confessing in front of the altar. Come clean.But all he said was lies, the guy was full of lies.I was going to look for an opportunity to fire him: yes, that's it. " Lawrence could hardly hear what was said because the voice of the other party was raised so high that it became hoarse.However, this is not negotiating the number of silver coins for purchasing goods, as long as one can understand the general meaning is enough. "Mr. Remario." "Yes, yes, babble!" The reason why Remario let out a short scream at the end was because Holo had covered half of Remario's head with her huge mouth just now, and Holo increased the strength of her jaw. Fortunately, Remario was alone in the firm in the middle of the night waiting for his subordinates to return. Holo had just jumped over the wall with incredible lightness and entered the city.Lawrence originally planned to pretend to be attacked by thieves conservatively, and bring Holo back into the city with her human appearance, but Holo seemed to be able to sense the movement on the other side of the city wall, and she jumped over the city wall directly after saying that there was no problem. Luo's amazing jumping action made Lawrence think: If you have the funds, you don't have to work so hard, as long as you ask Holo, you can smuggle successfully. Lawrence and the two were lucky enough to enter the city without being discovered. Holo temporarily returned to a human form, and the two also arrived at Remario's firm without incident. 雷玛里欧一心以为是手下们归来,当他看见罗伦斯两人时的表情再错愕不过了。 而现在,雷玛里欧被捆绑起来且倒卧在地。比老虎钳更恐怖、满嘴尖牙的下巴夹著他的头都,他一副快要因为过度恐惧而暴毙似的模样。 罗伦斯原本心想让赫萝的狼模样被看见可能会有危险,但后来又想起自己与雷玛里欧拥有走私黄金的共同秘密。万一雷玛里欧打算向教会举发赫萝,只要揭露这个秘密就行了,因为罗伦斯手上有堆积如山的证据。 如果说双方都握有对方把柄能够互斗,商人是不会特地把对方的把柄说出来。 而且,一方面因为赫萝想要恐吓雷玛里欧一解她心中的郁闷,另一方面是考虑到在雷玛里欧心中植入压倒性的恐惧感,是预防今后遭到报复的最佳手段,所以就故意让赫萝以狼模样现身。 不用说也明白,这当然带来了绝佳的效果。 「现在夹住您的「下巴]呢,恩,可谓真相的下巴吧。只要说谎,很快就会被识破。还有,这只狼因为在寒夜之中跑了很长一段路,所以正饥肠辘辘。如果说了太多谎,恐怕它会一口吃了您的脑袋。」 「嘎吱」一声,赫萝的牙齿稍微陷进了雷玛里欧的太阳穴里。 雷玛里欧吓得甚至叫不出声音来。 「还有啊,雷玛里欧先生。我并不是因为遭到您们背叛,所以才前来复仇。我是来跟您谈谈生意的。」 听到「生意」两字,雷玛里欧的眼睛重新闪起光芒。谈生意往往会带来交易,想必雷玛里欧是认为只要还有交易的余地,就不会被杀害了吧·「接下来要商谈,所以,您大可以朝对您有利的方向尽情地撒谎。不过,这只狼绝对比我聪明得多,它可以看出您的话背后再背后的意思。如果您说了欠缺考量的话,身高可是会缩短一大截的。您明白了吧?」 雷玛里欧因为被咬住太阳穴,使得他无法点头,但是罗伦斯凭感觉知道他想点头。 「那么,开始进行商谈。」 罗伦斯直率地说:[当我们走私成功之际,可否请您用五百卢米欧尼买下那些黄金? " 雷玛里欧睁大了眼睛。 「我们依然是走私的共犯。您该不会以为我们抢走了黄金,还前来找您报仇吧?」 看著头发泛白的雷玛里欧像个孩子似地点点头,罗伦斯不禁苦笑。 「当然您也可能抢走黄金,不过应该没问题吧?只是,如果不先说好走私成功时的利益分配,我担心到时候会有纠纷。您说对吧?」 赫萝的喉咙发出愉快的笑声,随著喉咙的震动摇来晃去的雷玛里欧也露出了僵硬的笑容。 「那么,我再重复一遍。当我们走私成功之际,可否请您用五百卢米欧尼买下那些黄金?」 然而,雷玛里欧心里明白从拉姆特拉采买来的黄金金额,他一副绝望的表情扭曲著脸说:「怎、怎么可能办得到这种事……」 「我当然不会要求您支付现金。这样吧,就请您写借据好了。」 雷玛里欧听到的瞬间,展露了堂堂一家商行之主应有的智慧。 雷玛里欧似乎立刻理解了罗伦斯话中的意思,他露出苦涩的表情,拼命哀求罗伦斯大发慈悲地说道:「五、五百也未免……」 「太贵了吗?既然这样,那好吧。就抢走您准备好乘夜逃跑用的所有财产,然后再把黄金卖给别人好了。不然……」 罗伦斯说罢,看了赫萝一眼后,再补充著说:「也可以把您的性命卖给站在那里的恶魔。」 赫萝虽然讨厌被人称呼为神明,但是她似乎挺中意被称呼为恶魔。 赫萝甩动尾巴发出唰唰声响,装模作样地缓缓吐出温热的气息。 雷玛里欧脸上的情绪急速消失。 如果罗伦斯没看错,雷玛里欧的表情就像只小羊一样,脸上写著「悉听遵便」。 「雷玛里欧先生,我呢,觉得一次的失败就让人失去一切,未免太严苛了,毕竟我们不可能 完全预测得了商品价格的暴涨暴跌。因此,我希望雷玛里欧先生能够再努力一次。不过,答礼我是一定会拿的,这个答礼就是五百卢米欧尼。您是在留宾海根拥有如此气派卸货处的堂堂商行之主,若是给您十年,五百卢米欧尼根本不算贵吧? " 雷玛里欧听了这番话,瞬间睁大了眼睛,不久后流下了眼泪。 如果能够重振商行,以十年为期限偿还五百卢米欧尼绝非强人所难之事。因为商行赚的利润可是旅行商人的好几倍。 想必雷玛里欧是为了自己有可能再以商行主人的身分东山再起,而流下眼泪的吧。 「那么就请雷玛里欧先生写借据吧,赫萝。」 被点了名的赫萝一副「好啦、好啦」的模样叹了口气后,松开嘴巴并用鼻尖稍微顶了一下雷玛里欧的头。 罗伦斯解开绑住雷玛里欧手臂的绳索,接续说:「借据分成十张,一年一张,共十年份。第一年只要写十卢米欧尼就可以了。最后一年的金额是一百卢米欧尼。您明白意思吧?」 罗伦斯的意思是要雷玛里欧每年增加偿还的金额。十张借据加起来会有五百五十卢米欧尼,罗伦斯心想收取这点利息算是合理吧。 当然了,只要商行东山再起步上轨道,要还清这个金额并不困难。 「那么,就请您在那张书桌写借据·」 雷玛里欧点点头,在罗伦斯的搀扶下站起身子后,便用著仍被捆绑住的双脚一小步地一小步地走近书桌。 「请、请问,债权人是……」 雷玛里欧回过头来这么说道,罗伦斯以笑脸回答他说:「罗恩商业公会。」 雷玛里欧之所以会露出哀伤的笑容,是因为他领悟到了自己绝对逃不过这个借据的约束。 如果以罗伦斯个人名义为债权人,一旦若干年后雷玛里欧商行累积了实力,罗伦斯就有可能遭到报复或被倒债。再说,一想到每年得来催促有过纠纷的人们还债,就让罗伦斯觉得郁闷。 另外更重要的一点,就是现在的雷玛里欧商行是个穷光蛋。在这样的状况下,就算写再多的借据,罗伦斯在未来的一年内也根本拿不到钱。即使一笔勾销罗伦斯欠雷玛里欧商行的债务,走私黄金的转手利益光是用来支付诺儿拉的酬劳,以及还清雷玛里欧商行的债务好重振商行,应该就见底了。运气背一点,说不定连诺儿拉的酬劳都付不出来。 因此,只要以罗伦斯所属的商业公会为债务人,就可以解决这一切的问题·罗伦斯只要把这些借据便宜卖给罗恩商业公会,就能够与雷玛里欧商行不再有任何瓜葛,又能够立刻把长达十年的借款换成现金· 不仅如此,倒商业公会债的行为,就跟对城镇开战没两样。雷玛里欧商行绝对无法赖掉这笔借款。 「您真是个可怕的人。」 罗伦斯一本正经地回答说:「没这只狼可怕。」 听了这句玩笑话后,笑得最开心的当然是赫萝本人了。 「那么,接下来就祈祷走私能够顺利成功吧。」
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