Home Categories Internet fantasy The Lord of the Rings: Part Three: The King and the King

Chapter 5 In the second quarter, the man in gray appears

Gandalf was gone, and Shadowfax's hoofbeats disappeared into the night.Merry walked back to Aragorn. His luggage was very light, because the backpack had been lost in Pasgaran long ago, and he only carried a few things he picked up in the ruins of Isengard.Hasselblad was already in the saddle.Legolas, Gimli, and their mounts stood by. "Four members of the expedition remain," said Aragorn. "Let us set out together! I thought there would be only four of us, but it seems that it will not be so, and the King of Hussars has decided to leave this place at once. After the flying shadow appeared, he hoped to return to the mountains under the cover of night." "And then what?" Legolas asked.

"I am not sure yet," replied Aragorn. "As for the King of the Hussars, he is going to gather all his troops in Edoras in four days. There, I think he will first study and judge the war. and go to Minas Tirith with the Hussars, save me and those who will go with me." "I will go with you!" said Legolas. "Gimli too!" the dwarf added. "That is enough for me," replied Aragorn; "I still have a very dark road before me, and I must go to Minas Tirith too, but I am not yet sure how to do it. We have yet We're leaving in an hour." "Don't leave me behind!" Merry said, "I've been useless, but I don't want to be left like luggage and not remembered until the end. I don't think the hussars will take time to look after me, but the king did say that I will be at his side to tell him how the Shire is when we reach his palace." "Yes," said Aragorn, "Merry, I think you should stay by his side, but don't expect a happy ending. I'm afraid it may be a long time before King Theoden can return to his palace with peace of mind. In this bleak spring, I'm afraid Many hopes faded." Soon all were ready to go, Gimli behind Legolas, and Merry before Aragorn, and they hurried on by night.Not long after, the group crossed the hill at the crossing of the Eshin River, and a knight came up from behind.

"My lord," he said to the King of Hussars, "we have other knights behind us, and I think I heard their hooves as we crossed the mouth of the river, and I will not report to you until I am quite sure. They are not stopping Come and catch up." Theoden immediately ordered the whole army to stop, and the hussars turned their horses and raised their spears.Aragorn dismounted, took Merry off his horse, drew his sword at the same time, and stood beside the King of Riders, while Éomer and his bodyguard came back from the head of the procession.At this moment, Meili felt that he was useless luggage. If a fight really started, he didn't know what he should do; In the darkness, in the endless fields of Rohan, he didn't know what to do. "It won't work!" he thought.He decided to draw his sword and tighten his belt.

The west-sinking moon was gradually covered by clouds and mist, but suddenly penetrated the cover again, emitting a silver light.Then, they all heard the sound of horseshoes, and at the same time they could see a dark figure galloping from the direction of the ferry.The moonlight reflected on the tip of the spear, exuding a chilling atmosphere; the number of pursuers was hard to determine, but they seemed no less than the Hussar King's guards. When they were fifty paces away, Éomer cried, "Stop! Stop! Who rides the horses in the Land of Rohan? The pursuers brought the horses to a halt with superb equestrianism, and there was a breathless silence; then, in the moonlight, they saw a knight jump off his horse and walk slowly forward.He showed his palms to everyone, which was a gesture of peace, but the Hussar King's men couldn't help but gripped their weapons tightly.Ten steps away, the man stopped. He was very tall, and his whole body was surrounded by shadows.Then, his clear voice sounded:

"Rohan? Did you just say Rohan? This is wonderful. We have come from a long way to find this country." "You have found it," said Éomer, "in your After crossing the crossing, you entered our country. This is the country of Hussar King Theoden. No one can ride in the Hussar Kingdom without his consent. Who are you? Why is it so hasty?" "Herbala Denardan, Ranger of the North." cried the man. "We seek a man called Aragorn, and we hear he is in Rohan." "You have found him too!" cried Aragorn. .He handed the reins to Merry, and rushed forward to embrace the visitor warmly. "Horbara!" he said excitedly, "what a surprise!" Merry breathed a sigh of relief. He had thought it was Saruman's last ambush, and he had sneaked up on the Hussar King when his forces were weak.Fortunately, it seemed that he would not have to die defending Theoden this time, at least for the time being, and he put his sword back in its sheath.

"Great!" Aragorn turned back and said, "This is my compatriots from a distant hometown. Why they came here and how many people are there, I think, I will leave it to Herbara to explain." "I brought thirty men," said Horbala, "and we could only muster so many fellow-men in our haste, but our good brothers Ilaidan and Iroho also came with us, and they couldn't wait to fight We rushed over as soon as we received your summoning order." "But I didn't summon you," Aragorn said, "Perhaps I have thought about it in my heart. I often think about your situation. That's right. Come on! Put all these things aside for now. We are going on our way at great risk. If the King of Hussars agrees, you can join us and go together." Theoden was indeed very happy when he heard the news. . "Excellent!" he said. "My lord Aragorn, if your countrymen were like you, thirty knights would be enough to fight a thousand troops!" The hussars set off without further delay, and Ara Gun and the Dundans rode together for a while.When they were discussing news from the north and the south, Irohor said to him:

"I bring a message from my father to you: [HTPH] The time is short, if you wish to buy time, do not forget the way of the dead. [HT]" "I have never had enough time for a while, and there is no moment of rest ’” replied Aragorn, “but the situation must be really urgent for me to go that way.” !" Then Aragorn said to Herbara, "Brother, what are you carrying?" He noticed that the man was not carrying a spear, but a long stick, which seemed to be a flagpole, but the long stick But the tail end was wrapped with black cloth and tightly wrapped with a rope. "This is a gift I prepared for you for the Star of Rivendell," Herbara replied. "She spent a lot of time secretly weaving this thing. She also asked me to bring you a few messages: [HTPH ] The end is near. If our hope is extinguished, all will be dark. I give you this which I have made for you with my own hands. Farewell, Elven Gem![HT]" said Aragorn, "I know You are carrying something. Keep it for me temporarily!" He turned his head, looked at the land under the many stars in the north, and did not speak for the rest of the journey.

When they finally came to the Horn Keep, the east was white.They rest there for a while while discussing their current situation. Merry fell asleep until she was awakened by Legolas and Gimli. "The sun is on our butts!" said Legolas. "Everyone else is up, Mr. Sleepy Bug! Take the opportunity to enjoy the scenery before you!" "There was a bloody battle here three nights ago, "Gimli said, "I made a small bet with Legolas here, and the only thing I got was a half-orc head. Come and have a look! Merry, there are many caves here, beautiful caves!" Shall we go and see, Legolas?" "No! We have no time," said the Elf, "don't spoil its beauty in haste! I have promised you that if the world is once more at peace and free, I'll come back with you. It's almost time to eat now, I heard that we will have dinner first, and then we will set off immediately." Merry yawned and got up.A few hours of sleep wasn't enough, and he felt down and sore.He missed Pippin and felt like he was just a useless burden while everyone else was too busy trying to figure out how to speed up something he couldn't figure out. "Where is Aragorn?" he asked.

"In the room at the top of the castle," said Legolas, "I think he may have neither eaten nor slept. He left about three hours ago, saying he must think about it, and there was only his fellow Herbara and him Going together, it can be seen that he seems to be preoccupied. "These new fellows look really strange," Gimli said. "They look weather-beaten, but they look like kings, and the hussars of Rohan are like children around them. They all have sullen faces." , looked as unfathomable as the storm-beaten rocks of the sea, even Aragorn, and none of them said a word." "But, if they should break the silence, they should be as heroic as Aragorn," Legolas said: "Have you noticed the brothers Elaidan and Irohor? Their luggage is relatively simple, and they exude dignity like elf nobles. They are the sons of Elrond of Rivendell, No wonder there's such an air." "Have you found out where they came from?" Merry asked.He was dressed now, with his gray cloak on, and the three of them walked towards the broken gate of the Horn Keep.

"As you've heard, they're answering the call," Kimli said. "They say Rivendell has received the message: Aragorn needs the support of his people, and all Dunedain go to Rohan at once!But they don't know how the news came about now.I guess it was probably Gandalf who informed me. "No, I guess it was Galadriel," said Legolas, "didn't she tell us through Gandalf that there would be a group of gray men in the north?" Wrong," Kim Li said. "It's the queen of the forest! She can understand the hearts of many people. Legolas, why don't we try to get our compatriots to come to support us?" Legolas stood in front of the door, his bright eyes turned to the north and east, his face showing worried look. "I don't think they'll come," he replied. "They don't need to come to join the battle. The war has already reached our front door!" The three of them walked like this, chatting in different directions, discussing the changes in the fighting situation.They passed through the shattered gates, past the mass graves that lined the road, and came at last to the Helm's Quay overlooking the plain, where the dark and sullen mound of death stood, where the traces of Huon's trampling and destruction were still quite clear.Dunland's captives and many of the local defenders worked some in the canal and some behind the walls; but everyone was uncharacteristically silent, a valley recuperating after a bloody battle.Soon, they turned back and went to the hall in the fort to prepare a meal.

The Hussar King had arrived, and as soon as they entered he ordered a place for Merry to be made beside him. "This is not what I thought," said Theoden. "It is far from my beautiful palace in Edoras, and your friends who should have been here have left, but it is far from you and me. It may be a long time before I can sit in the palace with peace of mind. I won’t have time to feast on the guests before I return from the expedition. You come first! Eat and talk, let’s take the time to chat, and then you can ride with me Going on the same horse." "Do I have the honor?" said Merry, both surprised and delighted. "That's wonderful!" He had never been so moved in his life. "I'm afraid I'm just a burden to everyone," he stammered, "but you know, I'm willing to help you in any way I can." "I don't doubt your kindness," said the King of Hussars, "I've done it for you. You have specially prepared a pony, which will carry you as fast as any steed on our journey. We have decided to take the mountain road from the Horn to Edoras, and at Dun Harrow Waiting for our princess Eowyn to meet up. If you want, you can serve as my entourage. Eomer, is there any armor here that can be used by my personal attendant?" "My lord, the arsenal here is not Incomplete," replied Éomer, "perhaps we can find a light helmet for him, but I am afraid there is no sword or armor for his size." "I have a sword myself," said Merry, leaping from her seat, and A sharp dagger was drawn from its black scabbard.He couldn't help feeling extremely respectful and loving towards the old man in front of him, so he knelt down on one knee and kissed his hand reverently. "King Theoden, Meriadac of the Shire wishes to place it on your lap, will you grant it?" he cried. "Accept my allegiance!" "I accept with honor, The Hussar King laid his old hands on the hobbit's brown hair and bestowed his royal blessing on him. "Meriadoc, squire of the royal family of hussars, die!" he said, "take back your sword, and may you be invincible!" "I will regard you as a father," said Merry. "For the time being at least," Theoden replied. They ate and chatted, and it was not long before Éomer interrupted the cozy scene. "My lord, it is almost time for our departure," he said. "May I order my men to blow the horn? But what about Aragorn? His seat is always empty, and he does not dine with us." "We are at once ready to go," said Theoden; "send to lord Aragorn, and let him know that the time to go is at hand. The king of hussars took Merry and his personal guards to the gate of the Horn Fort. The hussars were gathering on the emerald green plain, and many warriors had already mounted their horses.This would be a huge team, and the Hussar King left only a small number of defenders to guard the Horn Fort, and all the rest of the troops went to Edoras.Last night, a thousand spearmen rode away overnight, but at this time there were still about 500 hussars preparing to set off with the king, most of them were warriors from the West Valley. The rangers were orderly and silently sitting some distance away from the others in an open space, each armed with swords, lances, and bows, and they wore dark gray cloaks with hoods that hid their faces and helmets.Their mounts are all in good spirits, with their heads held high, but their hair is unkempt and very messy.There was a steed that had no rider yet. It was the steed of Aragorn they had brought from the north, and its name was Lochrin.The equipment of the rangers lacked any sparkling gems or gold, or even plain, and there were no badges or marks on their bodies, the only exception was that each man's cloak had a star-shaped silver collar. The pin is on the left chest. The Hussar King mounted Snowmane, and Meri sat on the pony Staples and waited beside him.Éomer walked out from the door, Aragorn was beside him, and Horbara was a step away from the two of them, still carrying the long pole tied with black cloth, and behind him were two tall men whose ages could not be distinguished .They were the sons of Elrond, and hardly anyone could tell the difference between them.They were all black-haired and gray-eyed, with handsome faces like elves, wearing shiny training armor under silver-gray cloaks, and Gimli and Legolas followed closely behind.Merry couldn't take his eyes off Aragorn. He seemed to have experienced ten years overnight. His expression was solemn and gray, as if he was very tired. "My lord, I feel very worried," he said, standing beside the king's steed. "I have heard some strange news, and found a new crisis in the distance. I have been thinking for a long time, and I am afraid that at this moment I must Changed goal. Tell me, Theoden, how long will it take you to get to Den Harrow now?" "It's about an hour after Zhengshi," said Eomer, "and we should be there by evening in three days' time Arrived, about one day after the full moon, and the day after that when the Hussar King ordered the whole army to assemble. If we want to gather all the forces of Rohan, the time cannot be earlier." Aragorn was silent for a moment . "Three days," he murmured, "that's when Rohan's troops began to assemble. I understand that there is no rush..." He raised his head, and it seemed that he had made up his mind, and his expression no longer seemed so hesitant. "Then, Your Majesty, please forgive me. My compatriots and I must adopt a different strategy. We must embark on our own path and stop hiding. For me, the time for low-key concealment is over. The shortest way is sprinting east, and I'm going to the way of the dead." "The way of the dead!" Theoden shuddered. "Why do you mention this place?" Éomer turned to stare at Aragorn, and Merry noticed that all the hussars who heard these words seemed to grow very pale. "If there is such a way," said Theoden, "its entrance would be at Den Harrow, but no living man can pass that place." "What a pity! My friend Aragorn!" said Io Mo said, "I originally hoped that we could gallop on the battlefield together; but if what you are looking for is the way of the dead, then we must part, and I'm afraid we will never have the chance to meet in the world." "In any case, That is the way I must all go," said Aragorn; "but remember my words, Eomer: if the hosts of Mordor should stand against us, we shall meet in battle."" Lord Aragorn, this is your choice," Theoden said, "Perhaps, setting foot on a place that others dare not go is the end of your own choice. I feel very sorry for this separation, and my combat power is also Will be greatly reduced for your departure; but I can delay no longer, and we must set off to the trail at once! Farewell!" "Farewell, my lord!" said Aragorn, "to your victory! Farewell, Merry. It's better than what we hoped for when we hunted the Orcs, and they'll take good care of you. Legolas and Gimli will walk with me, but we won't forget you." "Farewell!" said Merry.He couldn't find anything else to say, he felt that he was very small, and the gloomy words of the other party made him even more confused and felt inexplicably heavy.Now more than at any other time he missed Pippin's perpetually cheerful, life-or-death attitude.The hussars were at the ready, the horses galloped restlessly; he wanted them all to start and finish everything. Theoden spoke a few words to Éomer, the marshal raised his hand and shouted, and the hussars marched together at the same time, forming a very spectacular sight.They passed Holy Helm's Quay, crossed the valley, turned east, and embarked on a trail that wound along the foot of the mountain for a mile or so; then turned south into the mountains, and disappeared from all eyes.Aragorn rode towards the Holy Helm's Quay, watched all the troops of the Hussar King enter the valley, then turned to Horbara and said: "Three people I cared about left, and the one with the smallest body was the one I cared about the most," he said. "He didn't know where he was riding to; but even if he knew, he kept going. "The people of the Shire are small, but they play a very important role," said Herbala. "They don't know how much we have paid to keep them safe, but I don't regret it." "Our destinies are intertwined now," said Aragorn, "and so is the future! Alas! Here we must part for a while. Well, I must eat something, and then I will go away as quickly as they. Come Come on, Legolas and Gimli! I have something to say to you while I eat." The three of them walked back to the Horn Keep. Aragorn remained silent in the hall for a long time, and the others waited for him to speak. "Speak!" said Legolas, finally unable to bear it any longer. "It will be better to speak out, and it will free you from the shadows in your heart! What has happened since we came here early in the morning?" The Horn Fort has experienced a fierce battle, and there is still a hard struggle," Aragorn replied, "My two friends, I used the Orthank's Sorcerer." "You actually used that cursed witchcraft stone! "Jimli yelled in surprise, with a worried expression on his face. "Did you tell—him everything? Gandalf said it must never be done!" "You forget who is before you," said Aragorn sharply, his eyes twinkling. shine. "Didn't I reveal my true identity before the people of Edoras? No, Gimli," he said in a softer voice, and the expression on his face became lighter, and he looked Like a person who has worked hard for many days without sleep, "No, friends, I am the rightful owner of the spar. I already have the qualifications and strength to use it. At least I think so. No one can question my qualifications." .As for strength, I don't lack it, at least barely enough." He took a deep breath. "It was a difficult struggle, and it was difficult for a tired body and mind to recover so quickly. I didn't talk to him, and finally took back the right to use the spar. That alone made him unbearable, and he also Spotted me. Yes, Mr. Gimli, he saw me, but not in the form I showed you, and if it helped him, then I was wrong. But I don't think so, light Knowing that I am still alive, fighting against him in this world, I think it is a heavy blow to him, because he didn't know this before. The eye of Orthank can't see through Theoden's armor, But Sauron couldn't forget Isildur and the holy sword Anduril. Just as he was planning to launch the final offensive, the descendants of Isildur and the holy sword appeared in front of his eyes. I deliberately let him see He is not strong enough to escape the threat of fear, no, he will sleep and eat now!" "But he still has tremendous power," said Gimli, "now he will be even more merciless in his strikes , there will be no more hesitation." "Something will go wrong," said Aragorn, "we must put pressure on the devil, and no longer passively wait for him to attack. Two, when I have mastered the hedron, I know A lot of information. I found that the enemy launched a powerful offensive in the south of Gondor, which will hold back most of Minas Tirith's reinforcements. If this offensive is not dealt with quickly, I estimate that the main city will be in ten days. It fell inside." "Then this is its fate," Jin Li said, "Where do we have extra strength, and how can it be possible to arrive immediately? "I cannot send any reinforcements, so I must go myself," said Aragorn; "but there is only one way through these mountains that will bring me to the shore before it is too late, and that is the Way of the Dead." "The Way of the Dead!" said Gimli, "it is a cursed name, and I can see that the people of Rohan don't like it either. Can a living person set foot on this road and leave safely?Even if you pass this way, how can a few dozen men repel the army of Mordor? "No living man has trod this way since the hussars came into this land," said Aragorn, "for it was a sealed way to them. But in this In the hour of darkness, the sons of Isildur may use it if they have courage. Hear me! This is the message brought to me by the sons of Elrond, from the mouth of the most learned Elrond in the world: "Please Aragorn, remember The prophecies, and the ways of the dead." "What did the prophets say?" said Legolas. "In the reign of Avandu, the last king of Fornost, so said the prophet Malbes—" said Aragorn: The land is shrouded in shadow, and the wings of darkness spread to the west. The tower trembles, and the end of the king's tomb is approaching.The dead wake; the hour of the Promisebreaker is at hand. At the Stone of Ireki, the generals will rise again to hear the horn in the mountain. Who will sound the horn?Who will summon them from the gray mist, the forgotten people! Heirs of whom they swore allegiance. He will come from the north, and the crisis is imminent: He will enter the gate of the Way of the Dead. "It's a dark path, no doubt," Gimli said, "but in my eyes, this prophecy is even darker." "If you want to know more about this prophecy, please come with me," said Aya. "Because this is the path I'm going to take," said Lacan. "But I don't do it willingly, because the crisis is so urgent that there is no alternative. Therefore, you too must be voluntary; on this path there will be Encountered fear and challenge, and worse." "I will walk with you on the Path of the Dead, wherever it leads," said Gimli. "So do I!" said Legolas, "I am not afraid of the dead." "I hope the Forgotten People have not forgotten how to fight," said Gimli, "otherwise it would be hard for me to see why I bothered them. "If we can get to Irech, we should be able to understand," said Aragorn. "The oath they swore was against Sauron, and if they do not break their oath, they must fight. Because , in Ireki there is a huge black rock, which Isildur is said to have brought from Númenor to Middle-earth, and it is placed on a hill where the King of the Mountain swore an oath to him when Gondor was founded Allegiance, however, when Sauron rose again and evil spread, Isildur summoned the people of the mountain as promised, but they refused, because in that dark age, they began to worship Sauron instead." "Isildur The Dol said to their king, "You shall be the last king, and if the West prevails over the King of Darkness, I place this curse on you: if you do not keep your promise, you will never rest. The war will last for ages , before the finale, you will be summoned again. ’ They fled before the wrath of Isildur, not daring to fight for Sauron; they hid in the mountains, and since then they have been isolated from the world, and their numbers gradually decreased in the desolate mountains.Still, in Irech and other places where these people live, the Restless Dead still roam.Since there is no living creature to lend a hand, I can only go in this direction. "He stood up. "Come!" cried Aragorn, drawing his sword, whose blade shone coldly in the morning light of the Hornfort. "To the Stone of Erech! I am going to walk the way of the dead, follow me if you want!" Legolas and Gimli did not answer, but left the hall with Aragorn. The silent rangers still wore their pockets. Caps wait.Legolas and Gimli mounted their horses together, Aragorn jumped onto Lochrin, and Halbara took out a huge horn, and the mighty sound of the horn echoed in Helm's Deep; all the people immediately rushed across the valley like thunder, and stayed behind. The troops looked at their figures in awe. While Theoden advanced slowly through the trails among the mountains, the gray troops galloped day and night on the plain.They reached Edoras the next day, and stopped there for a moment before entering the valley, reaching Den Harrow just as it was getting dark. Princess Eowyn greeted them in person, and was glad to see them, for she had never seen such mighty warriors as the Dundanites and the Sons of Elrond, but among the crowd, her gaze remained on Aragorn body.From these people, when they dined with her, she heard what happened after Theoden's personal conquest;Her eyes lit up as she heard the great victory at Helm's Deep, the crushing defeat of the enemy, and the charge of Theoden and his knights. At last she said: "My lords, you are all tired. Please rest in the place I have prepared for you in haste. Tomorrow we will arrange a more luxurious place for you." But Aragorn replied: " No, princess, don't worry about us! As long as we can lie here for one night, we will have dinner tomorrow morning. Our mission cannot be delayed at all, and we must start immediately at dawn tomorrow." She showed him a charming look Smiling, she said, "My lord, you are so kind. You are willing to travel thousands of miles to come here to tell Éowyn the news and let her know what happened outside." "Indeed, no one will think that our efforts are in vain, said Aragorn: "But, my lady, we would not find time to come to Den Harlow if it were not for our future paths." From her answer, she seemed offended. "Then, my lord, you have gone the wrong way; there is no road going east or south in Harlow Valley, and it seems that you must turn back." "No, my lady," he replied, "I have not gone the wrong way , I have been here before your beautiful face shines on this place. There is a way out of this valley, and that is the way I will go. Tomorrow I am going to enter the way of the dead." She looked back at him It seemed that he had been greatly shocked, his cheeks were flushed, and he was speechless for a long time. "But, Aragorn," she said at last, "is it your business to send death? You will meet death only in that way. They will not let the living pass!" "Perhaps they will let I pass," said Aragorn, "at least I shall risk it, and there is no other way." Warrior, you should not lead them into darkness, but lead them into battle to support our weakest lines. I beg you to stay and ride with my brother; so that our hope will be It will be brighter, and the fighting spirit will be more high-spirited." "Prince, this is not an act of madness," he replied: "I am on the path prophesied, and those who follow me are voluntary. If they want to stay Come down and march with the hussars, and I will not stop them. But alone, I must walk the way of the dead." Thus ended their discussion, and the group dined in silence; but her eyes remained on Yara. Gang's body wandered, and others noticed that she seemed to be in an incomparable struggle.Finally, everyone stood up, bid farewell to the princess, thanked her for her care, and prepared to seize the opportunity to have a good rest. When Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli came to the door of the room, after the two companions went in first, the princess Eowyn stopped him. He turned and saw her like a gleam in the night; she was dressed in white, and there seemed to be fire in her eyes. "Aragorn," she said, "why did you choose the way of death?" "Because I have no choice," he said, "so that I may play my part in the battle against Sauron." Character. Eowyn, I did not deliberately choose a dangerous path, if I could do what I want, then I would have returned to the beautiful Rivendell in the north." She was silent for a moment, as if thinking about the meaning of this sentence.Then, suddenly, she put her hand on his shoulder. "You are a strong-willed and unsmiling king," she said, "such is the man who strives for honor." She paused. "My lord," she said, "if you insist on going, let me follow you; I have I'm tired of hiding in the mountains, and I just want to fight the enemy openly." "Your responsibility is to take care of your people," he replied. "Stop talking about responsibilities!" she yelled. "Aren't I the son of Io? I'm a warrior woman, not a nurse or a servant! I've had enough of sitting on the sidelines and waiting. I've made up my mind." , why can’t you live the way you want to live?” “Very few people are honored by it,” he replied. "As for you, princess, didn't you agree to manage these people before the king came back? If you hadn't stepped forward, then other marshals or generals would have taken your place. Whether he wants to or not, he won't be able to gallop On the battlefield." "Why do I always have to step up?" she said reluctantly. "When the hussars go off, why do I always have to do the housework, wait for them to win glory, and then have to tend to theirs when I get back? life?" "It's possible this time," he said, "never will come back. Their glory will be untold, for no one will ever remember the sacrifices made to defend your homeland. But, No job is less important because it is unappreciated.” She replied, “You say so much, but what you say is just emphasizing: You are a woman and you should stay at home. When men When you die in battle, you must stay in the house and be burned alive, because the men no longer need you. I am a member of the royal family of Io, not a maid. I can ride and fight well, and I am not afraid of death and pain." "What are you afraid of, princess?" he asked. 「我害怕的是牢笼,」她说:「害怕经年累月被关在牢笼中,直到最后垂垂老去,害怕习惯这种被禁锢的生活,再也不想要开创丰功伟业,也不再有任何的体力冲锋陷阵。」「但你竟然建议我不要踏上我所选择的道路,只因为上面充满了危险?」「我当然可以这样建议别人,」她说:「但我并没有建议你逃避危险,而是希望你能够挑选刀剑和勇气能够获得战功的地方,我不愿意见到人们平白无故放弃生命。」「我也一样,」他说:「因此,王女,我必须对你说:留下来!南方没有你挥洒的空间。」「和你一起前往的人也是一样,他们只是因为敬爱你、不愿意和你分开,才愿意和你同往。」然后,她就消失在夜色之中。 天色渐亮,但太阳尚未从东方山间跃出,亚拉冈就已经做好了出发的准备。他的同伴全都已经上马,正当他也准备翻身上马时,王女伊欧玟前来道别。她穿着如同骠骑的装饰,腰间佩戴着长剑。她手中拿着一个酒杯,喝了少许,祝他们一路顺风,然后她将杯子递给亚拉冈;他仰头一饮而尽,说道:「再会,洛汗之女!我祝你王室绵延不绝,愿你和你的子民都幸福快乐。对你的兄长说:我们会在黑暗之后再相聚的!」最靠近她的金雳和勒苟拉斯,发现她似乎流下了眼泪,在一张如此坚强、自傲的面孔衬托下,它显得更是无比沉重。她开口问道:「亚拉冈,你还是决定要去吗?」「是的,」他说。 「你还是不愿同意我的请求,让我和你一起去吗?」「不,王女,」他说:「在获得骠骑王和你兄长的恩准前,我不能够同意,而他们要到明天才会回来。我必须把握每一分每一秒的时间,再会了!」她跪了下来大声说:「求求你!」「不,王女,」他拉着她的手,扶她站了起来。然后他亲吻着她的手,随即跃上马鞍,头也不回地离开了。只有那些靠近他、熟识他的人,才看得出他脸上的痛苦之色。 伊欧玟如同石雕一般,双手握拳动也不动地站在那边,她看着他们的身影,直到众人都消失在丁默山,亦即亡灵之山的阴影中,那儿也正是亡者之门座落之处。接着,她转过身,如同瞎子一般地蹒跚而行,脚步踉跄回到屋中。她的同胞没有人目睹他们的离去,因为众人全都畏惧地躲了起来,准备等到天亮,这些鲁莽的陌生人都离开之后再出现。 有些人说:「他们都是精灵变成的妖怪,就让他们前往那些属于他们的黑暗角落,再也不要回来。这年头已经够坏了!」当一行人策马离开时,天色依旧灰蒙蒙的,太阳尚未脱离亡灵之山的阴影。他们穿越了两旁罗列的古老岩石,在凝重的恐怖气氛中来到了丁祸,在这黑暗的树林中,连勒苟拉斯也无法久待。众人在山脚下发现了一块空地,有一枚巨石像是死神的手指一般正好挡住了他们的去路。 「我觉得血液都快结冰了!」金雳说,其他人都沉默不语,他所发出的声响完全被脚底下潮湿的松针给吸收了。马匹不愿意经过这看来十分恐怖的岩石,骑士们只好下马亲自领着他们通过。又经过好一段时间之后,他们终于来到了岩壁前,黑暗之门就深陷在岩壁上,像是黑夜的开口一般瞪视着众人。巨大的拱门上雕刻着许多模糊难辨的符号,恐惧的气息如同灰雾一般从其中源源流出。 众人停了下来,每个人都不禁觉得胆寒;唯一的例外是精灵勒苟拉斯,因为人类的幽灵对他来说并没有任何威胁。 「这是个邪恶的入口,」贺尔巴拉说:「我想,死亡就在门的另一边,但不论如何,我还是会进入;只是,没有任何马匹能够忍受这种气息。」「我们必须进去,这些马也一样,」亚拉冈说:「如果我们能够通过这一片黑暗,之后还有很远的距离才能抵达目的地。我们浪费的每一分每一秒,都让索伦更快迈向胜利。跟我来! 」就在亚拉冈的带领和坚强的意志力控制之下,所有的登丹人和座骑都跟着他一起进入。这些马匹们对主人的敬爱是如此的深沉,只要主人们能够无所畏惧的领着它们进入大门,它们就不会有任何的迟疑。但是,洛汗国的骏马阿罗德退却了,它在那肉眼所不能见的压力和恐惧下浑身冒汗,不停发抖。勒苟拉斯遮住它的眼睛,柔声吟唱着人耳不能理解的歌曲,说服它勉强走了进去,勒苟拉斯也跟在它身边,门外只剩下矮人金雳。 他的双膝打颤,对自己的反应感到极端愤怒。「从来没有发生过这种事情!」他说:「精灵愿意进入地底,而矮人竟然不敢!」话一说完他就一头冲了进去,但他觉得自己的双脚如同铅块一般的沉重,一走进去,连他都被扑天盖地的黑暗所笼罩。这是极端诡异不寻常的!身为葛罗音之子的金雳,曾经探索过无数的地下通道,却从来没有过这样的感觉。 亚拉冈从登哈洛带了许多火把过来,现在他正拿着火把走在最前面,伊莱丹则是走在后面押阵。金雳踉跄地跟在后面,想要赶上大家,除了火把微弱的光芒之外,他什么都看不见;但如果众人停了下来,四面八方又会传来那种永无止境的呢喃声,那种语言是他从来没有听过的。 没有任何力量或是任何事物阻止众人的前进,但矮人的恐惧越来越深沉,这是因为他可以清楚感觉到:他们只能继续前进,已经没有退路了!众人的身后已经挤满了无形无影的队伍。 时间就这样不知不觉流逝,金雳眼前出现了一个让他以后都不愿意回想的景象:道路十分的宽广,但队伍却突然来到了空旷的地方,两边都没有任何的墙壁,让人不寒而栗的气息飘移在四周,让他几乎没有办法移动。随着亚拉冈的火把越来越近,在他的左边出现了一样闪闪发亮的东西,亚拉冈停下脚步,前往调查这到底是怎么一回事。 「他难道都不害怕吗?」矮人咕哝道。「若是在其他的洞穴中,金雳绝对是第一个冲去调查黄金反光的人,但绝不是在这里!就让它留在那边吧!」即使如此,他还是越走越近,看见亚拉冈跪在那边,伊莱丹则是拿着两支火把替他照明,在他眼前是一名勇士的骸骨。他原先似乎穿着练甲,骨架也完好无缺,多半是因为这座洞穴十分的乾燥,而它的练甲也没有破损;它的黄金腰带上镶着拓榴石,趴在地上的头骨上戴着黄金打造的头盔。现在众人才发现,他倒在洞壁之前,尸体前方正好是一扇紧闭的石门,白森森的指骨依旧抓着门缝。一柄断折破碎的宝剑丢在一旁,彷佛他绝望中用尽最后一丝力气来敲打这扇门。 亚拉冈并没有碰触尸体,在沉默地观察了片刻之后,他站起身道:「愿心贝铭花永不凋谢! 」他喃喃道:「总共十六座的墓丘已经长满了青草,在这么漫长的岁月中,他就这样躺在一扇打不开的门前。这到底通往哪里?他又为什么想要过去?恐怕都不会有人知道了!」「因为这并非是我的任务!」他转过身,对着身后不断低语的黑暗大喊道:「把你们的宝藏和秘密留在那被诅咒的年代中!我们只想要尽快通过。让我们走,跟着过来!我召唤你们前往伊瑞奇之石!」没有任何回答,除非这较之前的低语还要恐怖的沉默算是答案。一阵寒风吹来,火把的火焰瞬间被吹熄,再也无法点燃。接下来的时间,不管是一小时还是许多天,金雳都记不起来确实的遭遇。其他人拼命赶路,但他总是最后一个,那彷佛就要将他吞没的阴影一直紧追在后,低语声像是远处的闷响一样不停地朝他进逼。他踉跄地往前,直到最后,他开始像是只野兽一样四脚着地的往前爬。他再也忍受不了这种状况了!如果他不能够结束这一切,他就要转过身去面对那紧追不舍的邪灵。 突然间,他听见水滴落下的声响,那如同岩石落进黑暗阴影中一样清楚的声音,四周逐渐变亮,终于!众人穿越另一扇拱门,一条小河在他们身旁奔流着。在拱门之外是一条夹在陡峭山崖间的向下斜坡,山崖如同锐利的刀尖一样直入云霄。这一线天的景象让底下的众人勉强看见天空是黑暗的,上面有许多的星斗闪耀。不过,稍后金雳才知道,这还是他们从登哈洛出发那天,距离日落还有两小时。不过,对他来说,这似乎是置身另一个世界、另一个年代的黄昏。 众人再度上马,金雳回到勒苟拉斯身边。他们排成一列,夜色逐渐深沉,恐惧依旧紧追着他们。勒苟拉斯转回头准备和金雳说话,对方只能看见他面前有一双闪闪发亮的眼睛。在他们身后是伊莱丹,他是负责押阵的人,但却不是这个队伍的最后一人。 「亡者跟在后面,」勒苟拉斯说:「我看见人类和马匹的影子,苍白的旗帜像是云雾一样捉摸不定,枪尖则是如同迷雾中的影像一样模糊,亡者正跟在我们后面……」「是的,亡者紧追在后,他们已经听到了召唤!」伊莱丹说。 他们离开了小径,地形的转变就如同突然间从墙缝中钻出来一样,眼前是一个巨大的山谷,身边的小河则是融入许多冰冷的瀑布中。 「我们到底在什么地方?」金雳说,伊莱丹回答道:「我们脚下的是摩颂河的源头,这条冰冷的河川一路流向大海,洗刷多尔安罗斯的城墙。以后,你就不须要问别人河名的由来了,人类叫它黑根河。」摩颂谷是个倚靠着山脉陡峭南壁的宽广平地,它陡峭的斜坡上长满了绿草;但在这个时候,太阳已经下山,一切看起来都灰蒙蒙的。在底下人类居住的房屋中透露着点点火光,这是座土地肥沃的山谷,有许多居民住在这里。 亚拉冈头也不回地大喊,让所有人都听得清清楚楚:「朋友们,忘记你们的疲倦!策马向前,向前!在今天结束之前我们必须抵达伊瑞奇之石,眼前还有很长的道路。」众人头也不回地越过山中的平原,最后来到一座横越汹涌激流的桥梁,发现了一条通往外界的道路。 当他们靠近的时候,屋中的灯火纷纷熄灭,大门紧闭,在室外的人们惊慌大喊,像是被猎杀的动物一般仓皇逃逸,在夜色中,人们不停地重复一句话:「亡者之王!亡者之王来了! 」远方的警钟不停地响着,在亚拉冈面前所有的人类都惊慌地逃窜。灰衣部队毫不迟疑地向前冲刺,到了最后,连马匹也因为过度疲倦而脚步蹒跚。因此,在什夜之前,众人沐浴在如同漆黑洞穴中的夜色下,来到了伊瑞奇丘陵。 亡灵所带来的恐惧气息在山丘间流连,窜入四周的空地。在山丘顶上矗立着一座黑岩,它圆得像是颗球体,露出来的部分大约和人一样高,一半被埋在土里。它看起来并不属于人间,正如同某些人认为的一样,是从天空中落下;但没有忘怀西方皇族传说的人们都知道,这是埃西铎从努曼诺尔的废墟中带出,登陆之后将它立在这里作为纪念。山谷中的居民都不敢靠近,当然更不敢把家园建造在附近;因为他们说这是阴影之人聚会的地方,他们会在众人恐惧的时候聚集,在这里呢喃着邪恶的阴谋。 众人来到巨岩之旁,在夜色中停了下来。伊罗何递给亚拉冈一具银号角,他奋力一吹;对周遭的旁观者来说,远方的洞穴彷佛传来了回音。他们没有听见任何其他的声响,却可以感觉到一大群庞大的部队聚集在山丘周围,如同幽灵呼吸一般的寒风从山脉间吹下。亚拉冈从马上跳下,站在巨岩旁用宏亮的声音喝问道: 「毁诺者们,你们为何前来?」一个彷佛从远方传来的声音穿透夜色,回答了他: 「为了实现我们的誓言,获得安息的权利。」亚拉冈回答:「时候终于到了。我现在要前往大河安都因旁的佩拉格,你们必须紧跟着我。 当这块大地上所有索伦的奴仆都被消灭之后,我将会视同你们的誓言已经实现,诸位就可以永久的安息。我是伊力萨王,埃西铎的子嗣,刚铎的继承人! 」话一说完,他就命令哈尔巴拉展开他带来的旗帜。behold!那是面黑色的旗帜,如果上面有任何的花纹,在黑暗中也无法分辨。四周立刻陷入一片沉默,在漫长的黑夜中,再也没有人听见任何的喘息或是叹气。众人在巨岩旁扎营,但由于四周的阴寒之气,他们并没有睡着。 当冰冷苍白的曙光破晓,亚拉冈匆忙起身,领着众人十万火急地赶路。众人经历了无比的疲倦,这种只有他曾经承受过的经验,这次,也同样凭藉着他的意志力敦促众人向前。除了北方的登丹人、矮人金雳和精灵勒苟拉斯之外,根本没有任何凡人能够承受这种折磨。 他们越过了塔龙之颈,来到了拉密顿。幽影大军紧跟在后,恐惧的寒气在他们之前飞快地蔓延。最后,他们来到了西瑞尔河上的卡伦贝尔,血一般鲜红的太阳落入众人身后的皮那斯杰林山。西瑞尔渡口的城镇空无一人,许多男子都已经前往参战,留在当地的人则是听到亡者之王前来的传言,全都躲入附近的丘陵中。第二天,黎明并未出现,灰衣部队策马骑入魔多策动的风暴中,就此消失在凡人的眼中,亡者的幽影依旧紧跟在后。
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