Home Categories Thriller Kraken Tomb

Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Ghost Kwai

Kraken Tomb 天下霸唱 6309Words 2018-03-23
The fat man suddenly yelled as he crawled: "Old Hu, why is this road so steep all of a sudden! It's almost fucking vertical!" As soon as he finished speaking, his center of gravity was unstable and he rolled forward, only a few meters away. Hearing a "plop", the fat man fell into the water.Shirley Yang and I climbed over to see that there was no road ahead, and there was a big puddle two meters down vertically, which was bottomless. It seemed that the fat man had fallen into it. The fat man floated up immediately, and cursed: "Damn it, this place is full of weirdness, what's the matter with the whole big pool? Maybe this baby is under the water, wait for me to go..." Before he finished speaking , as if being pulled by something underwater, it sank suddenly.

"Fatty!" Shirley Yang and I yelled in unison.It seems that there is something weird in this water.I plunged into the water in a sudden, and then I felt Shirley Yang jump down too.The water in the pool was very cloudy and had a foul smell. When the ant bites on my eyes touched the water, it hurt like a needle prick, and I couldn't open it at all.I had to close this eye and see with only one eye, which greatly affected my range of vision. I slowly swam towards the place where Shirley Yang jumped off, and I saw her within a few meters of swimming, and she was also swimming towards me.It seems that our thoughts are the same. This pool is dangerous and has poor visibility. It is better to ensure the concentration of forces first. Shirley Yang gestured to me, meaning that the fat man fell into the water right in front of us, and we swam over together.I dragged Shirley Yang to swim to the right, and the smelly water almost made me faint.After swimming twice, my foot kicked a soft object, and I was shocked. Could it be a fat man?I hurriedly dived down, just as my hand touched the soft object, a huge tentacle suddenly wrapped around my neck, pulling me deeper.

The tentacle that wrapped me was strong and powerful, as thick as an adult man's thigh, and covered with thick, hard fluff. Being wrapped by this tentacle, my whole body felt like an electric shock, my limbs were weak, and a numb feeling was traveling all over my body. .I was dragged by this tentacle to swim to the bottom of the pool, unable to move at all.Shirley Yang seemed to be able to feel Shirley Yang chasing through the turbid pool water, but he couldn't see it immediately. After swimming for a few meters, I was thrown by the tentacles in a corner at the end of the pool. At this time, the oxygen in my lungs was almost gone. Seeing that the tentacles were loosened, I quickly floated to the surface and took a few breaths. Just as I was about to swim away, the tentacles grabbed me again. dragged me down.I don't know what this tentacle is. It seems to be very large and difficult to deal with.I don't know how Fatty is doing now, and I don't have to think about it, he must have been dragged into the water by this behemoth. Shirley Yang didn't know if she was attacked by this big monster when she was chasing her.I was secretly anxious.

After the big monster put me down, it swam back a few meters. As soon as I sank to the bottom of the pool, I touched an object, which seemed to be a person in the dimness.When the fat man saw me, he quickly gestured to say that he was about to lose his breath, so I quickly helped him float to the surface and took a few breaths.The fat man gasped and said anxiously: "Old Hu, run away quickly, what the hell is this monster, it's too scary, I'm entangled by that big tentacles, my whole body is numb and I can't move, please come later I was suffocated to death." I looked up and said, "There's nowhere to escape, there's no shore to this fucking pool, it's just a deep hole in the ground, the only way out is the tunnel you rolled down .”

The fat man looked around, and saw that the black underground soil layer was three meters above our heads, pressing on the top of our heads like a big pot lid, and said bitterly: "Damn it, I can't wait to die, I can't wait to die." I don’t want to be eaten by that monster. Kill that monster first, and then find a fucking way to get out.” As I said that, I was going to look for the paratrooper knife, and I grabbed him and said, “Don’t look for it, everything is in Shirley Yang Where is it?" The fat man stared and said, "Where's Shirley Yang?" My heart skipped a beat, and without saying a word, I took a deep breath and dived into the water.Then the fat man followed.I gestured to tell him that Shirley Yang was in the water, and pointed to the direction where the monster was swimming. The fat man immediately understood and followed me to find Shirley Yang.

Sure enough, I didn't swim very far before I saw the monster's huge body, translucent milky white, with countless tentacles growing under the round body.It turned out that this fucking is a big jellyfish, with a body diameter of at least five meters by visual inspection. This is the first time I have seen such a big jellyfish in my life.The fat man was obviously taken aback, and pointed to a shadow behind the jellyfish.I took a closer look, it looked like a human figure, maybe Shirley Yang was attacked.Swim quickly, and sure enough, Shirley Yang was stunned by the tentacles.I took off Shirley Yang's backpack, took out two paratrooper knives, handed one to the fat man, and told him to entangle the jellyfish first, and I took Shirley Yang up to take a breath.

The fat man nodded, walked around to the jellyfish, and stabbed it down with a paratrooper knife.The giant jellyfish suddenly sprayed out a white liquid, blurring our vision.When the jellyfish was attacked, it became manic. Countless large tentacles swung wildly in the water, and when they encountered any objects, they rolled up and sent them to the mouthparts under the body.The fucking jellyfish is going to start eating people!I hurriedly carried Shirley Yang upstream. After being in the water for such a long time, the oxygen in her lungs might have been exhausted long ago.As soon as I carried Shirley Yang halfway, a tentacle engulfed us. This tentacle was relatively small and uncharged, but it was still extremely powerful. It immediately grabbed Shirley Yang and me and sent it to the mouthparts.I hastily pulled out my paratrooper knife and cut the tentacles fiercely, cutting off the tentacles in a few strokes.The jellyfish became more irritable and even attacked us with several tentacles.I was cruel, grabbed Shirley Yang's shoulder and gave her an elbow. Immediately, Shirley Yang woke up and choked on a few mouthfuls of water.

Suddenly a thick tentacle wrapped around me, and Shirley Yang wanted to save me when he saw it, so I quickly signaled Shirley Yang to go up to take a breath first, and I could handle it. Shirley Yang couldn't bear it any longer, so he quickly swam to the surface of the water to take a breath.I picked up the paratrooper knife and plunged into the tentacles, the tentacles shrank in pain, rolled me even tighter, and quickly pulled towards the mouthparts of the jellyfish.I firmly grasped the parasail knife and pulled it back along the tentacle, and immediately cut a huge wound on the tentacle.The tentacles trembled in pain and loosened their grip on me.I took the opportunity to go upstream and reached the top of the jellyfish.As soon as he got to the top, he saw that the fat man was entangled by a thick tentacle, but he pierced the jellyfish's body with a knife and would not let go. As long as the tentacle pulled the fat man, the knife would cut a hole in the jellyfish's body, so the tentacle also I didn't dare to drag the fat man hard, so I could only shake it up and down, trying to shake the fat man off.

When I went up, the fat man was struggling hard, and he couldn't hold on anymore.I quickly swam over and gave the tentacle a slash. The tentacle was so painful that it released the pull on the fat man, and the fat man hurried upstream to take a breath.The oxygen in my lungs was almost used up, so I followed the fat man upstream.Suddenly, an unusually thick tentacle stretched out and slapped me hard. Immediately, my eyes turned black and I fell backwards.Before I could recover, the big tentacles wrapped me tightly and dragged me down quickly.I picked up the paratrooper knife and stabbed at the tentacle, but the outer skin of this tentacle was smooth and tough, and I was so anxious that I didn't pierce it in.In this instant, I have been dragged to a position that is only one meter away from the mouthpart.I clearly saw that the mouthparts were like a big black hole, wriggling constantly.Jellyfish are coelenterate organisms, without teeth, they swallow food directly, and expel the indigestible things from their mouthparts.This mouthpart is extremely huge, surrounded by soft bodies, and secretes mucus. If I swallow it in one gulp, I will never be able to get out.

The tentacles are still pulling me desperately, trying to send me into the mouthpiece.As soon as I reached the edge of the mouthparts, I could even see the wriggling flesh in the mouthparts.Before I could react, the mouthparts instantly sucked my foot, and I was slowly swallowed by the mouthparts when I couldn't hold it steady.In desperation, I stabbed the edge of the mouthpiece with my paratrooper knife so hard that half of my arm got stuck in it.After doing this, it finally stopped the momentum of being swallowed by the mouthparts, but the mouthparts below the thighs had already disappeared into the mouthparts.

The tentacle slammed over again, and I blocked it with my arm, as if I had been hit by a huge object, my arm almost broke, and the paratrooper knife came out of my hand as soon as my hand softened.Seeing that it was about to be swallowed, a person quickly swam over from the slanting stab, slashed at the tentacles, and held me desperately with one hand.The oxygen in my lungs was almost exhausted, and my lungs were about to explode. I had hallucinations in front of my eyes, and I wanted to swim up to take a breath, but I didn't have any strength in my body.Just when I was about to faint, a pair of soft lips pressed against me, followed by a mouthful of oxygen slowly entering my mouth.I greedily inhaled the long-lost oxygen, and slowly came back to my senses.I saw Shirley Yang looking at me anxiously in front of me, holding me with one hand and holding the dagger stuck into the tentacles in the other. At this time, the fat man also swam over and pulled me out together with Shirley Yang.As soon as I was out of the jellyfish's mouthparts, I breathed upstream, gulping in oxygen as if I hadn't breathed in centuries.Before I could suck enough, another huge tentacle wrapped around my waist and pulled me down.This time I gained experience, instead of struggling desperately to waste energy, I swam into the water. When passing by the body of the jellyfish, I plunged the paratrooper knife into the body of the jellyfish, and then kept my figure.Fatty and Shirley Yang followed my example when they saw it, and the three of us hung on the jellyfish with paratrooper knives.The jellyfish probably became irritable because they failed to catch us many times. Suddenly, the whole body rose sharply, and when it reached the surface of the water, it fell sharply again, trying to shock us down.Just as it was falling, the jellyfish's soft body floated up with the buoyancy of the descent, revealing another mouthpart with giant teeth hidden under the bowl-shaped body, and a head as small as a watermelon.It is said that the brain is actually a nerve center that controls the operation of the body.I was shocked when I saw the head and mouthparts, and quickly gestured to tell Shirley Yang and the fat man to come up to the surface, and I have something to say. Shirley Yang and Fatty looked puzzled, and after following me to the surface, I hurriedly said, "The situation is urgent, and I'll be emphatic. This fucking isn't a jellyfish at all, it's a ghost sunflower! This guy is much more ferocious than a jellyfish. They are all highly poisonous and often attack large fish, even sharks dare to attack such a large fish.” Shirley Yang and Fatty were surprised when they heard what I said, but they are both well-tested people with mobility and psychological quality Much stronger than the average person, calm down immediately. Shirley Yang said: "Old Hu, tell me how to kill this ghost sunflower first." I said: "Beside the mouthparts hidden under the bowl-shaped body, there is a watermelon-sized head, which is the nerve center of the ghost sunflower. If you cut off that head, the ghost sunflower will not die, but it will die due to the damage of the nerve center." Can't move." The fat man hesitated and said: "But we don't have any weapons that are suitable for us. The paratrooper knife is too short, and the tentacles of that damn thing are too long. As the saying goes, 'one inch is long, one inch is strong'. This is too bad for us to play." The three of us carefully floated on the water's surface to avoid those thick tentacles, while struggling to find a way.Suddenly the fat man said: "Looks like someone has to make a sacrifice and take the risk. Fat man, I have always sacrificed myself for others, so I just like this. I dived down and got caught by the tentacles. Let your guard down, then you two will dive down and cut off that watermelon's head." After listening to it, Shirley Yang and I said in unison: "No!" I said: "Forget it, little fat, do you think that this ghost sunflower is a single-celled creature like you, and can only control one tentacle at a time? He has been playing with several hands since he was born, and he has already practiced it." It's easy to drive." After hearing what I said, Shirley Yang said: "I have an idea. There is also a bundle of rope in the backpack, about 20 meters long. According to my visual inspection, it is almost enough to surround the ghost sunflower. The fat man and I are responsible for using the rope to wrap the ghost sunflower. The tentacles are surrounded and knotted, of course it is impossible to control all these tentacles, but at least it can hinder its combat effectiveness, Lao Hu, you should take advantage of this time to sneak under the ghost sunflower and cut off its head." I pondered for a while and said, "Okay, that's the only way to go. You two, be careful, some of those tentacles are charged." Shirley Yang whispered, "Be careful too." The fat man urged: "Oh, you two are still in love at such a dangerous moment, so hurry up and do it!" He took the end of the rope and tied it underwater. Shirley Yang blushed immediately after hearing the fat man's words, took a deep look at me and dived to the bottom of the water holding the other end of the rope. With the parasail knife in my mouth, I took a deep breath and dived.The ghost sunflower sensed us, and immediately waved out its tentacles, searching for our traces.Carefully avoiding the tentacles' back and forth searching, I smoothly swam to the bottom of the bowl-shaped body.At this time, Shirley Yang and Fatty basically surrounded the ghost sunflower with a rope, and I signaled to them that they can start to act.Fatty and Shirley Yang swam in opposite directions, tightened the rope immediately, and tightly surrounded the tentacles of the ghost sunflower.The ghost sunflower knew that it was attacked, and immediately became frantic, the lower half of the tentacles twisted crazily, and one of the thick tentacles slammed on my head, and suddenly my hands and feet couldn't be controlled when I saw black eyes. Fatty and Shirley Yang's rope blocked part of the tentacle's strength, otherwise I would have had a brain hemorrhage. After a few seconds, I regained my composure, and seeing Fatty and Shirley Yang looking at me worriedly, I gestured to show that it was all right.Fatty and Shirley Yang were also pushed up and down by the tentacles struggling. Seeing that my strength was about to run out, I had to finish the job as soon as possible.This time I was a lot more careful, and eliminated distracting thoughts. There was only one thought in my mind, which was to swim down through the siege of the tentacles and cut off the nerve center.The tentacles were still swinging wildly aimlessly. I spotted a thick tentacle attacking me, took out the paratrooper knife and plunged the paratrooper knife into the big tentacle's hand at the same time it swept towards me.The big tentacles swayed violently in pain, and I held on to the paratrooper knife tightly, and was immediately brought to the inside of the tentacles by the big tentacles, which was exactly what I wanted.I hurriedly pulled out the paratrooper knife from the tentacles, took advantage of the situation and floated up a little, just swam to the blind spot where the tentacles swung. Seeing that I had swum inside, Shirley Yang and Fatty immediately loosened the ropes that bound the tentacles, followed my example and stuck the paratrooper knife into the nearest tentacles, and came under the bowl-shaped body while the tentacles were struggling.At this time, I had already swam to the side of Guikui's head. Shirley Yang secretly tied one end of the rope to the thickest tentacle, and handed the other end to me. I took it and tied it around my waist.Seeing that the preparations were done, the three of us looked at each other and nodded, and I plunged the knife into Guikui's head! This is the weakest and most important place of the ghost sunflower. The ghost sunflower that was suddenly attacked struggled frantically, with countless tentacles swinging desperately. The tentacles swung back and forth, drawing deep and long wounds on Ghost Kui's head. Seeing that my head was about to be scratched, the big tentacles twitched suddenly, and I immediately lost control and slammed into the mouthparts full of big teeth.Oh shit!I was startled, Guikui's teeth are extremely poisonous, if I bump into them, it will be over!But the twitch of the tentacle just now was too strong, I can't control my speed at all now, and it's too late to cut the rope, the inertia will still send me into the mouthpiece, making me a meal in the mouth of this giant ghost sunflower meal.Seeing the mouthparts getting closer and closer, constantly shrinking and expanding, revealing hundreds of sharp teeth, I couldn't help feeling cold: It's over, it seems that I'm broken here. Suddenly, a force of pulling back suddenly stopped my figure, and I quickly turned around and swam to the opposite direction of the mouthparts. When I looked up, it turned out that it was Shirley Yang and the fat man who grabbed me at this critical moment.I immediately cut the rope connecting the tentacles on my body and swam to my head. Shirley Yang and Fatty also quickly swam towards the head together.At this time, the head was already broken, and because the nerves were damaged, many tentacles had hung down and remained motionless, which gave us a good chance.I continued to insert the knife into my head and desperately cut off the nerves. Fatty and Shirley Yang also pulled out the paratrooper knife and cut vigorously.The tentacles gradually swayed less as the head was destroyed, and the range was also small, and the ghost's head was like a ball of rags.Slowly, Gui Kui finally stopped struggling and sank softly to the bottom of the water. The three of us looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. We all felt sore hands and feet, and it was difficult to lift our arms. Shirley Yang said to me weakly: "Old Hu, we should go to that cave to have a look. That should be the only way out, but I don't know if there is any danger waiting for us in the cave." No matter how strong the fat man was, he was exhausted. Holding a protruding stone on the wall of the pool, he was gasping for breath. Hearing what Shirley Yang said: "No matter what the danger, you have to go in that hole. Fucking fat man I almost risked my life because of the things in this cave, and if I still give up halfway, it will be a big loss." The fat man became fierce, took a few deep breaths before sinking into the water and swam towards the entrance of the cave. , Shirley Yang and I naturally followed suit. After entering the cave, I found that this cave is exactly the opposite of the secret road when I came here, and the trend is gradually upward.After walking not far, we were already above the water level and in a dry secret passage.The inclination angle of the secret passage is still very large, but many depressions have been chiseled on the wall of the secret passage, which is just convenient for climbing.The three of us had just finished wrestling with the ghost sunflower, our bodies were limp and weak, and it took some effort to get up.But thinking that he was getting closer and closer to the secret, he gritted his teeth and persisted. After climbing for about an hour, the terrain finally leveled off. The fat man sat on the ground panting heavily, and Shirley Yang leaned against the wall to rest with his eyes closed.After the two battles just now, the three of us are exhausted.I took out my wolf eyes and looked at the road ahead, and it seemed that there was still some distance to climb.Suddenly Shirley Yang called out: "Old Hu, what happened to your eyes?" My eyes were so swollen that I couldn't open them at all. It felt like a big walnut to the touch. It was hard and hot, accompanied by itching from time to time.I can imagine how scary I am now.I said, "It's okay. I was bitten by a man-eating ant just now. Maybe the water in the pool is too dirty and it's a little inflamed." Shirley Yang searched for anti-inflammatory drugs in the bag, but couldn't find them after searching for a long time, maybe they were lost in the pool just now.I had no choice but to cover my eyes with clean gauze to prevent more contamination from dirt.Fatty laughed when he saw me, "Old Hu, you are a pirate now!" I said angrily, "Fatty, you are a suckling pig now." Fatty's clothes were all torn by man-eating ants Rotten, most of the fat was exposed, and after soaking in water for a long time, now the whole person was soaked white and swollen, like a suckling pig with no hair. Shirley Yang said while helping me with the wound on my body: "The two of you are really good at talking in any situation, and I don't know if it's better to say that you two are mentally strong or that you two are heartless. Don't move around. Hu, I feel like this tunnel is coming to an end." I looked up along the tunnel, and there was a black hole in front of me, and I couldn't see anything, but I had the same hunch as Shirley Yang that the answer to the mystery would soon be revealed.
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