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Chapter 8 Chapter Seven: The Old Corpse on the Barren Mountain

Now I was dumbfounded. I had never heard of people burying living corpses underground. Since it was a corpse, would it still be possible to live after burying it?Ah Song has been collecting medicine here for many years, and he has never heard of such a miracle.We forced Da Jinya to explain the situation clearly at that time.He recalled: "At first I didn't know there was such a thing. But later, a child in the village came to me and said that her father hid a big mouse at home and ate up all the food. Of course I didn't believe it." How big a mouse can eat up the whole family's rations. Unexpectedly, she went on to say, that big mouse was brought back from the field by her father. Shitou went to the city to exchange money. After she said this, I suddenly remembered that her father Du Ergou seemed to have never appeared in the past two days, so I gave her a piece of cake and asked her to take me to the house to see the place. It was a big mouse. But the child had a stubborn temper and said that his father would not let it go. I had no choice but to say that it was a mouse spirit and would eat the child after eating rice. It scared her to tears and told me that the mouse spirit was hidden in the cellar of her home I immediately found a few strong men from the quarry and followed me to Du Ergou's house..."

Da Jinya said that Du Ergou was the only literate permanent resident in the village. When Uncle Lu introduced Du Ergou, he mentioned that the boy was also an outsider. He only knew his surname Du, but he couldn't tell his age.Because when he first came here, he brought two earth dogs with him, so naturally the barking of two dogs and two dogs went smoothly.As for his daughter, Niu Niu, she was originally the granddaughter of an old lady in the village. After the old man died, Du Ergou took her by his side to raise her.As for his cellar, it used to be shared by the village. Later, the villagers gradually dispersed, and gradually became the private property of his Du family.Da Jinya said regretfully: "I didn't pay attention to such a person at the time. Now that I think about it, it is indeed suspicious. I just arrived outside the cellar of his house that day, and I smelled a rancid smell before I opened the door. Take a closer look. Listen, I don’t know what’s inside, it’s been gurgling. I took the lead to pull out the latch, and there was no light below, it was pitch black, that thing was around the end of the cellar, and I don’t know what lights were lit under the cellar , faintly glowing."

These homeless people in the village have lived most of their lives, and no one has seen such a strange scene, and no one is willing to go down.Holding the torch, Da Jinya lingered at the door of the cellar for a long time, not daring to go down the cave at will.In the end, old man Lu had more ideas and carried a big yellow dog down.The dog was so courageous, it disappeared as soon as it landed on the ground with a sharp slither, and after a short while it jumped into the cellar, it started dragging something out with something in its mouth.Seeing that there was no danger, everyone went down to help the big yellow dog. A group of people dragged the heavy thing under the sun with a sigh of relief, and their eyeballs almost fell out.

"It's a corpse, a corpse that's breathing!" Big Gold Tooth suddenly grabbed me, wishing he could dig his nails into my flesh. "The thing was spread out on the rocky ground, like a pool of fat that had been beaten up. It was black all over, and I don't know what it was wrapped in. It also gave off a pungent smell. There were no facial features on the face, only A mouth is constantly opening and closing." The steps of the few of us suddenly slowed down, not to mention the big gold tooth, even I, who have been in and out of countless large and small ancient tombs, have never heard of such a monster in the world.Siyan obviously didn't believe it. He asked Da Jinya how he knew it was a person, and Da Jinya said, "This is no nonsense. If it has arms and legs, if it stands up, it may be more than two meters. I haven't eaten pork, it's a zombie." Have you ever seen it?"

He looked at me four times, wanting to hear my opinion. I had never heard of such an anecdote, and shrugged: "If you don't practice, you don't have the right to speak. At least let me see that thing first before talking about it." "That's difficult, it's already burned." "Burn? Didn't you say the thing was still breathing?" "That thing started to rot as soon as it saw the light. It didn't take long to rot. It's half pus and half sore. I don't know if it's poisonous. I think it's better to destroy it early, so I asked everyone to work together to build a grass platform to prepare for it." Burn it clean. I didn’t expect that thing to explode when it caught fire. The village was in a mess. When you came, everyone was running for their lives, fearing that the evil spirits would come for revenge..."

I said how a good village was burned to the ground. It turned out that stealing chickens failed to make money, and I really didn't know whether to hate the sky or the people.Da Jinya sighed and said: "People are unlucky, drinking cold water will get stuck between their teeth. Forget it, it seems that Nanjing is a place that doesn't suit me. I'd better go back to Panjiayuan tomorrow. I can't talk about getting rich, but at least I can sleep soundly." You don't know, since the store was closed, I hid here, and I couldn't even sleep comfortably, dreaming every day that I was shot by the government."

I said that you can hide for a while, but you can't avoid it for a lifetime.Right now, even if he can go back to Beijing, he won't be able to change his innocence. In the final analysis, we still have to end this matter.Four Eyes also agrees with my point of view, he said that if there are really written evidence, then the cost of overturning the case will be there.Even if the mastermind behind the scenes cannot be found out, at least Yiyuanzhai's grievances can be cleared.Hearing what he said, Da Jinya quickly put away his sad face and grinned loudly.After a while, we went down to the ravine, and the whole village was already reduced to ashes in the fire.A Song exclaimed: "It's only an hour's work, and there is not even a blade of grass left."

"Fortunately, it is an isolated village, and it is sunken in the mountains. The fire comes and goes quickly." I have seen a severe forest fire that burned for four or five days in a row, and it was impossible to extinguish it by manpower. We had to remove all the combustibles from the periphery bit by bit, minimize the combustible area, and extinguish it naturally after it burned out. .I saw scorched dead wood all over the ground, and some collapsed houses were still smoking, and asked Big Gold Tooth if he could recognize the location of the old Lu's thatched cottage. "Old Lu's house is next to the well, at the end of the village."

"Then where is the place where you burned the living corpses? I want to go and have a look." Da Jinya looked at me in surprise, and persuaded: "It's all burnt to this point, there is still a hair left. Let's dig something and run quickly." I said you kid blew all the way, amazing.Regardless of whether it has leftover hair or leftovers, let me see what's wrong?In case of any national rare and protected animal, it would be a meritorious service to give it to the museum.Siyan and A Song also echoed that they need to learn more.Da Jinya has nothing to do with us, and he sighs that he has never seen so many people who are not afraid of death, and regards weirdness as wonderful.He promised us that we would dig out the written evidence first, and then go to the place where the corpses were burned to see if we could find one or two monster bones.Soon we found the dry well of Old Man Lu’s house. Big Gold Tooth groped along the side of the well, then took ten steps towards the west, pointed at the black and scorched soil and said, “The thing is here!”

We didn't bring any iron tools for digging. A Song took out an inch-long wooden knife from his bag and said, "This is what I usually use to cut medicine. It's good enough for digging, but I don't know how deep it will be buried." It’s not deep, it’s wood after all, I’m afraid it won’t be able to get deep soil.” Da Jinya said that the things were not hidden deep, so there must be no problem.Then he took the wooden knife and started digging.I asked Ah Song how to get medicine with this wooden knife.He laughed and said: "Zombie meat is called 'meat grass' in our industry. Cutting it with ordinary iron tools will damage the properties of the medicine. Gold, silver, copper, and iron are all unacceptable. Therefore, the master of medicine will carry a wooden knife with him. Generally, the wooden knives for collecting herbs are made of bamboo, and there are also high-end products, such as mahogany and nanmu."

We were chatting when Big Gold Tooth suddenly shouted "Yes, yes!" Then he took out a rough clay pot from the soil, knocked it open, and sure enough there were two written documents.One is the receipt for buying and selling jade, and the other is the seller's contact information.I looked at the receipt and it was still a formal invoice.Siyan took the two pieces of written evidence and carefully identified them, saying that the format is correct and they are all valid evidence.Hearing what he said, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.Da Jinya was even more excited, lost most of his burden, and became more energetic, saying that he would take us to see the strange corpse.Fendou Village is about the size of a palm, and the distance from the village head to the end is only about ten minutes.The place where they burned the corpse was next to the cellar of Du Ergou's house. The reason they chose to burn it on the spot was because the thing was still panting at the beginning, but after being exposed to the sun for a while, it slowly began to fester and ooze water, which smelled strange. It stinks so badly that many villagers have started to spread rumors that this thing is a stinky tail fairy in the mountains.Da Jinya had never heard of bedbugs being able to cultivate into spirits, but he knew that ancient corpses could produce abnormalities and hurt people, so he immediately summoned people to move firewood and burn this strange corpse on the spot. "If it burns, it will explode," Da Jinya complained, rubbing his half-burned eyebrows, "What do you think Du Ergou is hiding? It's a good thing he didn't hide an ancient corpse." I said that you are not much better, when you come up, there is a fire, the village is gone, and you tell them where to live in the future.He quibbled that it was better than being taken by a monster, who knows if that thing is poisonous, and black water flowed all over the ground.The cellar of Du Ergou's house is only a hundred steps away from the ancient well.After Da Jinya defended himself, he pointed to the approximate location of the cellar, and led the rest of us over there.It was already evening, the sun was setting, and the temperature in the mountains dropped sharply.A Song said that this mountain area is very cloudy, and the hill next door is the place where their thatched cottage "collects medicine".We had to go down the mountain as soon as we saw the bones. It would be extremely dangerous to spend the night on Yangshan Mountain, where there is no village before and no store behind. Someone from the Lin family once got lost while collecting herbs, and even today they haven’t recovered even a single bone.Da Jinya echoed that there are indeed similar strange things happening in the local area. The homeless people who come and go here will never walk at night. Sometimes there is no thatched hut, and they would rather pay a few dollars more and share a bed with others, rather than take the risk of being alone. Overnight outside the village.He looked around while talking, and we quickly found the place where the corpses were burned. We saw a stack of empty wooden frames half a person's height standing alone on the empty muddy ground.Because of the fire, the wooden pillars had already been scorched and cracked, and there seemed to be something piled up under the shelf, a large black area protruding there, like a small grave.On closer inspection, it turned out to be wood ash left over from burning.I went forward and pushed the wood ash away with my feet. I didn't want the small grave to disperse all of a sudden, and I didn't know where the wind came from. The fine ash flew all over the sky, and my mouth was full of ashes when I inhaled.The thought that these might be the ashes of that ancient corpse made one feel sick.All of a sudden, the four of us covered our mouths and noses with our hands, and the big gold tooth kept spitting, probably sucking in a lot just now.At this time, there was a sudden cry from behind us, which was extremely sharp.Turning my head to look, a middle-aged man in an old man's shirt jumped towards me like crazy.I hurriedly backed away, but the guy didn't stop on his feet, he threw himself into the ashes all over the ground and yelled.I couldn't figure out what happened for a moment, but seeing Da Jinya stared blankly, he whispered to me, "He is Du Ergou." Unexpectedly, as soon as Du Ergou heard the sound of the big gold tooth, like a fly seeing blood, without saying a word, he waved his fist as if to hit.Naturally, I didn't allow him to act recklessly, so I took a big step, clasped his hands behind his back firmly, and said angrily, "What's the matter with you, you're messed up when you come up!" He groaned in pain, and it took him a long time to figure out that he hated the big gold tooth for burning his ancient corpse.I continued to hold him down, and said: "First of all, the corpse was dug out from the ground, and it belongs to the public. He is not your ancestor, and secondly, he is not your daughter-in-law. He has no direct relationship with you. You are crying for nothing. Don't worry about it." It’s self-indulgent; besides, you know what it is and you dare to pour it into your own home, what if it hurts other people?” Du Ergou twisted his body and struggled constantly: "You fart, of course I recognize it. It is the God of Wealth on the mountain, the fairy king I finally invited home. You...you are ignorant! You are ignorant! You, big gold tooth This bastard..." He scolded more and more fiercely, and tried to kick people a few times.I had to twist hard and dislodge his joint.There was a click, and Du Ergou let out a scream like killing a pig.Then he hummed for a while, and finally stopped being strong.With four eyes on the sidelines, he didn't speak all the time. He saw that Du Ergou was subdued by me, so he stepped forward to ask questions.But what he asked was the big gold tooth. "I remember you said, that thing can spit stones?" Da Jinya froze for a moment, quickly nodded, then shook his head again: "Niu Niu told me, and I didn't take it seriously at the time, Master Qin, I remembered what she said when you mentioned it. She said that the big mouse is full She would spit out glowing stones, and her father would exchange the stones for money. Why, that ancient corpse really has this amazing ability?" I kept watching Du Ergou's expression while they were talking. When he heard the word "stone", he was visibly nervous, and the flesh on his cheeks bulged.I thought to myself, is there really such a cheap business in the world, if you give me rough food, you can spit out diamonds, and it takes a hundred years for an old clam to conceive pearls.If ancient corpses can really produce diamonds, then why do they still grow pigs in the land, and the whole people raise corpses.Seeing that Du Ergou was no longer struggling, I let go of his arm.Da Jinya grinned, squatted beside him, and advised: "Brother Du, such a good baby, how could we burn it, you worry too much." I held back my smile, and waved to Siyan and A Song, asking them to cooperate.This kid, Big Gold Tooth, is ready to swindle people again. "Fart, I heard about it on the way back," Du Ergou said with a bitter face, "The big guys are yelling to run for their lives, saying that you burned the big fairy in the cellar, angered the mountain god, and the village was also burned Burned. You broom star, the Great Plague God!" Big Gold Tooth leaned in front of him, and after a long time, he made a full tone: "Brother Du, I am helping you. Those people want to take the treasure for themselves, and I pretended to burn it, but in fact, I sent the Great God back It’s in the mountains. If you don’t believe me, you can go and see for yourself. What’s left in the fire shelf besides the wood ash? The flames can’t hurt the god’s real body. Before he left, he asked me to tell you that Lao Du was good at wine and meat. Shenjun is very relieved, when he returns to the sky, he will tell the Jade Emperor that he will make you an Earth Immortal." I thought in my heart that only Da Jinya dared to make up such a lie that the donkey's head was wrong and the horse's mouth.But this trick seems to be very useful to Du Ergou.His eyes were straightened when he heard that, and he held the big gold tooth with his unjoined hand and shook it up and down: "Good brother, you didn't lie to me? You really didn't lie to me? Hahahaha, hahaha. I just If you know, you know that I have the destiny to be a fairy." Qin Siyan took the opportunity to ask him the whole story, and Du Ergou was already incoherent with excitement: "Our Du family has a fairy. A long, long time ago, grandpa's grandpa's grandpa. I know I can find it too, hahaha. Look ,look at this……" As he spoke, he tremblingly took out a bag of things from his arms.I opened it and saw that there were actually two sparkling beads inside.The body of the pearl is round and has a pleasing luster, it is not like ordinary pearls.Asong said that ordinary precious and beautiful stones would never be so smooth and transparent. Could these two things be pearls?Big Gold Tooth put the pearl to his mouth, took a bite with it, and said with certainty that it was not a pearl.I said you can taste it too?He said with a "hey": "Master Hu has forgotten my old profession again. Pearls are different from ordinary precious stones. They are conceived by mother-of-pearl with the yin body. They do not see the sun on weekdays and absorb the moonlight lake energy. The entrance must be extremely cold and overcast, with a smell similar to corpse gas. Unless the dish is continuously soaked with slaked lime, it is difficult to get rid of the cold." I said that no matter what it is, if we can't find the body that produces the pearl to find out, it is still no way for us to guess here.At this moment, Da Jinya regretted the impulsiveness at the beginning, and said bitterly that the banknotes in his hand were wasted again.Qin Siyan said: "If it burns, it burns. Since we can't find an explanation, then there's no need to spend it here. Look at this day, if you don't leave, it will be too late." Du Ergou looked excited, his eyes were shining brightly, he was pulling on the wooden frame and refused to go with us, and the big gold tooth went up to pull him, and almost gnawed a piece of meat.Da Jinya covered his hands and jumped back, fearing: "This guy is not crazy, is he?" I looked at Du Ergou's bewildered look, and said, "He thought you had burned the ancient corpse, and he must have been angry and resentful. When he rushed back to the village, he saw that the place was in a mess. He didn't even have the last hope. It’s over, the whole person is in a state of despair. You just tricked him into becoming a fairy or a Buddha, and I think this person’s sudden change from sadness to joy may have really stimulated himself to be stupid.” Ah Song nodded and said: "Look at this, you can't escape if you lose your mind. It's his own crime." "He's just greedy for money, and he didn't do anything harmful to the world. You're too extreme for what you said." I didn't expect things to get so complicated.At this time, the sky had already dimmed, and the sun was about to set.If you don't leave, you may be trapped here.I don't want to personally experience the "horrific incident" that A Song said, but if I leave a living person alone in the wilderness, it is absolutely impossible.My heart sank, and I pointed to Du Ergou and said to everyone, "Anyway, it's a human life. He's crazy now. It's too dangerous to stay in the mountains. We have to take him away." Da Jinya objected, and he raised his bitten hand high: "It's too dangerous, like a dog, don't say anything. I said Hu Ye, it's not a day or two that Yangshan is haunted, why should we fight for it?" For an outsider to take risks, let’s take advantage of the light and let’s go.” I said that since it's dangerous, you can't leave him alone here, or if you lie to him again, just say that the god wants to see him and let him go with us obediently.The four eyes "hummed" and said that there is so much trouble, just knocked out and carried it on. I said that Brother Qin still has a lot of wicked ideas, he is indeed a person who has read books.Ah Song was once forced to spend the night in Yangshan, and now he is restless.As soon as I opened my mouth, I immediately ran behind Du Ergou, and it was like a brick.I didn't expect him to be so powerful that he actually smashed Du Ergou.Good guy, I was just making fun of it casually, but he actually took it seriously and made a murderous move.I clicked my tongue twice, knowing that Ah Song could not be blamed at this time, so I carried Du Ergou on my back full of guilt, hoping that he would regain his senses when he woke up. Because of Du Ergou's incident, we delayed our trip. Although we were unwilling to do so, we had to go on a night trip.Ah Song has a deep taboo against Yang Shan, and it seems that he has lingering fears about the disappearance of the clerk in the shop.Don't look at him who is usually a smart guy with shrewdness everywhere, but at this moment he keeps a straight face, like a mouse with a broken tail, his eyes wide open and he keeps looking around, for fear that something will suddenly jump out and grab him go. I walked in the middle of the team with Du Ergou on my back, and Da Jinya followed.Because he knew that Qin Siyan was a lawyer in the United States, he was very attentive in his words, as if he had won the lawsuit. Da Jinya asked me what plans I had to make a fortune in the future.I thought about it, since I came out of the Inca temple, I seemed to be chasing after the bamboo pole all the way. I couldn't catch it every day, and I felt uncomfortable every day. As for my future way out, I really didn't plan carefully.Just like this trip to Nanjing, it was unexpected. If it wasn't for the accident in Da Jinya's hands, I would have gone to Yunnan with Shirley Yang and the others to investigate the Gu worms used by the mysterious old man.Seeing that I was silent, Da Jinya didn't dare to ask more questions, so he went to talk to Ah Song again.Hearing that he is a buddy of the Lin family's thatched cottage, he hurriedly bowed and said his admiration for a long time.I said you kid knows everyone by himself.He said disapprovingly that the Lin family is the number one traditional Chinese medicine store in Nanjing City, with neither reputation nor medical skills, and it is a model worker across industries. Ah Song was embarrassed by his teasing, and his face, which had been tense for a long time, finally relaxed.I took the opportunity to ask him if he saw anything unclean when he stayed in Yangshan that day.Ah Song actually trembled, and his eyes seemed to shoot out in the night.He leaned close to me, lowered his voice, and said, "Master Hu, believe it or not, I believe it anyway. Seeing is believing!" As he spoke, he looked around again, I was made nervous by him, there were strange rocks and dry rocks everywhere, the mountain road melted into the night, and there was a cold light like black iron, just looking at it felt creepy. A Song swallowed a mouthful of foam and continued: "I borrowed a thatched hut to sleep that day. I couldn't hold back in the middle of the night, so I hid behind a broken stone tablet to relieve myself. Guess what, the next morning, I woke up When I came over, I found that I didn’t sleep in the hut at all, my body was cold, and I was pillowed on a tombstone.” As soon as he finished speaking, we were all dumbfounded.There was a lot of goosebumps on the back of my neck, and the big golden tooth tremblingly leaned against me, and asked Ah Song: "Did you read it wrong, or was sleepy at the time... I don't need to talk about it in the village." I’ve lived here for more than two months, but I’ve never heard of such a thing, at most it’s just being frightened by the howling wolves on the mountain…” A Song glared at him: "I'd rather be a misunderstanding, but my piss is still dripping on the base of the stone tablet and hasn't dried up. I'll see if you're wrong. Besides, there are no wolves in Yangshan." "what!" Da Jinya retreated directly behind me, and stammered, "No, there are no wolves, then I, what I heard is..." "The devil knows what you heard," Ah Song shook his head, "Anyway, I won't stay in this ghost place overnight after killing me this time. Let's hurry up and get over this hill to the parking place." I don't know if it's human's bad luck or the sky's will, tonight, it's actually a bright moon sky with no clouds in the sky.In the empty sky, there is only a bright and big full moon hanging high in the middle, and the night and the mountains are integrated into one, which makes people have an illusion of not knowing where they are.I don't know why, but it is full of fox ghosts worshiping the moon.All the ghost stories I heard when I was a child came out in a flash, and the cold sweat kept brushing down my back.Looking at the other people, all of them had a cold face, and there was a dead air in the moonlight.I originally wanted to open my mouth to adjust the atmosphere, but as soon as I opened my mouth, my voice was blocked in my throat, and I couldn't make any sound.I don't know how long this atmosphere lasted until the road down the mountain suddenly appeared in front of me, and the whole person felt a sense of enlightenment.Seeing the way out, everyone's complexion improved obviously, and they let out a long breath at the same time. "My mother, finally came out." Da Jinya was sweating profusely, pulling his collar and fanning the wind, "It's really evil, I couldn't make any sound just now, and I still want to wander around the mountains for the rest of my life." As he said that, he turned to Ah Song and complained, "You said you were fine and talked about nonsense, you were scared out of your soul." Ah Song waved his hand at him, then sat down on the ground and panted, "Did you hear that just now, there was a whistling sound in my ear, it was near and far away, I don't know what it is." I put Du Ergou aside and wiped off my sweat. My head was so dizzy that I couldn't even remember how I got out.Although I knew in my heart that most of this was scary, and I made myself feel uncomfortable, but that feeling was really terrible, like being stuffed in a big cloth bag, and I couldn't even breathe out.As for the strange noise Ah Song said, I didn't pay attention. Qin Siyan sat on the stone by the side of the road to rest, with his hands on his knees. Although he didn't speak, his expression was quite distressed.I took a deep breath, stood up and said, "I cheered up for the last leg of the Long March. After leaving Yangshan, let's go by car." A Song nodded, and said politely to me: "Master Hu, rest for a while, and I will replace it. This guy is not small, and he looks heavy. You carry him all the way, take a rest." Seeing this, Da Jinya ran up to pretend to be polite to him, and kept saying I come, I come, but he didn't move his hands at all.I said: "Ah Song has been running all the way for us, how dare you bother him. You have a heavy responsibility for Du Ergou's matter, so hurry up and don't pretend to be a grandson." Da Jinya smiled foolishly, and went to Du Ergou on the ground with a bitter face.The four of us ran non-stop on the way down the mountain.As I walked, I thought about what would happen after I descended the mountain. Although there was evidence, it would take a while to reverse the case in a short time. Shirley Yang and Fatty had already set off for Yunnan.It seems that one can only find a reliable person to entrust the paperwork of buying and selling jade. This person must firstly be able to walk through the court, secondly, he must have the weight of words, and most importantly, he must be reliable.Since Bamboo Pole dared to blatantly frame the blame, he must have done enough work afterwards.After thinking about it, I think it's better to entrust Secretary Sun to take care of this matter.I decided that after going down the mountain, I would go to the thatched cottage first, settle down with Da Jinya and Du Ergou first, and then I would ask Ah Song to come and ask Secretary Sun to walk through the door for me.After making up my mind, I quickened my pace and turned around to greet others to hurry up.Da Jinya is a useless scholar, he followed Du Ergou at the end of the line, and shouted: "Master Hu, you wait for me, this guy is dead, ouch, my old waist Ah, what lifetime did this crime?" A Song comforted him by pointing to the big truck under the road sign ahead, "Do you see the blue dot, it will be there soon." As he said that, he caught up with me, "Master Hu, wait a moment, I'll run over and drive. In case Brother Jinya is really bent, he still wastes his time." As he said that, he stuffed the black donkey's hoof that had been carried behind his back into my arms, and ran towards the truck alone. I saw that Big Gold Tooth was walking more and more slowly, so I turned back and wanted to help him.After walking a few steps, he heard him yelling: "Master Hu, Master Hu, come and see what's going on, Du Ergou, Du Ergou..." While speaking, I saw the big golden tooth who was following at the end suddenly fell to the ground, and his voice was cut off.Siyan and I didn't dare to wait, and hurried to the place where Big Gold Tooth fell.As soon as he got close, he saw Da Jinya laying on the path with his back turned towards the sky, and Du Ergou on his back pressed him firmly under him as if dead, with only half of his head exposed.I thought to myself that I had only walked for half an hour, so I wouldn’t be so tired, so I stretched out my hand to pull Du Ergou. I didn’t expect that when my hand touched him, it was like reaching into an ice cave, and my heart trembled. .Taking a closer look, the person lying on the back of the big gold tooth, where is the fainted Du Ergou, is clearly a life-size stone statue! For a moment, I almost thought I was dreaming, and looked at me in fear.I stabilized my mind, and reached out to touch "that person" on the back of the big gold tooth. The rough touch came from my fingertips.I squatted down to observe, and found that it was indeed a solid stone statue, with its limbs firmly grasped on the body of the big gold tooth like a dog's plank, and it weighed two to three hundred catties to say the least. "Move away first." I saw that Da Jinya was unconscious, and I was afraid that he would be crushed to death by a stone.Four Eyes and I worked together to move that strange stone statue that came from nowhere.As soon as he pushed the thing away, Big Gold Tooth began to cough loudly, his face was pale and golden-purple.I turned him over and pressed down on his chest, only to find that several ribs had been broken. Seeing him open his eyes, Four Eyes hurriedly asked him where Du Ergou was.Da Jinya was frightened out of his wits long ago, he kept shaking his head, saying that the person was always on his back, but just now it suddenly fell down like a mountain, and he didn't know anything when his eyes were dark. Four Eyes turned the stone statue over, and cried out "ah".I stretched my head and saw that the stone statue had no face, only a black hole the size of a fist was opened in the mouth, and the shape was the same as the ancient corpse that Jinya mentioned before.It all happened so suddenly that I didn't have time to think about what went wrong.I said to Siyan: "He has broken ribs and can't walk. Let's quickly carry him into the car and get out of this place of right and wrong." The two of us, one in front of the other, lifted our feet and shoulders one by one, and slowly lifted the big gold tooth towards the truck next to the stop sign.I yelled for Asong to help, but no one answered after shouting for a long time.In the night, there was only one small blue truck parked alone beside the stop sign pointing to Fentou Village.I felt that something was wrong, so I asked Siyan to hold on to the big gold tooth first, and I stepped on the rubber tires to climb up the truck. For some reason, a large piece of glass on the truck was broken, but it must not have happened recently.A bunch of keys hung alone in the car, and there was no sign of A Song anywhere.I leaned half my body into the car, trying to see if there was any sign of him in the back seat, but suddenly there was a gust of "huh" in my ear, and a puff of fishy smell rushed towards me.I hurriedly shrank back, but unfortunately the space in the car was limited, and half of my body was stuck in it. Although I avoided the vital point, my cheeks were burning hot, and my feet swayed and I fell backwards. "Old Hu, under your feet!" Before landing, the four-eyed cry sounded from behind.I can't even grasp the balance right now, so I don't have time to worry about my feet. With a "snap", it fell straight onto the gravel road, and the tiny stones cut through the clothes and stuck into the flesh.Before I could cry out the pain, there was a "whirling" wind in my ears. I turned my head and looked, good guy, there is another one hidden under the car. The whole exterior looks a bit human.As soon as the thing stretched out its claws, it came straight to my forehead. If it wasn't for the reminder from the four eyes, I would have been too late to guard against it. I'm afraid it would have to make the eyeballs go straight away.Before going up the mountain, I only thought that the deceitful incident in Yangshan in Ah Song's mouth was just a hearsay joke.Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I know that there are indeed unknown monsters hidden in the mountains.I was taken aback for a moment, and the thing jumped out from under the car seat with a whimper, and I managed to avoid those long and hard claws after rolling and crawling. At this time, I was unarmed, wondering if the black donkey's hooves could ward off evil spirits and avoid corpses, so I don't know if it would work for the monster in front of me.With four eyes on the big gold tooth, he reminded me behind me: "We don't have enough manpower and no weapons. It's more realistic to think about how to escape." I'm talking nonsense, look at these two uncles in front of you, they seem to be vegetarians!I will lead them to run up the mountain later, you seize the opportunity and drive.Be quick with your legs and feet, otherwise, brother, I will explain it here. The four eyes nodded slightly.I took a deep breath, opened my arms, yelled at the monster on the ground, let go of my feet and ran out desperately.Regardless of the fact that the two grandsons have four legs, no one can run fast on flat ground.I walked around in a figure-of-eight circle, not even daring to turn my head, and the sound of air tearing continued to come from my ears.He didn't dare to slack off his feet, hoping that Siyan could start the truck quickly. Running and running, suddenly there was no movement behind me, I turned my head and saw, my good guy, the two monsters are gone!This small square is a place for pedestrians to wait for their vehicles. It is surrounded by a flat river, and there are not even trees, let alone other shelters.The two monsters were still following me just now, but they disappeared in a blink of an eye.I panicked in my heart, I tripped over something under my feet, and fell to the ground hard, my ankle was extremely painful.When I looked closely, there was actually a black withered hand stretched out from the ground, tightly clasping my right foot, and the sharp and sharp claws were inserted into the flesh at once. I didn't expect this guy to escape. The ground, hastily raised his foot and kicked it.At this time, there was a booming sound from the ground, and the soil suddenly rolled away, and it seemed that another monster was about to break out of the ground.Enduring the severe pain, I stomped on the monster fiercely with my left foot. I kicked it ten times in a row, as if I was kicking on a steel plate. I only felt pain in the sole of my foot.The moment I gritted my teeth, the soil in front of me suddenly opened up. I twitched my right foot violently, and the skin was torn apart, and the whole body was overturned because of too much force. Looking up again, a huge face was suddenly pasted in front of him. In fact, it would be better to say a black hole than a face.This monster has no eyes or nose, only a black mouth, and when it comes to me, it pecks like lightning.I swung my arm to block it, and it immediately took half a piece of flesh from my arm. I used both hands and feet, and couldn't stop stepping back.After only two steps, he suddenly bumped into something hard behind him. Looking down, a long and thin withered claw suddenly appeared on his shoulder.I didn't know well, I was surrounded by these two monsters in the blink of an eye. In order to give Four Eyes a chance to break out, I used my body as bait, and ran up the path into Yangshan with the two monsters on my back.Unexpectedly, although the long-legged and long-legged monster was ugly, it had a bright mind. It actually knew the method of earth escape and surrounded me from front to back. In addition, my right foot was seriously injured, and the situation immediately became precarious.I pulled out the black donkey's hoof, and threw it at the monster in front of me, and heard a muffled sound, right on the forehead.But it didn't dodge or dodge, didn't show any sign, and continued to rush towards me like a fly scratching its head.I was puzzled, why all the monsters and monsters I encountered recently are so evil, each with extraordinary skills, and I can't find any weakness.Could it be that because of the reform and opening up, the lives of the people have been improved, and even these wild beasts have also evolved?When I think about it, I almost despair.I secretly vowed in my heart that if I could get out alive this time, I must exercise my fists well so as not to be eliminated by history.But the most important thing right now is to find a way to deal with these two live Hades.为了避免再次被钩住,我用双手护住了脖子,蜷起身子,以膝盖顶胃,不断地滚动。姿势虽然狼狈,却是从实践里吸取的经验。人体不比其他异兽生就有甲胄护体,脖子和皮肚是人体最为脆弱的部分,稍一大意就会送命。在我毫无章法地满地打滚之下,那两只怪物总算是停止了攻击,因为害怕我就此逃脱,它们开始围着我打转。地上的沙土不断地被掀起来,没多大会儿工夫我的肩背就磨出血来。不过我深知此刻绝不能示弱,一旦停下来随时就有可能被它们分而食之。这场实力悬殊的角逐,其实是在挑战双方的耐心和毅力。 不知道滚了多久,我渐渐开始眼冒金星。速度刚降下来,守在我边上的怪物立刻扑上前来。我一个后滚翻过去,两手撑地,朝着它扑起的腹部死命踹了下去。那东西发出一阵“呼呼”的哀鸣,一下子飞了出去。这一脚耗尽了我全身的力气,它要是再爬起来,那我只能就此歇菜。这时我身后忽然亮起一道强光,在漆黑的夜色中格外刺眼。“突突突”的发动机声如同救命稻草从远处传来。 蓝色的货车高鸣车笛,四眼一手握方向盘,一手伸出车门,朝我比画着上车的手势。我连滚带爬站了起来,单脚蹬地踩着那怪物的脑袋一把扣住了车门,飞身上车。那两只怪物哪肯轻易罢休,铁钩一样的大爪子拍天捣地扇了上来。 “转弯,快转弯!” 我边往车里爬,边拉住方向盘,使劲一扭,车屁股刷地一下甩了出去,将追兵直接撞了出去。我抓住这片刻的机会一下子缩进车中。四眼见我安全着陆,毫不犹豫地踩下油门,就听车轮滋滋作响,一溜烟地奔下山去。 我瘫躺在副驾驶座上,大口急喘,恨不得把胸腔填炸了。抬眼一看,大金牙早就昏死过去,被四眼安置在后排。 “现在怎么走?” 四眼根本不认识回南京的路,我心跳得飞快,眼下阿松和杜二狗都莫名地失踪,如果我们就此走脱,那这两难兄难弟恐怕是凶多吉少。可要是再杀回去,单凭我和四眼,别说救人只怕还要将自己搭进去。四眼似乎看出我的犹豫,他扯开领带丢给我说:“伤口先扎上。” 然后猛地踩下油门,杀出了阳山,之后就不再多话。我默默地给他指了回城的路,心中充满了愧疚和恼火,想着这事,眼前忽地一黑,就此昏死过去。
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