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Chapter 9 Chapter Nine After the Speech

Robots and Empires 阿西莫夫 6638Words 2018-03-23
memory!Fantastic memory!A robot's indelible memory! In the depths of Daniel's memory, any material can be consulted at any time, and it will never be vague or disappear! Long, long ago, before Alia Bailey died, Daniel stepped into Bailey's world.Jadia came with him, and Bentley Bailey came to meet them in a small spaceship as the spaceship orbited Bailey's planet.After the two ships docked, Bentley entered Daniel's ship.At that time, he was already a weather-beaten middle-aged man. He looked at Gadia and said, "You can't see him, ma'am." Jadia was sobbing, and she said, "Why?"

"He doesn't want to see you, madam. I have to obey my father's orders." "I don't believe it, Mr. Bailey." "Here are his notes and recordings, ma'am." Jadia went into her stateroom to read notes and listen to tapes.After a while, she came out and said to Daniel, "Daniel, you go down to meet him alone. This is his wish. Report to me when you come back." "Okay, ma'am," Daniel said. Daniel boarded Bentley's spaceship.Bentley said to him, "Robots are not allowed on our planet, Daniel. You are allowed to go this time as an exception, because of my father's wish. But, you can only go to him directly, see Go straight back to space when you're done. Got it?"

"I see, sir. How is your father?" "He was dying," Bentley said. "I know that too," Daniel said tremblingly. "I'm asking, how long can he last?" "Originally, he might have died a long time ago. He is not dead now because he must see you." The spaceship has landed.This is a vast world, but the settlements are small and rudimentary.The sky was cloudy and it had rained not long ago.The wide streets are deserted. The traffic car brought them to a stop in front of a larger building.Bentley walked in with Daniel.In front of a small room, Bentley stopped.

"My father is in there," he said sadly. "Go in alone. He doesn't want me to go in with you. Go in! Maybe you won't recognize him." Daniel walked into the dark room.His eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness, and he realized that there was a person under the blanket.The lights in the room began to brighten a little, and Daniel could see the person lying on the bed clearly. Bentley was right.Daniel doesn't recognize his Arya friend anymore.The person lying there was skinny and emaciated.His eyes were closed, and he seemed to be out of breath. However, the old man opened his eyes and looked at Daniel, with an imperceptible smile on his pale and withered lips.

"Daniel, my old friend Daniel." "Alia friend," Daniel called softly. "Thank you—you came to see me." "I should come and see you, friend Alia." "I'm afraid they won't let you come—they, even my son—see you only as a robot." "I'm a robot." "To me, you're not. You haven't changed much. I can't see clearly, but you don't seem to have changed. When was the last time I saw you?—29 years ago?" "Yeah - I haven't changed much in 29 years. So, you see, I'm a robot." "How is Mrs. Cardia Ji?"

"She's fine. She came with me." "She shouldn't have come—" The old man seemed taken aback. "She didn't land, she stayed on the ship. They told her you didn't want to see her. And she totally understood." "No, I'd love to see her, but I can't. She hasn't changed, has she?" "She hasn't changed much, just like the last time you saw her," "That's great—I can't let her see me like this! It would be too bad if she remembered me like this last. You're different." "Because I'm a robot."

"Stop saying that again," said the dying old man a little annoyed. "You mean so much to me." He lay still for a while to rest, and then said: "Is Gadia still living with Grimiennis?" "Yes, sir." "Is she happy?" "I don't know. But it seems hard not to be happy." "do you have any kid?" "Allow them to have two." "I didn't write to her. She's not angry, is she?" "I think she fully understands what you're doing." "Did she ever—mention me?" "Almost never. But Giscart says she misses you often."

"How is Giscart?" "He's fine." "You also know that he has the ability to read minds?" "He told me himself, Arya friend." Bailey fell silent again.Then, he moved his body and said, "Daniel, before I die, I want to meet my old friend. But besides that, I have something to tell you. "I'm dying, Daniel. I'm afraid that the news of my death will affect you, so I have to explain it to you." Bai Li's voice became lower and lower.Daniel sat motionless, with a rare expression on his face—a mixture of worry and sadness.

"My death, Daniel," said Bailey, "is of no importance. Individual deaths are insignificant. When a man dies, the work he leaves behind continues. In that sense he is not dead." .As long as man exists, man's work will not end.—Do you understand me, Daniel?" "I understand, friend Arya," said Daniel. "The work of each person is combined into the cause of the whole of mankind, and thus becomes a part of the whole. As the whole exists, so does his part. The lives of all mankind - past, present and future - converge It has become a never-ending river of life, and will become more and more magnificent. A person's life is just a drop of water in this river of life.

"Daniel, you have to think about the long river of human life, and don't worry about a drop of water. "My words are over, Daniel. Mark my words. You may go." "I don't want to go, I'll accompany you—" "No, I can't stand it. I'm too tired. I'm going to die. If you're around when I die, it will affect you. It's not good. You go at once—it's an order." Bailey moved a weak finger and said, "Goodbye, friend Daniel." Daniel walked slowly to the door and said, "Goodbye—Alia friend." Bentley was waiting for him in the next room. "Is he still alive?"

"He was alive when I left." Bentley rushed into the room, and then rushed out again immediately. "He's dead. He saw you—and closed his eyes." Daniel had to lean against the wall.It took a long time before he could stand upright. Bentley waited, and then they walked together to the little spaceship. Daniel returns to Jadia's spaceship.She also asked, is Alia still alive?When Daniel told her that Arya was dead, she turned and went back to her cabin, crying so bitterly. Ginavas Pandalaar is the Chief Registrar of Bailey World.He was tall, gray-haired, and had the air of a leader. But he doesn't like his job.At present, the relationship between the cosmic world and the colonial world is just at a delicate stage.The colonial world is gradually becoming stronger, which has aroused the panic of the star faction who originally opposed the earth people and the colonial world, and also aroused the worries of ordinary cosmic people.Coupled with the unfortunate death of Dr. Fastolfer, the power of the Planetary faction has been further strengthened.They believe that it is not too late to deliver the fatal blow to Earth and the colonized world!The militant faction that colonized the world.He believes that the balance of power is in his favor, and he can't wait to prepare for a decisive battle with the universe world, in order to establish a galactic empire that colonizes the world.However, Pandalar knew that the cosmic world power was still very strong and could not be ignored.His duty is to maintain the delicate balance between the hawks and doves in the colonial world internally, and the delicate balance between the colonial world and the cosmic world externally.Because, the Baili world is the first to develop and colonize the world, and has the largest population, so it is the natural leader of the colonial world, although all disputes in the colonial world are settled by the earth government. He walked into the hotel room where Dudge was staying, gloomily.Without knocking on the door or waiting for an invitation, he entered the room and sat down. "Good morning, Governor. The coffee is ready, pour yourself!" "Thanks! Dargy, I was concerned about the impact of the Solaria woman's speech yesterday. She angered the hawks and damaged our image in the colonial world. They will see us as capitulators." The Governor worried. "Don't worry, boss," Dargy said, "tell them to act like a statesman. And tell them we have freedom of speech in Brix World. Brix World values ​​the interests of the Earth, but which colonial world If we want to start a war with the universe, we will never join. These words are enough to shut their mouths!" "Okay, let's talk about these things later." The governor waved his hand and said with a sigh: "A piece of amazing news came last night." "what news?" Pandalaar said: "When you left Aurora and flew to Solaria, there were two Aurora spaceships following you, did you know that?" "I don't know, but I expected that there might be an Aurora spacecraft following, so I deliberately took a detour." "One of the Aurora spacecraft has landed in Solaria, thousands of kilometers away from you, and the other remains in orbit." "That's a very sensible thing to do. If I had two ships, I would do that too." "A few hours later, the Aurora spacecraft that landed was eliminated. The spacecraft that remained in space orbit reported to Aurora, and the base ordered them to return—a message intercepted and deciphered by one of our commercial listening posts." Dudge nodded and said, "It's because none of them can speak Solaria." "Yes," said Pandarral, "and the woman you brought is the only Solarian we can find so far." "They must have regretted it," Dagie said triumphantly. "I originally wanted to announce this news. But I was afraid that the impact would be too great. This would further arouse the emotions of the masses and irritate Aurora, so I had no choice but to give up." "It doesn't matter, there is no excuse for publicity! The main thing is to have the right timing, isn't it?" "You are right, too," said the Governor. "But there's another message." "Any more news?" "We received a call from Aurora, they want the Solaria woman to go back immediately." "Obviously, they also intercepted our intelligence. Our spaceship left Solaria safely and arrived at Baili World." "What should we do? If we don't send her back, there will be a crisis between us and Aurora. If we send her back, the Hawks will say we are cowards." "We must send her back to Aurora. Let me handle this matter. This time I have to use the government's money to overhaul and equip the spaceship! You should also give our crew a high bonus. They have to give up vacation?" It took three days to repair and equip the ship, which pleased Dagie.During this period, he can accompany Jiadia to visit everywhere in the world of Baili.Now, Daji came to the room where Jiadia was staying.It used to be the crew's lounge, a spacious and luxurious residence in the colonial world. "Who used to live here? Why were they kicked out?" asked Jadia. "It turned out to be the crew lounge. All the crew unanimously requested to let you live here, because you are the heroine in our hearts." Daji said with a smile on his face. "I ask for your understanding that you will stay here for a few days." "It's strange to say that," Jiadia also said with a smile, "I'm not in a hurry to leave Baili World now." "Oh? Why?" Daji was pleasantly surprised. "Although I have lived for more than 200 years, I have never done anything meaningful in my life. The existence of my personal life has nothing to do with other people. I have no self, I live and die, and it does not affect anyone else — except for one or two close friends. But now, everything has changed. "I can influence the masses. I can choose my cause. In fact, I have chosen my cause. I will prevent war. I will make the universe shared by spacemen and colonists. I will make each world unique And to blend in with each other. I'm going to do my best to make the galaxy a better place. That way, when I die, history will change. People will say, 'Without her, the universe wouldn't be as good as it is!'" "But you've said several times that you're going back to Aurora," Dudge said. "That was the past—I'm not saying it now, Dagie. I don't want to go back now." "But Aurora called and asked you to go back immediately." "What? They really want me to go back?" Jiadia was obviously taken aback. "It's an official letter from Speaker Aurora asking you to go back," Daji said unhurriedly. "Of course we very much hope that you can stay. But the Directorate believes that this will create an interstellar crisis. Of course I disagree with their views. But they are the government, and we ordinary people have to obey." Cadia frowned. "Why did they want me back? I've lived in Aurora for 200 years. I've never felt they needed me—oh wait, do they know that only I can subdue the Overseer of Solaria?" "I thought so too, ma'am." "No, it was purely accidental that I subdued that robot supervisor, and there is no way I will do it again." "In fact, the cable arrived long before they learned of your heroism in Solaria," Daghi said. "They must have another reason for wanting you back." "Oh?" She was startled again, but immediately got angry again. "I don't want to go back. I have a job here." Dudge stood up and said, "Glad to hear that, Mrs. Gardia. I promise to do everything in my power to bring you back from Aurora. I have to go to Aurora in 3 days and you have to come with me. " Jiadia watched Baili's world gradually go away, and her mood was completely different from the first time she flew close.This is a cold, gray, and gloomy world, but there are warm-hearted people living on it. Daniel said softly to Jiadia, "Mrs. Jiadia, Daji is here to visit." Cadia said, "Let him in!" After Daji came in, Jiadia couldn't wait to ask: "You came just in time, I was just about to ask you, why did you have to send me back to Aurora yourself, Daji?" "Of course I can say it's out of courtesy, but actually, I want to personally explain to the speaker what happened — I mean what happened in Solaria." "Don't they know, Dargy?" "In general, I know everything, but it is impossible to know all the details. The supervisor of Solaria only regards the person who talks about Solaria as a human being. Not human. As long as you don’t speak Solaria, you are not human.” Cadia's eyes widened. "It's really unbelievable. Ordinarily, a Solarian would never treat an Aurora like that." "Really? But they've already wiped out an Aurora ship, don't you know?" "An Aurora ship? No, I don't know!" "I tell you, it is true. They landed almost at the same time as we did. We left safely and they were wiped out; it was because we had you. From this we concluded that Aurora could not have put all the universe The world is regarded as an alliance world. In critical moments, each universe world can only look after itself." "You can't generalize, can you, Dagie?" "Of course, people tend to be more willing to draw conclusions that are good for them than to see conclusions that are bad for them. So, I'm going to go to Aurora myself and present them with conclusions that are not good for them. Because, I don't believe that other people will Do better than me." Jiadia was conflicted in her heart.She didn't want to highlight her status as a cosmic being.But Daj felt like a cosmic being again when he looked down on the Auroras so much. She was upset and he said, "I don't think the colonial world can be monolithic. There will be friction and conflicts between them!" Daji shook his head. "No, we have a superiority over the cosmic world. That is, we have the Earth. The Earth is our common world. Every colonist visits Earth regularly, and every colonist knows that there is a vast, advanced world, which Has a long, rich history, colorful culture. Each of them belongs to this world. There may be conflicts between the colonized worlds, but these conflicts are never resolved by force, nor will they be severed, because the Earth Government It will serve as an arbitration to mediate the conflicts between the two parties. The decision of the earth government is respected by all colonized worlds. "We have three great advantages in colonizing the world, Jadia: we don't have robots, which requires us to build new worlds with our own hands; There is the earth, it is our common root!" Cadia said immediately, "But we space beings—" Dudge smiled. "You want to say that you space people are also descendants of people on earth. Earth is also their world, isn't it? This is true, but you don't want to admit it. What I want to say is that you have cut off your own roots, so, You cosmic beings do not have your own roots, so your existence is doomed to be short!" Daji paused for a moment, feeling that his words might have touched a sore spot in Jadia.So he added, "Jadia, please only see yourself as a human, not a cosmic being. I also only see myself as a human, not a colonist. Humans will last forever, whether it is a cosmic being, or a cosmic being." Colonizers. But I believe that human beings will continue to multiply as colonists indefinitely. Of course, I may not be right." "No," said Jadia, "I think you're right—humans should no longer be divided into aliens and colonists. That's my goal—to help people realize the importance of this." "Okay, it's time for us to eat," Dudge said. "Can I have lunch with you?" "Welcome," Jiadia said feeling better again. "I'm going to get my lunch. I don't want to use a robot," Dudge said, grimacing. Daji took the lunch back to Jiadia's room and sat down to eat together. "I hope the food pleases you." "It's nothing, I'm used to it now," Gadia said. "Think about it, Jiadia, why is Aurora so eager to ask you to go back?" "I don't know either. They never needed me." "The telegram was sent in the name of the Speaker, Mrs. Gardia." "The current speaker is just a puppet, and the real power is in the hands of others." "You mean in the hands of Dr. Armandillo?" "You know him?" "Yes, he is the backbone of the anti-Earth forces." "So it's Amandiro who wants me back. So why? He has a hatred for Arlia Bailey, and that hatred extends to me. He's going to kick me out of Aurora and hurry, what?" Will you want me to go back?" "Yes, it is indeed puzzling. But there must be another reason!" In the evening, Daniel and Guiscart talked again. "I wonder, too, my friend Guiscart," said Daniel, "why is Aurora so eager to get Jadia back?" "Do you have any ideas, friend Daniel?" asked Giscart. "They are drunkards who don't care about drinking!" "what do you mean--" "They mainly don't need Jadia, but you, friend Guiscart." Daniel said, pointing to Guiscart. "Me? What's the use of me?" "Friend Guiscart, you have a special ability, which is your mind reading ability." "That's true. But they don't know I have this ability!" "Is it possible that they discovered your secret after we left?" Giscart said without the slightest hesitation: "No, it's impossible, friend Daniel. How could they find out my secret?" Daniel said slowly, "That's what I think. You visited Earth with Dr. Fastolfer a long, long time ago. You made adjustments to a few robots on Earth so that they also had certain The ability to read minds allows them to encourage the Earth officials to send out to the universe, open up and colonize the galaxy. "We had speculated that Dr. Amantilo had smuggled humanoid robots to Earth, the purpose of which we still don't know. But these humanoid robots can at least observe the development of events on Earth and report to them. "Although these humanoid robots do not have the ability to read minds, they found that this or that official suddenly became enthusiastic about colonizing the galaxy, and reported to Amandiro and the others. After we left, some high-ranking official in Aurora—or It may be Dr. Armandillo himself, and it occurred to him that this could only mean that there are mind-reading robots on Earth. Then, they will associate you with Dr. Fastolfer's visit to Earth. . "Therefore, they urgently need you to go back. But they can't say they need you. So, they want Mrs. Jiadia to go back, and naturally you and I must go back too." Giscart pondered for a while and said, "This is impossible. The robots on Earth have ceased their activities long ago. Therefore, it is impossible for the humanoid robots sent by Dr. Amandiro to discover this secret." "Is it possible that they discovered it through other means?" "Impossible," said Guiscart with certainty. "But I still doubt it," Daniel said.
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