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Chapter 7 Chapter 4 The Emperor

Base and Empire 阿西莫夫 4743Words 2018-03-23
Cleon II... Known as the "Emperor of the Galaxy" in the world, he was the last powerful emperor of the First Empire.His most important contribution was the political and renaissance that he brought about during his long reign. However, in the records of unofficial history, the most famous one is his relationship with Bell Rios; and in the minds of ordinary people, he is simply "Emperor of Rios". We cannot negate the past forty years of his... —— "Galaxy Encyclopedia" Cleon II is the Lord of Heaven and Earth; Cleon II is suffering from a chronic disease of unknown cause-life has many incredible twists and turns, so the above two facts are not contradictory, nor are they even too incompatible .There are countless examples of this kind in history.

However, Cleon II did not care about those precedents, and remembering the long line of emperors and generals who had suffered from the same disease could not alleviate his pain at all.Even though he thought that his great-grandfather was just a bandit who ruled the mountains in a stardust-like world, he himself inherited the orthodoxy of the Galactic Empire and is now lying in the palace built by Emperor Amenetic; All over the galaxy, row after row of rebellions have been eliminated, the peace and unity of the empire have been restored, and the prosperity of Stanel VI has been rebuilt. Therefore, during the twenty-five years since his reign, nothing has happened. The mutiny that stained honor--all these proud things did not slow him down. He felt the slightest comfort.

Now, the emperor of the Galactic Empire, the ruler of all things, is humming and sinking the back of his head into the energetic field of the pillow, enjoying an invisible soft comfort.In the mild excitement, Cleon II's pain eased a little, he sat up with difficulty, staring at the distant wall with a sad face.This bedroom is too big, he thought, it is really not suitable for a person to stay in it.In fact, any room seems too big when one is alone. But when the sickness strikes and the whole body cannot move, it is better to be alone, at least not to suffer the gaudy dress of the courtiers, with their superficial sympathy and servile folly.Alone, he couldn't see the masks that offended him.He knew very well that under those masks were all faces with malicious intentions, all of them were guessing when he would die, and fantasizing that he might be lucky enough to inherit the throne.

His thoughts began to race wildly—he thought of his three princes, three young men full of life, full of virtue and hope.Where have they all gone in these unfortunate days?What are you doing?They must all be waiting, the three brothers spying on each other and their father at the same time. At this time, the minister Brodek was seeking an audience, Cleon II moved his body uneasily, and began to think about this humble but loyal Brodek again.Brodrick is loyal to him because he is the object of unanimous hatred in the court-the courtiers are divided into twelve factions, which are always in conflict with each other, and the only thing they agree on is that they all hate this man. Brodick.

Brodik - a loyal vassal, must therefore be doubly loyal to the Emperor.Because on the day the emperor died, if he couldn't fly away in the fastest starship in the galaxy, he would definitely be sent to the radiation room for execution the next day. Cleon II reached out his hand and touched the smooth round button on the armrest of the huge recliner, and the door on the side of the bedroom immediately disappeared without a trace. Brodik then walked over along the crimson carpet, then knelt down in front of the emperor, kissing the emperor's limp hand. "Your Majesty is all right?" The Privy Councilor's whispered greeting was of course mixed with moderate anxiety.

"The Great Emperor is still alive," the Great Emperor roared angrily, "If this can be regarded as a human life. Those bastards, as long as they know a few words and understand medical books, they dare to pretend to be imperial doctors and treat the Great Emperor Treat it as a living experiment. No matter what new treatment method is discovered in the world, as long as it has not been clinically tested, whether it is chemotherapy, physical therapy or nuclear energy therapy, then you wait and see, there will be self-righteous boring people tomorrow They came all the way here, wanting to use the life of the great emperor as an experiment. Or, no matter what new medical books are discovered, even if they seem to be forged, they will be regarded as the holy scriptures of medicine by those people."

He continued to roar violently: "This emperor dares to swear to the late emperor that there is almost no primate who can diagnose diseases with his own eyes. Everyone has to hold a medical book from the ancients before they dare to take the pulse and blood pressure for others. The great emperor is clearly ill, but they say 'the cause is unknown', these idiots! In future generations, if any new disease appears in the human body, it will probably be cured because ancient doctors have never studied it. Yes. Those ancient people should have been born today, or this emperor should have lived in ancient times."

The emperor finally ended his long-winded complaint with a low-pitched curse, and Brodrick stood by him respectfully from the beginning to the end.Then Cleon II asked in a displeased tone: "How many people are waiting outside?" He said while shaking his head in the direction of the gate. Brodik replied patiently: "There are as many people waiting for an audience in the hall as usual." "Okay, let them wait, just say that the great emperor is worrying about many national affairs, and ask the captain of the imperial guards to announce—one moment, wait a minute, don't mention any state affairs, and announce that the great emperor will not receive anyone. Let the forbidden The captain of the guard is very sad, and those who have evil intentions among those people will all be exposed." After finishing speaking, the emperor showed a sinister sneer.

"Your Majesty, there is a rumor spreading outside," Brodrick said unhurriedly, "It is said that His Majesty's heart is not feeling well." The smile on the emperor's face suddenly decreased a bit: "If someone believes this rumor and takes action impatiently, then he himself will suffer first. But what are you doing here? Let's talk." Seeing the emperor making a gesture to get up, Brodik dared to stand up and reply: "Your Majesty, it is about the governor of the Sivina military government, General Bell Rios." "Leos?" Cleon II frowned, "I remember such a person. Wait a minute, is it the general who submitted a crazy plan a few months ago? Yes. Yes, I remembered, he is eager to get the emperor's permission to fight for the glory of the empire and the emperor."

"Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with that." The emperor smiled coldly: "Brodek, do you think there is such a general beside the emperor? This person is very interesting, and he seems to be quite old-fashioned. How was the memorial approved? I believe you have Let's deal with it first." "Reporting to Your Majesty, I have already handled it on my behalf. The order he received was to continue to provide more detailed information. Before His Majesty promulgates other sacred orders, his fleet is not allowed to act rashly." "Well, this is safe enough. This Rios, what kind of person is he, has he ever worked in the court?"

Brodek nodded, and his lips twitched a little: "He first served as a trainee officer in the Imperial Guard, that was ten years ago. He performed well in the Lemo star cluster incident." "Lemo star cluster? You know, I don't have a good memory... oh, is it a young officer who prevented the collision of two starships... um... it seems to be the case." He Waved impatiently: "I don't remember the details, but it was a heroic act anyway." "That officer is Rioth, and he was promoted because of this merit." Brodik said in a cold tone: "So he was transferred to Starfleet and served as the captain of a starship." "Now, he is the governor of the military government of the border galaxy, and he is still very young. Brodik, this is a very talented man." "Your Majesty, he is really a dangerous person. He lives in the past, ignoring the changes of the times, and his thoughts stay in ancient times, or it should be said that he is full of dreams about ancient myths and legends. This kind of daydreamer There is no danger in itself, but they will set a bad example for others by their stubborn reluctance to accept reality." Then Brodrick added: "The minister also knows that all his subordinates are against He is convinced, 100% under his control, and he is one of His Majesty's most popular generals." "Is that true?" The emperor pondered for a moment: "Well, Brodek, that's fine. I don't want everyone around me to be full of money, and incompetent people will never be loyal to me." "Incompetent traitors are actually not dangerous, and those who are capable should be especially guarded against." "Brodik, are you one of them?" Cleon II just smiled, and immediately showed a painful expression: "Okay, stop preaching. This young brave general has recently What new deeds? I hope you came to see me, not just to bring up some old debts." "Your Majesty, General Rios has sent another memorial." "Oh? About what?" "He has found out the strongholds of those barbarians and suggested to conquer them by force. His report is long and stinky. His majesty is not in good health now, so it is not worth worrying about his memorial. What's more, in the 'Noble Council', We will discuss this matter in detail." After speaking, Brodik glanced at the emperor. Cleon II frowned and said: "Nobles? Brodik, does this kind of problem have anything to do with them? Do you know what this means? They will definitely use this to demand an expanded interpretation of the 'Charter'. It's like this." "Your Majesty, this is unavoidable. When the wise and mighty late Emperor put down the last rebellion, he really didn't need to accept the charter. But since it has been passed, we must endure it for a while. " "The Great Emperor thinks what you said is right, so this matter must be discussed with the nobles. Hey, but why do you have to be so serious? After all, this is only a small problem. It was carried out on a distant border with limited troops. It is not a national event at all." Brodik showed a slight smile, and replied calmly: "The protagonist of this matter is an unrealistic idiot, but even such an unrealistic idiot, if used by a very pragmatic traitor, will become an idiot. A deadly weapon. For your Majesty, this man was once popular in the capital, and is still very popular at the frontier, and he is young. If he swallows a savage planet or two, he will be a conqueror. A young conqueror like himself, with the obvious ability to incite the emotions of soldiers, workers, merchants, and other classes of people, such a person may be dangerous at any time. Treat Your Majesty the same way you dealt with the late Emperor, however, some of our loyal nobles will inevitably think of using him as a weapon." Cleon II swung his arm suddenly, and immediately felt another sharp pain, which made his whole body stiff.After a while, he relaxed a little bit, but the smile on his face almost completely disappeared, and his voice sounded as weak as a whisper: "Brodek, you are indeed a rare loyal minister, your suspicion always exceeds Practical needs. As long as you accept half of the warning you issued to the great emperor, the great emperor will be absolutely guaranteed to be able to sit back and relax. We will bring this matter up to the nobles, see what they will say, and then decide what strategy we should adopt. That Young man, I hope he hasn't acted rashly." "He said in the memorial that no action has been taken yet, but he has asked us for reinforcements." "Reinforcement?" The emperor narrowed his eyes, with a puzzled look on his face: "How is his own strength?" "Your Majesty, he owns ten starships, and the auxiliary ships attached to each starship are completely full. The engines of two of the starships were dismantled from the old starships of the 'Grand Fleet'. In addition, There is also a starship with an artillery system from the Grand Fleet. The other starships were newly built in the past fifty years, not as new as the old ones, but still functional." "Ten starships should be enough to perform any legitimate mission. Hmph, when Father defeated the first batch of usurpers, he didn't have so many starships in his hand. What kind of starship is he going to attack? Barbarian?" The Privy Councilor raised his proud eyebrows and replied, "Leoth called the base of those barbarians the 'base'." "Base? What's that?" "Your Majesty, I have searched the archives carefully, but found no records. The place mentioned by Leoth is located in the old Anacreon Star Province. Two centuries ago, the area fell into the The state of crime, barbarism, and anarchy. In that star province, there is no planet called 'base'. However, there is a very vague record-shortly before the star province broke away from the protection of the empire, a group of Scientists were sent there once, and they went there to compile an encyclopedia." Brodrick smiled slightly: "I believe that they call that planet the Air Encyclopedia Base." " Cleon II pondered seriously for a moment, and then said: "Okay, such a reluctant connection is not worth mentioning at all." "Your Majesty, I have nothing to say. Since the region fell into anarchy, there has been no news of that group of scientists. If their descendants still inhabit that planet, they have undoubtedly degenerated to Savage times." "And he still asks for reinforcements?" The emperor cast his stern eyes on his favorite minister: "This is really strange. He planned to attack those barbarians with ten starships, and he asked for reinforcements before firing a single shot. Reinforcement. Now I finally think of this Leos. He is a handsome man from a loyal family. Brodick, there is something else about this matter, I can't figure it out for a while, maybe there is something more important here problem, but it’s not apparent on the surface.” While stroking the backsheet covering his stiff legs, he said, "The emperor must send someone there, someone with sharp eyes and a good mind, and who must be loyal, Brody." gram--" The minister immediately bowed his head respectfully: "Your Majesty, where is the starship he asked for reinforcements?" "It's not time yet!" The emperor moved his body a little bit cautiously, but still let out a low moan.He raised a shaky finger and said: "Until we know more about the inside story, don't promise him. The aristocratic meeting will be held today next week. This is also a good time to propose a new general budget. The great emperor must Get this budget passed or you simply cannot survive." After finishing speaking, the Great Emperor sank his head, which was about to split apart in pain, into the force field pillow, and the headache was slightly relieved by the slight stimulation.Then he said to Brodeck again: "Bloddric, you stand down. Call the imperial physician, even though he is the most bureaucratic little character."
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