Home Categories Thriller Ghosts Blowing Lanterns: Suspicious Tombs in Western Hunan
Ghosts Blowing Lanterns: Suspicious Tombs in Western Hunan

Ghosts Blowing Lanterns: Suspicious Tombs in Western Hunan


  • Thriller

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 188061

© www.3gbook.com

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Qin People's Golden Dragon

My old friend bluntly said that when the emergency was in danger, I was entrusted with the important task of investigating the giant tomb of the King of Qin. The descendants of the barbarians, according to legend, were born of the emperor's daughter (grandson of Zhuanxu) swallowing swallow eggs, so the worship of birds by the Qin people is extraordinary.The grandson of Hou Daye, Boyi, made great contributions in helping Dayu to control the water. He was praised by Emperor Shun and gave him the surname "Ying".After the Qin people disappeared, the worship of Sirius was derived.Among them, the flying dragon totem with wolf head and phoenix wings is regarded as a symbol of strength and longevity, and has become one of the earliest recorded totems of the Qin people.

At that time, I never imagined that such a small legend would become a key point in our journey. The beginning of the story has to start from the night we left Fuxian Lake to rest in Jiangcheng.Xiao Zhao, the waiter in the Diaojiao Building, was very impressed with us, and without saying a word, he vacated a vacant room for us to rest.We were sleepy on the lake for many days, and the dry food brought by Lin Fang didn't have any oil or water, and the elders were so greedy that their eyes were shining.I asked Xiao Zhao to put all the meat in the store on the table, and it was swept away in the blink of an eye.After the fat man finished eating, he shouted that he was not strong enough, and ran to the kitchen to get a large plate of air-dried meat out.Xiao Zhao's eyeballs were about to fall off, and he hurriedly asked us where we came from, and why we were so hungry.

I was eager to grab some meat from the fat man, so I waved my chopsticks and said, "It's a long story, and it doesn't matter if you don't know. Is Dr. Lin still there? Are Uncle Tie and the others back?" "Doctor Lin is a busy man, so he left long ago." He made us a pot of tea, sat on the side and said, "Uncle Ah Tie's team just passed here three days ago, and I heard that there is a big business going to the north .Why, Boss Hu also has goods to leave?" I had been worried about Uncle Ah Tie and the others before, but now that I know they have regrouped, I feel relieved, and I casually talked about some recent experiences, and then sent him out.

The fat man wiped the oil from his mouth, patted his stomach and said, "Oh my god, as the saying goes, people are iron, and food is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. Split your fingers and do the math. It's been a week since I've had meat, but it makes me want to die." Young Master Wang was wrestling with the chopsticks, and he couldn't pick up even a shred of meat after holding it for a long time.With four eyes, he chuckled lukewarmly, causing Young Master Wang to almost throw a plate and hit someone.I hurried up to smooth things over for him, and deliberately changed the topic and said, "Since everyone is full and energetic, shouldn't it be time to talk about the topic? Lin Fang, is the submarine project you mentioned reliable or not?" ? Don’t be another sugar-coated shell of US imperialism.”

Lin Fang didn't answer my question directly, she turned to Shirley Yang and said with a smile: "This old Hu, no one will buy it except you, so let's talk about it." Shirley Yang coughed, and then said to me: "Do you still remember that when the farewell meeting was held in Chinatown, a colonel of the US military came to see Mr. Xue, and that person was Mr. Smith, Lin Fang's immediate boss. This time The project was initiated by him, and Lin Fang recommended you and me to catch the knife." Before she could finish explaining, Wang Qingzheng rushed forward and said, "My old man has been staring at this project for a long time. If something went wrong on the way, it would not be your turn to intervene. The ugly words are ahead, and this young master has already done it." Get ready for a long battle, don't hold me back."

I said: "At the beginning, I had already made my words very clear, and I was not interested in this matter at all. It is no good for you to stalk like this." "It happened suddenly. Judging from the unearthed cultural relics we have so far, the one on the bottom of the sea is just a clothes tomb, and the real owner is not in it at all. Fortunately, there are clues in the tomb. I came here to continue to follow up on this project." I was surprised: "Didn't you say you were going to support Lao Shizi's submarine project when you were on the lake? Why did you change your mind?"

Lin Fang shook her head and said, "It happened so suddenly, I couldn't explain it clearly at the time." As she spoke, she took out a stack of documents tightly wrapped in kraft paper from her bag and threw them in front of me. Here, Boss Hu, you are a smart person, I won’t say much about some things, you can understand them at a glance.” When she said this, I was under a lot of psychological pressure. I picked up the leather bag first, and then threw it down again. I asked Shirley Yang with a bitter face: "Can we not read it?" She shrugged helplessly, the fat man pushed me away, tore open the paper bag, and said cursingly: "What time is it, like a woman, the way to get rich is right in front of you, your mother-in-law!"

As the saying goes, "There is no turning back when you open a bow." Since the file bag has been torn, I don't want to read it. It was made by the second master, it looks like regular script.I'm not good at these academic things, so I just glanced over them after a few casual glances.At this time, a yellowed drawing caught my attention, and I always felt that I had seen this thing before.The fat man came over, took a look and said, "It's just a dirt dog, what's so strange about it." Lin Fang frowned and said, "Why, you don't know this thing?"

My heart is broken. It is probably not an ordinary thing to hear this tone. Just now Lin Fang kept saying that we can understand it at a glance. Now if I shake my head and deny it, I will definitely be looked down upon by others.What's more, Shirley Yang is still watching from the sidelines. If she finds out that my professional level is not up to standard, wouldn't it be too cheap.I smiled "hehe", picked up the blueprint again, fiddled with it left and right, looked carefully again, and said casually: "This is obviously not an ordinary dog. Look, everyone, there are moiré patterns on its limbs, and the whole The structure is simple and powerful, and the carvings on the dog's head are simple and unadorned, which vaguely reveals the aura of domineering. You can tell that it is a rare antique! However, it is difficult to do more analysis with only sketches, but I don't know what you have in hand. Is there anything real?"

Shirley Yang seems to have seen this kind of dog pattern for the first time. She pointed to the tail part and said: "The length is wrong. Generally, animal patterns appearing on ancient objects have specific meanings, just like dragon and phoenix symbolize the royal family, and tortoise and crane symbolize longevity. The function of the dog pattern is similar to that of the door god. Most of the time, they are portrayed as very fierce. But the animal in this picture is as long as a snake, with four claws flying. Notice its tail, which is almost as long as the body, twisted into a An 'S' shape, this is definitely not a normal dog pattern... more like, more like some kind of reptile."

If it weren't for Shirley Yang's meticulous observation, I really didn't notice anything special about the earth dog in this picture.At this moment, after she made such a point, she really saw something different. "This figure is really wrong. Except for the head, there is nothing like a dog." I raised my head and asked Lin Fang, "You brought the drawings. What do you say?" "Have you ever heard of the Qin people's golden dragon?" Lin Fang gestured with her hands, "It's as big as a palm, with six-character seal characters engraved on its back." Four eyes wondered: "Why would the Qin people put the dog's head on the dragon? Isn't that disrespectful to the royal family?" Young Master Wang answered immediately: "You didn't read any books just by looking at it. Who was born to be the emperor? The ancestors of the Qin people were just a group of reckless men stationed in Xirong during the Shang Dynasty. Drive the tribe with the surname of Ying from Dongyi to the west. Qin people merged the east and west into one, and also produced the first great integration of east and west in political culture. The wolf-headed dragon was the product of absorbing the worship of Sirius after the westward migration. All Qin Longs are wolf-headed, to put it bluntly, they are dog-headed." "Okay, you boy, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you talk in a different way." The fat man praised him with a thumbs up.Four eyes disdainfully said: "How can he say such a slippery way? It must be learned from old man Wang." Lin Fang smiled and said: "The barrister has a good eye. We didn't understand the depth of the things when we first got them. Later, we found out some clues about Jinlong with the blessing of the old man of the Wang family. What Wang Dashao said just now is exactly the same as his old man. , didn’t miss a single word.” "My surname is Lin, which side are you standing on? You tear down my platform every day." Young Master Wang slapped the wooden table and got up, "Master, I came all this way to do business. If you are not interested, please You can withdraw, our Wang family does not lack this manpower." We're all used to Wang Qingzheng's little bourgeois sentimentality, and everyone doesn't bother to bother with him.Lin Fang didn't want to, but suddenly said sternly: "A group has its own rules. We lead the heads, and naturally invite people. I agreed to let you join the group because of Mr. Wang's face. If Young Master Wang has any objections , you can go back to China now. Of course, if you are willing to stay, I will naturally welcome you. Just please remember one thing, I have the final say on this team." As soon as I heard that the words were so emphatic, and it was clear that they were sung to us all, I glanced at the fat man to see his reaction. Unexpectedly, this big traitor took the lead in applauding Lin Fang's reactionary remarks, claiming to firmly support Lin Fang. Chairman's decision. I said, "Fatty, we've known each other for so many years, and I just became a commander. How did she become the chairman of the committee as soon as she came up?" The fat man hurriedly gestured to me, hoping that I would stand up at the critical moment and let him establish a glorious manly image in front of Lin Fang.When I saw that my second junior brother was bewildered by this female goblin again, I was quite worried, but then I thought about it, Comrade Wang Kaixuan has been fighting with me for so many years, and I have never seen a few girls who can make him fall in love. It is said that the son can't help his mother, since he has this intention, I don't have much to say.Taking a ten thousand step back, after all, the girl did give us a hand before the gate of hell, and it is really inappropriate to demolish her platform now, so I simply asked her in the tone just now: "This little golden dragon has nothing to do with the purpose of our trip?" What's the matter?" Lin Fang took a deep breath and explained in detail for us: "The cause of the incident is very simple. We have an offshore oil field, which was developed in cooperation with the Japanese. However, with the development of the project, various accidents emerged one after another. Our military dispatched experts to Japan with a large number of advanced equipment for investigation, and achieved a very amazing research result. They found that there was a seabed tomb with an extremely large area buried directly under the sea well. We did not report to the relevant departments For this matter, I excavated and researched the underwater tomb by myself. Later, many ancient cultural relics were unearthed one after another. The golden dragon on the picture is one of the unearthed cultural relics. In other words, it is a Qin tomb more than two thousand years ago. It may even be pushed back hundreds of years." "I don't understand what you said. According to you, the tomb of our ancestors went to the little devil's land for no reason?" "If you insist on understanding this way, I have no objection. Lao Hu, feel your conscience and say, are you not at all tempted by such a weird thing? Let's carefully analyze the entire history of the Qin Dynasty. In such a short period of time , who is capable of building such a majestic building on the seabed thousands of miles away?" My heart skipped a beat, her hints were so obvious that people couldn't think of anything else.I tried to refute her: "The existence of the Lishan Tomb is already a certainty, and the terracotta warriors and horses have been photographed by you. Is it unscientific to want to subvert the history of Chinese archaeology with just a little golden dragon?" "The benevolent sees benevolence and the wise sees wisdom. To be honest, this matter has nothing to do with me at all. The bad thing is that the thing was discovered on the Japanese territory. You should understand the pros and cons of it. .” I disdainfully said: "I've been talking for a long time, but it's not because you like dogs and mice meddling in other people's business. I don't care about this matter, whoever you like to fight with, don't involve me in it." Lin Fang shook her head and said, "Things are not as simple as you imagined. If it is really a pure international conflict, why should I make this extra trip. As I said before, this is a confidential project. It was absolutely blocked. However, on the afternoon of the day when Qinren Jinlong was unearthed, the relevant local maritime department came to the door and demanded that the project be docked. You can imagine how shocked we were at the time. This kind of intelligence loophole is too terrible. I accept Immediately after the report, the operation area was inspected, but unfortunately nothing has been found so far. We don’t know how the information leaked out, it’s terrible, it’s a nightmare.” She choked up when she said this, and Shirley Yang poured her a glass of water, and then continued to explain: "The excavation work of the submarine tomb has come to an end. According to the information held by the US military, it is just a tomb of clothes. The real body is still in China. Lin Fang planned the follow-up action of this project just to lure the snake out of the hole, find out the inner ghost who leaked the news and bring it to justice. In desperation, she couldn't find a suitable team to cooperate with her to complete this operation , so I had no choice but to ask us for help.” The expressions of all the people present are different, and it seems that they all have their own ideas in their hearts.I know the fat man, he doesn't care about the war between the US emperor and the Japanese invaders, as long as there is a tomb, he dares to go there.Xiao Wang followed Lin Fang all the way to China, and he must have made up his mind early in the morning to follow this operation to the end, not to mention that there is Wang Puyuan behind him who is behind him. I am afraid that the purpose is not pure.And Shirley Yang had already boarded Lin Fang's thief ship in order to save me.I know her temper best. She promises to others and never regrets anything she says.Siyan has been silent since just now, and has been looking at the materials in the leather bag, and seems to be very interested in this matter.Now my own opinion can no longer influence everyone. If I say no, I am coaxing myself to play.But this time the situation is different from the past. Lin Fang set up a bureau just to lure out the person who leaked the information. To put it bluntly, our team is their bait.This kind of situation where the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light is too dangerous, and a little carelessness may result in loss of life. I thought about it for a while, and decided to take the vaccination first. I raised my head and asked Lin Fang: "If I accept this matter, what are your plans for the next step?" Lin Fang didn't seem to expect that I would let go so soon, and hurriedly put down the teacup in her hand and said: "The matter is actually very simple. Our seabed survey is coming to an end, and a large number of research reports show that King Qin was not buried in the underground palace of Mount Li after his death. , even if it was once in the tomb, it was a short period of time, and then it was relocated due to some irresistible force. The specific written reports are in these documents, and you can read them if you are interested. Although it is only speculation, the archaeological The value, I don’t need to say that everyone understands. The purpose of our trip is to find the second possibility recorded in the cultural relics, an unknown Mausoleum of the First Emperor.” Seeing that I was silent, she hastily added that the funds for the event are absolutely sufficient Well, she has already arranged for a study group to enter China in the name of academic exchanges. When the time comes, we will meet at the border in western Hunan and mix with her study group. We will keep it safe and reliable without anyone noticing.In addition, she also said that she would prepare a ten-man infantry squad under my command.As soon as I heard that there was a regular army, my head suddenly grew bigger, and I tried to dissuade me by saying that we went to Faqiu to dig graves, not to lead troops to fight, and no matter how many people went underground, it would not help.However, Lin Fang seems to have gotten used to military work, and she can't understand our workshop-like way of touching gold.Shirley Yang and I talked and talked, and finally canceled her crowd plan. The matter has come to this point, I think it is too late to withdraw, so I have to make an agreement with Lin Fang in three chapters: first, we are only responsible for finding and digging tombs, and the Americans themselves will solve the matter of catching spies; second, all unearthed cultural relics belong to us, the Americans Do not resell without authorization; the most important point, no matter whether you can find the tomb of King Qin, the commission must not be less.I originally thought that setting such harsh conditions would at least make the Americans block up for a long time, but I didn't expect that Lin Fang agreed very readily without saying a word.The fat man secretly asked me if I would be tricky, and I said: "We may have underestimated the ideological consciousness of the American people. This girl Lin Fang has completely risked herself to catch the enemy agents. You should take this opportunity to show well. Maybe even lifelong affairs will be solved by the way." Shirley Yang scolded me for being unscrupulous, and repeatedly threatened that Lin Fang was her good sister, and if this matter went wrong, I would never end with me. Four Eyes silently flipped through the information, and after looking at it for a while, he said, "It's better for the shopkeeper not to go to this operation." His voice was not loud, but everyone immediately fell silent.He pointed to a map full of arrows and said, "Shopkeeper, look for yourself. The place we are going to is in Youshui, Xiangxi, which is one hundred and eight thousand miles away from Jiangcheng. You still have a lawsuit on your back, so you act rashly." , I’m afraid something will happen before we leave the border of Yunnan.” The fat man let out an "oops", patted his legs and said, "Oops, why did you forget about this. Chairman Lin, you don't know, the guy with the bamboo pole has been tricked by Lao Hu, and he has already asked the country to worry about it." Yes. Jiangcheng is located in a mountainous area, and communication is not well developed. It is not a big problem to hide from it for a while, but if you really go out, if you show your face in public places, it will be a big trouble. I thought about it and found that the problem is indeed It is very serious, if it is not handled properly, it is likely to bring endless troubles to myself and everyone." Lin Fang didn't know much about what happened in Nanjing before, and Shirley Yang told her the whole story one after another.After hearing this, she let out a long sigh, and said sarcastically, "You guys really don't have a fuel-efficient lamp." The fat man immediately defended himself: "Everything is Lao Hu's fault, but I didn't do anything. I am a very good citizen." "What's the trouble? As long as you don't get caught, they can't do anything about you." Wang Dashao said confidently, "I have some friends in mainland China who specialize in this kind of business. If you want, I can invite them Help arrange a route for someone to take you out." Shirley Yang sternly objected: "No! It's too risky to do this. If you are found out, you will be charged with a higher crime. Let's think of other ways and see if we can settle the matter first before leaving." Four eyes said: "I originally planned to reverse the case of the shopkeeper after I went back. Now the limelight should be over, and the rest is to settle down to collect evidence and deal with the relationship between all parties. It is simple to say, but the actual operation is very trivial , It is almost impossible to solve it in a short time, and Shirley Yang's idea will not work in the judicial process." Wang Qingzheng promised that as long as I nodded, he would make arrangements now, and he would be able to send me safely to Youshui within three days at most. Shirley Yang still disagreed, and she said to Lin Fang: "Can we change the way of action, let me lead the team, and Lao Hu will act as our staff on the periphery to avoid direct participation." Lin Fang shook her head resolutely and said: "Shirley Yang, we all know this is impossible. Not to mention how cumbersome the excavation work is, just locating the underground palace, we can hardly do without him. Most importantly, this It doesn’t matter what you and I say about the matter, what to do in the end depends entirely on his own choice.” I said: "I have provoked someone, why did I throw the hot potato at me again in the blink of an eye." Shirley Yang suddenly turned to look at me with displeasure on her face, making everyone look like they were enjoying the show.I had no choice but to comfort her and said: "I will never make fun of my own life, but the people of the US Empire are living in dire straits and are facing a huge intelligence crisis. As a superior socialist country, we have an obligation to extend assistance to them hands." Shirley Yang complained that I was not serious, so I said: "You have said this twice in one night, can we change the subject?" Of course, she pushed me hard, almost flashing the old man. waist. A few of us talked about it and finally got through Shirley Yang's ideological work.However, she insisted on traveling with me, the reason being that I have been performing poorly recently and always making troubles, so this trip she has to do a good job of supervision on behalf of the "Party-State" and follow me every step of the way. I knew that this was already the biggest concession for her, so I stopped pleading.After a whole night of planning and preparation, the six of us worked out three distinct marching routes.Siyan returned to Nanjing through normal channels, and began to prepare to reverse the case for me; Fatty followed Lin Fang's investigation team and entered Xiangxi as a foreign expert; Wang Qingzheng arranged the route for the remaining three, sneaked into the destination and secretly Let's meet up. After arranging the itinerary, we went back to our rooms to rest. Shirley Yang invited me to the Diaojiao downstairs alone, saying that he had important matters to discuss in private.I didn't dare to neglect, so I followed her to the river bank.When she got to the place, she didn't speak, she found a rock near the water and sat down by herself.I walked up to her, neither sitting nor standing, always feeling that the atmosphere was extremely weird. "Old Hu, the water here is really cold." I listened to her talking, and then I noticed that Shirley Yang had taken off her shoes and socks at some point, and was treading water vigorously there.I hurried over to stop her: "Chief of Staff, don't torment me in the winter, what did I do wrong, tell me, I'll change it as soon as you say it." Shirley Yang chuckled, patted the big rock beside him and said, "Come and sit." The rock was standing on the shallows, with water under it, so I had to take off my shoes and socks and climb up.My legs were much longer than hers, and the river flooded up to my calves after I sat down. Shirley Yang asked me if I had anything to say, and I said that I only had one thought at the moment: the river is really cool. She was silent for a long time, so long that I began to be afraid.After a while, she suddenly turned around and said to me: "After this trip, come back to the United States with me. There is also such a river where I lived when I was a child. I want to take you to see it." I hurriedly said, "No problem. When the enemy agents are brought back to justice, we will join hands to return home." She laughed loudly, picked up her shoes and jumped down the shallows and said, "Let's go back. We have to hurry tomorrow." I was dumbfounded for a moment, didn't I say that there is something important to discuss privately?Why did you just say a few words and then ran away.After returning to the room, I lit a cigarette, and the fat man came over to ask about the situation, and I said: "I don't know too well, I guess Shirley Yang is homesick, and when the affairs in Xiangxi are done, I have to accompany her." She's going back." The fat man's eyes widened, and he looked incredulous: "That's it? You two spent most of the night outside talking, didn't you talk about anything else?" I said sternly: "They are all sons and daughters of the revolution. The threat of Emperor Su Xiumei has not completely disintegrated, so there is nothing to talk about." If so, I fell asleep without realizing it. The next day I woke up early, and I was going to take Shirley Yang to try the famous Jiangcheng snacks before heading out on the road. When I stepped out of the room, I bumped into someone.I fixed my eyes and saw that it was Fatty. He looked at me panting, holding a bag of steaming breakfast in his hand.I said: "Comrade Wang Kaixuan's spirit of serving the people is growing day by day, and he delivers breakfast to the masses early in the morning." "Stop talking," the fat man wiped off his sweat, "Lin Fang is gone, I searched the inn all over, and I didn't even leave a fart." There was a drum in my heart, I don't know what that little girl is singing again.After waking up the others to ask questions, even the little bastard had disappeared. Shirley Yang was also very strange when she found out about this. We asked the shop assistants, and they all said that we hadn't seen her since the shop closed yesterday.Xiao Zhao came back after inquiring around the town and said: "Miss Lin left in the middle of the night yesterday and hired a cargo ship. Many people at the pier saw them." "Did you say where to go?" "I heard that I went to Kunming by water, but I don't know the rest. It is said that she left in a hurry, and the price has tripled, without blinking an eye." The few of us looked at each other in blank dismay, the original plan had to be abandoned halfway because of Lin Fang's sudden disappearance.Fatty asserted that everything was caused by Xiaobai.Qin Siyan has a good temper. He shrugged and said, "It's better to leave, to save us trouble. The shopkeeper himself is already covered in lawsuits. I think it's better to leave that Youshui tomb alone." The fat man thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's fine, but now we have nowhere to go, what should we do next?" Shirley Yang suggested returning to the United States as soon as possible.The four eyes are preoccupied with the smuggling case.In the end, the fat man stubbornly dragged me back to Beijing, saying that the imperial city is a good place to live, and I should avoid the limelight first.During this period, we took another trip to the gate of hell in Wuliang Mountain, and finally lived a stable life.I even joked with the fat man, "If this continues, we may really spend our days in Forty-Nine City." Who would have thought that there would be another near-death trouble waiting for us soon.
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