Home Categories Thriller Notes on Tomb Raiders 8: Snake Marsh Ghost Town III

Chapter 17 Chapter 17 Dawn: The Silent Camp

Our excitement was instantly extinguished by the weird camp in front of us. The two of us looked at each other, and I felt like hugging each other and crying. I was too tired to deal with any emergencies.I suddenly felt like I was going crazy, this forest was trying to drive me crazy. Fatty's nerves are much stronger than mine. While putting down Panzi and letting him lean against a rock, he let me go in with him to investigate.There was no more fog around us, he picked up a stone to start, and the two of us walked into the camp, carefully guarding the tents. As soon as I walked in, I realized how well prepared the third uncle was this time. I saw the generator, the stove, and even a huge awning.Under the awning is a large flat rock, on which a lot of documents are pressed with stones. I saw a few cups for brushing teeth placed on the ruined stones on one side, and the pulling rod between the two tents on the other side was People are tied up with vines, and clothes are hung from it.This is simply like a simple residential settlement.

Everything was normal, no signs of a fight, no blood, but no people, as if the people in the camp had just gone on an excursion. In the middle of the camp, we found a huge bonfire, which was completely turned into ashes. In the bonfire, we found the remaining smoke balls. Obviously there was nothing wrong with it. This is where the signal smoke was emitted.It was here that the smoke rose yesterday. The curtains of the tents were all open, and no one could be seen inside, and we could even smell the smell of Hong Kong feet inside. I tiptoed around and found nothing, so the fat man and I looked at each other in blank dismay.

I remembered the color of the signal smoke I saw at the time.Pan Zi said that the red signal smoke means "don't get close", and it is obvious that something happened here.I couldn't help becoming nervous again, feeling like I was covered with thorns, where did these people go?What happened here? The feeling of uneasiness cannot be suppressed. If we are well equipped and physically strong, I may even decide to leave here immediately and find a safe place nearby to observe carefully, but we are almost half alive now, and I really don't want to leave here. trek.In the case of Pan Zi, it is impossible to do so, he must be taken care of immediately.

On the boulder under the awning, the fat man found a pack of cigarettes. He felt itchy and smoked one immediately. However, he was too tired and couldn’t hold up after two puffs. I also smoked a few puffs. Tobacco is playing medicinal value at this time, and I slowly relieved it. Then, we immediately carried Pan Zi into one of the tents. I saw two backpacks inside. This kind of tent is very big. A tent can sleep at least four people. There are still a lot of sundries on the tarpaulin in the tent. , flashlight, watch, I didn’t take them away, I even saw an MP3, but I didn’t see any lights, I wondered if the small generator outside was prepared for this charging?This is too wasteful.

We could finally really relax inside. We took off all the clothes on Pan Zi and got rid of the remaining grass ticks. The fat man flipped through one of his backpacks and found a small medicine box from it. He used the alcohol inside to give Pan Zi again The wound was disinfected, and then he went to the tents in the camp to search one by one, found a box of needles and thread, and sewed up the deep wound on Pan Zi's body. Pan Zi was already awake, in a daze, not sure if he was conscious or not.Fatty's face was obviously distorted after the injection, but he didn't react too much.

Seeing how neatly the fat man sewed the wound, I was surprised: "What did you do before, and you know how to do this." "I told you that you are always forgetful. Those who go to the mountains and the countryside, no one knows how to do needlework. There is no father to beat or mother to hurt, so I have to take care of myself." He said: "But this is really the first time this human skin is sewn, You said that I should not sew some patterns on it, otherwise this guy will feel too monotonous." I knew he was joking, so I laughed a few times to show that it wasn't funny at all.

Looking at Pan Zi, I sighed with emotion. Fortunately, although the giant python is extremely powerful, its teeth are short. Even such a serious injury did not hurt Pan Zi's vitals. It is just that he lost too much blood, and it may not be so easy to recover.Looking at the naked Pan Zi and the scars all over his body, I suddenly realized the origin of his scars. I am afraid that every time he went to the ground, he would almost die. No wonder the third uncle relied on him so much. completely desperate. However, maybe because of this style of doing things, although he was seriously injured every time, he survived every time, I thought.

The fat man said to me: "This is called self-destructive tendency. I know very well. I have a buddy who has been on the battlefield before. Everyone in his class died, and the death was terrible. After he retired from the army, he couldn't recover. I always wondered why it wasn't him who died at the time, as if someone else fired him when he survived. When I was fighting with me, I did things and tried my best to find death. I just wanted to find a chance to kill him. Kill yourself, this kind of person has to have a concern, otherwise you can really do anything, so I feel that your third uncle is like a life-saving straw to Da Pan."

I don't have such a deep experience, so I can't understand what the fat man said, but seeing his hands shaking a little, I told him to stop talking and concentrate on sewing. The two men sewed up the wound for nearly an hour. Their hands were covered with blood, and they disinfected the wound for Pan Zi. Only then did the fat man heave a sigh of relief. At this time, Pan Zi fell into a coma again. When we got out of the tent, we all had to sit down and rest. The fat man didn't relax completely, and immediately looked around and said, "There's something wrong here. I think we can clean up now, and we can't stay here for long."

I nodded and wanted to stand up, but as soon as I moved, I realized that I couldn't move anymore. No muscle in my body could listen to my orders. The fat man moved twice, but it was obvious that he couldn't move. sigh. To be honest, we have run out of fuel, and even if there is something imminent, I am afraid I will not be able to stand up.Both mental and physical have exceeded the limit of fatigue and are completely useless. Seeing that I wasn't moving, the fat man smiled wryly and said, but it might not be safe to go back to the jungle now. Instead of being killed in a damp and cold place, he would rather die here. Listening to this MP3 and being bitten to death by a snake is worthy of him. A celebrity in the fighting world.

This is a bit of Ah Q's spirit, but I nodded, and I nodded sincerely. Although I have experienced such exhausting occasions before, this time is particularly severe, mainly because we have spent too much time crossing the Great Gobi before entering here. With a lot of energy and physical strength, we were already very tired before entering the canyon, and we were completely struggling afterwards.This feeling of trekking and finding that the journey has only just begun is extremely hopeless, but even more terrifying is that I know that if I can survive, then the journey back will be the real test.Now if Aning's walkie-talkie really exists, it is impossible for us not to get it.Then things after that would be a complete nightmare. Thinking about these things gives me a splitting headache, and I really don't want to think about them. We rested for a while, made tea, ate some dry food, and then took off all the clothes on our bodies. After taking off the clothes, we couldn’t put them on. Any hole we found was bigger than the trousers, so we had no choice but to find a few at random. After drying it out, I looked at my legs. They were all bloodstains drawn by thorns. They were all skin traumas. They hurt when they came into contact with water, but there was no danger of infection. What's disgusting is those grass ticks. There wasn't a single one on the front of the legs. They were all concentrated in the foot sockets behind the knees. They were full of blood. The fat man found a special spray to kill grass ticks and sprayed it. The grass ticks were all gone It fell, and I wanted to slap it flat, but the fat man said that a slap might attract more people.Just sweep it all into the stove and burn it with crackling noises. The tea brewed with my own blood was very fragrant. I drank a little and washed my feet and wounds.The muscles that had been completely numb finally began to feel, soreness, weakness, numbness, and everything. I couldn't even stand up, so I could only use my buttocks as my feet to move. Last night, I was the only one who slept for a while, so although I was unbearably sleepy, I let the fat man sleep for a while, and leaned against a stone beside me to be vigilant. At this time, the sun is shining, and the whole ruins are clearly displayed in front of us. There is no wind and quiet around, and the whole valley is as quiet as a stillness. There was a thunderous snoring sound, the cigarette was not pinched out, and he fell asleep with it in his mouth. I took his cigarette and smoked it myself, shook my head with a wry smile, at this moment I felt that I was about to fall asleep, so I immediately pulled myself together and tried my best not to let myself fall asleep, but no, as long as I just sit still , the eyelids are as heavy as lead. The morning light receded and the sun became poisonous. I took a few deep breaths, hid in the awning, and forced myself to start packing my backpack.At this time, I saw Wenjin's notebook stuffed inside. Fearing that this precious note would be damaged during such a harsh trek, I wrapped it with my own pair of socks. After entering the canyon, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and I didn’t have a chance to take a closer look. At this time, when I recalled, I felt that this note The content in is basically not helpful. Maybe it was some years ago when Wenjin came. Although ten or twenty years is too short for the history of this ancient city, it is long enough for the environment here. For more than ten years, the trees here may have grown in a completely different way. It was Wen Jin who wrote: "There are many snakes here." I didn't lie to us, but I think Wen Jin wrote too briefly. There are really too many things to write about these snakes, but she only noticed a lot. Can't you be short-hearted? There are a lot of records of their passage through the rainforest in the notes. I can take a closer look and see if there is anything that can help us. On to the final part. However, I was so tired that my words were blurred, so I had to pour water on my eyes and try to cheer up.After turning a few pages, I couldn't stand it anymore. I felt like reading a book was hypnotic, so I put down my notes, and then tried to keep my mind blank, but my mind gradually became hazy irreversibly. Just when I was about to fall asleep, I heard a faint voice in a trance, it seemed that Pan Zi called me: "Little Sanye." I woke up suddenly, thinking that Pan Zi needed something, I immediately rubbed my eyes, and stood up in pain, only to find that the surrounding area was very quiet, without any sound. I thought it was terrible, I was so tired that I had auditory hallucinations, and I immediately rubbed my temples, but suddenly I heard a very soft voice, which seemed to be laughing or complaining, coming from the depths of the camp. I was shocked, thinking that they are back? I ran out immediately, but saw no one inside, so I yelled "Hi", and walked among several big tents, walked around, but saw nothing. strangeness?I patted my head, and the silence around me made my heart palpitate. I stood there for a while, nothing happened, I walked back inexplicably, sat back to the original position, took a few deep breaths, lit a cigarette and felt that my mind might be insane. But immediately I knew I didn't. I saw a few mud footprints on the stone in front of me, coming from a distance all the way to where I was sitting.This did not exist just now. I became alert, looked around, and saw that there was also a lot of mud on the big rock where the documents were placed, and something was obviously propped on it.Then I discovered that the position of the Wenjin notebook I put on it had changed, and it was covered with mud. For a moment, my sleepiness was gone, and I stood up immediately. Who did it?So many mud footprints, could it be that Wenjin?This guy saw his notes and flipped through them?Or that monster that seems to be Aning? I looked around, no one was there, so I went to look at the footprints, and saw that the footprints were all the way to Pan Zi's tent.I became nervous and immediately picked up a stone and went to the fat man, trying to wake him up. It is not so easy to wake up the fat man. I shook it a few times and there was no response. I didn't dare to make too much noise, so I gritted my teeth and walked towards the tent by myself. The tent was ajar, and when I walked up to it, I saw a muddy handprint on the nylon curtain of the tent, and I swallowed immediately. Taking a deep breath, I imagined the process, I pushed open the curtain, then rushed in, first yelled, if that person rushed towards me, I would hit her with a stone. At this time, I suddenly felt that the stone was not very handy, but I didn't have time to find another one.I took another deep breath, gritted my teeth and got into the tent.Sure enough, he saw a muddy man squatting in front of Pan Zi. I yelled and was about to rush over when I saw the man turn his head. I froze for a moment. I saw a pair of very familiar eyes on a face covered in mud.
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