Home Categories Thriller Notes on Tomb Raiders 8: Snake Marsh Ghost Town III

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 is gone

I thought it was broken, and I hurriedly looked around, but I was nowhere, so I panicked all of a sudden, thinking what is going on, this place in the wilderness, could it be that the corpse is a fraud, and hurriedly called Fatty and Pan Zi to see . The two of them were dumbfounded when they saw it, and the fat man yelled: "Damn it, who did it?" They all rushed to look around. We didn't know how many times we did this action, and we were all dumbfounded. However, there was silence all around, that is, no one was there, and no sound of any beast was heard.I immediately felt a surge of fear. There must be no one else in the ancient city of Queen Mother of the West, and there are no footprints of wild animals near the sleeping bag. We all know that there is no way that anything can move this corpse. Could it be that it is really a fraud?

Thinking of the mysterious dream before, I couldn't help but feel my throat dry up, thinking that the nightmare might come true. After all, Fatty and Pan Zi had seen the big world, and they didn't panic at this moment, but immediately squatted down, rummaged through their sleeping bags, and wanted to see what was going on. As soon as the sleeping bag was opened, Pan Zi gasped again. I saw that the inside of the sleeping bag was full of mud marks where snakes had crawled, and the bottom of the sleeping bag was also full of mud marks. The marks were so messy, it was obvious that there were a lot of snakes that had crawled here.When I touched it, it was sticky, and the traces were very new, obviously it was left just now.

The fat man's face changed drastically, and he said in surprise, "Damn it, could it be that kind of snake that moved the corpse away?" Pan Zi obviously didn't believe it, "This is impossible, how could the snake take away such a heavy corpse?" But his face also changed, obviously the traces here showed that what the fat man said was right. I have a chill down my spine and can't speak, if this is true, this thing is so wicked, I have always had a particular fear of pheasant neck, partly because of its toxicity, partly because of this There are so many myths about snakes, many legends, the behavior of this kind of snake is very perverse, what impressed me the most is that this kind of snake's revenge method is very strange, but they even moved A Ning's body away Yes, this is really unbelievable.

"Of course not one, but if you don't look at how many there are now, an elephant can carry them away." The fat man opened the entire sleeping bag, and saw that there were snake marks all over the bottom, and the area where one side of the sleeping bag reached the water became more of a patch. Mud, I didn't pay attention to the light problem just now. "But what do these snakes want the corpse for?" Pan Zi asked again, looking at the fat man.Indeed, Ah Ning's corpse obviously cannot be used as food, and snakes are not animals with claws. It is very difficult to open a sleeping bag and transport a corpse.Snakes are not ants, why do they need corpses?

"Then you're fucking going to ask about the snake." The fat man paused and said, "But snakes are very utilitarian, and they are not for fun. There must be a reason. I didn't expect this bitch to die. Not being safe is in line with her character." As I thought about it, my mood became depressed. The series of things just now had no beginning or end, and all of them were confusing. How can I be bullied by snakes? Thinking about it, I picked up the miner's lamp and said to them: "It only takes a few minutes for us to go back and forth. The corpse must still be around, let's go find it."

Before he could stand up, he was stopped by Pan Zi: "Find a dick, hundreds of snakes, you're looking for death." "But! She can't be buried in a snake's nest." The fat man snatched my miner's lamp back, and Pan Zi patted me on the shoulder, "Little Sanye, you have to think about it, a person is a person when he is alive, and a thing when he is dead, just a stinky skin. It is impossible for us to treat this woman Brought it back, this can be regarded as the destination she chose herself, there is no need to fight for a dead body." The fat man also said: "That's right, death is death, where death is not death, but if the fat man dies in the future, you will burn me, don't let these snakes go around, the devil knows that they want corpses to die Well."

After listening to it, I was also discouraged. I sat down on the ground and scratched my scalp, feeling very uncomfortable. The fat man looked at those traces, and said again: "The snakes here are really evil. How many snakes do you want to move a corpse? At least a hundred snakes. You think there are so many here alone. There are so many snakes in the whole forest. How many of these snakes will there be? I'm afraid it's not wise for us to stay here. If they come back, the three of us may not be able to resist for a few minutes. When we die, we will meet Ah Ning and be killed by that stinky mother again. They joked."

"Actually, I don't need to be so afraid. We didn't bite us when we fell asleep just now." Pan Zi said: "I have encountered many snakes in Vietnam, and I have been bitten two or three times. I am familiar with snakes. Not very good at attacking people, Aning was an accident at the time, maybe it was Aning getting the water from the waterfall, which disturbed the snake." Hearing this, he knew that it was comforting words, and he knew that no one would believe what he said, but from Pan Zi's face, he knew that he didn't believe it himself.It's okay to say that ordinary snakes, that kind of snakes look evil, not good.

I put the miner's lamp where I wanted to put it, looked at the empty sleeping bag, and felt very sad, but the fat man adjusted the direction of all my miner's lamps, shining on the surrounding water, saying that he should be careful. Fatty’s behavior made me worry about Boyouping again immediately. Nothing will happen to this guy. If it is in the ancient tomb, I will definitely not worry, because it is a place where he is familiar with the road, but as Fatty said, the snake It is unreasonable to plant something, and it will die if you bite it, so you have nothing to do with it. We summed it up again, and didn't know what to do, so we had to continue to wait for Boyouping. We must not dare to sleep this night. The three of us stood together back to back, looking in four directions to endure the night.

In fact, it was not too early at this time, and it only took a while for the sky to dawn. With the light of the morning light, the depression that lasted all night was relieved a lot, and we also relaxed a little, but Poker Bottle did not come back. When we re-examined the swamp, it was not as scary as at night, but the rain stopped, there was no sound of rain, only the sound of running water remained, and it was still strangely quiet.The rainforest in the distance was pitch black, and whether it was dawn or not had nothing to do with the world deep in the rainforest. Seeing that there was no news from Poker Ping, I started to feel anxious again. I seldom have the feeling that I will lose someone at any time, but now I feel that people here may die at any time. This is probably because of Aning's death, which broke the Some of my preconceived feelings.

Although Pan Zi and Fatty were a little worried, they were much better than me. Speaking of Fatty, the worst thing they could do was die, leaving me speechless. After we ate something, Pan Zi waded back to the mouth of the canyon, picked up some branches and dried them, and made a bonfire to make a pile of charcoal. I asked him what he wanted to do, and he said that we have already passed the canyon, and we know the basic situation, and it has been a few days. If there is no accident, the third uncle and the others should arrive at the mouth of the canyon immediately. There is light rain, but the Gobi outside has been exposed to the sun for several days, and the surface river is not yet there. He wants to make a signal smoke here. We went in and the route we went in. Second, we can also warn Uncle Third about the situation here so that they can be more vigilant. After Pan Zi finished speaking, he took out a yellow pill-like thing from his bag and threw it into the charcoal pile. Soon a puff of thick smoke rose. He told me that it was the signal smoke for distress in case of shipwreck. This kind of paratrooper military product he entrusted to a comrade who is still in the army, just a few balls can smoke for three to four hours. Can I tell third uncle that there are poisonous snakes in this canyon? Pan Zi shook his head, saying that different colors of smoke represent different meanings, but they all have simple meanings. The yellow color means that the road ahead is dangerous, so proceed carefully. For more complicated communication, you have to wait until the third uncle sees the smoke. After giving us an echo, he can find a way to convey it. The third uncle and the others are on a higher terrain than us, so it should be easy to see. We must always pay attention to the direction of the exit of the canyon, or whether there are signal smoke on the four walls. This is a very effective long-distance communication method. I watched the smoke rising into the air, and suddenly felt a sense of security in my heart. If the third uncle arrives and joins us, then things will be much easier. They are strong and strong , I think at least I can sleep well at night. Pan Zi didn't refill the smoke ball every two hours. After the first smoke ball was extinguished, there was no echo, and the oil bottle didn't come back. We didn't care about it. We waited until the afternoon, and the second smoke ball burned about half Suddenly, the fat man yelled: "Yes, yes! There is an echo!" I was looking at the sky at a boring 45-degree angle, so I immediately jumped up and looked up the cliff with Pan Zi, but I couldn't find it at first.The fat man yelled, "Over there!" I turned around a few times before I saw a puff of smoke rising from a distance and slowly floating into the sky. The smoke turned out to be red. come out. I cheered, and the conditioned reflex wanted to laugh, but the smile was only halfway through, and it suddenly froze. Almost at the same time as I was cheering, I immediately realized that something was wrong. Because the place where the smoke rises is not outside the canyon at all, but in the center of the basin we are in, the depths of this swamp.
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