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Chapter 3 third chapter

fire dragon 倪匡 5850Words 2018-03-22
Tianxiang Hotel is a first-class hotel, and the matchbox fell out of the window.Of course, the person fell out of his bag in a hurry when he was leaving, which can also be said to be an excellent clue. However, when Mulanhua thought that the only thing she knew about the man she was looking for was his tall stature, she couldn't help but smile wryly again. "Sister Lanhua, how are we doing?" "You go to sleep." Magnolia replied simply. "And you?" "I'm going to find someone." Mulan went upstairs, changed her clothes, brought the necessary tools, and came downstairs again.

"Lan Huaru, I'll go with you." "No, after I go. Maybe someone else will come. Then you can shoot him with our homemade tranquilizer gun unceremoniously. Make him unconscious, and I will try to come back before dawn." Mu Xiuzhen nodded, and watched Mulanhua go out. After Mulanhua's car drove away, she returned to the living room, took out the "water gun" filled with anesthetic, turned off the lights, sat in the dark, and opened her eyes wide. closed eyes and waited.At the beginning, she was full of energy, and after half an hour, she began to yawn. After another half hour, her eyes slowly closed.At midnight, it was the time when people were most drowsy. Mu Xiuzhen could no longer overcome the drowsiness. She turned her head sideways and fell asleep.

Not long after she fell asleep, a figure appeared beside the wall of their residence, and slowly walked along the wall to the broken glass window. It was a very tall figure, but because it was midnight, it could not be seen Clear his face. The man was wearing overalls, and there were many bags on the pants, all of which were filled with the necessary tools for a night traveler. The man stopped outside the window for a moment, and looked into the window with his head.He found Mu Xiuzhen, who was already asleep. He turned on the small flashlight and looked around the window, as if he had lost something important here.He searched for ten minutes, but he obviously didn't find it. He stood up straight again, turned his head sideways to think for a while, then quickly left, ran for about thirty yards, and picked up a car from the grass. When the motorcycle comes, a cloth bag is tied to the back of the motorcycle. The cloth bag is made of a piece of checkered cloth.The man stepped onto the motorcycle, and the motorcycle made a loud "pat" sound and sped forward.

That "pat" sound woke Mu Xiuzhen up, she straightened up suddenly, and looked around. "No one!" she said to herself, yawned, and fell asleep again.
Magnolia drove towards the city, and her destination was Tianxiang Hotel. The main entrance of Tianxiang Hotel is magnificent, even though it is midnight, it is still brightly lit.But where there is a magnificent front door, there is often a very dirty and shameful back door at the same time. Tianxiang Hotel is no exception. Mulanhua parked the car on a side street not far from the back door of the hotel. She waisted up to the back door of the hotel to have a look. When no one was looking, she turned sideways and walked in.After she went in, she immediately found the stairs. She couldn't go up two floors, and came to the richly decorated corridor.She knew that in big hotels, there were waiters' lounges on every floor.It was late at night, and the waiter was probably dozing off.

She walked gently along the corridor, and when she reached the end of the corridor, she pushed a door, and the door opened in response, and it turned out to be a waiter's lounge, and there was no one in it. Magnolia opened the closet in the room, and there were several sets of waiter's clothes hanging in the closet. She took one of them and quickly put it on. She has become a waiter. She came to the elevator.Take the elevator to the top floor. Tianxiang Hotel has a total of 100 rooms, and Magnolia is going to ask and explore one by one. This seems like a very stupid way, but in fact it is the only feasible way.

Magnolia doesn't need to knock on the doors of all the rooms, she only needs to knock on the doors with lights or voices. In the middle of the night, there are not many such rooms. The top floor was the sixth floor, and she found four rooms with lights peeking through the cracks in the doors.She knocked on the door, and when someone answered, she asked, "Did you call the waiter?" Then, she looked at everything in the room with sharp eyes. Of course, the resident's answer was "no," and she apologized and exited, according to her observation, those rooms.They were all European and American tourists who had just arrived in the East, and there was no one she was looking for.

Magnolia is patient.She searched down floor by floor, but she couldn't find the person she was looking for until the second floor.She sighed and looked at her watch, it took a full hour. An hour of getting nothing, which made Magnolia depressed.She felt that the opponent she was fighting with this time was by no means easy to deal with.But Magnolia is just feeling frustrated, she is not discouraged. She still slipped out through the back door, threw the waiter's clothes in the alley, and drove back. While driving, she was still thinking.That box of matches, of course, might have been brought down by that man, but what if he left it on purpose to lead him astray?

If that's the case, then the difficulty of this opponent is far beyond his imagination. Magnolia's mind was very confused, she had already found out that the matter was related to those six wooden heads, although she lost one. But many problems can be found on the remaining five, but now, the five wooden heads are also lost. And she once captured a person who was related to the matter, and she would have been able to get a lot of words out of that person's mouth, but that person escaped again. Magnolia felt that she was in a fog, she couldn't see the enemy, but the enemy could see her, which was very disadvantageous to her.

Her car was driving very fast, and she left the urban area very quickly. At this moment, opposite her, a motorcycle drove over at a very high speed.When Mulan heard the sound of the motorcycle, she couldn't help but feel moved and raised her head. That's a twin cylinder.A 700cc British motorcycle with excellent performance, she could hear the heavy motorcycle sound as soon as she heard it.And she also remembered that the person who robbed her of half a piece of paper was driving exactly the same type of motorcycle!She turned to the left, and a motorcycle flew by beside her car. Since both sides are moving forward at high speed, the time for the two cars to cross each other may be less than one tenth of a second. Magnolia couldn't see what the person on the motorcycle looked like, but, in that glance, she But I saw the checkered cloth behind the motorcycle.Light purple plaid.That was Magnolia's favorite color.

And that piece of cloth was exactly what Magnolia used to wrap five carved wooden heads!This can be said to be "narrow road to Yuanjia"! Magnolia stepped on the brake pedal abruptly.her car.There was an extremely unpleasant "squeak" sound, the tires rubbed against the road, and even gave off an unpleasant rubber smell. And because her car stopped suddenly while driving at high speed, the car body spun on the road.And that's what Magnolia needs, and the car turns.Wait until the front of the car is heading towards the direction of the motorcycle.Mulan stepped on the accelerator, and her car shot forward like an arrow at a speed close to 100 mph.

Her eyes were fixed on the front. Three minutes later, the motorcycle appeared in her sight, and Magnolia increased the speed to one hundred and twenty miles.It is extremely dangerous to drive at such a high speed on such a curved road.But Mulanhua didn't know the danger at this moment, all she knew was: she just had to seize this opportunity, so that the motorcycle would not lose its track! Her car passed by the motorcycle, and she made an emergency brake again, and the car turned a few times.Da Heng stopped on the road, and the motorcycle just arrived and stopped. Magnolia opened the car door and jumped out.But as soon as she got out of the car, she heard a cold voice say: "Please raise your hand." Magnolia was startled for a moment, then raised her head. The man was still straddling the motorcycle with a pistol in one hand. It wasn't until this moment that Magnolia realized that the man was a thin man in his mid-thirties. His eyes were as firm as iron, and she knew that he was a European. Magnolia raised her hand. "Miss, I believe you must have come back from Tianxiang Hotel, because I went back to look for it, and the matchbox is no longer there. Miss, your driving skills are very good, but playing with your life like this is too inappropriate." "Sir, don't you think burglary is a crime?" Mulan said sarcastically. "And he also violently hurt someone, a beautiful lady!" The man added indifferently: "Miss, please listen to my advice, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't meddle in your own business." "Then you are joking. The things behind your car were bought in exchange for three-eighths of my property. Now you have taken them away. How can it be said that this has nothing to do with me?" Mulanhua was telling the truth, because when Mu Xiuzhen bought the six wooden heads for three hundred yuan, her bank balance was only eight hundred yuan, which was three-eighths of her property. However, those who don't know the truth will think that Mulan spent a large sum of money to buy the six wooden heads.That was the illusion she had deliberately created. The thin man's expression changed slightly, and he said, "You also know?" Magnolia actually doesn't know anything. But she nodded and said, "Yes, I understand, 710" She only said the three words "710", the man was startled again, his face suddenly darkened and said: "Miss, you already know too much, if you don't keep silent, you will It's very dangerous, and I may hurt you when I have to. As for your losses, I can guarantee that you will be compensated." "I don't want any compensation, I just want my things back." "Miss Stubborn, how can you achieve your goal under the current situation?" The thin man shot suddenly at the tires of Mulanhua's car. He fired two shots in a row, and the two rear tires of the car immediately deflated. Said: "I hope we don't see each other again. Also, your female companion is too sleepy." He stepped into the car and galloped away.When the beeping police car rushed to Mulanhua's side, Mulanhua stood beside the car and did not move.She stood still because she suffered an unprecedented failure this time! She thought about the whole thing, and felt that her enemies were from two sides, the European and the Japanese must not be traveling the same way.She also hoped that they were not fellow travelers.Because if they were fellow travelers, then Mulan would lose everything, and this matter has nothing to do with her from now on, that is to say, she completely failed in this matter. But if the Japanese and the Europeans are not on the same journey, then she still has the hope of turning defeat into victory and changing from passive to active. It was the Japanese who arranged the tape recorder, and the Japanese who searched the house.The Japanese first took away a carved wooden head. The Europeans later took away five wooden heads. There are six wooden human heads in total, but none of the magnolias have been obtained.It is said that she has failed.But she still has a chance. That is, the Japanese who gets one wooden head will think that she has five more in her hand, and the European who has got five wooden heads will think that she has one. Magnolia firmly believes that the six wooden heads are inseparable. Although she doesn't have any of them, she still has a chance. Just as she was thinking about this, the police car arrived. The sheriff who jumped out of the police car knew Magnolia.He came in front of Magnolia and said respectfully: "Miss Mu, someone reported that there was a gunshot here." "Oh, no." Magnolia replied, "It's just that my car has a flat tire." "Then, let me take Miss Mu back." Mulanhua nodded, got into the police car, and followed the sergeant to her home. When Mulan opened the door and entered, Mu Xiuzhen was still dozing off on the sofa. Mulanhua shook her head and woke Mu Xiuzhen up. She didn't blame her, but just urged her to go to sleep. Although Magnolia was lying on the bed, she was not asleep. She was thinking about everything carefully. The six wooden heads fell into Mu Xiuzhen's hands, of course it was an extremely accidental event, but when Mu Xiuzhen returned home, she was followed by the one-legged man, that was a fact. The one-legged man died, and Magnolia believed that the one-legged man died at the hands of the Japanese, because the one-legged man might be a member of the Nazi guards, and the Japanese had the "brave gun" unique to the guards. ".They may be old acquaintances. And the European, on the other hand. It was very complicated, and it was not good for Magnolia, because Magnolia knew nothing but the names "710 Project" and "Fire Dragon." The next day, Mu Xiuzhen got up first. At noon, Mu Xiuzhen received a very polite Japanese. The Japanese handed over a business card with the words "Ishikawa Tiger Mountain" printed on it.Ishikawa Hushan came to see Magnolia.Mu Xiuzhen went upstairs to inform Mulanhua, who hurriedly dressed and came down to the living room to meet the guests. She had just come down one flight of stairs.As soon as he moved towards the living room, he couldn't help but froze. She really never expected that Ishikawa Hushan who came to see her.It was the Japanese who fought against her last night! And at that time.Mu Xiuzhen was beside Ishikawa Hushan unknowingly.Magnolia froze for a moment, thinking quickly in her mind.How should Mu Xiuzhen be reminded.Tell her to get away quickly. Ishikawa Tiger Mountain also saw magnolias.He stood up and saluted Magnolia. Magnolia took a breath.Walk down slowly. When Magnolia arrived in the living room, Ishikawa Hushan still said in a not-so-pure Chinese language: "I'm taking the liberty to visit. Please forgive me, Ms. Mu." "Please sit down, Ishikawa Hushan, you fell down last night. I admire you very much." "But. I can't get my pistol back either." Mu Xiuzhen was dumbfounded by the conversation between Shi Chuan and Magnolia! Originally, although Ishikawa Hushan's face was not very pleasing, he was always polite. Mu Xiuzhen thought that he was a visitor of Magnolia who came to ask for something. But now it sounds like the two are enemies who have fought before! So, what is Ishikawa Tiger Mountain doing here?Haoran had malicious intentions, and Mulanhua was called down by herself because she said she had a visitor. It can be said that she was not prepared at all. If Shi Chuan was not good for her... Mu Xiuzhen became more and more nervous when she thought about it.Almost immediately, he was about to pounce on Ishikawa Tiger Mountain. At that time.Magnolia had also noticed Mu Xiuzhen's tense expression of gnashing her teeth.She hastily gestured to Mu Xiuzhen, ordering her not to mess around. "Ishikawa Hushan, I think you came today not just to get back your pistol, right?" Mulan asked tentatively while gesturing to please sit down. "That pistol was originally a souvenir of mine..." Ishikawa hesitated. "But Hitler gave it to you personally?" Magnolia asked suddenly. Shi Chuan Hushan's complexion changed abruptly, at first.There was an extremely ferocious look on his face.His hair stood on end at the first glance.then.He was pale.He shook his body and sat on the sofa.I was silent for a long time. Seeing the situation of Ishikawa Hushan, Magnolia didn't need him to answer.You can also know that you are right.She also remembered some legends.It is said that when Germany and Japan formed the Axis Powers, Emperor Hiki sent one of his own bodyguards to protect Hitler.Hitler incorporated it into his Guards, and that person was naturally Ishikawa Tiger Mountain who was sitting on the sofa now. Otherwise, why would a Japanese be the core guard of the Nazis? Ishikawa Hushan's discoloration was of course not without reason. His past identity has been recognized by Mulanhua. Once his identity is revealed, he will definitely not be able to escape justice! "Mr. Ishikawa, I will not return your pistol to you. I believe you will not object!" Magnolia said heavily. "No objection, no objection." Ishikawa wiped the sweat from his forehead. Ishikawa didn't come here to retrieve the pistol, so why did he come here?Magnolia turned her thoughts quickly, but she didn't make a sound.Just waiting for Ishikawa to speak first. "Miss Mu," Ishi Chuan finally said, "I propose a deal to you." "What deal?" Mu Xiuzhen rushed to ask. "I am going to buy some things from you two for a considerable sum of money." "How many surprises are you going to make? What kind of things do you want to buy from us?" Magnolia asked with great interest. "I am going to buy the five wooden heads from the two of you at a price of 10,000 US dollars." Ishikawa Hushan said solemnly. Magnolia listened, her expression remained calm. But Mu Xiuzhen's reaction was different. She almost jumped up and yelled: "Sister Lanhua, listen, we just ran out of money." She must have wanted to say "run out of money", but before she finished speaking, she felt like crying out, no Sorry, blushed, jumped to Mulanhua's side, and whispered in Mulanhua's ear: "Sell it to him, Sister Lanhua, we'll make a lot of money!" Magnolia took her hand and smiled at her. "Mr. Ishikawa, I can ask. Why are five wooden heads worth so much?" "No, this is a prerequisite for our transaction." "Then," Magnolia smiled, "what if I raise the price to one hundred thousand dollars?" "My God!" Mu Xiuzhen slapped her forehead with her hands and exclaimed. She thought Magnolia was joking, or else she was crazy, five wooden heads, even if they were carved by Cleopa, the queen of Egypt.I'm afraid it's not worth a hundred thousand dollars! But Ishikawa Hushan didn't think that Mulanhua was joking, his face was very serious.He pondered for a while.Cai said: "Now we don't have that much cash on hand, but I promise to pay the remaining 90,000 US dollars within three months. As long as Ms. Mu first gives us the five wooden heads." Mu Xiuzhen pushed Mulanhua desperately, she wanted Mulanhua to agree immediately. But Magnolia shook her head slowly. "No!" She said very bluntly: "There are one hundred thousand dollars in cash, and I will give you the five carved wooden heads immediately. If not, then the transaction will not be successful." Ishikawa Hushan stood up angrily: "Miss Mu, don't be too stubborn, we" "I know," Mulanhua waved her hand before he finished speaking, interrupting him, "there must be several of you. And all of them have received strict training and are extremely difficult to deal with. You have also used special One wooden head was taken away by the method. But you can't get the other five unless you raise a hundred thousand dollars. I think you will try, because the six wooden heads contained The secret must be worth far more than the figure of one hundred thousand dollars. Isn't it?"
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