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Chapter 2 Chapter two

thunder 倪匡 6286Words 2018-03-22
Gao Xiang stopped the car, pressed a button on the dashboard of the car, and said, "Officer Li, officer Li, I am Gao Xiang." "The villa is brightly lit and full of people," Police Officer Li's voice came from the car: "But because the fog is too thick, the mirror through the fog can't see very clearly. The car makes another turn and arrives at the gate of the villa." "Okay, if you hear gunshots, you will immediately lead all the brothers and attack the villa." Gao Xiang gave the order. After the car turned the corner, they saw a dim light in front of them. The fog was so thick that people could not be seen a yard away. This large light was naturally the brightly lit Heishawan villa.

Gao Xiang drove the car straight to the gate of the villa, and the three of them looked at their watches together: 9:58. Of course Mu Xiuzhen was happy to have such an exciting event, but she couldn't help being very nervous. Gao Xiang honked the horn twice, and then heard the sound of the iron door opening, and then saw a person walking forward quickly. It wasn't until the man came to the side of the car that the three could clearly see that it was a fat man in a tuxedo.Mu Xiuzhen had already drawn the gun in her hand, and was ready to shoot immediately if the fat man made any movement.

But the fat man stood still in front of the car, but bent his big belly with difficulty, and said: "The three of you really appreciate the noodles, please come in, the place is too small, the three of you please don't mind." Gao Xiang opened the car door and jumped down, with one hand in his trouser pocket, of course he was holding a gun.Mulan got out of the car next, and Mu Xiuzhen was the last to get out. Mu Xiuzhen raised the gun in her hand and said, "You lead the way." There was a look of horror on the fat man's face, and he said, "We don't need weapons, we don't need weapons at all. It's just a friendly dinner with good food and wine. We don't need weapons at all!"

"Xiuzhen, put the gun away!" Mulan said coldly. Although Mu Xiuzhen was unwilling, she still put the gun away and muttered, "Hmph, what tricks do you have, so you can meet Brisden!" The fat man seemed to have never heard of it at all, and he just said very attentively: "Please, please!" He walked forward first, and Mulan reached out and pressed the hairband on his head. The semiconductor explosive detector in the headband has started to work. It emits very weak radio waves. If there is an explosive object within ten feet, the radio waves will be reflected back and a slight warning sound will be issued.

But there was no such sound. They walked into the iron gate and saw two other people standing on the stone steps, shouting loudly: "Welcome, welcome, the three of you really agreed to the appointment, it is extremely rare!" Magnolia paused for a moment and looked forward. She just took a look and felt something was wrong. People from the Italian construction company told her this afternoon that there was no wall at all in the living room of the villa, but what she saw was not. She saw a wall and the door was very narrow. Why is this? Mulan was stunned for a while, she couldn't think of any reason, and the fat man had already walked up the stone steps, Mulan continued to step up the stone steps, and everyone standing at the door stepped aside, and Mulan stepped into the brightly lit living room .

After being in the dense fog for a long time, as soon as she entered the living room, her eyes suddenly lit up. The extremely strong light made Magnolia's heart move again, the light was too strong. Magnolia immediately discovered that the reason for the strong light was because the hall was too small. Of course that hall is not a living room, it can barely be called a dining room. It is about ten feet wide and fifteen feet long, and there is a new long dining table in the middle, which can seat six people on each side. This dining table took up almost half of the dining room. Gao Xiang and Mu Xiuzhen walked in, and they also felt that the dining room was too small.But they also thought that if the other party wanted to kill, then the small area would only be detrimental to the Red Shirt Club itself, because if there were many people and the small area was small, they would be more likely to cause casualties in the chaos!

The seven people sitting at the dining table all stood up when they saw the three of them coming in. The fat man walked to the main seat and said, "You three, please sit down. You are welcome." Gao Xiang and Magnolia sat side by side, and Mu Xiuzhen sat opposite to Magnolia. The two of them sat closest to the fat man. After everyone sat down, the fat man pointed to the vacant seat opposite him and said: "This is for our dead friend Bresden. I hope the three of you will not be offended by our actions." In such an atmosphere, the fat man's words made people's hairs stand on end. Magnolia smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter, just let his soul sit there."

A middle-aged man with slightly bald head stood up and said, "You two ladies, Mr. Gao, the president has not come in person. We represent him. Please allow me to introduce myself first. My surname is Mai. Mai Shengtong." Gao Xiang immediately raised his head and glanced at Magnolia. Magnolia still said calmly, "Mr. Mai, I've admired you for a long time!" When Magnolia said "long admiration", she was not out of politeness, but really a long time admiration.Mai Shengtong is a well-known scientist in southern China, and also a prolific criminal. He is one of the very few Chinese scientists hired by European criminal groups. He is also famous for his cruelty and inhumanity.

Members of the Red Shirt Club were first-class criminals, so it was not surprising that Mai Shengtong was included. "This is the executive director of our club," Mai Shengtong pointed to the fat man and said, "Mr. Tavesh." "Mr. Tevesh!" Magnolia sneered, and said, "How is your antique business? How many authentic works of 'Mona Nisa's Smile' have you sold?" A self-proclaimed art connoisseur who made his fortune selling fake paintings! The other ten people have been introduced. They are all notorious criminals with extremely sophisticated criminal methods.

There was only one question in Mulanhua's mind: "How did these ten people escape the police's surveillance and gather in this city? Why did they come?" She felt that this was the key to the problem, and by solving this key, she might be able to know the purpose of the ten people from the "Red Shirt Club" who invited them to dinner. When the food was served, all the waiters who served the food came in from the main entrance, as if there was no other place in this small dining room leading to the kitchen, which was very unreasonable. While tasting the creamy mushroom chicken soup, Magnolia felt something strange, but before she could think any further, the fat man sitting on the host's seat stood up and walked past Mu Xiuzhen.

Mu Xiuzhen just wanted to move the chair slightly so that he could walk over. At that moment, Mulanhua suddenly thought of the crux of the problem, she pointed her finger suddenly, and shouted: "Xiuzhen, hold him!" Mu Xiuzhen was shocked, and for a while, she didn't understand what magnolia flower meant. The fat man had already walked past Mu Xiuzhen's chair, and Mulanhua grabbed a pepper bottle and threw it forward.The pepper shaker didn't hit the target, and Magnolia couldn't see what it hit, because at this moment, her eyes suddenly went black! At the same time, a violent shock made the three of them feel like they were in a small boat in the raging sea! "Sister Lanhua!" Mu Xiuzhen yelled, "What happened?" Mulanhua had no time to answer, she just jumped up and groped around, she touched Gao Xiang and Mu Xiuzhen, and also felt the fallen chair, cup and saucer, and part of the long table, which had been cut off At the same time, Magnolia felt that she was in a very small space, which was only about one-fifth of the small dining room. At that time, Gao Xiang had already turned on the small flashlight, and the three of them saw the situation in front of them. If the space they were in was a small room, it would be more appropriate to say it was a large iron box. Magnolia already thought about what was going on. One end of the small dining room was originally a big iron box, but the other side was opened. The three of them sat at one end of the long table. When the fat man walked away, a piece of iron box was opened. When the cover is down, the three of them will be locked in a big iron box! What a well-planned plan! Magnolia sighed in her heart!She thought in her heart that she should have thought of this earlier, but the other party's design was too clever, and the ten of them stayed with her all the time, making her think that if the other party had any tricks, it would definitely be useless, but unexpectedly when The fat man walked out as if nothing had happened, as if he was going to get a bottle of condiment, the crisis happened! Mulanhua was not a person who didn't know the timing. She immediately asked Mu Xiuzhen to catch the fat man, but she was already a step too late. The three of them finally fell into the enemy's trap. At this time, the violent shock was still continuing, Mu Xiuzhen opened her eyes wide in confusion, and Gao Xiang also looked very panicked. Magnolia took off the headband that Gao Xiang gave her first, and said: "You see, we are not in danger of being killed by the explosion, and it seems that we are not going to be electrified to kill us!" "How are they going?" "I don't know either." Magnolia banged on the four walls vigorously.There was a beautiful wallpaper on the wall, and there was a "clank" sound. Mu Xiuzhen tore off the wallpaper, and what appeared before her eyes were all boards! "Saw! We can saw the steel plate!" Mu Xiuzhen said excitedly. She took off the headband, pulled the toothed side, and pulled hard on the steel plate, but there were only shallow saw marks on the steel plate. . That is obviously an alloy with extremely high hardness! At this time, the vibration had stopped, and a whine of machines faintly passed into their ears. "Shoot, Gao Xiang!" Magnolia said suddenly. "I'm afraid bullets won't be able to penetrate this steel plate!" Gao Xiang had already pulled out his pistol. "If we shoot here, the police officers at the sentry must be able to hear it?" Mulanhua explained the purpose of her asking Gao Xiang to shoot. "Yes, be careful!" He aimed at a corner, "bang bang bang" and fired seven shots in a row, completely firing the bullets in the gun.The sound of gunfire was deafening in the small space, and the bullets were impacting in all directions at an alarming speed in this small space. The three of them had to be very careful not to be hit by the bullets. Seven gunshots passed, and there was no trace of where the bullet hit. There was no doubt that it was extremely hard alloy steel. It seems that this steel box must have been specially ordered by the Red Shirt Club to lure them into a trap. After the gunshots, they waited for the police officers on the sentry post to come to help, and their mood seemed much calmer. The police officers and police officers in the sentry had been on alert all the time after Gao Xiang left. They remembered Gao Xiang's order, and with the sound of gunshots, attack immediately! They waited with bated breath, as if whoever breathed more heavily would overwhelm the sudden gunshots.The fog was getting thicker and thicker, and the police officer holding the fog-penetrating binoculars kept watching the villa. Everything seemed normal and extremely peaceful. Then, they heard the chugging sound. Everyone suddenly became nervous and said, "What's the sound? What's the sound?" "Like a helicopter," the police officer holding the telescopic clock replied, "It's a helicopter!" He saw a helicopter slowly descending towards the sky above the villa. "Helicopter? Order it to land quickly." The police officer hurried over. "I don't think so. It's our helicopter, probably Director Gao summoned him to protect him." The police officer took over the binoculars. In the dense fog and dark night, the helicopter could never be seen with the naked eye, but with the aid of optical instruments, he could see the police logo on the fuselage. "Oh, I'm making too much of a fuss." The police officer thought to himself.However, at this moment, he suddenly saw that the roof of the villa was lifted, and a huge square box rose up. Everyone heard seven muffled gunshots at the same time. The police officer put down the binoculars, waved his hand and said, "Rush over!" The police officer immediately took the submachine gun, fired three rounds of bullets, and rushed to the front. Suddenly, two white lights appeared in the thick fog. They were the headlights of the car, which illuminated the three police officers almost blindly. Unable to open their eyes, they quickly rolled over and rolled to the side. The car rushed forward. It was a large car, very big, and the police officers on the side of the road fired at the car at the same time. I don't know how many bullets were shot at the car, but none of the bullets that hit the body failed to damage the car.Cars are bulletproof!The vehicle is a special solid rubber wheel, which is also not afraid of bullets! The car drove past the guard post at a speed close to 60 kilometers, and then the headlights went out.The dense fog and darkness made all police officers shoot blindly. While everyone's attention was attracted by the car rushing down the mountain road, the helicopter descended lower and lower, and an iron chain connected with a large iron stone protruded from the fuselage. Suctioning the big box, the helicopter began to go up. When the police officers tried to stop the helicopter from going up, they only heard the sound of the plane and went away, but they could never see the helicopter! The police officer's face paled, and he ordered the motorcycle team to chase the car at full speed while rushing towards the villa. When he rushed to that villa, he could occupy the whole villa without him attacking, because there was no one in the villa, it was just an empty house! When he was dumbfounded, another bad news came again! Seven police motorcycles had just driven more than a dozen yards away when they crashed together. All the police officers and their cars rolled down the mountain road. It turned out that the car was passing by and sprinkled thick oil on the road... Gao Xiang, Mu Lanhua and Mu Xiuzhen didn't wait for the "rescue", they only felt that the room where they were confined suddenly rose upwards, and then they felt a little swaying. "Sister Mulan, where are we?" "In mid-air." Magnolia replied calmly: "You can rest assured that we will not be in danger for the time being. I probably guess what they want." "What's going on?" Gao Xiang asked. "The performance of the police staff is too bad," Mulanhua slowly raised her head. "The chairman of the Red Shirt Club has arrived!" "Impossible, reports from Rome say—" "Gao Xiang, don't forget that when I was with you on the Lima Plateau, Brisden received a report that I was at home in City H! We were fooled from the beginning." "This—" Gao Xiang blushed, unable to continue. "You said, the ten people who hijacked us are all important criminals. How did they come to this city? Of course they have a special vehicle. I believe it is a fully equipped yacht parked on the high seas. Today, we It must have been suspended in the air by a helicopter!" "Oh," Mu Xiuzhen said in surprise, "such a dense fog, I hope that pilot has rich flying experience!" Magnolia and Gao Xiang couldn't help laughing. "We will be taken to this yacht to meet the head of the Red Shirt Club." Magnolia ended her speculation. "What is their purpose?" Mu Xiuzhen asked. "He wants to lure us into the gang?" Gao Xiang said seriously. "Xiuzhen, Gao Xiang, the Red Shirt Club will definitely separate us. At that time, everyone will have to face the crisis alone. The most important thing for us is to keep calm and keep in touch with each other!" Magnolia paused for a moment. "The headband Gao Xiang gave us has communication equipment, Gao Xiang, what about you?" Gao Xiang tugged on his ear, a small piece of his earlobe was actually pulled off. Of course, it wasn't that a piece of his ear was ripped off, but a small flesh-colored thing hanging on the earlobe was pulled off.He raised the little thing and said: "This is my small communicator. As long as we are within half a kilometer apart, we can all communicate with each other, and we can directly hear each other's voices—even if we are not talking to each other. There are many barriers." "That's good!" Mulanhua looked at Mu Xiuzhen, "I just hope they don't find our communicator. Xiuzhen, if we really can't contact you, what will you do?" "Fight them hard!" Mu Xiuzhen didn't think about it. "Nonsense!" Magnolia scolded: "The Red Shirt Club is the most famous criminal organization in Europe. How much power do you have alone, can you beat them? You have to be patient, perfunctory, and wait for the favorable conditions with great patience." Own timing!" "Understood!" Mu Xiuzhen pursed her lips and replied reluctantly. The chugging sound of the helicopter kept ringing. The headquarters of the H City Police Department was in a mess. The car that was heading straight for the police was found parked by the sea an hour later, but there was no one in the car, only a blank piece of paper was left on the car. The white paper reads: "Please sell this super bulletproof car, and the money you get can be used as a pension to compensate the families of the police officers who unfortunately died because of chasing us-we don't want to hurt people." Not to commit crimes with violence - this is the principle that the Red Shirt Club has always advertised. This ironic note is of course also left by the Red Shirt Club. Director Fang was in the car by the sea, and after seeing the note, he became even more anxious. He ordered all the marine police to intercept and investigate the sea, but they continued to make trouble until dawn, but there was still no result. He also investigated the construction company and the person who applied for the construction of the villa. The host of the big foreign company said that he was baffled. It turned out that someone used his name to build the villa. The organs are all added by the house owner during the "interior decoration". This villa has an internal generator. To build such a house, plus various costs, Director Fang estimated that the Red Shirt Club spent at least 2 million pounds.But for the Red Shirt Club, the two million pounds was obviously extremely worthwhile - because Magnolia, Gao Xiang and Mu Xiuzhen, known as the "Three Heroes of the East", have all fallen into their hands! 3. The "Three Heroes of the East" were trapped in a big box. The helicopter quickly passed through the thick fog and flew to the surface of the sea. A speedboat was already waiting. The helicopter put the big iron box on the speedboat, and the wings rolled to the ground Turning around, one person on the speedboat hung another small iron box on the frame, the iron chain retracted upwards, and the small iron box was lifted onto the plane. The two people on the helicopter hurriedly opened the small iron box, and inside was a neat box. banknotes. Director Fang estimated that the Red Shirt Club spent at least 2 million pounds, which was obviously too little. He just borrowed this helicopter as a means of transportation to imprison Gao Xiang and the other three, and the cost was 1 million pounds! The helicopter was indeed owned by the police, and the pilot and co-pilot were bribed to hoist a large iron box into the sea during a routine night flight. As for what was in the box, they had no idea. If they knew what was in the box, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to accept bribes from the Red Shirt Club! When the big iron box was placed on the speedboat and the speedboat was sailing at full speed, Magnolia was using the sharp blade in the headband to test whether the seam of the box could be inserted into the seam. She tried for a while, but couldn't succeed. Gao Xiang paused, and said: "I originally designed a Yihuan injector, which can melt hard metals, but it's a pity that I haven't made it successfully, otherwise it can be used." "Nonsense!" Mu Xiuzhen pursed her lips, then sighed again, and suddenly became anxious again, "If that idiot Chaowen knows that we haven't returned all night, he will be in a panic!" She kept biting her fingers, fidgeting. Magnolia gave up trying to escape from the box.She looked at her watch. It had been two hours since they were trapped. Logically speaking, they should have arrived at their destination! They couldn't see the situation outside. At this time, the speedboat was gradually heading towards a large fishing boat in the dark. Just as Magnolia expected, the Red Shirt Club's boat was moored on the open sea, but Magnolia didn't expect that to happen. It's a ship. Yes, that is a Chinese-style fishing boat. From the appearance, it is almost the same as the fishing boats that go out to sea, even the same old ones. The people walking on the armored soldiers are all dressed in the most common clothes of Chinese fishermen. Although the clothes these people are wearing are all re-skinned, but if you look closely, you can tell that they are not fishermen who make a living by fishing. This is another masterpiece of the "Red Shirt Club".This boat, a month ago, was the largest working fishing boat in southern China, and has now been bought by the Red Shirt Club at a high price. After refitting, the appearance of this ship is definitely an old and dilapidated fishing boat, but its internal structure is comparable to the most luxurious yacht in the world. First of all, this ship has a powerful starting engine, and the speed can reach sixty knots-for this reason, a strong and heavy keel is installed on the bottom of the ship, and the bow is also covered with steel sheets, but the steel sheets are all Artfully painted in wood colour.
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