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Chapter 15 15. Everything

nobile evil 小山 4678Words 2018-03-22
Lin Fan rushed out of the bookstore with the book, and hurried to the police station.Only Liu Bin was left alone in a daze in the bookstore with a book. "I think this kid is crazy, he is indeed crazy!" Liu Bin muttered while looking at Lin Fan's back.Liu Bin opened the book in his hand, and he saw this verse: False is true when true is false, Inaction is everywhere and there is nothing. Liu Bin looked into his mouth and read, he turned his head to look at the direction Lin Fan rushed out, "What's going on, what made this kid look like this..." Lin Fan rushed into the police station, Ren Fei was busy in the office.Lin Fan grabbed Ren Fei with one hand, "Let's go, I need you!"

Ren Fei didn't expect Lin Fan to come back so soon, his shoulder hurt from being grabbed by Lin Fan.Ren Fei touched his shoulder and said, "What's the matter, why did you come back? What happened?" Lin Fan stopped talking, and dragged Ren Fei to Director Liu's office.At this time, Zhang Cheng was discussing the case with Director Liu in Director Liu's office.As soon as Lin Fan entered the door, he said to Director Liu: "I found a very important clue today!" After hearing this, Director Liu couldn't believe it.In the few short hours since Lin Fan returned home, he discovered an important clue?

Lin Fan gently put the book on the table, and said to Director Liu and the others: "The clue is here!" Director Liu, Zhang Cheng, and Ren Fei all came over and saw a book with a red cover on the table, with three large characters written on the cover - A Dream of Red Mansions.The three looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts. They didn't understand the connection between this well-known book and the "important clue" that Lin Fan said. Zhang Cheng looked at Lin Fan and said hesitantly, "You mean, there are important clues in this book?" Lin Fan nodded confidently.

Ren Fei hurriedly asked: "Where did you get this book? Could it be..." Lin Fan said, "I bought it at the bookstore." Ren Fei was a little discouraged when he heard it.Zhang Cheng heard the meaning of Ren Fei's words. Ren Fei thought that the murderer had given this book to Lin Fan through some means, but he didn't expect that Lin Fan bought this book from a bookstore.But Zhang Cheng knew that it was impossible for Lin Fan to just make fun of this book at this time, and Lin Fan must have had full confidence to find them in such a hurry. Director Liu picked up the one on the table, sat down and said, "Everyone, sit down first, Lin Fan, what clues did you find, please speak slowly."

After everyone sat down, Lin Fan said, "Haven't we always wanted to find out why the murderer chose these victims? Now this book tells us the answer!" Director Liu opened this book casually. Several people here have read this book, and they probably still remember many plots in the book.But they couldn't figure out how Lin Fan could find out the reason why the murderer chose the victim from this book. Director Liu closed the book and handed it to Lin Fan, waiting for Lin Fan to announce the answer.Lin Fan immediately opened the book, pointed to the content in the book and said, "Look, what is this!"

Ren Fei followed the place Lin Fan pointed, and saw the words in the book: A few wisps of flying clouds are drawn in the back, and a bay of passing water.The word said: What is wealth and honor?Parents disobeyed between swaddling babies.Looking at the slanting light, the water of the Xiangjiang River passed away and Chu Yunfei. Ren Fei said hesitantly: "What does this mean? Does it have anything to do with the case?" Lin Fan said, "Where's the photo of the drawing on Shi Fangting's back?" Ren Fei hurriedly found Shi Fangting's photo from the photos on the table.Lin Fan pointed to the picture on Shi Fangting's back in the photo and said, "Look, what is this?!"

This is a photo of Shi Fangting's back pattern, on Shi Fangting's back there are a few clouds and a small river... Ren Fei looked at it, thinking of what was written in the book just now, he couldn't help getting goose bumps all over his body.He looked at Lin Fan and said, "What do you mean?" Lin Fan nodded towards them. Ren Fei stared and said, "Are there any descriptions of other victims' back pictures in that book?" Zhang Cheng looked at Lin Fan and said, "There are also other metaphors in the pictures of the Twelve Gold Hairpins." Lin Fan nodded and said, "I found them all in the book, four victims, one of them is quite a lot!"

As Lin Fan said, there are several passages in the book: A piece of beautiful jade is painted, falling into the mud.His assertion goes: "Would you like to clean He Zengjie?"Clouds are not necessarily empty.Poor gold and jade quality, eventually sinking into the mud. It depicts a pot of Maolan, and beside it is a beauty with a phoenix crown and a xiapei.There are also judgments: peaches and plums are finished in the spring breeze, but who is like a pot of orchids in the end.Ru Bingshui is so jealous of each other, it's useless to make jokes with others. In the painting of high-rise buildings, a beautiful woman hanged herself by hanging from a beam.Its verdict says: love the sky, the sea, the illusion, and the deep love, and when love meets, it will be prostitution.All the unscrupulous words are spoken out, and the beginning of the quarrel is really peaceful.

The pictures described in the four paragraphs written in the book are very similar to the patterns drawn on the backs of the four victims in the four cases that occurred! The first victim: An ancient building was painted on Qin Li's back, and a person in the ancient building committed suicide by hanging from a beam. The second victim: Li Wenjuan painted a pot of orchids on her back with a woman in ancient costume next to her. The third victim: Shi Fangting painted a few clouds and a small river on her back. The fourth victim: Liao Yuan had a piece of beautiful jade painted on his back, which fell into the dirt.

Lin Fan said: "Since the murderer killed the first victim, it has always been a mystery how these victims, who did not know each other and had no relationship with each other, became the targets of the murderer. We combine the content described in this book with the Comparing the pictures on the backs of these victims, you will find that they are all strangely similar or even identical. There are also some similarities between the life experiences of these victims and the characters in the book." Listening to Lin Fan's words, Ren Fei recalled these cases and said, "Qin Li, Li Wenjuan..."

Everyone here remembers the circumstances of these four victims.According to the clues provided by Lin Fan, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel chills... This also means that there are still eight people who have been targeted by the murderer, and the case is far from over. The murderer's motive for committing the crime turned out to be related to the "Twelve Gold Hairpins"! Zhang Cheng looked at Lin Fan again, he couldn't figure out how Lin Fan thought of this book.How did you think of it here?Zhang Cheng really wanted to know how this young man knew. Zhang Cheng couldn't help asking Lin Fan: "How did you come here?" Director Liu and Ren Fei also wanted to know, and Lin Fan found the answer within a few hours after returning home. Lin Fan smiled wryly, "Actually, it's not my credit, it's just that an unknown friend helped me." Ren Fei asked: "Who? Who is so powerful?" Lin Fan said: "A friend on the Internet, he told me that after Qingwen's death, she became the goddess of the lotus flower. So I thought of it, and thought of some plots in it." Ren Fei sighed and said, "If it were me, I wouldn't remember the contents of the book." Lin Fan said: "You will remember, if you also know that information." Director Liu said: "Now that we know how the murderer chooses the victim, the meaning of the hibiscus flower is very obvious!" Zhang Cheng agreed, "From the hibiscus flowers left by the murderer, we can tell that what he wants to kill is the 'Qingwen' in his mind." But where is the "Qingwen" in Zhang Cheng's mind of the murderer?Who will be the murderer's next target? The case seems to have returned to the original point, who will the murderer commit the crime next time. Ren Fei asked: "Lin Fan, have you found any other clues?" Lin Fan nodded: "Yes, it's that poem." Zhang Cheng said: "You mean that in the poem written by the murderer, you found the specific information of the next victim?" Lin Fan said: "No, I only know the possible location." As Lin Fan found out the photo of the poem, he pointed to the photo and said, "This is a hidden acrostic poem. Look, every sentence in the poem The first word of the poem, read together, is 'goodbye, Qingshan'." Zhang Cheng looked at it and nodded. Lin Fan went on to say: "So I thought about whether each line of the poem represents a character. I have thought about this for a long time but I have no idea, but judging from the situation of Tibetan acrostic poems, these four characters are more likely to be The murderer wants to hint at us." Zhang Cheng said: "You mean that the four words 'Goodbye Qingshan' imply the location?" Lin Fan said: "Yes, this is also a chance. I know that a large-scale flower market will be held at the Flower World on Qingshan Road recently, and the time will start from April 17th." April 17th, a seemingly inconspicuous day, now makes Ren Fei and the others feel terrified when they hear it.Because that is likely to be the time when the murderer will attack next time.This day was originally a happy day, but did the murderer choose this time to commit the crime? Ren Fei asked: "Are you saying that the 'Qingshan' in 'Goodbye Qingshan' refers to the Qingshan Road?" Lin Fan nodded. Ren Fei said: "There is some truth in your judgment, but the 'Green Mountain' in 'Green Mountain Goodbye' cannot refer to people, or is this poem not a Tibetan acrostic at all?" Lin Fan said: "What I said is just some guesses of my own, but if there is no hint in the discovery, then I may not be so sure, but now I am fully sure!" Ren Fei also felt that there was nothing to refute. Ren Fei didn't want to doubt Lin Fan, because everything he said was possible.But their judgment affects a life. If they are wrong, there is no chance of redress. Lin Fan said: "This case has had too many problems and mysteries from the very beginning. As Zhang Tou said, the key to this case is to discover what the murderer's pattern of choosing victims is. If this pattern is not found, those who The problems will never be solved, and we can only mess around in those problems and mysteries. As long as we find the crux of the matter, and we push back, those problems will no longer be so mysterious. We will not just follow behind the murderer Let's go, messing around with the hints offered by the murderer one after another." Zhang Cheng said, "Lin Fan, tell me your opinion?" Lin Fan smiled and said, "Actually, this clue came a bit suddenly to me." The development of things is often unexpected.Just like the occurrence of this case, they were unexpected.Just like the clue that Lin Fan discovered, even Lin Fan himself did not expect that it would come so suddenly, or even come so easily.Maybe it's just like what the saying says - the sky net is well-developed, sparse but not leaky, and evil can never prevail against good.Things will always turn around, there will always be hope. But will the murderer be caught in this way? Director Liu knew in his heart that if what Lin Fan said was true, then the following work would be clearer and more purposeful.But to catch the murderer before he commits the next crime, Director Liu thinks it is not so easy, because this murderer is different from any previous murderer. Director Liu said: "Since this is the case, let us all clear our minds first. Eat first, and then talk after eating." In fact, Director Liu knows that time is more precious than anything else now, but if everyone's minds are still in chaos before taking action, then More time wasted.He himself needs time to digest this new clue and consider his next move. Ren Fei said to Lin Fan: "I really convinced you." Lin Fan said: "You don't have to convince me, you should thank that nameless friend who told us this information. Sometimes some words and actions may be unintentional, but these can bring some reminders to others. These reminders may be inconsequential to some, but critical to others." Ren Fei said: "I don't think you should be a ghost detective anymore, you should be a teacher, maybe you have a better future." Lin Fan smiled and said, "It makes sense, but even if you are a teacher, you can't go hungry!" Ren Fei said: "You are simply a 'foodie'!" The two of them burst into laughter.Although there are still many difficulties ahead and many things to do, Lin Fan's discovery gave everyone confidence. Speaking of eating, in fact, the four of them have no intentions.During the meal time, they were all thinking about the case.After absent-mindedly finishing their meal, they gathered in Director Liu's office again. Ren Fei said: "According to the current situation and analysis, the murderer's next attack is likely to be on Qingshan Road. If the murderer wants to kill the 'Qingwen' in his heart this time, then we can investigate and communicate with him." similar personnel to monitor." Zhang Cheng said, "But there are still many problems." Lin Fan said: "Yes, we need to find the target chosen by the murderer as soon as possible, without letting the murderer discover our actions." Zhang Cheng said: "And the time also gave us a big problem. Because of Huahua City, there are many times more people than usual, which brings great difficulty to our investigation work." Lin Fan said, "Actually, that's not what I'm worried about right now." Ren Fei said, "Then what are you worried about?" Lin Fan said: "Even if we now know the meanings of those numbers and patterns, we still don't know how the murderer found these victims. If we don't know this, we can't take the initiative to attack." Ren Fei said, "How did the murderer choose the victim?" Lin Fan said: "If you think about it, how difficult it is for him to find these victims alone. You must know that it is impossible for him to find someone to help him with these things." The hibiscus flower hints at the "Qingwen" in the murderer's heart, but where is this "Qingwen"? Ren Fei and Lin Fan came to Qingshan Road together. Qingshan Road represents beauty and flowers in this city.This is one of the busiest places in the city. Many people come here to browse the flower market and relax on their rest days.Because there is a flower world here, and it is open to the outside world for free. There are all kinds of flowers in the flower world, and different flower markets will be held in the flower world in different seasons.This place is the "flower" of the city, beautiful and fragrant. Due to the relationship with the flower world, all parts of the country place orders in bulk from here, and the flower supplies of various retail flower shops in the city are also wholesaled from here.Where there is demand, there will be supply. There are flower shops everywhere on Qingshan Road, receiving tourists and businessmen from all over the country. Ren Fei and his colleagues are very good at how to find the murderer's choice in such a place.Because they have sufficient resources and manpower to do these things, but Lin Fan did not join them.Now Lin Fan is thinking more about how the murderer found his "Dream of Red Mansions" by killing people and how he got to know them so well. The investigation process is conducted in secret, because they know that the murderer is likely to be nearby. If the murderer is informed of the police's actions, the murderer may change the time and place of the crime, or choose another victim to commit the crime.Then everything done here is not only in vain, but also has more serious consequences.If you want to catch the murderer, it will be even more difficult. "Qingwen" must be found, but it is very difficult not to let others know when looking for it.Ren Fei thought of a good excuse. They searched this area on the pretext of investigating the living conditions of the population.This will not only not cause panic, but also reduce the possibility of the murderer discovering the police action.Even so, it is still possible for the murderer to discover their actions, but if they do not act, with so many flower shops and so many people on Qingshan Road, it will be difficult to determine where "Qingwen" is.
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