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Chapter 5 5. Nameless blood and a strange key

nobile evil 小山 2459Words 2018-03-22
On the way back, Manager Liu seemed a little nervous, after all, it happened so suddenly.He didn't expect that he would be taken to the Public Security Bureau just by handing over a box.He also blamed himself for being too careless. Who would run to the bar in the middle of the night to deliver something to someone, and it was to a policeman. It would be really weird if there was no problem.Manager Liu didn't dare to ask Ren Fei, he just said to Lin Fan: "Brother Fan, I didn't do anything wrong, right? In terms of our usual friendship, you have to take care of me." Before Lin Fan could open his mouth, Ren Fei said: "Don't worry! You're fine, I just want you to go back and help investigate what happened tonight and make a record. You can go back tomorrow, but you will have to pass on the news later." arrive."

Ren Fei's words undoubtedly reassured Manager Liu. These words are more effective than what Lin Fan said, after all, Ren Fei is the policeman. Chief Liu hasn't left yet, he's still at the police station.As soon as Lin Fan and the others arrived at the police station, they immediately reported the situation to Chief Liu. The box was placed on Director Liu's desk, with a white body and blood red numbers.Still no other fingerprints were found on the box, it was as clean as a new box from the factory. Now no one would ask why that person gave Ren Fei this thing in the bar, whether it was for provocation or for other purposes.Director Liu didn't ask why they still went to the bar to have fun at this time. The key now is to know what is in the box.

None of the three people in the room seemed to intend to open the box.Ren Fei said: "What do you think will be in the box?" "This is something for you, how would we know." Ren Fei's heart was even heavier for Lin Fan's joke.He put on his gloves and gently opened the box. After opening the box, everyone found that there was only one key inside. There was a blue tag on the key, and the number "1112" was engraved on the tag.But where is the key to this? Lin Fan put on his gloves, picked up the key in the box, looked at it for a while and said, "Why don't we first think about what kind of key will have a number plate on it."

Ren Fei said: "Maybe the murderer hung it up himself, trying to hint at something." This speculation is not impossible.The murderer may have made a tag and hung it on the key for a certain purpose.But Lin Fan said: "I don't think so. You see, the number plate and the numbers on the number plate should be engraved by machine, not by hand. If the murderer engraved it himself, there is no need to spend so much time doing it. Come out, he can write one with a pen, or stick it with other things. This number plate and this key should match." Chief Liu nodded. Even if it is matched, where is this key?Will it be the door key to the next crime scene?What exactly does this key mean.

At this moment, Wang Xiaolong knocked on the door and came in with the inspection report in his hand. Ren Fei quickly asked: "Did you find anything?" Wang Xiaolong nodded: "I found another person's blood!" "Another person's blood?" Ren Fei asked, "What's going on?" Wang Xiaolong handed the report to Director Liu: "Liu Tou, according to what you said, I not only tested the upper and lower parts of the last number '8' separately, but also tested the '8' in the other two groups of numbers, and found that Another person's blood was found on the bottom half of the last '8' of the first letter. It was not found last time because it was not expected that the number would be composed of two people's blood, and only the top half was tested last time Part of it, so it was not found. After comparison, this bloodstain did not belong to any of the three victims, but the blood of an unknown person."

There is something really wrong with this weird number "8".But whose blood would this be?Why did the murderer leave this spot of blood on purpose, why did he do this? What happened to the key in the box was unclear, and the newly detected bloodstains raised a series of questions. Lin Fan's expression didn't look surprised, he sat down, lit a cigarette, closed his eyes and remained silent. Ren Fei walked back and forth in the room with his head down: "There are only two possibilities. One is that it is the murderer's own blood, but why did he do this and leave such direct evidence? The second is that it is the murderer's own blood." The blood of other people is left behind, but whose blood is it? But even if the murderer wants to keep it, why should he be so covert and not directly point it?"

There seemed to be nothing more to do in this case than to ask myself some damn questions. "I think it should belong to the murderer himself." Lin Fan said slowly. These words shocked everyone present, because they had never encountered such a situation in the cases they had come into contact with before. The murderer would leave such direct evidence as his own blood.Is it really the blood of the murderer as Lin Fan said?Ren Fei didn't know why Lin Fan said it with such certainty? This piece of paper written with blood seems to have a special meaning than before.Not only those unexpected numbers, but also the nameless blood that suddenly appeared.

Lin Fan said: "This first letter implies that it should be the first victim, because the number on it was written with the blood of the first victim. It is impossible for the murderer to use the blood of later victims to kill us." Write these numbers. Then whose blood is it? There is only one possibility, that is, the murderer left his own blood!" But is this really the case?Could it really be that the murderer left behind his own blood as Lin Fan said?The same letter, the same blood color, under the white light, people just feel creepy when looking at it.Ren Fei said: "Could it be the blood of other victims, or the blood of an unrelated person? He just wanted to disturb us!"

Lin Fan said: "The two situations you mentioned should not be possible. If it is the blood of other victims, then this victim has already been killed. But no report has been received yet. According to the murderer's crime method, he will not use blood at the same time. The blood of two victims is used to imply. It is even more unlikely that the murderer deliberately disturbed with the blood of unrelated people. If he really wanted to do this, he could have done it more directly and let us find it out without much effort. Why? To be so concealed? And what if we ignore this point?"

Ren Fei said, "You're not the murderer, how do you know it's impossible?" "Impossible, that's all I can say." Lin Fan said, "The following two cases have demonstrated this point." Ren Fei's face was sombre, and under the fluorescent light, he looked even more unapproachable.Ren Fei didn't really want to refute Lin Fan.But why would the murderer do this?Ren Fei asked gloomyly: "Then why do you think the murderer did this, so covertly and arrogantly spilling his own blood?" Lin Fan smiled and said, "Maybe he just wanted to test our ability. If we don't know, then there is no obvious evidence."

Ren Fei said, "It can't be that simple, can it?" Lin Fan said, "I have a feeling in my heart." Ren Fei asked: "How does it feel?" Lin Fan said: "The murderer is not afraid of being caught, so he made himself have no way out." Ren Fei understood that other criminal suspects were afraid of being caught when they committed a crime, and they tried every means to destroy the evidence. However, this murderer probably left his own blood, but he wiped out all the evidence at the scene of the crime. How unreasonable and contradictory this is.But these things may only be done by such desperate people. Director Liu also watched the videotape of the True Color Bar, and he was excited that the case had finally made substantial progress, because he finally knew the general situation of the murderer: male, about 1.75 meters tall, of medium build.The investigation can be carried out next, the license plate of the car driven by the murderer cannot be seen clearly due to the light and the angle of the camera.Lin Fan knew that there was no need to investigate it, because even if he saw it clearly, it must be a fake license plate. The murderer felt that the game had only just begun, and it was impossible for him to reveal his identity because of such a trivial matter.
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