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Chapter 36 Chapter Thirty-Five

one touch 张勇 8400Words 2018-03-22
Yashu's body was in pain like being torn apart, and a sense of fear that she had never experienced before wandered through her three souls and six souls. Her thoughts were wandering as if struggling in the three worlds. She couldn't get out of the predicament, and she felt the footsteps of "Death" Getting closer and closer to myself... The deadline is approaching, she thought, has he read the book she bought for him? Ah Chu should have seen her heart, right? She could have died for him! Yashu finally understands that the person she loves the most is Ah Chu, and she can die for the person she loves the most.It turns out that for a long time, my love has been blinded, bullied, and driven by my so-called sophistication and vanity, forcing myself to take countless detours on the road of finding love. , My love for Ah Chu is not dusty.

Yashu's heart song is not over, her love is endless, her thoughts are difficult to continue, her heart is ups and downs, and her soul is vague. She thinks that she and Ah Chu will never see each other again in this life. Suddenly, Yashu felt that her body suspended in mid-air was lightly touched by someone, and her body curled up and convulsed like self-defense.Since her eyes were covered by black cloth strips and her mouth was blocked by a towel, she couldn't resist external intrusions, and it was impossible for her to judge whether a person was an enemy or a friend. "I'm Yang Muchi." Ah Ci said softly.

Yashu's heart instantly calmed down. Muci moved the desk to Yashu's feet to save her energy first, and sure enough, Yashu, who was on the ground with her feet on the ground, became much quieter all of a sudden. "Sister-in-law, don't worry, you'll be fine..." As soon as this sentence came out, Moci became dumb, and he clearly heard the sound of the timer "tick, tick", and he finally knew why Yashu was so frightened The whole body convulsed. "Don't be nervous, it's okay..." Muci comforted Yashu in a low voice. He gently cut Yashu's cheongsam with a blade. He saw a time bomb tied to Yashu's left leg, and the minute hand of the timer told him that it was time to leave There are still ten minutes before the explosion.

Mu Ci's nerves tensed up instantly, and then he clearly heard intermittent prayers from the bedroom, and he heard Yang Yuhua's voice, "Holy Father, Holy Mother, Holy Son, Holy Spirit... Amen. " Yang Yuhua is not a Christian, he is obviously cramming, his intention is very clear, he wants to commit suicide, but he does not have the courage to commit suicide, so he adopts another extreme method, he tied the explosives to Ya Then hang Yashu in the middle of the study room. The study room is only fifteen meters away from the bedroom. The explosion range of the bomb is more than 20 meters, and the bedroom is also within the damage range. Therefore, Yang Yuhua chose to hide in the bedroom and ask the gods Make the last confession and prayer, and pray that you can fly to heaven with Yashu's ashes.

To be precise, he used the destruction of Yashu's body to achieve his goal of suicide. Typical cowardly behavior! "It's okay, there is still half an hour before the explosion, I will take out the cloth strip from your mouth first, you calm down, okay, don't scream, okay, well done, take a deep breath, okay, great." Muci encouraged Yashu, and Yashu cooperated very well. In order to avoid mutual embarrassment, Muci did not remove the blindfold for her. Muci carefully observed the structure of the bomb. Fortunately, it was just a very ordinary bomb. Bomb, connected by three lead wires, Mu Ci carefully selected the lead wire, and then cut it off... The timer stopped, and at this moment, a little cold sweat leaked from Mu Ci's forehead and nose tip, he put Yashu down, and untied her blindfold cloth, took off his shirt, wrapped it around Yashu's waist, and said, "Let's go." Immediately afterwards, he pushed Yashu out.

Yashu, who was killed, limped and ran out. She ran extremely flustered, almost staggering, stumbling forward, the moment she approached the courtyard gate, she looked back worriedly, tripped by a stone under her feet, her center of gravity lost her balance, and she fell towards the two courtyard gates, breaking the door out. Yashu is like a butterfly that has just flown out of the canyon, her wings are flying, and her delicate limbs are heavily fluttering against the dust. Her arm was probably injured by a fall, and blood seeped out of the sleeve.At the moment when her whole body was in pain, she saw many pairs of shoes running towards her. Soon, she saw Ah Chu's shoes and smelled the smell of her man.

Ah Chu quickly hugged Ya Shu, and Ya Shu's tears melted like brittle ice in spring, pouring heartily into Ah Chu's arms. "It's okay, it's okay." "Ah Ci...Ah Ci saved me...he is...dangerous inside..." Yashu said intermittently. "Okay, I know, don't worry." Yashu's eyes were darkened, and the wind was blowing in her ears. "Inside Ah Ci." Ah Chu said. "Pay attention to Mr. Er's safety." Han Zhengqi ordered his subordinates. "Mr. Yang, I'm Gao Lei." "Hello, Team Gao." "Do you need help?" Gao Lei asked.

"It's just a chore." "Open the door... open the door..." someone shouted. Yashu felt that someone was hugging herself into the back seat of the car, and she was completely relaxed. She knew that in this life, there is love, people love, and love has returned. No more regrets. In the dark corner where Yang Yuhua curled up, his face was trembling in a panic.Death, for him, is only one step away. He waited, waited for the bomb to explode, there were still three minutes... Yang Yuhua was sweating.He was very scared, afraid of stepping on the road to Huangquan alone and miserable.

He must make Yang Muchu pay the price, a painful price, since he decided to end his own life, he will have to pay for it. And this backless woman will use her broken body to play the movement to heaven for him! 50 seconds, 40 seconds, 20 seconds...Yang Yuhua's heart trembled with the second hand. He suddenly felt that the hand of death had touched the top of his head, his hair, and he kept panting in his chest, saying "Angel , come on, take me to God." Three seconds, two seconds, one second! With a bang, the bedroom door was knocked open.Yang Yuhua's subconscious action was to raise his hands to cover his head, he thought the bomb had exploded!A second later, he suddenly realized something. The bomb did not explode, but he was still alive in pain. He suddenly became afraid. It was at this second that he felt that life was so precious, so fragile, and so worthy of attachment.

He opened his eyes, and dimly saw Ah Ci, his son. "God is the master who created the universe and the representative of omnipotence, justice, holiness, and love. Do you think he can accept a blood-stained criminal who killed his relatives and brothers to go to heaven?" Muci said. "The Holy Spirit can convict, repent, and regenerate people..." Yang Yuhua murmured, his eyes were dull and dull. "Are you convicted? Dad." Mu Ci's words were cold. Yang Yuhua was silent for a while, then said, "You hate me, don't you? My child." "Yes. I hate you. Hate, pain, and resentment are all stuffed into my chest, do you understand? I don't even know if I should call you uncle? Or dad?" Muci said.

"You've been calling me Dad for more than 20 years, so you should call me Dad." Yang Yuhua said. "Dad, I don't understand from the beginning to the end, why do you do all kinds of unconscionable things? My biological father, he is your elder brother, my biological mother, she is your sister-in-law, how can you do it for your so-called Prosperity and wealth, you kill your sister-in-law and nephew, burn your brother to burn the house, betray you for wealth, and cooperate with the enemy and betray the country?" "Son, I've always loved you from the beginning to the end." Yang Yuhua said irrelevantly. "You know? Child, that horrible night has been haunting my heart and I can't get rid of it. Nightmares, nightmares follow me everywhere, and I can't fall asleep every night. I think maybe time can dilute everything, including guilt. I keep refusing to remember, I feel pity for you like... like my own child, son, I think, as long as you live healthy, even if we have the Yang family, you can always reduce my crimes, I think To redeem my soul, I want to wash away the blood on my body." "Your sins cannot be washed away, and there is no possibility of redemption." Mo Ci said calmly. "I once thought about killing you. However, I gave up every time, including the pursuit of your brother." "You blew up his consulting room." "That bitch did it." "But you carried out her orders." "Yes. Actually, this is our biggest failure!" "why?" "Because he is too strong. We have created a strong enemy for ourselves." "You didn't estimate my brother's energy." "Yes, we never imagined that a person who was born as a lowly house slave would be so decisive, wise, and powerful in attack and lethality." "Do you regret it?" "Yes." Yang Yuhua said. "So, I thought about death. Death is the best pain reliever." "You wanted to commit suicide, but you chose an innocent woman with a bomb strapped to her body. How can a person be so shameless?" "When the two sides are dead, no one cares who is innocent. Boy." "You admit your guilt, but you refuse to repent?" "There's no escape for me, boy." "You can choose to surrender yourself, take responsibility for the crime, and expose to the whole society the truth of the Yang family's destruction of their homes and houses 20 years ago, exposing the Japanese ambitions of aggression. Even if you die with your body, your soul You can still rest in peace, and those undead souls who have died can sleep peacefully under the Nine Springs." "Impossible." Yang Yuhua's face turned pale. "Impossible, Aci. 'Truth' is something I can never face. Son, you have to save me, save me, son. For twenty years, I have treated you well, son. You have the heart to watch me go Is it a dead end?" "Impossible." Yang Muci said firmly. "Impossible, Dad, you need to face the crimes you have committed. You must give justice to my father who was murdered, my mother who committed suicide, my sister who was bombed to death, and the souls who were burned to death." "I have raised you for more than 20 years, our father and son for more than 20 years, Ah Ci..." "Father!" Ah Ci said sternly: "If my biological father and biological mother were still alive, they would also raise me, cultivate me, love me, and cherish me. You deprived them of their right to love me and Obligation, it is you who cruelly separated our family love. If they, I believe, they will do better than you." Muci's resolute statement made Yang Yuhua feel hopeless. "Son, you know, people are always afraid of death. Just half an hour ago, I mustered up the courage to meet the arm of death, but you destroyed it... Actually, since Yuzhen died, I have been depressed. Widow Huan, your mother is very beautiful. I'm talking about your biological mother. She is a rare beauty in the world. No matter how finely carved her tassel is, she is a 'fake' after all. Tell me, after I die, can I be reborn again? See her?" What Yang Yuhua meant was obvious, he was going to commit suicide. "Son, help me." Yang Yuhua said. "How to help?" "You shot me." "Will you shoot me?" Muci asked back. "Won't." "That's my answer too." Muci said. "Or, you give me the gun." Yang Yuhua's attitude was very sincere. Muci looked into Yang Yuhua's eyes, for one second, two seconds, three seconds, he took out the pistol on his body, turned his back and handed it over. Time seemed to stand still, Mu Ci used his ears instead of eyes, and he listened carefully to Yang Yuhua's uneven breathing. Three seconds, two seconds, one second! "Muci." Yang Yuhua said. "Sorry." Yang Yuhua really changed her mind. Yang Muci looked back, the black muzzle of the gun was aimed at his chest, and Muci was very disappointed. "My brother is outside." Mu Ci said. "After the gunshot, have you thought about your end?" "I didn't intend to kill you, son, but you gave me a chance to be reborn. Yang Muchu will not let you die under my gun. I have you as a bargaining chip. Maybe, I can still have a way out." "Yang Muchu would even use his own woman as bait, would he like a man who has been his father for twenty years?" "Yes. Brothers are like siblings, wives are like clothes. He will save you." "Twenty years ago, didn't you chop off your hands and feet for a piece of clothing?" Yang Yuhua's hands began to tremble. "You don't have any bargaining chips in your hands at all. You listen to my advice, or you can turn yourself in with me, or you can end it yourself. Other than that, there is no other way. I promise, watching you raise 'Enqing' for twenty years, No matter which path you choose, I will respect you, and after you die, I will wear mourning for your coffin." "These two roads are dead ends!" "As soon as a person is born, he walks on the road of death. Don't walk too ugly." "No, I don't want to die now!" "That's up to you!" Mu Ci didn't retreat but advanced, grabbing Yang Yuhua's hand holding the gun with his right hand like a surprise attack.Yang Yuhua turned pale with fright, sweating profusely and pulled the trigger. There was no bullet in the gun at all. Yang Yuhua's expression was extremely panicked. Yang Muci's left palm loosened, and five bullets slipped from his palm. "Our father-son relationship is over." "Ah Ci, listen to me—" Ah Ci turned around and walked forward without any consciousness. At the same time, a group of people rushed past him, and Yang Yuhua's deep hoarse wailing came from behind: "Ah Ci, take care of your sister—— " "Please, Ah—" the platoon of guns rang out.Ah Ci trembled all over, under the sun, the whole courtyard looked quiet and beautiful.Ah Chu, covered in broken shadows of the setting sun, walked towards him. A few meters away, Ah Ci could feel the murderous aura on Ah Chu. Ah Ci walked in front of Ah Chu, his body went limp, and he fell down, Ah Chu hugged him. Ah Ci was hot all over, and his face was bloodless. "Let go of my sister." This was the last sentence Ah Chu wanted to hear, and it was also the last sentence Ah Ci said before he fell into a coma. The lotus lamp hanging from the ceiling is soft in color, and the room is filled with the aroma of plum blossom mixed with the smell of traditional Chinese medicine, filling the warm atmosphere of the family ward. Mu Ci opened his eyes. He felt his body was crispy and soft. It should be due to a high fever. He looked up at the surrounding decorations and knew that he had returned to the residence of Ah Chu Changle Road. He supported himself and leaned towards the head of the bed. Damn, I glanced at the bedside table, and there was actually a crystal iceberg on it. Mu Ci nervously lifted the quilt and sat up. This crystal iceberg was a birthday present given to Mu Ci by his sister Yang Sitong when he was fifteen years old.This crystal iceberg has been kept in my bedroom, how could it suddenly appear in Ah Chu's house? Immediately afterwards, he saw a stack of newspapers neatly placed on the bedside table, and he reached out to read them.There are many types of newspapers, including: "Shenbao", "Shanghai News", "Shenzhen Monthly", "Oriental Magazine", "Anecdote", "News Monthly", etc... Mu Ci knew that Ah Chu used another way to tell himself about the big events that happened on the beach in the past two days.The eye-catching headlines, exaggerated exclamation marks one after another, rushed into Muci's eyes one after another. "Shanghai Bund Financial Tycoon Yang Yubai Killed His Wife Revealed", "Yang's Bank Changed Owners, Suspected as 'Palace Coup'", "Yang Yubai Shot and Resisted Arrest and Was Killed on the Spot", "Yang Yubai, Yang Yubai Photos of the Hua Brothers", "The Mystery of the Burning of the Yang Family's Old House Twenty Years Ago", "The Japanese Spy Baichuan Keiko Suicides in Prison", "Exploring the Secret of the New Owner of the Yang Family", "The Whereabouts of the Yang Family's Daughter Yang Sitong is a Mystery"... Muci's nerves tensed up, he hurriedly put on his shoes, stood up and walked out, his body was light and his steps were erratic.The moment he opened the door, he heard bursts of cheerful laughter from the living room downstairs. The living room was brightly lit, and Ah Chu was chatting with Tang Shao, Yue Chun, and Han Yu. All four of them were full of joy. They had probably just had dinner, and they talked freely after dinner. There was no problem at all, but they just went around. They all fell on Ah Chu's head, one by one witty words, constantly triggering "colorful" conversations, and laughter was everywhere. Standing on the stairs, Mu Ci suddenly saw a beautiful figure in a plain flower cheongsam, hiding behind the pillar of the building. Needless to say, he also knew it was Yashu. "Ah Chu is now sweeping away the haze, regaining control of the world, killing the stock market, silver buildings, and industrial and commercial manufacturing. His future is limitless." Tang Shao said. "Not only is the shopping mall proud, Ah Chu is also proud of the love scene." Yuechun said. "How do you say that?" Han Yu asked. "Ah Chu decided to marry a wife." Yuechun said. "Who?" Tang Shaoming asked knowingly. "Oh, it's a long story." Yuechun said: "That handsome Gege also had something to do with Mr. Tang." "He Yashu." Han Yu replied. "Achu, you have always advocated the Confucian tradition. According to Confucianism, marrying a wife is for virtue, and concubine for sex. Ah Chu, are you marrying for virtue? Or for sex?" Tang Shao asked tricky questions. "According to what you said, all virtuous women have lost their beauty?" Ah Chu protested. "It's taken out of context." "Young Master Tang, don't let him change the topic midway. You just ask him, 'Friend's wife, don't bully'?" Xia Yuechun reminded. "That's right, it's a different story if you're a feudal defender, but you're yourself." Young Master Tang said. "I've been wronged. Has Mr. Tang ever been married to a matchmaker?" Ah Chu refused. "My family gave a bride price, and her family received a bride price." Tang Shao smiled. "It's unconventional for you to win love with a knife." Yuechun said. "The Confucian tradition is for self-encouragement." Ah Chu had no choice but to feint. "Everyone has heard that, he is not self-disciplined." Yue Chun teased blindly. "You haven't looked into his heart yet, so it turned out that he spoke against his will in the past. Now, there is only one way to deal with this kind of duplicity. We invite Miss Yashu to come downstairs and ask him to confess his love to his face and kneel down to propose marriage." "Have you watched the civilized drama too much?" Ah Chu smiled and pushed Yuechun. "It is our duty to weed out the strong and help the weak." Tang Shao supported Yuechun's suggestion. "That's right, if you want Mrs. Tang not to pursue it, you must invite Ms. Yashu to come down and talk about your free love history." Han Yu helped. "You guys are simply 'parties and dissidents'." Ah Chu purposely exclaimed. "Be careful of my revenge!" "Wow! Do you still dare to take revenge? You are now at the end of your strength, and you still dare to be arrogant?" Yuechun said. "Yuechun, you're the one making waves today." Ah Chu said. "Is this what you said? Be careful I tell some stories..." "Do you have a story to listen to?" Tang Shao became interested. "There are so many stories, such as exotic customs, running every night in the rain, the legacy of jade bracelets, encounters on the dance floor..." "Dean Xia, Dean Xia, Young Master Xia, Master Xia." Ah Chu called out repeatedly, stood up with a smile and bowed. "We don't care, Miss Yashu must come down to save you." Yue Chun laughed. "Ya Shu has a thin face, Master Xia, please forgive me." Ah Chu said. "I think Ah Chu must be a fearful person in the future." Young Master Tang smiled strangely. "It's not that he's afraid of internal affairs, but he can't stop. He loves deeply and affectionately, and even a hundred steel refiners have to be turned into soft fingers." Yuechun said. When Mu Ci heard this, he silently looked at Yashu. I saw Yashu biting the corner of the silk handkerchief at the corner of her mouth, holding the two corners of the silk handkerchief with both hands, smiling lightly, infinite happiness overflowed from the corners of her eyebrows and eyes, a wisp of spring spirit, twirling softly around the silk handkerchief, full of affection Nostalgia. "Have you made an appointment?" Han Yu asked. "The sixth day of next month." Ah Chu replied. "Achu, before you get married, I want you to have a final choice." Han Yu said. "What do you mean?" Ah Chu asked. "Ah Hui has a letter from France." Han Yu took out a letter from his pocket. Ah Chu was slightly taken aback. "New love, old love, how do you choose?" Yue Chun said. The three of them silently watched Ah Chu's expression. "Ah Hui's letter was not sent to me, so I don't need to read it." Ah Chu said. "Although Ah Hui's letter was sent to me, she asked me to forward it to you. There is a saying: entrusted by others, it is a matter of life." "Being entrusted by others is a matter of life. Well, you give it to me." Ah Chu took the letter from Han Yu. "Please, Mr. Tang, a lighter." While handing over the lighter, Shao Tang said, "You can think about it, one is the fairy flower of Yaochi, and the other is the fallen flower in the world of mortals." "I'm a mediocre person." Ah Chu lit the lighter and burned the letter. A piece of incense paper was instantly turned into smoke and dust. There were sparse applause in the living room. "Sure enough, I've made up my mind." Young Master Tang said. "It should be said: It turns out that Lang's heart is like iron." Yuechun added. "I lost." Han Yu said dejectedly. "I told you not to bet too much." Yue Chun said. "Pay out, pay out." Tang Shao urged Han Yu to take the money. "Okay, why don't you bet? Gamble with this." Ah Chu suddenly realized. "No wonder, today one has a strange yin and yang, one is cunning, and one is born out of nothing." He threw paper ashes on Han Yu, and Han Yu hid with a smile. Tang Shao laughed and lost his temper. "Let me be fair. Although the letter is fake, the heart is true. It seems that Ms. Yashu is really Ah Chu's true destiny." Yuechun said. "The so-called: in the smoke and dust of the previous affair..." "May you take pity on the person in front of you." Young Master Tang answered. "But you must cherish the jade in your arms..." Han Yu pointed to Ah Chu. "I said before that I am a mediocre person, so I will continue with the most vulgar words: spend a good month and have a happy family." After Ah Chu said, the three cheered. At this moment, Yashu has mixed feelings. In Yashu's ears, Ah Chu's words are full of love.From this moment, from this moment, she not only gained Ah Chu's love, but also his heart. Love will no longer be separated from now on; heart is a complete heart. From then on, we will love each other for a lifetime and never lose each other! Ya Shu thought about it, lost her mind, looked back slowly, suddenly found Mu Ci's gaze, blushed unconsciously, turned and left. "Ah Chu, when do you plan to officially go home?" Tang Shao asked. "Let's wait for Ah Ci to recover, he has had a severe fever these two days." Ah Chu said. "Where's Rong'er? Why didn't you come out?" Young Master Tang was very concerned about his students. "I sent him abroad." Ah Chu said. "When did you leave?" Young Master Tang was surprised. "The day before yesterday. I wanted to go abroad to relax. It would be good for him. This kid is very scheming, and there is a girl hidden in the Yunxiang Pavilion." Ah Chu's words revealed dissatisfaction with Young Master Tang. "What's none of my business?" Young Master Tang was not happy. "I asked you to teach him some aristocratic demeanor, but it's good for you, just teach him some romance." Ah Chu said. "He's gone, what about Yang Sitong?" Tang Shao asked. Muci's attention was all focused on this moment. "What does Yang Sitong have to do with us?" Ah Chu said. "After all, she is Mu Ci's younger sister." Yue Chun said. "You have the right to do good deeds." "That's right, she's crazy. Could it be possible to send her to a mental hospital?" Tang Shao said. "Be more generous and take her in, and you will get a good reputation." "Thank you, I don't like to pursue a cheap reputation." Ah Chu said. "This sentence is like what he said." Young Master Tang said. "Ah Chu's stubborn temper is annoying." "Where is my sister?" The living room suddenly fell silent, and all eyes were on Mu Ci.Muci walked down the stairs slowly, his body was obviously still a little weak, and his face was ugly. "Where is my sister?" Muci still said the same thing. The living room was silent. "Who are you talking to?" Ah Chu said solemnly. "Don't tell me that when you grow up so big, Yang Yuhua never taught you how to be superior and inferior." The three of them looked at the expressions of the two brothers. Muci's lips were chapped, and he pursed his lips subconsciously. Ah Chu sat down consciously and stared at Muci. "I said, let's be friends first." Mu Ci said. "Friend? What kind of friend? A friend who is treacherous? Or a friend who can be used?" Ah Chu asked. "I want to know where my sister is? Is there something wrong?" Muci's voice became louder, anxiously causing him to be excited. "Who is your sister?" Ah Chu's voice was low and deep. "I beg you." Muci said. "I dare not take it." Ah Chu said. Since childhood, Mu Ci has never been willing to accept such anger, let alone in front of Young Master Tang whom he despises the most.Without saying a word, he turned around and wanted to leave, but he heard Ah Chu's low voice. "Where are you going?" "Go home." Muci said. As soon as Mu Ci finished saying the word "go home", there was a sneer from Mr. Tang behind him. "I forgot to tell you that I have already bought the Yang Mansion." Ah Chu said flatly. "It's being renovated now, and you won't be able to enter even if you go." Muci stopped. The scene was completely deadlocked.Master Tang relied on his acquaintance with Muci in the past, so he came to smooth things over. "Brothers are like flying geese, sit down and talk about what you have to say. Don't be sharp...As a younger brother, you should know that your elder brother is like a father. Besides, you are poor now, you just died a rich father, and another one came." Big brother rich man, you are blessed. Don’t you want to be a ready-made young master and become a beggar instead?” It’s really true. Muci sneered. "Being a beggar is a hundred times better than being a drug addict." The so-called: beat people without slapping people in the face, and curse people without revealing their faults.Young Master Tang hated being called a "junkie", let alone being ridiculed in front of his friends. "What did you say?" Young Master Tang growled angrily. "Do you think you are great? You recognize a thief as your father..." "Forget about Young Master Tang." Han Yu persuaded. "He is a member of the detective department and has privileges." "My Yang family's family affairs, it's not your turn to scream like wolves!" Mu Ci said. "Who is the owl? Who is the wolf?" Ah Chu asked coldly. Muci remained silent. "I'm asking you something. Who is the owl? Who is the wolf?" Ah Chu waited quietly. "Show me." Mu Ci's high fever had just subsided, his heart was anxious, and his body was cold. He was chased by Ah Chu indifferently, his ears were red with anger, his knees were sore, and he couldn't stop sweating. "Ah Chu, forget it." Yue Chun spoke. "Muci is also a brother and sister, so why make him sad?" "It's not that I don't give you face, Yuechun." Ah Chu said. "Everyone in this room is a guest invited by me, Yang Muchu, including you. Ah Ci is my younger brother. He can disrespect me, but he can't disrespect my friend." Ah Chu turned to Mu Ci and said, "I Let me tell you now, among the four people here, including me, three of them performed surgery for you and saved your life, and one of them took in your so-called 'sister' Yang Sitong. After your family collapsed, your sister All the friends avoided seeing her, only Tang Shao drove her to Tang's house to live temporarily, and found that she lived with Tang Shao's younger sister." Mu Ci's heart hung in his throat and finally fell to the ground instantly. "I'll give you two options now, first: apologize immediately; second: leave my house and be like a passer-by from now on." Muci was embarrassed.But with Si Tong's whereabouts, he was relieved, looking around, the people in the seat were all related to him, why should he stubbornly compete with Ah Chu, let alone, Ah Chu was his elder brother originally.So, he turned around and approached Young Master Tang. "I'm sorry, Mr. Tang." Muci said. Tang Shao let out a "hum", which is considered to be an answer. "Come." Yue Chun took the initiative to come over and give Mu Ci a hand, and he handed over the teacup on the coffee table to Mu Ci. "It's two brothers after all. Young Master Tang is right. Brothers fly like geese. Come here, toast your elder brother with a cup of tea, and call him elder brother. What's the matter?" Muci was almost pushed by Yuechun in front of Ah Chu, he mechanically handed over the teacup, he didn't speak, and Ah Chu didn't pick it up, the scene suddenly turned cold. Muci was like a bone-throated throat, and called out very awkwardly: "Brother, drink tea." Originally, Ah Chu was not a person who was used to Weifu, but when he saw Mu Ci's humble attitude towards him in front of his friends, his heart ached a bit.Without saying a word, he took the teacup from Mu Ci's hand gently, and then stepped down from the stage. "Okay, from now on the brothers are in harmony, don't hold grudges." Yuechun said. "Obviously the gongs and drums of 'Wuchang' were played, but Dr. Xia changed them to 'Wenchang', which made us miss a good show." Tang Shao said. Everyone understood and smiled.
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