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Chapter 10 Chapter Nine: The Opener is the Closer

one touch 张勇 5534Words 2018-03-22
The door was pushed open. The strange thing is that there is no Buddha in the Buddhist hall, but a big yellow photo.In the photo is a beautiful and cute little baby, holding a rattle in his hand and opening a pair of clear big eyes.Fragrant fruits and flowers are piled up here, and a black spirit card stands under the baby's photo, reminding the baby of the unfortunate early death.Ah Chu unconsciously approached the incense table, raised his head and stared at the baby, when his gaze scanned the spirit card from top to bottom, his heart couldn't help but constrict.There are a few gold-plated characters "Yang Muchu's Spiritual Tablet" written on the tablet.This strange photo and deceitful spirit card made Ah Chu inexplicably terrified, as if he was the dead baby, and he couldn't help but want to touch the smooth and clean face of the baby.

"Don't touch him!" A woman's cold shout seemed to come from hell.Ah Chu instinctively shuddered.Ah Chu turned his head and saw a woman wrapped in black with a black veil on her head standing in front of him.The woman was about forty years old, with a cold face, which made people feel uncomfortable no matter how they looked at it. "Who are you?" The woman shuddered unconsciously after seeing Ah Chu's face clearly. "I'm sorry, I went the wrong way." Ah Chu tried his best to put on a smile on his face to show politeness. "I ask who are you?"

"I'm a guest of Yang's family." Ah Chu explained: "I'm here to attend Ms. Yang's birthday party. I... I didn't pay attention for a while, and I went astray. The house is indeed too big..." The woman couldn't As he spoke, his eyeballs kept moving up and down around Ah Chu. Ah Chu felt embarrassed and regretted that he should not go by feeling. "You? You are from the family...?" Ah Chu hoped that she would take the initiative to answer. "I'm Mrs. Yang." "Mrs. Yang?" Ah Chu thought he had heard wrong.Subconsciously asked again: "Are you Miss Yang Sitong's mother?"

"yes." "Then... isn't today your daughter's birthday? Why... are you dressed like this?" Mrs. Yang was silent. Ah Chu felt that he was talking too much, so he forced a smile and said, "I'm sorry, I was abrupt." "You must be very curious. It's my daughter's birthday, but my mother is dressed like a ghost." Mrs. Yang took out a cigarette from the cigarette box and asked Ah Chu: "Do you smoke? Just get one." "No thanks, I don't smoke." Mrs. Yang put the cigarette in her mouth and was about to take out the lighter. Ah Chu naturally took out the lighter from his pocket first and lit the cigarette for Mrs. Yang.

Mrs. Yang squinted at the lighter and said, "British." "Yes." Ah Chu replied. "Have you ever been to England?" "Yes, England for eight years." "Then you're coming back?" "Home in Shanghai." When Ah Chu said "home", Mrs. Yang raised her head. "You don't smoke, but you carry a lighter with you?" Ah Chu smiled and did not respond. Mrs. Yang took a puff of cigarette, sighed slightly, and said, "Today is my son's memorial day." After she finished speaking, she suddenly laughed and looked up at the photo of the baby. "Look how handsome he is."

This is a sad mother, Ah Chu thought.The daughter's birthday is actually the son's memorial day, this kind of birthday is fine.However, the Yang family put on a big show to celebrate their daughter's birthday. Isn't there anyone who cares about the mother's feelings? "The dead are dead, don't be too sad." "Which family are you from? I don't know Sitong's friends. Why have I never seen you before?" Ah Chu didn't answer directly, he casually took out the business card he had just printed and offered it with both hands.And use his adept social skills to detour and change. "My name is Achu. I just came back from England. I'm a doctor and work in Tongji Hospital. It's my first time here. It's a pleasure to meet Mrs. Yang."

After a brief conversation with Mrs. Yang, Ah Chu politely bid farewell to Mrs. Yang.After he left the gloomy Buddhist hall, he felt extremely relaxed like a prisoner who had been bound for many years and broke free from his shackles. It's so abnormal.Ah Chu thought. He seems to be familiar with everything here, but when he approaches or touches, he will feel heaviness, and his thoughts will be lost. He does not want to search for the "truth" in the dark, he is afraid of carrying the dark death on his back.Like the baby in that photo. He wants to go back to reality.Real life scenes will make you feel safe, because there is a "raw" warmth.When Ah Chu took a shortcut and walked familiarly back to the brightly lit hall, something very unexpected happened to him.

A young master reeking of alcohol forcibly held Rong Rong's hand, babbling nonsense, Rong Rong screamed, and everyone in the hall tried to persuade him, including Yang Sitong who also stopped angrily. It turned out that the person who went crazy by drinking was none other than Tang Shaoli, Tang Shaoqi's older brother Tang Shaoli, who was betrothed to the eldest lady and Yashan of the Manchu Qing Dynasty's old and young, and the family, and had a romantic relationship with him.This person was originally a playboy with all the "five poisons". Relying on the blessing of his father's generation, he relied on several antique shops to make a living.He is a well-known dandy in the circle, and he still considers himself "Mr. Yihong" and pretends to be affectionate.

Bannerman Hejia was originally an unattainable royal nobleman, but as time passed, Hejia's economic status was directly impacted by his political status, and he became a dilapidated household.Fortunately, the starving camel is bigger than the horse, has a "family status" escort, and has two beautiful daughters, so he will not worry about marrying a rich family. Therefore, Tang's family went to propose marriage with his family, and it was a matter of course. Unexpectedly, the eldest lady and Ya Shan disagreed and eloped with a poor student in the middle of the night.The He family lost a big living, and the Tang family lost a lot of face.

In order to restore the reputation of the two families, Hejia decided to marry the second lady and Yashu on their behalf, and Hejia and Tang's family are still in-laws.However, "good things take time", the second young lady refused to marry into the Tang family, saying that young master Tang had a notorious reputation and a romantic nature.Besides, he is engaged to his sister, so he is brother-in-law.How can my sister-in-law marry my brother-in-law?Disorderly.The second lady's words were plausible, and the Tang family was speechless.Originally, Young Master Tang didn't have much interest in this pair of wooden sisters, but since the newspaper, the scene of Rongsheng, the richest man in the pharmaceutical industry, returning to China and meeting Yashu, was vividly written, what kind of underground lover, what kind of affectionate embrace, He also played up Miss Tang's failure to propose a marriage, which made Young Master Tang feel ashamed, and vowed to marry the girl from He's family back as his wife. If nothing else, he couldn't swallow this breath!

Unfortunately, seeing Rong Rong here today, Tang Shaoli used alcohol to make trouble. Tang Shaoqi was afraid of making things worse, so he took the brunt of the fight. "Brother, let go." Tang Shaoqi desperately tugged at Tang Shaoli's collar. "Let go? Why let go? You should ask her brother to let go, Young Master Rong to let go. Why should he occupy my woman? Is he richer than me? Or more powerful than me?" Tang Shaoli roared. "What are you doing!" Ah Chu stepped forward to protect Rongrong. "He was drunk." Si Tong explained. Rongrong finally hoped for a savior, and called Ah Chu loudly. "Heroes save the beauty? Ah? Heroes save the beauty! Ah Chu? I know who you are! I, Young Master Tang, know your details!" Tang Shaoli poked his forehead with his finger sneeringly, and pointed at Ah Chu drunkenly. "I know who you are? Young master of the Rong family? I've read about you in the newspapers, and I've seen through you. Do you want to expose your true colors in front of everyone?" Ah Chu sneered. "What do you want to say? Just say it." "Okay, that's what you said. Everyone come and see, look, this impostor! This low-class person pretending to be a nobleman. He is the servant of the young master of the Rong family. A poor wretch who pretends to be a nobleman dares to be high-sounding." No, you just sneaked in, Rongrong, you really know how to 'play', and you play very well. Your brother robbed my wife, and you, messing around with the servants..." Before the words finished, Rongrong raised his hand to slapped him. "It's an insult to me to talk to a shallow and vulgar person like you! Now I know why the two sisters from the He family refused to marry you. A scum like you doesn't deserve to have a family at all." "Rongrong, you are too much." Tang Shaoqi began to defend his brother. "Bringing a low-class person to a high-class party is a disrespect to the owner and a collective insult to the high-class society. You still say what you say..." "Shut up!" Ah Chu became angry in front of a woman for the first time in his life. "Be careful with your dentures falling out." "You dare to mock me, make fun of me." Tang Shaoqi screamed.It is extremely mean behavior to satirize a woman's appearance in front of a group of women. "Sitong, this inferior person dares to insult me ​​in public!" "Sir, please watch your words and deeds." Yang Sitong was in a very bad mood, his birthday party was messed up by these lunatics. "Miss, so far, I haven't offered a single disrespectful word. However, human patience has a limit. It is not a great honor for me to come to today's party. If it is because of me that caused today's I'm not happy, I apologize to you, Miss, after all, today is your birthday. However, I think he should apologize to Miss Rong for all the hateful words and deeds of this gentleman." Ah Chu said. "However, Young Master Tang is a rebel. For a rebel, his weird words and deeds are forgivable." Yang Sitong obviously favored the Tang family. "A person who has no concept of good and evil is not worthy of being a 'rebel' at all!" Ah Chu said contemptuously. "Miss, I am very sorry for your deliberate favoritism. Let's go, Rong Rong, there is no need to feel sorry or guilty for others' vulgarity and depravity." "Don't even think about leaving!" Tang Shaoli rushed towards Rongrong like a tiger. "Let go!" Ah Chu shouted loudly. "Desire...is not a matter of good and evil. Haven't you heard that desire is hard to fill?" Tang Shaoli not only did not let go, but pressed his whole body up. "Desire drives people to do evil. Desire is not wrong, why every woman wants to possess the entire soul of her man, no, it is the body. Selfish, unwilling to share love. Therefore, women are betrayed and abandoned by men mercilessly. Why does love Can't have flaws? Incomplete love is the most beautiful." "You're crazy!" Rongrong began to curse. Ah Chu forcefully pulled Tang Shaoli's hand away from Rongrong's body.Tang Shaoli's wine-colored body softened, and he was thrown to the ground by Ah Chu. "Too uncivilized!" Tang Shaoli sat up straight on the spot. "Rough! Inferior people! Don't think that if I lose the two sisters and my family, I will take a step back and downgrade. No, it is absolutely impossible. I, Tang Shaoli, just turned into wind, turned into ashes, grew into moss, and became Once planted, that is also a superior person, and in front of you, that is also a towering tree!" "What is a high-class person? Are there still nobles? Aixinjueluo has also changed his surname to Jin. Which onion are you?" Ah Chu's words were very peaceful, but very bitter. "You, Tang Shaoli, have turned into wind, turned into ashes, grown into moss, and changed the seeds. You are still an upstart. The grass in the greenhouse can't be seen by the sun, so why talk about towering trees? Rongrong, let's go, let's go again If I stay for one more minute, I feel disgusted. Excuse me." Ah Chu pulled Rong Rong straight to the door, with his head held high, like a knight taking away his beloved girl. "It's really embarrassing to throw it home." Yang Sitong rushed upstairs angrily. "Sitong, wait for me." Tang Shaoqi followed closely to accompany him, leaving a group of bored guests in the gorgeous hall. Rong Rong was almost dragged out of the ground by Ah Chu. Ah Chu thought she was slow, so he simply picked her up and walked to the parking lot. The waiter opened the car door for him, and Ah Chu threw Rong Rong away. Get on the co-driver, get in the car by yourself, and start the car.Seeing that his face was frosty, Rongrong didn't dare to tell a joke.Along the way, neither of them spoke.When they got home, they found that one of Rongrong's crystal shoes was missing. "What should I do?" Rong Rong said with a bitter face. "How do you tell Fourth Aunt? She likes these shoes the most." "I'll go tell my godmother," Ah Chu said. Ah Chu bit the bullet, took a crystal shoe to see the fourth wife, and he tactfully described the process of losing the shoe.In short, he was not careful, and he was wrong. Next time, he will find a way to get the shoes back, and ask the fourth wife for forgiveness and so on. "Is it true that the Yang family lost it?" The fourth wife asked the same question repeatedly, she seemed not interested in the loss of the shoes, what she cared about was the place where the shoes were left. "It's the Yang family." Ah Chu said with certainty. "you promise?" "Absolutely." "Excellent." An elusive smile bloomed on the fourth wife's face. "It's better than I imagined. Thank you, Chu." Ah Chu felt that the fourth wife's words were unimaginable, and made him fall into a cloud... Yang Yubai, an out-and-out adventurer, a businessman who experienced the collapse of the late Qing Dynasty, a banker in the dangerous era when the powers carve up China, and a person with profound cultural connotation.He thinks he can understand the trend of the world economy. When the country is in trouble and weakened, when the Japanese economic and military threats are imminent, he can still deal with it calmly and become a pillar on the economic stage. This is the happiest place in his life. His bedroom is decorated in an antique style, full of romantic colors that are very different from his age. He was no longer used to the hall full of guests and talking loudly.Therefore, he hid in his small private space to look for some ethereal phantoms, which were the shadows of the woman he liked.Sensitivity and weakness from the heart always plagued his secretive world. While Yang Yubai was enjoying the quiet moment, Mrs. Yang came.She wore a thin spring shirt, her face was heavily powdered, and she wore two clogs on her feet. "Sir, I'm here." She bowed humbly at ninety degrees, and Yang Yubai could clearly see the golden threads of red velvet on her hair.He bought it for her more than twenty years ago. "You don't have to bow your knees like this." Yang Yubai said. "I want to use my special way to express my love for my husband." Her voice was soft and soft, unlike someone who was nearly fifty years old.However, Yang Yubai felt very uncomfortable when he heard it. "I hate the way you bow." Yang Yubai was very rude. "I thought you liked it." "That was in the past. Yingzi." "Finally willing to call my name." Mrs. Yang was very excited. "I've waited for this day for too long. Let's stop torturing each other. Forget it. Forget about the so-called resentment. Resentment will make you selfish, narrow and ugly." "Aren't I selfish, narrow-minded, and ugly enough? What did we do twenty years ago? It's outrageous! In the past twenty years, I have been tossing and turning in the abyss of pain. I, I even raised my own son for more than twenty years. What else can I do if I dare not confront you head-on? What else can I do for you?" "You can be my man." "Your face! Your face keeps reminding me and telling me that I am a sinner who has done a lot of evil." "My face was sacrificed for you." She impulsively took Yang Yubai's hand, letting his hand stroke her pale cheek. "My face has been working hard to help you cover up the truth. Isn't it?" "The truth cannot be concealed." Yang Yubai withdrew his hand. "Actually, you haven't touched me for more than ten years, I'm a woman!" she yelled hoarsely. "I am your woman!" "I've never denied it." Yang Yubai responded coldly. "Then prove it to me!" Mrs. Yang took off her pajamas abruptly. Although her youth has passed away, her skin is still smooth and delicate due to excessive maintenance.However, in Yang Yubai's eyes, the white pores would always overflow with scarlet blood. For many years, he never told her that he could no longer touch women. Whenever he looked at a woman's body, he would see blood, and he was afraid that he would suffer from schizophrenia. "I don't need to use love to prove my loyalty to you. I have already paid the most painful price in the world for you! You think that I let you live lonely and lonely, and I use your body to condemn and liquidate you. You Wrong, I don't touch you because I'm afraid I'll hurt you." "You said it very nicely, but I don't believe it. I know, you love her!" "No!" "You never got her! You killed her!" "No!" Yang Yubai's eyes turned red like a trapped animal. "I'll tell you, let me tell you a secret, a piece of good news that you've been dreaming of. They're not dead! They've always been alive!" Mrs. Yang's face seemed to be torn apart in an instant, revealing an extremely uncoordinated hideous expression. "You're talking nonsense!" Yang Yubai roared. "I saw him." "Him? Who is he?" "Your other 'son'. The 'son' who gave you nightmares for twenty years, the one you told me was dead. I saw him, I saw him, I can't believe it..." "no, I can not……" "There is no such realistic picture, just like his father!" Yang Yubai sat on the sofa limply, his forehead was sweating. "They are all alive, they are like rats in the trench, hiding in dark corners, waiting for the right time, chewing on our flesh, drinking our blood, they have waited for more than twenty years, do you think they will let it go?" "You're alarmist." "This man must die." "We don't know who he is yet." "I have his business card here. If you don't believe me, go see the doctor yourself. Maybe, the stubborn disease can be eradicated." Yang Yubai lost the slightest fighting spirit, he took the business card from Yingzi's hand. "There is one more thing that I think you will be interested in." At some point, Mrs. Yang picked up a shoe in her hand. When Yang Yubai saw this shoe, his expression changed drastically, he was extremely panicked and terrified. That is a beautiful crystal slipper. "You have a good memory and you still recognize this thing." "Where did you get it?" "On the lawn at home." "A strange coincidence, a strange coincidence." Yang Yubai murmured to himself. "Ghost trick! It's a ghost trick." "She's here?" Yang Yubai's pupils were almost bursting. "It should be, the 'ghost' is here." Mrs. Yang said in a gloomy and ambiguous way, her ghostly eyes were shining like will-o'-the-wisp phosphorescence.
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