Home Categories modern novel Xiaoai

Chapter 6 six

Xiaoai 张爱玲 8502Words 2018-03-22
She was probably tired from going to the hospital that day, but her condition became a little worse.I bought a bottle of that medicine and took it, but it didn't work. Of course, I couldn't go for a follow-up visit. She also listened to the firecrackers celebrating the victory from her pillow.Less than half a month after the victory, Jin Huai received a letter.He said that he hadn't received a letter from home for more than a year, and he was very worried when he heard that the letter was unreasonable, and he didn't know how the situation at home was.It is very difficult to buy a boat ticket now, and he will come back as soon as he buys a boat ticket.

One day when Axiu came to visit, Xiaoai had suspected because of Axiu that Jin Huai might have a woman there, and now she showed Axiu the letter from Jin Huai, showing a smug expression.But after talking about it, he became sad again and said: "I'm afraid I won't get better from this illness, but no matter what, I will wait for him to come back and meet him before I die." Then he cried.Axiu said: "How can you say such a thing when you are young. You will die somewhere, just take care of yourself." Xiao Ai never imagined that the boat ticket would be so difficult to buy. Jin Huai waited for a full year in Chongqing, and this last year was the most anxious because she felt wronged.

The day Jin Huai came back was one night, under the dim electric light, it was like a dream.Jin Huai was still wearing the same clothes he had worn, and they were already in tatters, looking very embarrassed.Mrs. Feng saw how thin he was, and because it was too late that day, there was no time to buy anything to eat, so she planned to cook two dishes for him the next day.Early the next morning, I went shopping with Jin Fu's wife. Since Xiao Ai fell ill, life at home has become even more difficult. It is considered good to have food. Usually it is either mustard or pickled vegetables. On this day, I made a big bowl of braised pork and stewed a pot of soup.Jin Huai went to his cousin's place that morning, and they left him for dinner, so he didn't come back for lunch.The dishes cooked at home were prepared to be eaten at night. Because of the hot weather, they were placed in a ventilated place, and she was afraid that the children would run around and break the bowls. Granny Feng was worried and moved the two bowls of vegetables to the top of the cabinet. , I was afraid that it would be boring, so I went to take it down again, and put it to the east and then to the west.

Xiao Ai lay on the bed and said with a smile: "It smells delicious." Mrs. Feng smiled and said: "It's really a happy event, and your appetite is also whetted, so it's about to be healed. You also get up today, go down and eat A little bit." Jintao Jinhai also came, and the meal tonight seemed to have the meaning of a reunion dinner, Xiao Ai got up with support, combed her hair, and went downstairs to sit at the dinner table for a while.The children of Jinfu had already sat down in the lower group, and when Mrs. Feng brought the dishes, she smiled at the children: "Don't grab the meat as hard as you can, now we are all eating 'vegetarian stomachs', and we will eat later." I’m not used to the meat and I’ll have loose bowels.” As I was talking, I suddenly heard a rustling sound above my head, followed by a soft “beep” sound. It turned out that the limestone on their ceiling often fell down in large pieces. Suddenly, a large piece of lime fell down and was falling into the vegetable bowl.Everyone was stunned for a moment.After a moment of silence, Jin Huai was the first to laugh, and everyone laughed.Only Xiao Ai laughed the loudest, because she was so happy today, no matter what, Jin Huai finally came back.

Jin Huai came back this time with a gloomy mood. After going to the mainland for the past few years, he saw many things that made him discouraged. Corruption, speculation and hoarding led by the top, there is no such thing as "resistance to the war and founding the country" The weather was so bad that there was no war there at all.Now it is considered victory in a daze, but civil war is starting again. I really feel that the future is uncertain and unimaginable.He didn't say these words to Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai just felt that he didn't like talking about current affairs as much as before.

As soon as he came back, he looked for work, and within a few days, he went to work in a small printing office. He looked very anxious about Xiaoai's illness, and he must have forced her to find a doctor.On this day, he specially asked for leave to accompany her. The doctor examined her and said that it was metritis. Not only was it hopeless to have children, but her life was in danger.Surgery naturally requires a lot of money.When the two heard this, it was like a thunderbolt struck the top.I would like to ask a few more questions, but the nurse had already ushered in another patient, which clearly meant to chase away the patient, so I had no choice but to stand up and walk out.

Back home, Xiao Ai was lying on the attic, and everyone had dinner downstairs. Jin Huai finished eating alone, then went to the attic, poured a glass of boiling water from a thermos bottle, and sat down opposite her, holding a cup of water. Cup, knocking fingernails on the glass, making a sound.After a long while, I just said to myself: "What should I do? The operation costs so much, where can I find a solution?" Xiao Ai turned over and looked at him and said, "Don't worry, I don't want to have an operation either. " Jin Huai was stunned, because he said: "Don't be afraid, many people have surgery, there is no danger at all." Xiao Ai said: "I'm not afraid, I don't want to have surgery." Jin Huai said: "Why? What about it?" After asking this question, she came to understand, she must be thinking that if the uterus is removed, there is absolutely no hope of having children, and if the delay continues like this, if the disease gets better in the future, maybe she will return. It is okay to have small children.He then said, "It's still about your own health. Didn't the doctor say that it's dangerous not to have surgery?"

Xiao Ai didn't answer.Jin Huai was also thinking about what to argue with her at this time. Anyway, he didn't have the money to do surgery. It seemed that the debate was a bit pointless, so he didn't say any more.Seeing her sad face, he sat on the edge of her bed, trying to comfort her.As soon as he sat on a handkerchief of hers, he picked it up casually and was about to throw it to her pillow, but when he picked up the handkerchief, it turned out to be a wet and cold ball.She must have been crying upstairs alone just now, and she has been crying for a long time. He was silent for a while, and then said: "If you don't want it, you still can't think about it. I don't care if you have children or not. As long as you are in good health." Xiao Ai turned over and fell asleep, and did not make a sound for a long time.After a long time, I choked up and said: "No, I am nothing else, I only hate myself for having this disease, you have already suffered enough, I am so immortal, I can't do anything, and it drags you down even more Dead." Jin Huai stretched out his hand to stroke her hair, and said, "Don't think so." After saying this, he heard the creaking of the ladder outside, and someone came upstairs, so he didn't say anything. what.

Since Jin Huai came back, Jin Fu's wife took the children back to the countryside to avoid suspicion because of her uncle-sister relationship.At this time, Jin Fu was still building a store in Mr. Wu's line, so he discussed with Mr. Wu and lived in the office at night.Only Mrs. Feng and their husband and wife were left here in Jinhuai, and he suddenly felt clear.When Jin Fu's children were here, they cried all day long, and Xiao Ai was sick and lying on the bed. The patients were most afraid of being annoying, so they couldn't help but think they were annoying, but now that they are gone, I don't know why I miss them. them.

Now there are two people in the family, they are old and sick, Jin Huai also feels that the house is deserted when he comes back at night.Although Jin Huai said that he didn't mind having no children at all, she knew that he wanted to have a child just like her.When people reach middle age, they can't help feeling this way. There is a little girl downstairs in the Sun family who is very lively and cute. Jin Huai always likes to tease her. Later Xiao Ai said to him: "Don't mess with her, her mother is very snobbish and looks down on us people." Jin Huai After hearing this, he also kept his mind and stopped teasing the child.One day when he came home, he smiled and told Xiao Ai:

"Just now I met that child from the Sun family outside. There was a dog in the alley. She was too scared to come over. I told her not to be afraid, and I took her along. I said, look, it doesn't bite you, she Say, "I was going to come over just now, and it was yelling at me there. '" He thought it was very funny. She said that the dog "yelled" at her, told Xiaoai, and then told Mrs. Feng. Once he came back, he told them a joke. There was a shoe-shine booth at the entrance of their alley. The leather shoe owner saw the child from the Sun family running by, played with her, and asked her if she needed to polish the shoes. She twisted her neck, raised her face, and said, "How can cotton shoes be polished? "Jin Huai seemed to think that she answered very cleverly. Seeing him like that, Xiao Ai was very disappointed. She always felt sorry for him because she couldn't have a child. She has been sick in bed, let her mother-in-law take care of her, and she feels uneasy in her heart, and Mrs. Feng has beriberi, so she can't move around much. Xiao Ai seems to be better now, so she gets up and works as usual.One day when Axiu came to see her, Axiu's husband had already returned from the mainland and brought another woman to Shanghai, so Axiu divorced him and formally married the man she was with.Axiu recounted the process of her divorce, but her reason for coming today was because she was thinking about Xiao Ai's illness. She heard that there was a "little master" somewhere who was very effective in curing diseases, so she persuaded Xiao Ai to ask for help. A prescription, I didn't know she was healed.When Xiao Ai heard that the "little master" was so good, she felt moved, thinking that if her disease could be cured to get rid of the root cause, she might have children.Once upon a time, someone in the upstairs second landlord's house was sick and invited a woman who looked after incense, and Xiao Ai watched her practice.At least this kind of person doesn't give her an inferiority complex like a doctor.These people are used to defrauding the hard-earned money of the poor, and they don't despise even the small amount. Unlike ordinary doctors, treating the poor is always like giving alms, with the face of a benefactor. When Jin Huai came back that night, she didn't tell him what Axiu had said to persuade her to go there to see a doctor, because she knew he would definitely disapprove.Later, Mrs. Feng told him like a piece of news, saying that there was a "little master" who died young and became a "fairy" after death. He was very effective in curing diseases. Ai went to see it too.Jin Huai was very angry when he heard this, saying that those were superstitious tricks to cheat money. He suggested that Xiao Ai should go to another doctor, because last time the doctor said that it would be very dangerous for her not to have an operation, but now she is better, and it seems that the doctor's diagnosis is not necessarily correct.But Xiao Ai is very reluctant to see a doctor, and since her illness is getting better, of course there is no need to go to see a doctor, and her family does not have rich money, so I will let it go. Although Xiao Ai is frugal with money, she often likes to save money to buy unnecessary things.Sometimes when I went to a small vegetable market, I saw a gardenia seller and thought it was cheap, so I brought two back and put them in a glass. Sometimes I went to buy two white orchids to tuck in my temples.Another time she heard neighbors talking about Xiao Dangui's suicide, saying that he was forced to death by a hooligan, how many boxes of clothes and jewelry, how many gold bars were left behind.She really wanted to see what Xiao Dangui looked like before he was alive, so when she walked past the newsstand, she looked through the newspapers to see if there was a photo of Xiao Dangui, and bought one to have a look.The newspaper vendor gave her a random newspaper, pointed to a photo of a beautiful woman on it and said it was Xiao Dangui, and she bought it back, only to find out later that it was not.She is not very familiar with Shaoxing opera, and prefers to watch Shenqu, because Shenqu is closer to Jin Huai's local accent, and she can understand every sentence.Since she came to their house, her accent has assimilated with them. She went to Axiu's house to visit her, and met a woman who used to carry rice together, everyone called her Sister Chen Jiabang.With a big belly, she said: "It's really disgusting. There are already four in the family, and I can't support them anymore. I'm going to give him away for this one." Xiao Ai said: "Then you can't bear it?" Sister Chen Jiabang said: "Really, I was really inquiring there, if anyone wanted it, I would give it away after raising it, it would be better than starving to death with me." She left beforehand, so Xiao Ai asked Axiu to inquire about her family situation. In the past, she only knew that she was a very nice person, but she didn't even know her name.According to Axiu, her family is also very good, but a bit bitter.Xiao Ai pondered for a while, then said: "If her child really wants to be given to someone else, why not give it to me. I don't have any money, but I don't have a child myself, so I won't treat him wrong." Ah Xiu smiled and said: "If it is given to you, everyone will know, and she can rest assured." Then she said: "Why don't you wait until she is raised. I advise you to get a girl, and tomorrow you can do it yourself." Raise a son." Xiao Ai just smiled wryly and didn't say anything. Axiu agreed and went to tell the sister in Chenjiabang that she was going to give birth in this month.Xiao Ai went home and talked to the family, but Jin Huai didn't say he had any objections, he thought it would be good to have a child, lest she keep thinking about it and it became a matter of concern.Mrs. Feng didn't take it seriously, she didn't have anything to say in front of her, and she talked to Jin Huai behind her back: "Actually, your brother is such a kid, why don't you just take one of him, and why go outside to get another?" She said it more than once Naturally, Jin Huai didn't tell Xiao Ai, but a woman who lived with them heard about it, and passed the words to Xiao Ai's ears.In fact, it's not that Xiao Ai didn't think about this. Originally, Jin Fu and his wife thought they had too many children. If they adopted one for their brother, it would be exactly what they wished for, and it would reduce the burden a little.But Xiao Ai always thought that since she wants a child, she should not let him know that he was not born by her, otherwise, with his biological parents there now, they will work hard to bring him up later, and the child still has someone else's heart.So she is determined not to have the children of her brother-in-law. Even if they are a little unhappy because of this, she feels that she has nothing to do to them. This family starts from her mother-in-law, and she has been there to take care of them loyally all these years. Things are a little willful, as if they have no shame in their hearts. Within a few days, A Xiu came to tell Xiao Ai that Sister Chen Jiabang had given birth to a girl.Xiao Ai went with her and brought the child.Although Mrs. Feng objected at first, when she saw the child, she loved the child very much. She happily helped make the milk substitute, sew small clothes, and named the child Yindi. One night Jin Fu came and heard that he had brought a child in front of his wife. There was nothing to say, and later Jin Huai went out to buy cigarettes, and only Mrs. Feng was there, so Jin Fu frowned and said to Mrs. Feng: "There is no way to raise it by myself-now that things are so expensive, I can't afford it by myself." I have nothing to eat, and I went to bring such a child here, I was busy with the child all day long, and stumbled a person, otherwise the problem will be better at this time, and I can go out to do things." Xiaoai said In the attic, Mrs. Feng knew she could hear and gave Jin Fu a wink, but Jin Fu didn't pay attention. Xiao Ai heard it from above, and it was a bit heartbreaking, because what he said was also true. It might be a little crazy to bring a child here at this time. Prices have risen to astronomical figures, and at the end of the day, they are still going up, still going up.The family can't keep any cash, and as soon as they get their wages, they have to rush to buy firewood, rice, and bulk.Xiao Ai tried to get some wool to make a living to supplement the family.Sometimes she went to the road to look at the sweater styles displayed in the window. The street was full of peddlers buying and selling silver dollars, wearing khaki short coats and long robes, pacing up and down in a gentle manner, five steps at a time, ten steps at a time. One of them held two pieces of silver in the palm of their hand and shook them slightly, making that very subtle and clear chirping sound.In that spring evening, it was like the chirping of insects in the street. That was the last spring of the Jiang gang in Shanghai, and they were liberated in May.Downstairs, the Sun family was tricked by the Kuomintang, thinking they could stay in Shanghai for three months, and bought a lot of salted fish to stock up.After liberation, the Sun family ate salted fish for several months, and they were very resentful.After liberation, Jin Huai was very enthusiastic about studying, and just like when Xiao Ai first met him, he always took a book and brought it with him to the printing office, and read it on the tram.At home, I often tell them the history of New Democracy and social development.Although Xiao Ai really likes to listen to his comments: she seems to have a concept that theory is a kind of decoration for men, so when he talks, she always listens quietly with a smug smile, but doesn't ask for a deep understanding.What she feels most personally is that prices are stable and life is stable now, but people are forgetful animals. After a few good days, the nightmare-like experience of the past will be forgotten. In the second half of that year, Jin Tao got married and started a new home, which naturally required a lot of expenses. After discussing with Xiao Ai, Jin Huai and Xiao Ai helped him with a sum of money. During the New Year's Eve dinner, as usual, there is a fish, which means "wealth is more than enough". Xiao Ai smiled quietly and said to Jin Huai behind Mrs. Feng's back: "Last year, we shouldn't eat white fish. If we made some money, it would be 'waste'. This year we will buy a herring." On the evening of New Year's Eve, Jin Fu also came to them for a reunion dinner.Jin Fu has been very unhappy in the past few years since he came to Shanghai. He set up a store in Mr. Wu's line. Mr. Wu bullied him to be honest. In the past, his living standard was so high that he always refused to give him extra money. Now his wife and children are in the countryside. It was very desolate to sleep alone in the office on the floor at night.This day, I had a New Year’s Eve dinner here at Jinhuai’s place. The wine was hot, but I was very happy, and said with a smile: “Now we have turned over, yesterday I went to deliver a letter, and the elevator sat on the eighth floor. I can sit——I don’t care if I take two extra steps. I just hate them for looking down on people. I can’t swallow that breath. Even if one or two people go up, the elevator is empty. Ask him to take you up and drive the elevator. He said: Let the big class see that he wants to eat the top one!" In the autumn of the second year, Jin Fu quit his business and returned to his hometown to give birth very excitedly. In October, their countryside will undergo land reform. After Jintao got married, Mrs. Feng took turns living here and there. She has always lived with Jintao.On this day, Xiao Ai wants to go out to see Mama Liu. Toto, does she have any woolen life and introduces her to do it.She took Yindi with her, because Mrs. Feng was not here, and she was worried about leaving the child alone at home.Yindi is a little older now, and he couldn't see it when he was first picked up, but now he grows and looks unsightly, with a wax gourd face, childish hair cut and parted on both sides, but she has two protruding ears, and the The hair was poked open and stuck out.People say she is ugly, but Xiao Ai is still not convinced. She always asks why a child should be so good-looking. There are many children who are good-looking when they are young, but they become ugly when they grow up. On this day, she took the child to Liu's mother. It was the first time that Liu's mother saw Yindi, so she smiled and said: "Oh, this child has two ears!" There is no way to be ugly, why don't you get something better." After all, Xiao Ai and Liu Ma were more polite, so they could only smile and said: "I don't know if it will be better if you are older. People say 'the eighteenth change of the female university'. !" Mama Liu and her hadn't seen each other for several years, and when they started talking, she told her, "You know, Mama Tao is enjoying life now, and she's an old lady!" Do not know.Liu's mother told her from the beginning that Yougen had made a fortune by running orders at that time, and later the business became very big.It’s not as good now, and the business of hoarding goods can’t be done, but Liu’s mother said: “Like him, ‘Although you are poor, you still have three dans of copper. Comparing the situation with him, I thought that like Jin Huai who has been engaged in legitimate labor, he is not as good as him.When I came home that day, I couldn’t help feeling a lot of emotion in my heart. The work in Jin Huai’s printing office was very busy these two days, and I had to do “processing” at night, and I didn’t come back until late at night. He crawled up to the attic in the dark, knocking the tables and chairs together, which woke Xiao Ai up.Because he was too tired, he slept until the next morning without turning over. He sweated a lot and got prickly heat all over his body. Seeing how tired he was, Xiao Ai felt distressed. There, she made a light pink rabbit plush sweater for others. The sweater was very easy to get dirty, and she often had to wash her hands, and the soap was wasted a lot.This day, she finished spinning a ball of wool, and went to get it again, but it was gone.She was very surprised. She searched everywhere under the bed, in the drawers, under the table, behind the box, but couldn't find it.I also suspected that it might have fallen from the attic window, so I went to the living room to look for it, but there was no trace.When Mrs. Sun saw her, she asked her what she was looking for. Xiao Ai said, "The wool I made for my clothes fell from the top." Mrs. Sun's youngest daughter said beside her: "Yesterday, I seemed to see Yindi playing with a ball of wool." Xiaoai went to ask Yindi, but couldn't find anything.Guessing it must have been dragged by her, dragged downstairs, and someone took it.Such a young child is not sensible, so it is not necessary to beat her up.Xiao Ai was so angry that she ran out to match the wool, and ran to several shops in one go. Finally, there was a shop with the same kind, but the price was very expensive. After calculating that the money was not enough, she had to go back home and prepare to rush to buy it here. I finished the other one in two days, and bought the wool after I got the wages. As soon as Jin Huai came back, she told him about the incident. Before going to sleep, she sat on the edge of the bed knitting, unconsciously sighed again, and said: "Stuttering, trying to earn two more money, but losing money instead." At this time, the electric light suddenly went dark.As usual, at ten o'clock, the second landlord turned off the electric door.Xiao Ai groaned, and said with a smile: "I've forgotten the time when I talked, and I still have to light the oil lamp." She wiped a match, and lit a small oil lamp that was used in air defense in the past .Jin Huai said: "Why, you still need to knit wool?" Xiao Ai said: "I'll do it for a while." She originally wanted to go to bed after completing a back body, but because she was really anxious, she went to make a front skirt after the back body was completed.Jin Huai was already fast asleep.As the oil lamp gradually dimmed, she took off the light green marrow glass cover, picked up a pair of scissors and picked out the wick.In the quieter nights, there are no children around to disturb, so it is a pleasure to do things.She made it to dawn in one breath, and suddenly felt her back ache, it was so sore that it was like a moth had penetrated into it, and her waist was about to break.She also knew that she was tired, so her old illness relapsed, and she was also a little scared, so she hurriedly rolled the sweater into a roll, wrapped it up and put it in a box, then blew on the light and took off her clothes to go to bed.Sleeping on the bed, I only felt that my heart was very noisy, tossing and turning, and gradually my body was hot again, I had a fever, and my stomach was also aching. This morning she didn't get up to make breakfast, so Jin Huai went outside to buy some snacks.It was common for her to be ill, so he hurried out and said, "I'll bring Mom back tonight, there's no one to take care of her at home." Unexpectedly, her illness this time was unusual.Brother Yin didn't have breakfast at that time, and was so hungry that he cried. Xiao Ai took out two small bills from under the pillow. Half-length, wanted to call her to stop, and asked her to bring two biscuits for the child to eat.Just when he got up, his eyes suddenly went dark, his body seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and he fell down again in a daze.The child was still crying there, but the cry was very far away, sometimes audible, sometimes inaudible. When Jin Huai came back in the afternoon, she had passed out several times.He was very anxious and wanted to send her to the hospital immediately. Now there is a welfare organization in their trade union, and the workers' families can receive free medical treatment. Because their printing office is too small, it does not have a clinic of its own, so it is enclosed in a hospital. Jin Huai sent her there. The two sat in a tricycle. Xiao Ai was wrapped in a quilt and covered her head.It’s autumn, and the yellow leaves on the phoenix trees are falling in formations, like heavy rain, the pale yellow setting sun shines on your face, the tricycle is galloping among the rustling leaves, and Jinhuai helps her hold a corner of the quilt to make it Don't slip down. Xiaoai said suddenly: "Brother Yin, let her learn some skills tomorrow, so that she can rely on herself when she grows up. Although men and women are the same now, after all, a girl is too ugly to suffer." She has always refused to admit that The child was ugly, and Jin Huai felt sad when he said this suddenly.Unable to answer for a moment, she was silent for a while, and Fang said: "Why do you think of saying these words at this moment?" Xiao Ai did not make a sound, but tears flowed down.Jin Huai leaned on him for her.He looked at her quilt, it was an old quilt, which had been used for many years, but he had never noticed the patterns on it, the quilt cover of the big red flower cloth, the tiny white flowers with green hearts on it, Looking dizzy, people's hearts are messed up.An oncoming tram drove by. There are many pedestrians on the street, walking hurriedly in the setting sun, I don't know what they are busy with.Xiao Ai gritted her teeth and said softly: "I really hate the Xi family and the others. They caused my illness. After all these years, my life is still in their hands." Jin Huai said: "No Yes, they're done, it's our world now, it won't let you die. Will not. ’ he spoke in a low voice, but it seemed to be shouting from his heart. When we arrived at the hospital, it was already very late. The inpatient doctor specially called the director of the gynecology department. The director of the gynecology department was Dr. Cheng.It is said that the condition is quite serious, but there is no need for an operation. First, the bleeding will be stopped, and then the operation will be performed. If the condition is good, she can be discharged from the hospital after resting for a day or two. At first, Xiao Ai just thought that Dr. Cheng was really nice, and the two nurses in the third-class ward were also very nice. Later, she realized that it was a common phenomenon.After she was discharged from the hospital, she went to get nutritional injections every day. She couldn't help but feel that the air in the hospital was really different from before, and now she was really serving the people. After her illness was completely cured, she also wanted to go out to work, so Jin Huai introduced her to their printing office to do origami.Their printing office was small, with an attic above the workshop, where the origami girls sat around a long table and worked by the lamplight.Xiao Ai herself also found it ridiculous, stepping out of one attic at home, and then walking up another attic.But she knew that she would not live in the attic all her life, nor would she always work in this cramped place.New equipment perfect factories will be built.Spacious and comfortable dormitories for workers will also be built, and the beautiful prospect is actually not too far away.Through studying now, she has enlarged her horizons and understood many things. Looking down from the attic, you can see Jin Huai. He put a table by the window, and he buried his head in there with a pair of pliers to pick out the typo.A low-hanging light bulb was facing his face, and the strong electric light shone quietly on his face, but it was dark outside the window.The machines next to it were booming and rumbling non-stop, making waves like the waves of the sea. Xiao Ai is also a proficient at origami now, but it has always been particularly difficult, and it is not easy to fold because she sits far away from the table.Because—the younger brother Yindi brought is already on the way and will arrive soon, I don't know if it is the younger brother or the younger sister.Xiao Ai sometimes thinks that everything has become like this now. When he grows up, he doesn't know what kind of happy world it will be. If he hears about his mother's tragic experience in the past, it's hard to imagine, right? (1950)
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