Home Categories detective reasoning Cicadas of the Eighth Day

Chapter 3 Part 1, Section 3: Cicadas of the Eighth Day (3)

Cicadas of the Eighth Day 角田光代 950Words 2018-03-22
What to do?What should I do now?The more desperately I think, I don't know why I feel drowsy.I was drowsy like a baby, until the soft touch of scratching the tip of my nose made my eyes open, and I hugged the baby smelling of milk tightly, repeating this over and over again. "Stop at the park entrance?" The driver asked in a flat, unceremonious tone, and I glanced out of the car. "Turn right at the next intersection, please." I blurted out in a hurry.Early in the morning, if you go to the park, you will definitely be suspicious.It would be wiser to get off at a random place in a residential area.

"Please drop us off at the next corner, in front of the house." I made it sound like the house was the destination and paid for the car.I took the change I found, said thank you, and got out of the car with a smile on my face.Even himself was surprised to be able to squeeze out a smile. After confirming that the taxi had disappeared, I walked back to the road that the taxi had just driven over.Just walk down the street and look for any shops that are open.Turn at the intersection that says Kanno Bridge.There were shops here and there, but the iron gates were all pulled down. I walked for a while and returned to the park.I don't understand why I blurted out the word Koganei Park.Is it because you have been with that person before?

The park in the morning is deserted and idle.Only people running in tracksuits, and women walking their dogs.I sat down on the bench near the entrance and looked at the sleeping baby.The slightly opened mouth slowly dripped transparent saliva, which I wiped off with my fingers. First things first, get a name.Yes, name. Kaoru.The word immediately came to mind.It's a name I decided on with that person before.We picked this word out of a few names that sound good and sound good to both boys and girls. "Kaoru." I tried calling out to the sleeping baby.One cheek of the baby twitched violently.The baby knows that he is calling himself.

"Xun, Xiaoxun." I happily shouted and shouted. I waited until almost ten o'clock before leaving the park.Go back to the road you just walked, and walk into the opened pharmacy.I browse the shelves of diapers, wet wipes, and formula.Both powdered milk and baby bottles are sold, but even if I buy it here, I don't know how to make milk.I was squatting in front of the shelf, busy reading the instructions on the milk powder can, Kaoru began to writhe, and whimpered weakly.I hurriedly got up and shook Kaoru lightly.I patted the back lightly, stroked it, and brought my face closer to speak to Kaoru in a low voice.It's okay, it's okay, Kaoru.Kaoru not only did not stop crying, but cried louder and louder.

"What's the matter, do you want to drink milk?" When I heard someone calling out to me, I turned my head and saw that the old lady in an apron was approaching Kaoru with her face. "My friend asked me to help take care of the baby, but she went out without telling me how to change diapers or breastfeed." I said in a hurry.The aunt looked at me dumbfounded: "Which one do you want to buy? Is this okay?" She took out the milk powder cans and feeding bottles from the shelf and walked into the back room.This is an old pharmacy. I looked at the dusty mosquito antipruritics and stroked the back of Xiao Xun who kept crying.The constant crying made my mind gradually go blank.I originally planned to do something...

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