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Chapter 13 part twelfth

sandware 松本清张 3512Words 2018-03-22
Imam: Although this old couple loves Hideo in every possible way, maybe he is used to wandering, or misses his father, so he always follows him... Quiet road, no pedestrians yet. Hideo walked with a small bundle in his hand. The one who slipped out of the police station most quietly. Hideo wiped his eyes from time to time. No, it was the tears that kept pouring out. Hideo cried and ran away from the police station. Wearing pajamas, he hung up the phone in a panic. Behind him is the panic-stricken wife. * * * Miki pedaled his bicycle and galloped quickly on the village road full of sunrise.

* * * I was asking something from the old woman in the grocery store sweeping the streets. * * * The road along the river. He stopped the truck and asked a few questions hastily. * * * Miki was pedaling his bicycle on the sunny Jiaosong road, pedaling, pedaling desperately. * * * Through the gaps in the bamboo clumps and shrubs, you can see the figure of Miki riding a bicycle. From the dense bushes on the hill, Hideo looked at Miki who was pedaling over. Miki was approaching. Hideo gritted his teeth. However, I couldn't hold back, and couldn't help standing up, wanting to run away.

However, Miki didn't notice it, and was still pedaling desperately. Miki; Hideo!Show-husband-! Calling Xiufu's name, he walked past Xiufu. I really want to cry aloud!Hideo, who suppressed the feeling that seemed to be advancing, watched Miki. He congratulates on directing. For some reason, he bit his lip tightly. Imanishi sat down. Director: (Question) So that Hideo Motoura, who disappeared, somehow came to Daven, was taken in by He Yingzang, and became a clerk, right? Imanishi: Yes, at the end of the 19th year of Showa, I became a boy at the Hega bicycle shop. In the 23rd year of the Showa era, I forged my household registration and became Hega Yingliang.All the materials for the subsequent experience are clearly written.After studying hard, he graduated from the Kyoto Prefectural No. 1 Middle School and went to Tokyo. Professor Torimaru of the University of Arts took a fancy to his genius, which made him what he is today.

Director: (Lights a cigarette) He Yingliang and He Yingliang are indeed smooth sailing, and the sky is going straight up... At this moment, Kenichi Miki appeared in front of him... His motive for killing people was probably because he was afraid of revealing his background and forging his household registration. Imanishi: Ah, we have to wait and see with He Zigongluo on this point, but this kind of speculation is tenable.It seems that Miki will not easily reveal He He's details.But he had to touch upon important issues of the past when he talked about Mee. Take out your notebook and open it.

Imamishi: According to the circumstantial evidence of the maid at Futami Ura Ogiya Hotel in Ise, Kenichi Miki left Ise by the night train at 20:35.The bus arrives in Tokyo at 6:10 in the morning...he has nothing else to do.It is speculated that by checking the phone book or other methods, He He was immediately contacted, and the two of them met soon. All eyes focused on Imanishi. Imamishi: It seems that this is the second meeting at Torres Bar in Kamata. He stared intently at the crowd in Imamishi. Imamishi: Then why arrange such a second meeting? ...This is Miki's strong hope for Kazuya, no, it is the reason why he strongly advocates that he go to meet his dying father Chiyokichi Motoura.

Director: What?Is Motoura Chiyokichi still alive? ! Like the director, everyone stared at Imanishi holding their breath. Play the music that reaches the climax stage. Section Chief: (Gently) Regarding the situation in this regard, Imamishi just returned from his transfer the day before yesterday, and he has not yet sorted out the written materials.Imanishi, please talk about it orally. Imanishi stood up, but didn't speak, just stared in front of him silently. Vigorous and powerful music that gradually reaches its climax. The floating island. subtitle: National Sanatorium Guangfengyuan.

Honura Chiyokichi, although people are old, they are still alive.However, his body was very weak and his eyesight was also very poor.He blinked frequently, looking at the visitor in amazement. Imam, across the way, couldn't say a word. Imanishi: (Shortly, kindly) Are you Honura Chiyokichi? Chiyokichi: (responses with difficulty) ... yes. Imanishi: I came to disturb you suddenly, for no other reason, just to inquire about this person, do you know him? Imanishi took out Kazuka's photo from Kobudan and put it on the table. Chiyokichi showed a surprised face, slowly moved his body up, and looked at the photo almost with his eyes, looking straight at it.

Imanishi held his breath. Chiyokichi focused all his attention on his eyes. Chiyokichi's eyes were fixed on the photo. Hehe's face...became a person's face, Hideo, Hideo's face. This Hideo's face turned into the face of He He, He He again. Only this person's face has features, as if the positive and secondary films of the film are superimposed together.No, it's more than that, even the scar under the corner of the left eye fits so clearly. ——It's Hideo's face and He He's face. Chiyokichi: Woo-woo-woo-! He didn't know where such a force came from, and he moaned loudly.

It was neither joy nor sorrow, but a mournful moan. Majestic, agitated, like raging waves of music. He continued to direct as if fascinated. The audience was silent. Director: So, Motoura Chiyokichi fully recognized Kazuga as Shuufuro. The aging Chiyokichi's whole body is almost as rigid as steel, and it seems that the whole spirit and the whole body of the play are supporting him. Imanishi: Don't you know this person? Chiyoji nodded. Imanishi: Haven't met or met? Chiyokichi nodded very positively. Imanishi: Then, the person in this photo... For example, among the six or seven-year-old children you know best, do you have any who look like this young man?

Chiyokichi: Woo-woo-woo-! I put my hands on the table, but I couldn't hold it anymore, and my whole body lay on the photo. Chiyokichi cried. Weeping bitterly, shaking my whole body, my heart fluctuates. Weeping and screaming loudly. Chiyokichi: No, no, I don’t know!I don't know this, this, this person! He He is in command. Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.No, it's not just sweat, but the tears that seeped into the corners of the eyes and flowed down the cheeks.Nagging, pleading, complaining and even stubborn Miki's voice sounded in my ears: "Why? Why? . . . Going to see your father now won't accomplish the greatest thing you're about to do? . . . I don't understand that. He's your only relative . . . and you Father and son have had such a bitter experience! Then why... even if I put a rope... around your neck, I will drag you away!"

Imamishi: In the presence of the attending doctor and the head nurse, Chiyokichi’s personal belongings were checked, and there were about fifty letters, all of which were brought in. They were all sent by Kenichi Miki, and there were no letters or postcards from other people. .That is to say, for Chiyokichi, Kenichi Miki is the only person in this world who communicates with him. Imanishi took out a stack of letters and postcards. Imanishi: Judging from these letters, Misui and Chiyokichi have been in correspondence for about twenty-four years...from the time he resigned from the police until he returned to Emi, they continued to communicate.The letters are almost all about Hideo, Chiyokichi's only son... Where is Hideo... I want to see him at the end of my life, even if it's only one... Chiyokichi's letter has only this one sentence; and Miki repeats every time he replies: Your son is a bright kid with a bright future, and must already be great in some way.In the near future, I will definitely come to see you, definitely... He He is playing the piano. Concentrate on playing. The piano concerto reached its climax. * * * The auditorium on the first and second floors was packed. The audience was deeply moved and listened intently, fascinated. The Police Department's police car is coming. Yoshimura and Imamishi got out of the car and walked in. subtitle: Bring the arrest warrant and go to arrest He Yingliang. The two walked through the corridor and approached the entrance of the hall. Yoshimura opened the door. The sound of music hit the two of them like a storm. The two stood still. After a while, Imanishi looked at the stairs on the left. Seeing what he was doing, Yoshimura closed the door, and the two walked to the left. Imamishi and Jilin going down the stairs leading to the ground floor. Imamishi and Yoshimura walking along the corridor of the lounge on the ground floor. Imanishi's sullen mood had passed. Yoshimura; Imamishi... Hearing from Miki that his father was still alive, Kazuga really wanted to fly to meet him right away. Imanishi: Of course!No, he is meeting with his father now! Yoshimura: Huh? Yoshimura couldn't help staring at Imanishi in a daze. Imanishi: For him, he can only meet his father in music... in music! At the end was another staircase, and the two walked up. No matter where you go, you can hear music coming from speakers everywhere. The two people who were going up the stairs stepped up another series of stairs, and the moment they opened the door was the lighting room. The two entered the room, passed through and opened the door, and walked out. As if rushing towards the two of them again, the sound of music came from downstairs. The activities of a large symphony orchestra and the figure of Kazuga who is playing the piano can be seen right now. The two descended a spiral staircase leading to the wing of the stage. Imanishi walked halfway and stopped. In front of him was He Yingliang who was playing the piano with all his strength. * * * Waga, who continued to play the piano with all his strength. Beads of sweat were all over his face, no, not only beads of sweat, tears also flowed down his cheeks. * * * Imanishi stood still in the middle of the spiral staircase. Gritting his teeth, his face tensed. Hehe's piano is coming to an end - no, it will be over soon. * * * Hehe——I finished playing the piano. The symphony drew a long coda, ending this piece of music. There was thunderous applause from the audience. The young men and women in the auditorium in front stood up excitedly and ran towards the stage. He He stood up from the piano. But he neither faced the auditorium nor turned to the symphony orchestra, and still stood blankly.For him, there was no sound at all. As if in a vacuum, he stood there dumbfounded. * * * The audience's applause became more and more enthusiastic; more and more men and women flocked to the stage; the symphony orchestra knocked on their instruments and asked the composer, pianist, conductor and congratulations. * * * Hehe seemed to be alone in a vacuum. Some kind of voice came to his ears faintly from a distance—it was his own voice. "People, born or alive, have to be controlled by it..." Suddenly, He Hecai suddenly heard all the realistic voices in the venue, and finally regained his real self. Hehe——looked up.Then he bowed to the audience. There was even more enthusiastic applause and cheers. * * * The two people who stopped on the spiral staircase continued to walk down. The back of Imanishi quietly walking down the side of the stage step by step. As if amid applause demanding a replay, the piece began to be played again. subtitle: Due to the advancement of medicine, there is a specific medicine for leprosy, and now there are People fully recovered from their illnesses and returned to society. Only those who have deep-seated contempt for science and prejudice against science refuse to accept treatment; now there is nowhere to find a patient like Chiyokichi Motoura who fell ill before the war. but---- The most impressive still image. subtitle: On the journey of life, even though the form is ever-changing, but only the "destiny" of father and son is eternal! In the vigorous and powerful aftertaste, the fateful music ended. (fade out) play ending
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