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Chapter 35 Odysseus' Triumph

odysseus story 古斯塔夫·施瓦布 1022Words 2018-03-22
In the manor of Laertes, they happily finished their lunch.But they still gathered around the table, listening to Odysseus tell his story.At last he said: "I have a presentiment that our adversary is in the city preparing against us. We had better send a man to scout and see what is going on outside. A servant got up and went out. He hadn't gone far , he saw a group of armed men rushing towards the manor. He ran back in panic and said loudly: "They are coming, Odysseus, they have reached the gate of the manor!You are ready to fight! " Those who were seated hurriedly jumped up and took up their weapons.Odysseus, his sons, the two shepherds, and the six sons of Dorios, the steward of the servants, formed a procession, and at last the aged Dorios and Laertes joined them.Odysseus led them through the gate.

No sooner had they reached the gate than the noble goddess Pallas Athena, transformed into Mentor, joined them.Odysseus recognized the goddess at a glance, he was very happy, full of confidence and hope. "What a day," cried Laertes, "how happy I am! Three generations of us have fought side by side!" Pallas Athena ran and whispered to the old man: "Son of Alexios, you are my favorite warrior, pray to Zeus and his daughter, and then throw your Spear." Laertes immediately prayed to Zeus and Athena, and threw his spear.The spear hit the helmet of the enemy leader Oyuphtes, piercing his cheek.Oyuphetes fell to the ground and died.

Odysseus and Telemachus led their companions to charge at the enemy like an angry lion rushing into a flock of sheep.They stabbed their enemies with swords and spears, and almost killed them all.At this time, Pallas Athena immediately came out to make them stop killing.She shouted in the voice of a god: "Citizens of Ithaca, quit this unfortunate battle, quit the battle quickly! You have shed enough blood, both sides stop fighting immediately!" The thunderous sound shook all the weapons in the hands of the enemy to the ground.They fled and ran towards the city, hoping only to save their lives.

Encouraged by the goddess' voice, Odysseus and his companions pursued the enemy, brandishing their weapons.Athena, who transformed into Mentor, walked in the front.However, Zeus demanded peace.The All-Father dropped a bolt of lightning at the feet of the goddess. The goddess stopped and turned to Odysseus and said, "Son of Laertes, restrain your belligerence! Otherwise, the mighty Lord of Thunder will be angry." Odysseus and he Her companions heeded her advice.Athena took them to the market in the city and sent messengers to summon the citizens to assemble.Zeus' wish came true.They all calm down and let go of their anger.Athena, transformed into Mentor, made Odysseus make a sacred covenant with the people.They honored Odysseus as king and protector.Odysseus returns to the palace surrounded by cheering crowds.Wearing a wreath on her head and festive costumes, Penelope led a group of maidservants out of the palace to welcome her.

The reunited couple lived happily for many more years.As the prophet Tiresias predicted in the underworld, Odysseus died peacefully at an advanced age.
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