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Chapter 6 Nausica

odysseus story 古斯塔夫·施瓦布 2183Words 2018-03-22
As Odysseus lay fast asleep on the grass, his protector, Athena, was making arrangements for him.The goddess rushed to the island of Shelia, and the Huaiakayans built a city on the island.The goddess entered the palace of the wise king Alcinous, and came to the chamber of the king's daughter Nausicaa.Nausicaa was born beautiful and dignified, like a beautiful goddess.She slept in a spacious and bright bedroom, and there were two maids guarding the door.Athena walked to the girl's bed like a breeze.She transformed into the girl's maid, appeared in the girl's dream, and said to her: "You lazy girl, your mother will laugh at you, your beautiful clothes are still in the closet, if you don't wash them tomorrow You are engaged to someone, what do you do? You will not have a clean dress to wear. Get up and go to wash your clothes. I will accompany you and help you wash your clothes, so that you can finish washing your clothes as soon as possible."

The girl woke up suddenly, got up in a hurry, and went to her parents.Her mother was sitting at the stove with her maids spinning purple thread when the king met his daughter at the door.Nausica grabbed his father's hand and said coquettishly: "Dear father, ask someone to prepare a carriage for me, let me go to the river to wash clothes, and I will take all the clothes of you and my brothers wash." The girl was ashamed to talk about her engagement, so she had to say so.Her father knew what his daughter was thinking, and said with a smile: "Go, my child, I will order the servant to set up the carriage for you!" Nausica took out the clothes from the room and put them on the carriage.Mother put her rum in a leather pouch, and brought her bread and other food.She also gave her daughter a bottle of balm for her and the maids to rub on their bodies after bathing.Nausicaa took the reins and whips herself, and drove the carriage to the river.They unloaded the horses, let them graze in the meadows, and then took the clothes and washed them in the small ditch that was reserved for laundry.The ditch was filled with river water.The girls scrubbed and pounded the clothes clean, passed them in the clean water, and then hung the clothes one by one on the river bank washed clean by the river.After washing their clothes, they bathed in clean water, anointed with ointment, and happily ate the food they had brought.Everyone played on the grass and waited for the clothes to dry in the sun.

The girls were happily tossing the ball and having a great time.Nausica sang while tossing the ball, and everyone sang along with her.At this moment, Nausica threw a ball at her female companion.The goddess Athena, who was hidden by the side, directed the ball into the rapids of the river.The noise of the girls woke Odysseus from his sleep under the olive tree.He got up and thought: where am I?I did hear the joyful laughter of the girls just now. As he thought, he pulled off a leafy branch to cover his naked body, and stepped out of the bush.His body was still covered with seaweed and sea foam, and he looked like a wild man.The girls thought they had encountered a sea monster and ran away in fright.Only the daughter of Alcinous stood still, because Athena gave her courage.

Odysseus wondered whether to go up and hug the girl's knees, or stand devoutly at a distance, begging her for a piece of clothing, and pointing him to where people lived.After much deliberation, he felt that the latter approach was more appropriate, so he said loudly to her from a distance: "Hey, I don't know if you are a goddess or a girl from the world, but no matter who you are, I will beg you for help." !If you are a goddess, then you must be Artemis, because you are dignified and beautiful like her. If you are a lady, then I would like to praise your parents and brothers, because they have such lovely daughters and Sister, you must be very satisfied.

How happy is the person who can marry you as his wife!Please have mercy on me, I have suffered a torment rarely seen in the world.Twenty days ago I left Ochigia, and I was swept into the sea by a wave.At last I, poor wretch, washed up on the shore here, and I knew no one here.Please give me a cover-up!Tell me, what city do you live in?May God bless you with all the best, so that you have a good husband, a happy family, and live a happy life! " Nausica replied: "Outlander, you look like a noble man. Since you have come to our country and come to me, you will not lack for food and clothing. I will tell you where we live. , to tell you about our nation.

Here live the Huaiachaians, and I am the daughter of King Alcinous. With that, she called the fleeing maids and comforted them, telling them not to be afraid of the stranger. The maids still stood there terrified. When Odysseus had washed himself clean in the hidden creek, they obeyed. At the behest of his mistress, a robe and corset were brought to him. He put on his clothes and they fitted him perfectly. Athena, Odysseus' patron saint, made him look more fit, mighty, imposing, and radiant. He came out of the grove , sat a little away from the girls. Nausika looked at the handsome man in front of her in surprise, and said to her female companions: "There must be a god protecting him and taking him to the place where the Huaiakayas live. He was dirty and dirty just now. Ugly, but now it looks like a god that descended from the sky.

How happy I am if there is such a wonderful man in our nation, and if fate chooses him to be my husband!Well, girls, go, give the stranger wine and food! The ladies at once did as she commanded. Odysseus ate and drank, and for the first time after a long hunger and thirst he enjoyed a good meal with pleasure. Now, they put the clothes to dry in the wagon.They harnessed the horses, Nausica still clinging to the reins, and she let the stranger follow on foot with the maids. "This is not far from the city," she said apologetically to Odysseus. "The city has a high wall, but it is not on the side facing the sea. It is a wide harbor with only a narrow entrance. There is The market, and the magnificent temple of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Near the temple is the place where cables, canvas, oars and other boats are manufactured and sold. The Huaiakaya people are industrious people engaged in sea operations. Now we leave The city is not far away, so I want to avoid gossip. A farmer who meets us in the market will say mockingly: 'Well, who is that handsome foreigner behind Nausicaa? He is probably Husband of Nausicaa!' I would be very embarrassed to hear such gossip. So, when we reach the sacred grove of poplars dedicated to Athena in front of the city, please stay there a while. Wait for you It is estimated that we have already entered the city, so you quickly follow. You will soon find my father's palace from many houses. Entering the palace, you hug my mother's knees, if she likes you, then you can Get her support and help!"

Nausica said, driving the carriage slowly so that Odysseus and the maids could follow.When he came to Athena's sacred forest, Odysseus stayed alone. He prayed devoutly to his protective goddess Athena, and the goddess heard his prayer.
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