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Chapter 41 Chapter Thirty-Six

the name of the rose 昂贝托·埃科 4054Words 2018-03-21
evening prayer Ubertino escapes in the night, Benno takes over as assistant librarian William reflected on what he had seen that day: different types of greed. As the monks filed out of the synagogue, Michael approached William, and Ubertino joined them.We went out together and discussed under the corridor. The dense fog that permeated the room showed no signs of dissipating. In fact, it was thicker because of the heavy shadows. "I don't think there is really a need to criticize these incidents," William said. "Bernard beat us. Although I don't know if that imbecile Dolcino actually committed those crimes. In my opinion, he didn't No killing. But we're clearly back where we started, and we're getting nowhere. John wants you to go to Avignon alone, Michael, and this meeting doesn't bring you the assurance we're asking for. Instead, it just To make you understand that when you get to Avignon, every word you say is likely to be distorted. Therefore, our inference is that you should not go."

Michael shook his head: "On the contrary, I'm going. I don't want the church to split. William, today you made it very clear and expressed your hope. But, I don't think so, and I know Perugia The decision of the order is also what the theologians of the empire have unwittingly followed. I hope the pope will accept the order of Franciscans and their ideal of poverty. The pope must understand that unless the ideal of poverty is affirmed, it will never It is impossible to search for a pagan branch. I will go to Avignon, and if necessary, I will even submit to John. I am willing to compromise on everything but the principle of poverty."

Ubertino said, "Do you know that you are risking your life by doing this?" "I can't worry that much anymore," Michael replied. "It's better than risking losing my soul." He did play with his life, and if John was right (and I still don't believe it), Michael lost his soul too.Everyone knows what happened next. A week after the events I am now describing, Michael went to see the Pope.He confronted the Pope resolutely for four months until the following April, when John called a council of cardinals.In the meeting, he accused Michael of being a madman, a reckless, stubborn, outrageous agitator of heresy, a poisonous snake lurking in the church and nourished by the church.According to the circumstances at the time, ordinary people may think that John was right, because during these four months, Willie of Occam and Michael became friends, although Willie was also my mentor-William's friend, but His views were even more extreme than William's, and had a great influence on Michael.These dissidents lived a precarious life in Avignon.Towards the end of May, Michael, Willy of Occam, Bonaretti of Bergamo, Francis of Ascoli, and Henry of Tahan, persuaded by the pope's men, fled to Nice, and then to Touraine. , Marseilles, Eigsmore.There Cardinal Pierre of Alabaster overtook them, and tried to persuade them to return, but could not remove their resistance, their hatred of the Holy See, and their fear.When they arrived in Pisa in June, they were warmly received by the imperial army.Over the next few months, John publicly attacked Michael, but by then it was too late.The emperor's luck waned, and John succeeded in conspiring at Avignon to install a new abbot for the Order of Menoret.Michael should not have decided to meet the Pope that day, he could have led the resistance of the Menorites nearby, instead of wasting months at the hands of his enemies, weakening his position... But perhaps the Almighty God has Doomed all fate - and now I don't know which of them is right.After so many years, even the fire of enthusiasm has been extinguished, and the light of truth that everyone believed.Now who of us can say that Hector or Achilles was right and Agamemnon or Priam wrong when they fought over a beauty now reduced to ashes?

But I have strayed into the branch of melancholy again.I should finish that sad conversation.Michael had made up his mind, and no one could talk him out of it.But now there’s another problem, and William candidly points out that Ubertino’s situation is no longer safe. ※Bandhammer Academy's E-Book※ Bernard's words were aimed at him, and the Pope hated him the most at this time.Michael at least represents a force that must be negotiated, but Ubertino can be said to be fighting alone. "John wants Michael in the palace and Ubertino in hell. If I know Bernard enough, Ubertino will be killed before tomorrow, under cover of fog. If anyone asks who did it Yes, anyway, there have been a lot of deaths in the monastery recently, and they will say that it was the work of the devil summoned by Remigio and his black cat, or by some Dolcino believers who are still lurking in this monastery ..."

Ubertino was worried. "So—?" he asked. "I think," said William, "that you go and talk to the abbot, and ask him to give you a horse, a little provisions, and a letter to take refuge in a monastery far away in the Alps. When the thick fog did not disperse, he left overnight." "But aren't the archers still guarding the gate?" "There are other exits to the monastery, the dean knows it very well. Ask a servant to wait for you at the detour below with a horse. After you walk a certain distance in the monastery, you will enter a forest. You must return to the monastery. While reveling in his triumph, act now. I have other things to do. I have two tasks, one has failed, at least the other must succeed. I must get a book, find a person. If all goes well, you should be out of here before I find you. So, goodbye." He spread his arms.

Ubertino hugged him emotionally: "Goodbye, William. You are a crazy and arrogant Englishman, but you have a great heart. Shall we see you again?" "We'll see you again," William assured him. "God bless us." However, God did not bless.As I have already said, Ubertino was mysteriously killed two years later.This indefatigable old man lived a life of hardship and adventure.Maybe he's not a saint, but I hope God pays him a little for his persistence.As I grow older and more obedient to his divine will, the less I value a curious mind.I realized that faith is the only way to save the world, so I can only wait patiently and not ask too many questions.Indeed, there was deep faith in Ubertino's blood, and the pain he felt for our suffering Lord.

Maybe I couldn't help thinking about these things then, and the old mystic realized, or guessed, that someday I would think so.He smiled at me and hugged me, but not as eagerly as he hugged me a few days ago, but hugged me like a grandfather hugging a child.I hugged him back lovingly.Then he went to the dean with Michael. I asked William, "What now?" "Now, let's go back to investigating the crime." "Master," I said, "many things have happened today, quite serious to the spirit of the Christian faith, and our mission has failed. Yet you seem to be more interested in unraveling this mystery than between popes and emperors." I am more interested in the conflict between them."

"Both madmen and children tell the truth, Adso. My friend Marsilius is better than I am as advisor to the Emperor, but I am a better judge, even better than Barna Gor— —God forgive me. Because Bernard was not interested in discovering the truth of the crime, but in burning the accused. I, on the contrary, found nothing happiest than untying a complicated knot. I wondered whether the world There was an order, I found out later, of at least a series of connections among the various affairs. There may also be a reason for this, which involved something more important than the bet between John and Louis..."

I shouted suspiciously: "But this thing is just theft and revenge among monks!" "For a forbidden book, Adso. A forbidden book!" replied William. We were halfway through dinner when Michael came into the dining room, sat down next to us, and said Ubertino was gone.William breathed a sigh of relief. After eating, we avoided the dean who was talking to Bernard, and noticed that Benno wanted to go out the door before us. When he saw us, he had to say hello to us.William overtook him and forced him and us into a corner of the kitchen. "Benno," William asked him, "where's the book?"

"what book?" "Benno, we're not fools. I'm talking about the book we searched in the Severinus lab today, and I didn't recognize it. But you did, so you went back and took it away. It's..." "How do you know I took it?" "I think it's you, and you think so too. Where's the book?" "I can't say." ※Ballet Hammer School & Fine School E-book※ "Benno, since you refuse to tell me, I'll tell the dean." "Even if the dean ordered it, I can't say it." Benno showed a noble attitude, "Today, after we met, something happened that you should know. After Berengar's death, there will be fewer libraries. an assistant administrator. This afternoon Malachi offered me to fill the vacancy. The dean agreed half an hour ago. Tomorrow morning, I think, I will be taught the secret of the library. Yes, this morning I took I took the book and hid it under my bed without reading it, because I knew Malachi was watching me. At last Malachi suggested what I told you. So I did One thing an assistant librarian has to do, and I gave him that book."

I couldn't help blurting out excitedly. "But, Benno, yesterday and the day before yesterday...you said you were eager to know, you didn't want the library to hide any secrets, you said a scholar must know..." Benno blushed and said nothing. But William stopped me: "Adesso, Benno joined the other side a few hours ago. Now he's guarding the secrets he wants to know, and while he's guarding, he's safe to explore." "But what about the rest?" I asked. "Benno meant all the scholars!" "That was before." William said, pulling me away, leaving Benno alone to meditate. Then William said to me: "Benno was fascinated by a desire, but not the same desire as that of Berengar or the administrator. He was, like many scholars, lustful for knowledge. Part of this knowledge was met with Blocked, so he wanted to grab it, and now he did. Malachi knew the man, he got the book back in the best way, and gagged Benno again. You may ask me, a man After you have acquired knowledge, you can’t pass it on to others, so why bother? However, this is what I call desire. Roger Bacon’s thirst for knowledge was not a desire. He hoped to use his knowledge to serve God’s people. Blessing, therefore he does not seek knowledge for its own sake. Benno's desire is but insatiable curiosity and intellectual pride, a mania which quenches his lust for the flesh, but which may also make a man of faith or A warrior of heresy. The desires of the world are not limited to the liking of the flesh. Bernard Guy is greedy, and his distorted desire for justice can also be regarded as a desire for power. Our Holy Roman See Desire for wealth. The steward's youthful desire to testify, to change, to repent, has now turned into a desire for death. Benno's desire is a desire for books. Like all desires, including the sesame seeds Onan, whose seeds are scattered on the ground, is meaningless and has nothing to do with love, even lustful love..." I murmured, "I know." William pretended not to hear, and continued to comment: "True love always thinks of the person or thing you love." I asked: "Could it be that Benno is also thinking about his books (now those books are also his) and thinks that it is better for those books to keep them away so that they will not be taken away?" "The good thing about a book is that it can be read. Books are made of signs, which explain other signs, and other signs describe things. A book that no one reads contains signs that did not produce concepts, so it is Useless. This library may have been built to store books, but now its existence is no different from burying books, so it has become a source of evil. The administrator said he betrayed, and so did Benno Yes. Oh, what a day, Adso! Full of blood and destruction, I've had enough. Let's go to vespers too, and then go to bed." Once out of the kitchen, we meet Emaro.He asked us if the rumors that had been circulating were true, and everyone said that Malachi had nominated Benno to take over as assistant.We can only confirm it. "Our Malachi has done a lot of good things today." A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Emaro's lips as usual, "If there is justice and justice, the devil should come and take him away tonight."
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